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West coast servers GONE? Ping just went quadruple


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My ping is now four times higher because you moved our servers to east coast. Our Aussie guildies now suffer more, our Asia guildies now have worse connection. This is horrible, unplayable at times. This definitely will make me unsub, and I think you have ruined the game for alot of people. Half our guild is pissed, and only a couple that happen to be on the East coast are happy.


You didn't even tell us that you were doing this, because you knew the lash back would be bad. The only thing I can do is protest, un-sub, and most likely stop playing. Ping is so important to play, especially PVP. You have deteriorated the game experience for all west coast players, Aussies, and Asia players. I was so happy and optimistic about the merge and population increase, but not at this cost. I have played enough games to know how important ping is for quality of play. My money is not going to be wasted on a game with a bad ping and bad play experience.

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I'm confuzzeled. I'm now in Colorado, just east of the Rockies, but I lived in California when I started playing SWTOR. I started on Jedi Covenant, an east coast server, and almost exclusively play on that server. I do have characters on and occasionally play on Harbinger, though. The below screenshot shows my ping time to JC (left), Harb (middle), and a new character I made on an EU server for this (right). JC and Harb are both consistently around 60 ms (+/- a few ms with Harb pinging a little higher). The EU server, Progenitor IIRC, is about 160 ms (again, +/- a few ms). Now, 160 is certainly greater than and worse than 60, but all are playable. I'm no saying that you don't have an issue, but I'm wondering what your ping times were before the move and what they are after. Because, like I said, I almost exclusively play on JC and my ping has always been about 60 ms.



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EA, Bio-ware, whoever has the power to make this right, please reverse what you did and bring back the west coast data center. Oceania players are getting royally screwed by this. After returning to the game after a short intermission I discovered that competitive PVP is a no-go. Some of the Oceania players were on the edge prior to the merge in terms of bad lag, now it is unbearable in almost every regard. I cannot adequately perform my combat role in PVP nor in PVE due to the higher latency. When you took away the Oceania servers we made do on the West Coast North American servers. Now you have taken that away too and many players are throwing their hands in the air not knowing what to do.
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