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sorcerer: The most boring class in swtor


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I love the class, in the middle of PVP i start screaming "POWER! UNLIMITED POWER!!!!" as I force lightning some jedi's face off. would you prefer we suddenly bent the lore for force fireballs? how about some force frostbolts?


while i admit we could use alittle more force choke type skills, lightning is amazing and everyone wanting lightning to do weird stuff just to give things a different look to match the way the jedis attacks look need to switch to republic so i can fry you too.


Besides half of the OPs suggestions sound like warlocks and I'm no warlock, I'm a walking angry taser.

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It is a fun class to play, but I hate how weak we are with a saber. I would be happy if both the Sith and Jedi caster class had less in the way of force power and more saber Dmg. I know.. I know... I could roll an assasin,and I would.. but Not if Im forced to use a double bladed saber. Being so weak in close up combat with your saber really just doesnt fit the lore and I think Bioware dropped the ball here.
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I aswel am geting srsly anoyed at all the lightning. Its for some reason making me sleepy when I play... Maby its the colour :)

Anyhow, the ONLY thing I'd change is replace that insta shock or w/e it's called (the one you start with) with the jedi consular version (the one that pulls junk from the ground and smacks you with it). But that'd be too awesome to ever see it happen...

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Only thing I agree with is that coming from a sage re-roll, I wish shock had a different animation. I sure do get tired of pretty much the same spell animation.


Picking up huge boulders and throwing them at my target is just BAUSS.

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I love the class, in the middle of PVP i start screaming "POWER! UNLIMITED POWER!!!!" as I force lightning some jedi's face off. would you prefer we suddenly bent the lore for force fireballs? how about some force frostbolts?


while i admit we could use alittle more force choke type skills, lightning is amazing and everyone wanting lightning to do weird stuff just to give things a different look to match the way the jedis attacks look need to switch to republic so i can fry you too.


Besides half of the OPs suggestions sound like warlocks and I'm no warlock, I'm a walking angry taser.


lol I do that too!

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There are some things that bioware could change with lightning skills to add variety.


For example... why dont we have a 'ball lightning' ability? Ever watch the tv series "heroes"? Elle (who could create electricity from her hands) was fond of firing off ball lightning that could bounce off walls or whatever. It's a naturally occurring phenomenon too, usually when lightning forms in the upper atmosphere.


I wouldnt mind seeing lightning strike replaced with a ball-lightning type effect, would match more closely with the sage's disturbance ability too.




We also need more of the lightning crack / thunder sound in our spells. Ever had lightning strike relatively close to you IRL? I have, fifteen feet in front of my car, and it makes your heart skip a few beats when your entire body feels the impact. Lightning has a lot more force to it than the sound effects of our abilities seem to indicate. When I'm firing off chain lightning or thundering blast, I want that loud, cracking sound that seems to split the air in half, something to make your enemies hesitate =P

Edited by Tenacity
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There are some things that bioware could change with lightning skills to add variety.


For example... why dont we have a 'ball lightning' ability? Ever watch the tv series "heroes"? Elle (who could create electricity from her hands) was fond of firing off ball lightning that could bounce off walls or whatever. It's a naturally occurring phenomenon too, usually when lightning forms in the upper atmosphere.


I wouldnt mind seeing lightning strike replaced with a ball-lightning type effect, would match more closely with the sage's disturbance ability too.




We also need more of the lightning crack / thunder sound in our spells. Ever had lightning strike relatively close to you IRL? I have, fifteen feet in front of my car, and it makes your heart skip a few beats when your entire body feels the impact. Lightning has a lot more force to it than the sound effects of our abilities seem to indicate. When I'm firing off chain lightning or thundering blast, I want that loud, cracking sound that seems to split the air in half, something to make your enemies hesitate =P


Agree, the ball of lightning actually sounds pretty boss! Not gonna lie, I tried to imagine it and it was awesome.

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Agree, the ball of lightning actually sounds pretty boss! Not gonna lie, I tried to imagine it and it was awesome.


Ball of lightning replaces shock, just like sage's get a big *** boulder for Project? Sounds about right to me. :D

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Ball of lightning replaces shock, just like sage's get a big *** boulder for Project? Sounds about right to me. :D


Replacing shock might work too.


I just figure if we're trying to balance animation travel times, ball lightning would work well as a mirror to the sage's disturbance (their equivalent of our lightning strike), which is a ball of force energy that travels to the target.




I also think they need to get rid of polarity shift, or make it trainable, and give us a better 21 point talent. Polarity shift sucks, and it's a "boring" ability for what it does.


I'd like to see us get some kind of channeled energy beam instead. There's some enemies in the game that channel a laserbeam out of their rifles - what about a tightened (not sparking all over the place) electrical beam with a similar effect? Something that could possibly replace force lightning/madness for those of us that go heavy into the lightning tree?

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Dark mind trick: on one mob it will make them ignore you dropping all aggro on pcs it makes you invisible to the person only( kinda like vanish single target)


WoW Priest - fade but targetable


Masochistic rage : when hit while channeling force lightning each hit increases crit chance stacks x times.


WoW Druid - balance talent, Owlkin frenzy


Force flight: cost 40000 credits replaces speeder.


WoW Druid - spell, flight-form, but...[insert "retarded" synonym here]


summon dark spawn. 20 sec pet on 5 min cd


WoW Priest - Shadowfiend, but doesn't give you mana (force) for every hit


Dark master: summon the avatar of your lord. mimics spells you cast.

etc etc .


WoW Paladin - Guardian of Ancient Kings, Death Knight - Dancing Rune Weapon


and also, what are these additional "original" spells you've thought of, you must have more to end it with etc.

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its getting lame fast. In a WG al you see is lightinglightinglightinglightinglightinglighting. and the occasional pew pew from the 1 other class in the WG.


Really so many lazy people out there choosing a unimaginative class.




Because in my WZ's all I see are BH/Troopers or IA/Smugglers.


And there is nothing unimaginative about tracer missile>tracer missile>tracer missile ad naseum?

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It's a very fun class to play, but all the spells look near identical. I don't find it that bad, however my main issue is Whirlwind. I would like to see the lightning on this spell a different colour, not for my benefit, but for the DPS classes that do not know our spell animations and go running for the mob I'm casting on thinking that I'm nuking it. :rolleyes:


THIS! It happens way too often :D People who have not even tried inquisitor do not know Whirlwind is CC and keep attacking the poor whirling people :D I have to tell them time and time again "Do NOT attack these people" and still some people do not understand and I have to start healing with my almost full lightning-tree damage sorcerer :D

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THIS! It happens way too often :D People who have not even tried inquisitor do not know Whirlwind is CC and keep attacking the poor whirling people :D I have to tell them time and time again "Do NOT attack these people" and still some people do not understand and I have to start healing with my almost full lightning-tree damage sorcerer :D


I give A two strikes and your out policy on WW


Honestly the OP sounds like a 15 year old.


Mind trick already exists, I already submitted an idea to give it PVP use, by de-selecting your from your oponents. Enough advantage to give a much needed aid in 1v1 but not enough to make it unfair.


The other idea I submitted was that FL should have a throw like ability when a person is midai; like Dooku when Anikan charged him.

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your ideas pf moves would break the game,


bioware has said sorc is the most balanced class,


that means you will never get a buff, and instead, nerfs and buffs will be given to other casses to make them equal in healing and dps aspects


You will never get a buff, like giving moves along your idea


If you do, my imp agent should be able to call inelite spec ops commando forces for 5 min.


and my jedi can dual weild double bladers, and my smuggler can call a friend like in swg






Disregard my post, after writing this, i do want it, like in swg, smuggler move: Call in a friend




sorruy if i came off mean, im trying to work on how my attitude is reflected in my writing




it could be cool, but referencing what i wrote earlier, sorcs and sages are where bioware wants them, you won't get any changes, buff or nerf so no new abilities until new levels released

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