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So we all cool with Lord Scourge killing the exile and betraying Revan?


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Sorry to be late to the party but I am just now catching up with SWTOR lore after a couple years away. So I have recently discovered that the JK companion is the one who killed the Exile and betrayed Revan. *** I was curious as to what had happened to her after the atrocity that was and is the way they are dealing with Revan in swtor. :mad: Like you leave him vaguely disappeared , haven't read Revan which may answer where he went before swtor, and then you bring him back in a reg fp and kill him off and again later in his own EXP which honestly sucked imo, but i did love the new location imo, ? Anyway that horse has already been beaten by other more eloquent writers, and I shall continue my inquiry / rant on the Exile. Not only is she not in the game truly but you kill her off I assume in Revan by being betrayed by scourge and then make him a companion? I Loved the kotor characters and loved their story and to a degree loved the mystery of what happened to them and where they went after the games, but I don't love killing them off in the most half assed fashion imaginable. These are two of the biggest jedis in the lore of star wars in its entirety and maybe this has already been debated and discussed and maybe this post will collect cyber dust but I just dont understand why they did this to our characters and then said hey scourge betrayed the emperor, joined the jedi, betrayed the emperor again and joined the jedi and is now the Jedia knight companion... I wanna kill that ***** for killing the exile lol. Like let them die of old age and rot in a tomb but dont kill them off in a FP or a book and be like tough love byatch. Granted its a fictional character or two in a fictional story but writing for the entertainment and enjoyment of others is atleast half the reason you should be in the entertainment industry aside for doing it for yourself of course. DAM YOU SCOURGE . I have a distaste for your soul that rivals the mountain for doing what he did and Jofferey for simpling being alive! GOT references, you should be watching it , it is totally dope. Once he is my companion unless he apologizes in a deep way I will never use him and I will kill him asap given the chance. I've read some other posts and I definitely need to pick up revan and who knows its may render all this rant inert but just had to get it off my chest. Just frustrates to see big name characters killed off not in amazing ways like I feel like if they were in swtor they should have been in like Operations or like their own EXP with a mission / quest to find revan and the exiles armor or gear or themselves or finding out you were their secret love child or something. All that being said just got frustrated when i was like ok revan kinda sucked in swtor what happened to the.....oh she got killed like a *****....oh the one who betrayed her is now a JK companion cool. its like a solid movie such as The Wall , that starts off great but ending with the bad guys winning. It's like bruh. Ok I'm done lol have a great day friends!
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I'm fine with Scourge betraying Revan and killing Exile. I do think the game should have referenced her and KOTOR 2 more although that doesn't ruin the story for me, I actually like that they didn't made Revan die of old age or something as that would've been extremely boring. And I'm glad they didn't made him invincible in this game and shows him losing as well as struggling for once. Still wish Meetra would show up at the end of SOR. Edited by FlameYOL
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I'm more mad that the Exile and their crew get pretty much zero mention outside of her ghost sending us to save Revan despite being heavily responsible for killing off the sith that drove the jedi into hiding and rebuilding the order after that was done. Seriously, its criminal that they get so little in terms of accolades thanks to Bioware's favoritism.
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I'm more okay with how Scourge treated the Exile at the end of the novel, than I am with how the author treated her throughout the rest of it.


Scourge is an avowed, unapologetic Sith who did a very Sith-y thing. But reducing the Exile to a Revan fan-girl was just . . . really grating (and I say that as someone who ranks Revan as one of his favorite EU/Legends characters, and has otherwise enjoyed all of Drew K.'s books).

Edited by DarthDymond
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Even though i never finished KOTOR 2 as a Female nor as a Jedi (ended up as a Sith pretty much every time lol),

Im totally not cool with that. The Jedi Knight was my first character and back in the days when Scourge first told me about this, I was pretty angry that I couldnt kill him right there, right now.


I cant wait for the day when he returns, every single character of mine will slay him down for that.


I was too, pretty disappointed that the Exile was mentioned so rarely, even though I can understand Bioware in that point ,because they probably wanted to give their "child" Revan more Screentime than a character that wasnt created by them.

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I like it, and if you think of the fact that the Knight Story line was going to be KOTOR 3... we wouldn't be having this discussion. it was the only logical thing for Scourge to do. we all have favorite characters that get killed off, and people will always have issues with that, no matter how they die.
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The Revan novel was an atrocity that should never have been written. So no, I am not cool with Scourge killing the Exile, just like I'm not cool with Taral V, Maelstrom Prison, Boarding Party, the Foundry, Forged Alliances, and the Shadow of Revan expansion. (I did like Forged Alliances and SoR, but I was not a fan of the Revan and his Revanites plot.) I am also really not cool with Scourge being forced into my Jedi Knight's party, where he reminisces about what good buddies he was with Revan and the Exile before he betrayed them. Not being allowed to turn him over to the Jedi Council for imprisonment or kicking him off of my ship once Chapter 3 had ended ticked me off. The second I am allowed to kill him, I am taking it, on Every. Single. Character.


Revan reads like a KOTOR fanboy's fanfiction, where they loved Revan so much that they wanted Revan to be a part of SWTOR, then realized that they needed to shoehorn in some KOTOR 2/Exile stuff (which they never played), so they skimmed the Wikipedia entry for it and hastily slapped something together that killed off the "boring" Jedi (the Exile) in favour of the all-mighty Revan. Seriously, Drew, I love your work, but that book is an abomination. Would it really have been so bad to leave KOTOR in the past, where it belongs, instead of basically ruining it by dragging it into SWTOR?

Edited by Ellyria
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Not really.

Scourge should never have been made a companion at all with his background and instead been a light and dark opportunity to deal with him in the escape.

I was under the impression, after playing kotor 2 that the Exile had never actually met Revan. That it was Malek who recruited the Exile into the war. So I don't get the whole Exile and Revan being regarded as friends thing. Also with being called Revans student, Scourge was misinformed, the Exile had apprentices and was not a student of Revans.

All the things my Exile found out in kotor2 about Revan, she would have gone after him but not to save him.

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I'm cool with Scourge betraying Revan and the Exile. I'm not cool with the Exile IDOLIZING Revan. To me, the Exile was part of a much, much more interesting story than Revan by a long-shot, thus she should've been given way more respect and closure.


I would've been so okay with the Exile believing herself an equal to Revan after what she went through, recognizing that she was ONCE his fangirl, no longer, but the way she was written sucked! I mean, ***, why would you adore the dude who screwed everything over, including you? Sure, he saved the galaxy later, but that was while you were in a corner crying yourself to sleep because Revan was the catalyst for the Council cutting you off from the Force.


If I were the Exile, I would have been expecting an apology from the douche, not worshipping him. Revan should've had to have won Meetra Surik's help and trust, as much as Scourge had to earn theirs. Hell, it would've been a nice mirror between those two dudes.


Anyway, what happened is past. All I want, since Surik's a Force ghost now, is for Darth Traya to come back guns blazing because we killed her lover Lord Vitiate, and for the Exile to help us take her *** down. Make Traya the Dark Entity at the end of the Sith Warrior's class story on Corellia, the one Baras was siphoning power from. Make justice!

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Sure Malak recruited the exile but she did became third in command she did ordered out of her own will the activation of the mass generator and she cut herself from the force. Revan was not responsible for her actions.


No she did not deserved an apology from Revan also she was an force vampire the stronger she got the more people died near her she had the potential to become the strongest force user ever and she was so far from it.

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I'm trying to figure out if we all read the same book. I understand perfectly what happened between Scourge and Revan. He explains it fully to the Jedi Knight. For me, the Revan book really brought to light how much deception there is/was in the life of a sith and how much every action had a reaction that needed to be calculated and planned out. Just Scourge getting in the Nyriss's door past the assassins was a 20minute read while he calculated who hired them and who wants him dead and why and what he plans to do about it. I found Revan to be the best book of the entire series. The mind games that Revan and Scourge played while learning about each other is somewhat the same as the conversations he has with the JK in their story line. If Scourge has had this vision of one who is powerful enough to defeat Vitiate/Valkorian once and for all then he would need to be around to direct said person to get the job done right. Once he sees that Revan is not the one then he did the only thing that would make sense to a Sith which was kill him and try to save his own hide until he finds the one who can take him out. Hence the reason (and rightly so) he is the JK's companion since the JK is the ONLY one who actually fights the emperor in the class story. I find him fascinating and a well developed character for the story. (no I don't desire to romance a dead guy) As far as the exile goes, they barely know each other so no reason he should even blink when he kills her but Revan he knows and has had a somewhat relationship with him for the 5 years Nyriss kept him captive so I can see a little regret in him when my JK talks to him about it. Maybe it's just me.

To me the bigger question I am wanting an answer to is why the heck he isn't even in the story when you finally do confront the emperor in KOTFE or KOTET. That is the biggest failing of the entire game for me.:confused::confused:

Edited by Gwaneth
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Blame the head writter that I forgot his name. He wanted each companion to have an meaningful and with impact return to the story. The problem which was clear was that there where way to many companions for that to happen and it was especially hard to bring back very popular ones like most of our force using companions since some of them 2 actually have totally different personalities depending on your choices so for one they brought us an placeholder.


Lord Scourge has an bigger issue the head writer whatever his name knows he is connected to the emperor and to bring him back in the story of KOTET, KOTFE without any impact to it will be an bad decision and probably because of pride the head writer whatever his name is chose to go with the original idea he had for the plot so no Scourge or Kira.


So because of an combination of overreaching, hard to implement plot points and pride we got very few companions coming back which the head writer whatever his name said for sorry for quite an couple of times but its still does not change that we do not have our favorite companions back but he is sorry like that helps.

Edited by adormitul
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