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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legacy Unassembled Components in 5.6


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Can we just get clarity (and hopefully no hidden or forgotten notes this time) on how this will be implemented?


Will all existing UCs be converted into legacy UC from across all toons?


A) If so, will the current limit be increased? Will there still be a limit? If there is a limit, is it significant enough like Command Tokens where we may want to check if we will have overflows if we have a good number of alts?


B) If existing will NOT be converted, will there be then personal UC and legacy UC -- where legacy UC are from crate disintegration and PVP and quests still grant personal?


Would be good to know ahead of time so we can plan for 5.6.



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This is still unclear to me as well.


In the roadmap they mention that they will become a legacy currency but in another part it says that when you gain currency you get tokens in your inventory. So I'm not sure if it will be a legacy currency and the legacy UC tokens just serve to hold on to them in case you hit the cap or if the tokens are what makes it legacy and each character still has their individual limit.


I've asked the question but never got an answer so far.

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I seriously doubt they'd remove excess Unassembled Components given its value to the players. Even with a warning, most players don't visit the forums often so there'd be a massive backlash.


Also, here's a tip: Start massing up crates on your alts (using the free 1-179 boosts) in the following weeks leading up to 5.6. The 5.5 and 5.6 changes both indicate two things: Devs really want you to put time into alts, and will reward you heavily for doing so.


Keep in mind every level 70 alt you have also gets you 70 UC's and GCC with the conquest mission and PvP alliance alert (which is easily reachable by skipping to KOTET).

Edited by Eli_Porter
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Keep in mind every level 70 alt you have also gets you 70 UC's and GCC with the conquest mission and PvP alliance alert (which is easily reachable by skipping to KOTET).


Which is why this is important though. Because if UC isn't going to be a Legacy currency, and the implementation is that disintegrating items in crates will grant you a Legacy-bound UC token (that can be mailed to another toon then redeemed, like old WZ comms), then the UC earned by toons from quests/PVP will still be bound to them.


I'm really hoping this isn't the case and that UC will just become like Command Tokens, shared across the Legacy, period.

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Crates are just one of four sources of UC's and one which takes the least amount of effort. Do you really think they'd finally put Legacy UC's into the game and only enable them for crates while not for PvP matches, master operation bosses, and missions?


The way I figured is that like Credits, you'd be able to transfer UC's into your Legacy hold. But UC's from crates will go there automatically.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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This is still unclear to me as well.


In the roadmap they mention that they will become a legacy currency but in another part it says that when you gain currency you get tokens in your inventory. So I'm not sure if it will be a legacy currency and the legacy UC tokens just serve to hold on to them in case you hit the cap or if the tokens are what makes it legacy and each character still has their individual limit.


I've asked the question but never got an answer so far.


My guess would be that it will work like the Command Tokens. A UC line will appear in your currency tab and be available to all characters in your legacy. I'm also betting that although the limit may be increased, it probably will not be by an amount many players would be happy with. That of course begs the question of whether the UC will appear in your Stash as the Command tokens do or if they will just appear in your currency tab. I'm hoping the first because if not, the potential to lose is too great.

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This is still unclear to me as well.


In the roadmap they mention that they will become a legacy currency but in another part it says that when you gain currency you get tokens in your inventory. So I'm not sure if it will be a legacy currency and the legacy UC tokens just serve to hold on to them in case you hit the cap or if the tokens are what makes it legacy and each character still has their individual limit.


I've asked the question but never got an answer so far.


I'm guessing myself, considering the token part, that they'll work in a similar manner to the now removed Warzone Commendations. Where each character has x amount, however disintegrating stuff from Command Crates will give you tokens that can be mailed to alts and used to increase the amount you have on your alt. Whether we'll be able to purchase tokens directly using a characters current UC and mail them like we could with Warzone Commendations remains to be seen.


Either that, or they'll just become legacy bound like Command Tokens (which would be the best option).


Guess we'll have to wait and see how it works.

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Also, here's a tip: Start massing up crates on your alts (using the free 1-179 boosts) in the following weeks leading up to 5.6. The 5.5 and 5.6 changes both indicate two things: Devs really want you to put time into alts, and will reward you heavily for doing so.


Despite the fact you were very, very mean to me before, you are now one of my favorite posters. Which allows me to say...


Your quote here really depends. They have not announced the conversion rate. It is quite possible it makes sense mathematically to boost your CXP level in order to get higher chance of stuff pre-179. Possibly even after that. Until the math is released, it's pure speculation -- on all of our parts.


With that said, you are now my third favorite poster! :rak_03: (Esh is still first, but Yil is closing in. Transcend and you essentially tied for third. Tsillah is kind of a constant second. I know that it is important!) :rak_03:



Edited by Jdast
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Despite the fact you were very, very mean to me before, you are now one of my favorite posters. Which allows me to say...


Your quote here really depends. They have not announced the conversion rate. It is quite possible it makes sense mathematically to boost your CXP level in order to get higher chance of stuff pre-179. Possibly even after that. Until the math is released, it's pure speculation -- on all of our parts.


With that said, you are now my third favorite poster! :rak_03: (Esh is still first, but Yil is closing in. Transcend and you essentially tied for third. I know that it is important!) :rak_03:




True, it is speculation. They could scale UC's on item rating and rarity, we'll see.


And thanks for the compliment! Sorry if I was mean to you before.

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True, it is speculation. They could scale UC's on item rating and rarity, we'll see.


And thanks for the compliment! Sorry if I was mean to you before.


As the value of cxp rendered does take in to account the rating of item being disintegrated, I would feel comfortable saying that this is good speculation.

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Your quote here really depends. They have not announced the conversion rate. It is quite possible it makes sense mathematically to boost your CXP level in order to get higher chance of stuff pre-179. Possibly even after that. Until the math is released, it's pure speculation -- on all of our parts.


With that said, you are now my third favorite poster! :rak_03: (Esh is still first, but Yil is closing in. Transcend and you essentially tied for third. Tsillah is kind of a constant second. I know that it is important!) :rak_03:




Wooohooo, my life is complete, I'm joint 3rd :D


Anyway, back onto the subject. That's an interesting suggestion it may work to boost CXP now, however, ultimately the UC being legacy based would probably be more useful put towards gearing out main characters? As you say though, we don't know the conversion rates and they may very well scale in a similar manner to Command Tokens.


For me personally, I'm only really interested in the legacy UC for that reason, I have no intention of gearing all of my characters out with set bonus gear in 5.0, unlike previous gear cycles. I think I've given up chasing the gear, because it's been a little too random to work towards in 5.0.

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Your quote here really depends. They have not announced the conversion rate. It is quite possible it makes sense mathematically to boost your CXP level in order to get higher chance of stuff pre-179. Possibly even after that. Until the math is released, it's pure speculation -- on all of our parts.

I think it also depends on your situation. Personally, I have 21 level 70s. As I raid with most of them and new characters do SM ops as of level 50, I have a different situation maybe.


Let me explain shortly. All my level 70s have full augments and at least a 230/236 mix of gear basically the moment they get to level 70. I craft my own augments and I generally have at least 8-10 pieces of 236 gear lying around on my account if not on the new toon itself.


What this does effective is that my characters are ready to tackle a lot of HM ops directly when hitting level 70. My assassin DPS for example has 6/7 armour pieces in 236 gear and the main hand/off hand are 246/242. The rest is filled with 230 pieces from the 230 vendor (pants and trinkets basically) and she is currently level 32 command. This is examplary of most of my level 70s and it means that for me most of my 21 level 70s are at a level of command that drops gear below or equal to what I already have, making the gear drops pointless.


For a lot of my toons the reality is that I will not get usable gear from GC until I hit 300. So I have to grind 1-299 without getting any usable rewards. That's what makes it annoying for me to do. I have a lot of level 70s that haven't made it to 100 command yet that already have a lot of 242 gear in fact.


So what does that do for me with respect to this topic? Well, I keep all the crates from level 1-299 because they won't give me gear that I can use. So any UCs I get from them are more valuable to me than the gear that drops from it. I currently do not have a single character in the 180-299 range. Most of my level 70s are well below the 180 mark, most even below 100. I do have 2 characters at 300 (A sorc and a sage so thanks BW for not making them both count for the perk).


Now I do open those crates from tier 4 because it actually gives me some pieces here and there that I can upgrade my characters with. It's RNG and there are not many useful items but at least I can progress my characters with that somewhat. I do not want to wait another 7 weeks or something before progressing them. (I don't PvP in this game much so that's not an option for me).


Short version: I open tier 4 crates cause there is at least a chance of an upgrade, but the lower tiers I save for 5.6 because they don't drop any gear I can use so any UCs are better than gear drops that are unusable.


With that said, you are now my third favorite poster! :rak_03: (Esh is still first, but Yil is closing in. Transcend and you essentially tied for third. Tsillah is kind of a constant second. I know that it is important!) :rak_03:



That is very kind of you, so thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...



We're getting closer to 5.6 and we'd love to get more details on the implementation of legacy UC and how it affects us currently.


What I would hate to happen is saving up UC on various toons, then for it to be legacy, have an upper limit, and all lost UC are just reimbursed as "credits" or worst, "sorry".

Edited by antonmb
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We're getting closer to 5.6 and we'd love to get more details on the implementation of legacy UC and how it affects us currently.


What I would hate to happen is saving up UC on various toons, then for it to be legacy, have an upper limit, and all lost UC are just reimbursed as "credits" or worst, "sorry".

I think you'll find that they first want to get the server merges done before commenting on anything that comes after that. The server merges are the day after tomorrow after all.

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I'm guessing myself, considering the token part, that they'll work in a similar manner to the now removed Warzone Commendations. Where each character has x amount, however disintegrating stuff from Command Crates will give you tokens that can be mailed to alts and used to increase the amount you have on your alt. Whether we'll be able to purchase tokens directly using a characters current UC and mail them like we could with Warzone Commendations remains to be seen.


Either that, or they'll just become legacy bound like Command Tokens (which would be the best option).


Guess we'll have to wait and see how it works.


Yeah the thing is that it seems to make sense based on this part:


Also with A Traitor Among the Chiss, we’re changing how Disintegrate works – instead of receiving more CXP, we will provide you with Unassembled Components for armor and weapons. In addition, you can send those components to any character in your Legacy as we’re changing these to be Legacy-bound consumables.


But in the same article they state:


with A Traitor Among the Chiss update (Game Update 5.6), your Unassembled Components will become legacy-bound. Now you can focus your entire Legacy on gearing up one or more characters a lot faster.




A cool change we are delivering with A Traitor Among the Chiss is the ability to add Credits to your Legacy Bank. You will retain the ability to have credits on your character, so this will work very similarly to how you use your Guild Bank, but it’s for all your Legacy characters. After reviewing your feedback, we decided to limit currency changes to Credits and Unassembled Components as those provide the most positive and impactful change.




Launch of Legacy-wide currencies for Credits and Unassembled Components


So on the one hand you get UCs that you can send around but on the other hand they talk about a legacy currency and put it together with legacy credits.


That's where the confusion comes in. So I asked the question various times during the stream and here but was never graced with an answer to this.


PS: The items I quoted come from here http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20171002-0

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I think you'll find that they first want to get the server merges done before commenting on anything that comes after that. The server merges are the day after tomorrow after all.


Server merges done! :) Hope to get some light on this now that 5.6 is coming up next.

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If you think about it, there are really only two alternatives for how to convert a currency into legacy.


1. A mirror of the system used for Command Token today, as in Unassembled Component on characters become legacy and you can see how many you have in the "Currencies" tab, just like how this worked for PvP Commendations, the cap would be heavily increased.


2. A mirror of the system used for Gray Helix Components and Jawa Junk, when you disintegrate/loot nightmare bosses/accept rewards from PvP you simply get your Unassembled Component as a stacking item in your inventory. This would mean that you would have to move them all to your legacy cargo hold to enable usage across all legacies, which is a more complicated system than the above but makes it easier to see how many you have and separate them between multiple characters.


That said, it feels quite likely that prices for upgrading gear from tier 3 to tier 4 will be increased now that players have an easier time farming/gathering components.

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