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Please put Theron's hair back the way it was...WHY WHY WHY Would you do such a thing?


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Oh my, what did Arcann do now?:rak_03:

Bald emo lord with scars that everyone wants to date so BW figured they'd shave half of Theron's head too and put more emphasis on his scars. :p


No I'm kidding, for most part, but I just want Theron's old hair back. Or at least a customization for it, or a compromise with some nice stubble underneath those two skid marks at the side of his head to at least make it look a little better.

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Bald emo lord with scars that everyone wants to date so BW figured they'd shave half of Theron's head too and put more emphasis on his scars. :p


No I'm kidding, for most part, but I just want Theron's old hair back. Or at least a customization for it, or a compromise with some nice stubble underneath those two skid marks at the side of his head to at least make it look a little better.


Not everyone is attracted to ugly. Those who like Arcann can have him and his ugly self. There is no need to ugly up other companions.

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Bald emo lord with scars that everyone wants to date so BW figured they'd shave half of Theron's head too and put more emphasis on his scars. :p


No I'm kidding, for most part, but I just want Theron's old hair back. Or at least a customization for it, or a compromise with some nice stubble underneath those two skid marks at the side of his head to at least make it look a little better.


Maybe this is just what happens to men with daddy issues in swtor.:rak_03: If they do end up giving out customizations, I hope it'll work in cut scenes!:D

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uhh, I like the hairstyle from SoR better. Do the Zildrog guys have some kind of rule when it comes to hairstyles?

The 'why' of it still eludes me. Do the Zildrogs hate hair, or have hairstyle rules? Is Theron trying to pull a Clark Kent thinking we won't recognize him because half his hair is missing? Does he somehow think going rogue/undercover means getting a half-arsed make-over? He didn't bother when the SIS labeled him a rogue agent and they hid out on Rishi. Was he trying to impress the Chiss somehow and look 'cool'? Did the Zildrogs adjust his implants which required shaving off a small part and for the sake of symmetry and whatnot, Theron decided to do this? Latent puberty? Early mid-life crisis? :confused:


I hope we'll find out, and it'll be fixed, soon. In fact, make this dumb hair a customization and restore him to how he was for everyone else, just to be safe.

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ;)


Well, there is no beauty to be had in that ugly *** travesty they did to his hair. It's freaking UGLY. If people like that ugly mess, then let it be a customization for them, but put Theron's hair back to normal default.

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As a standalone hairstyle, I don't mind it too much. It could have been done better but whatever. I just don't think it suits Theron at all. I don't think he has the right face or skull/head shape for it and I don't think it fits his personality, not even if he is undercover. Not everyone can pull a hairdo like that off, and I don't think he can.
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I think it does suit his face, to me he went from blegh to yeah! His new look was made by a female as well as shown on her art station. I guess she felt like this is what women would like.:rak_03:(and men):D


Well, she'd be wrong, because not all women lack taste. That new hair does not suit him at all.


If that Arcann loving writer loves him so much, she should bloody stick to dealing with him. Not everyone shares her tastes. The idea of a game is to have offerings that suit all tastes, and uglifying Theron doesn't suit mine. I would like his default old hair back. Make the new one a customization if some like it, but I would prefer the default before hair back again, because the customizations don't seem to work in cutscenes anyway.


I wasn't interested in anything to do with Arcann, not his looks, not his story, or his romance, so I don't care about what that writer has to say. He has NO appeal to me whatsoever. Some prefer handsome men and there was nothing wrong with Theron the way he was. All people wanted was to be able to give him new clothes and they pull this nonsense.


If people like ugly and are attracted to it they have Arcann. Leave Theron alone, give back his original hair.

Edited by Lunafox
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Well, she'd be wrong, because not all women lack taste. That new hair does not suit him at all.


If that Arcann loving writer loves him so much, she should bloody stick to dealing with him. Not everyone shares her tastes. The idea of a game is to have offerings that suit all tastes, and uglifying Theron doesn't suit mine. I would like his default old hair back. Make the new one a customization if some like it, but I would prefer the default before hair back again, because the customizations don't seem to work in cutscenes anyway.


I wasn't interested in anything to do with Arcann, not his looks, not his story, or his romance, so I don't care about what that writer has to say. He has NO appeal to me whatsoever. Some prefer handsome men and there was nothing wrong with Theron the way he was. All people wanted was to be able to give him new clothes and they pull this nonsense.


If people like ugly and are attracted to it they have Arcann. Leave Theron alone, give back his original hair.


I couldn't agree more. As a female player I always felt we got ripped with having good looking romances for our characters. I mostly play female and there are only three males in the game I found appealing and the writers had two of them betray my character!


They should have the new Theron look as a customization and put him back the old way. But they probably won't do that and we will be stuck with punk rock Theron instead!

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As a standalone hairstyle, I don't mind it too much. It could have been done better but whatever. I just don't think it suits Theron at all. I don't think he has the right face or skull/head shape for it and I don't think it fits his personality, not even if he is undercover. Not everyone can pull a hairdo like that off, and I don't think he can.


For me, this hair is terrible as a standalone. I don't like any of the weird railway hair options SWTOR has in the character creator. I find them all ugly to ridiculous. So when something like that was put on Theron's head, I don't and won't like it for subjective aesthetic reasons, not making sense for it in the story aside.


If he's back with this thing on his head, he'll wear a hat or hood. If they give customisation that has old hair attached to the red jacket, as opposed to stupid hair with options to dress him up like all new comps, I'll rather have him wear the red jacket than have a railway on his head.

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I don't like any of the weird railway hair options SWTOR has in the character creator.


I don't get those, either. It looks like hair if I tried to draw hair. I can't draw.


I'm pretending the sides of his head are cleanly shaven. I don't see any weird hair ropes, what are you talking about? :D


I can't believe the new hair won on twitter though, that's pretty awesome. I've always seen Theron as a rebel ******, being one of the only stinky pubs I could stand, so it seems completely in character to me.

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I just don't agree with them changing original appearances like that, on the fly, without the option of retaining the original look.


What if Arcann's romance started with a makeover for him and suddenly all scars are gone, he's slimmed down and he has a blonde Lana-do a la Nick Carter in the early 90s? Because well, story update for him so lols, why not change how he looks! Or Lana gets a story update and decides to dye her hair a bright purple and shave most of it off aside from a polka dotted pattern all over her skull because BW felt like it.


If a designer felt "hey this will be cool", good for them, by all means, express yourself but be considerate of the way players feel about a beloved character and add the new look as a customization, something optional, not a forced thing.


Alas, as Theron is currently gone from our companion rosters we'll just have to see how this turns out once he returns.

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Heh well my sith/bounty hunter, while they tend to be nice to a degree, are not fans of being stabbed in the back even if it is for a potentially good reason. :p


Careful, Theron may enjoy it... ---KOTET, ch 01 :D

I'll worry about that bridge when I get to it.

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Theron is working. He's undercover.

If in the next expansion he infiltrates the Empire and starts talking with british accent --like he did in Annihilation-- I mean, yeah, his voice won't be the same, but it's his job. He's a spy, and the best spy the Republic had.

Also, we shouldn't know about the hair. I don't think he was expecting us on Copero, but we get to see him in action. I'm really enjoying it because of that. We never get to see Theron working on his own.

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Therons looks have nothing to do with the writer though, they are different people.

The then and new Theron is 161 Vs 257. I guess a lot of people like "ugly" for that sample size!

They based their "voting" on the number of likes vs the number of retweets which I don't think is accurate at all. Many people just scroll by and like things without really paying attention. I didn't retweet because I don't really use twitter and don't have any followers but I commented. I think the comments are the more accurate representation of how people feel about it (and some people do like it but there's no cure for bad taste :p)

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