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Everything posted by reviin

  1. reviin


    What was in these videos on here? lol
  2. lol I thought about offering credits for use of my link but I found that people are expecting like 5-7 mil for using the code these days. And I'm just not willing to pay that much hahahah.....That being said I did not know there are scammers for that. But then again I used someones link without expecting credits.
  3. Here is mine it still has three uses at this time. http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/1aryko
  4. I think Darth Grinch may have been the more suitable title for that video hahahahaha.
  5. I'm a more or less simple kind of man so the Thexan outfit is my favorite since it looks nice but isn't super flashy hahaha...It's that or pretty much any of the Mandalorian armor sets.
  6. Uhhhhh isn't this more of a lore thing or something like that?
  7. Yeah definitely do the difficulty levels before master first hahahaha.
  8. Hahahahaha I had to rename like 8 characters myself.....Wish I had recalled the fact you can put spaces in the names here unlike some games.
  9. I never did get around to working on collecting a whole lot of the Datacrons I should do that probably.
  10. I wouldn't be leaving you to guess if I answered you now would I?!
  11. I feel like I recall seeing one or two but don't remember where to be honest. I have a few Miraluka. Either would be fine really as Miraluka capable of becoming full-fledged sith/jedi tend to be fairly strong in the force. And from what I understand it has been speculated that they take well to martial combat with a lightsaber thanks to their trust in the force rather than actual physical sight which they obviously lack. So there are good enough reasons to use warrior or inquisitor.
  12. Didn't he say that the times in which he seemingly wasn't around in truth he was there the whole time and was using those moments to see how we would act without him around?
  13. It's remnants from when they did have eyes. Their evolution apparently didn't remove all traces of their eyes as from what I recall the still have vestigial eye sockets and of course the eyebrows.
  14. A smidge off topic but I figured I'd ask since you may know. Since the idea popped into my head while reading your message does having romanced Torian effect his scene with vaylin when she you know.....does that thing to him?
  15. Heh well my sith/bounty hunter, while they tend to be nice to a degree, are not fans of being stabbed in the back even if it is for a potentially good reason. I'll worry about that bridge when I get to it.
  16. I'm going in with the bar set low for this movie honestly. XD was not a fan of Kylo Ren. Hopefully, a more interesting villain will take the villain spotlight for this next movie XD,
  17. Not gonna lie you have me intrigued by both ideas. By one more than the other, I'll leave you to guess by which I'm more intrigued.
  18. Oh I like this It'll save me from having to look up drinks during cantina scenes hahaha.
  19. Pretty sure I am gonna shave Theron's head before sending him to the torture chamber.
  20. Personally, I'm glad it was opened up otherwise I wouldn't have been able to switch over to starforge.
  21. All I know is I am so going to get back at Theron for that train fiasco. I may reign in my revenge plans if he has a good enough explanation for it when we get to that bridge. Buuuuut I'm at least going to give him the beating of a lifetime for being a pain in the neck.
  22. Ahahahahaha I'm dying. Arcann as a romance option That sounds like it will be pretty funny to see.
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