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juggernaut girl here! why i can't romance vette huh


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That could be it - it's all I can think of, really. Maybe if you flirt with Vette as a male Sith Warrior in the class story, but *don't* lock in the romance, there are some flirts with her programmed into KOTFE anyway?


No idea, could be!

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I hope you realize how ridiculous it sounds to compare folks wanting same gender romance to folks wanting to romance an inanimate object. I'm asexual and disinterested in relations and even I can see that.


The slope isn't that slippery, nor does it plunge that far and making fun of others for legitimate questions/concerns says more about you than it does about anyone else.

Edited by SourOrange
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I hope you realize how ridiculous it sounds to compare folks wanting same gender romance to folks wanting to romance an inanimate object. I'm asexual and disinterested in relations and even I can see that.


Yes, I do realise it's ridiculous. It's also ridiculous how some people take me entirely too seriously.


It's also ridiculous just how many people bang on and on about romances ad nauseum.


It's not like the romances are especially engaging.






"Wanna talk?"




"Wanna talk some more?"




"We spoke 3 times now, wanna hook up?"




"K, lets get married."


All conversation ends.

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what about the companions who are robosexual


And alien sexual, Aric is the only non-human females get to romance. We also currently have zero force users. Seems everyone missed out in something except for the Het guys in this game.

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And alien sexual, Aric is the only non-human females get to romance. We also currently have zero force users. Seems everyone missed out in something except for the Het guys in this game.


We may get Scourge in the future! But yeah, females seem like an afterthought in swtor. :p

Edited by Eshvara
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Here's one gay guy saying I'm glad we got past that point and I hope Bioware never creates a game again where they leave off Same-sex relationships at the beginning of their game launch.


As long as the game isn't released in the next 3 years or so, depending on elections. In the current political environment, with religious conservatives holding sway across all 3 branches of government (regardless of the Senate Democrats stopping power with their filibuster capable minority), I would expect Bioware to be more conservative especially when the presidential bully pulpit could very well be turned against them. At least under the old administration during the initial launch of this game, the only people that would criticize Bioware were those outside of mainstream government. Now they could potentially get it from both ends, so to speak.

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Yeah all of the base game romances are het because SWTOR only added lgbtqia+ romances in the expansions, but i wish you could at least romance "het" companions (i refuse to believe all of the companions are het; for that many people to be the same sexuality is too ridiculous a number statistically speaking lmao) in the expansions when companions are reintroduced


Not true at all. The majority of Americans statistically speaking are heterosexual. You have 5 crew members and you think they can't all be straight. Really? I have 6 friends that I game with all the time. They, including myself, that's 7 are heterosexual. So statistically speaking, yes, you can have 5 companions who are heterosexual.

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The decision by EA to avoid same-sex relationships when the game started had nothing to do with any of the above stats, zero, zilch, nada. It was all about getting through a game launch without having Focus on the Family or the Family Research Council or Pat Robertson rail against Bioware/EA, which subsequently would have made Disney look bad for using a contractor (EA/Bioware) who is sullying children with the hell-spawn taint of homosexuality.

Here's one gay guy saying I'm glad we got past that point and I hope Bioware never creates a game again where they leave off Same-sex relationships at the beginning of their game launch.


It was actually a George Lucas decision. Disney didn't buy Star Wars until 2012. This decision was made in 2008-2011. But your stated reasons are correct. It was a PR decision to avoid any protests our complaints.

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I hope you realize how ridiculous it sounds to compare folks wanting same gender romance to folks wanting to romance an inanimate object. I'm asexual and disinterested in relations and even I can see that.


The slope isn't that slippery, nor does it plunge that far and making fun of others for legitimate questions/concerns says more about you than it does about anyone else.


Strangely people with fetishes for inanimate objects while not very common are not exactly rare. There are dendrophiliacs out there (they have a thing for trees) and a well documented case of a man that died while having relations with a statue...


The list of paraphilias for inanimate object is long and in many ways disturbing. Proving that human sexuality is not a mere triad and that humans can be some seriously warped critters.

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why i can't romance Vette

Because when the game was first developed it was not considered PC to have same sex relationships in the game (think of the children!). Now it's not considered PC to NOT have SSRs, so you can romance (or at least [flirt]) with some of the newer characters, such as Lana, in newer parts of the game.

Of course, now it's not "financially correct" to retro-fit SSRs on the original stories.


In any case, as I often say, the "romance" in the game is nothing more than a few kisses and conversations. The rest of the time you just "know" you are in a romance, but nothing really changes - no one wears a ring or holds hands, etc. So just RP your romance with Vette - no one will be the wiser. :)

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Strangely people with fetishes for inanimate objects while not very common are not exactly rare. There are dendrophiliacs out there (they have a thing for trees) and a well documented case of a man that died while having relations with a statue...


The list of paraphilias for inanimate object is long and in many ways disturbing. Proving that human sexuality is not a mere triad and that humans can be some seriously warped critters.


I don't doubt that but that's far from the point. My point being that a.) a sexuality isn't a fetish and b.) being attracted to people of the same gender is not nearly as far flung as wanting a lifelong emotionally fulfilling relationship with a spoon.


It's a galaxy full of all kinds of aliens with different cultures, mentalities, ideologies and biologies- is it really so hard to imagine that some people in it would be a little more flexible?

Edited by SourOrange
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don't care about malavai quinn one bit!


what was that womp rat even doing my beautiful ship anyway


the airlock is that way okay



Because all romances from the main game are hetero only. In expansions there are other more options with new companions.



It raises the good old question should all romanceable companions be Bi to appease players or realistic, with their own respective sexual preferences.

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Pardon me, I should has said "paraphilias" instead of "fetishes", but the second term expressed the gist of the concept well enough and was shorter.


That being said, all fetishes are paraphilias, but not all paraphilias are fetishes. So I did use the term incorrectly.


There are heterophiliacs, homophiliacs, objectophiliacs and many, many more. The first term is in reference to heterosexual behaviors (and in extreme form idealization of such behaviors), the second homosexual, the third sexual interest in specific objects. The list of paraphilias identified in the human species is rather long. There is a reason decades have been devoted to studies and categorization. Orientation is actually far closer to falling under a paraphilical designation than most people would care to admit.


My personal view, whatever one or more consenting adults do on their own time is their business so long as their partner(s) of choice are inanimate or consenting.. I would not say the animate or inanimate status of the person's focus is a reason to invalidate it out of hand.

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Because all romances from the main game are hetero only. In expansions there are other more options with new companions.



It raises the good old question should all romanceable companions be Bi to appease players or realistic, with their own respective sexual preferences.


I would say each companion should be unique, but at the same time every player character should have access to romanceable companions of both sexes. Thus, at least one companion of each sex should be bisexual (which would require two companions) OR there should be one companion of heterosexual orientation and one of homosexual orientation of each sex (which would require 4 companions). Making each companion more unique would make for a more compelling and "realistic" world (right, because throwing lightning and waving lightsabers is realistic).

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It was all in the timing of when swtor was released, and certain countries restrictions at the time.


It's only been in recent years more countries have opened themselves upto taking on R18+ rated games. Some countries back then considered same sex romances -- explcit or not -- to have a high rating.


So for EA the choice was -- allow same sex romances but cut themselves off from certain countries with large gaming populations -- or only have same sex romances so that they could maximize game sales. Business sense would say to do the later rather then the former -- because your talking potentially a million or more lost in sales otherwise.


Times are changing-- less countries consider such romances to be of a higher rating unless they contain explicit content which swtor does not -- so adding it no longer requires them to increase the games rating from p13 and risk it being removed from countries that still dont allow 18+ games (including my own country and state which I live gah -- they removed some of the saints row 4 quests to keep it 15+ in QLD Aust, thankfully aust doesnt think gay romances without explicit content requires a high rating but certain asian countries did.)


(Edit) If you want to blame anyone, blame the countries that still have their heads up their you know where -- not the companies which do infact need to make a profit.

Edited by Suzsi
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