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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Scadge in pink. Now I saw everything!:eek:


They don't have a type or a preference. I find it sad you're just a "thing"

I'll never be a supporter of playersexuality, I want a real diverse sexuality.

Gay, bi, straight and lesbian. Like it should be.

But I do accept that's never going to happen in swtor so there's no real point going on about it.


I support. I was very disappointed that Arcann does not perceive the PC as a woman. Honestly, at first I thought he was gay, so indifferent and aggressive he behaves with femPC.:(

But I think it's about saving resources for dialogues.

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Yes the writer is a trustworthy source! :) I may as well be wrong and Scourge might be a male only LI instead of bi/player sexual


I am confused by the sudden change in track but thats not unusual :D whats this about scourge?

Also that trailer you linked is beautiful :) I am generally confused by the concepts of gender and sexuality (as they have been explained to me) but it is important to people and representation is important :)


It just helps to keep context in mind when deciding how well/ poorly it has been implemented.

-Personal opinion :o-

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I am confused by the sudden change in track but thats not unusual :D whats this about scourge?

Also that trailer you linked is beautiful :) I am generally confused by the concepts of gender and sexuality (as they have been explained to me) but it is important to people and representation is important :)


It just helps to keep context in mind when deciding how well/ poorly it has been implemented.


There was this thread about a force sensitive male LI as there wasn't one, and Charles noted Arcann and Scourge as they were the most requested. Then there have been little teasers about Scourge on Twitter so I think it's fairly likely that he'll be an option later. :)

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Oh. I had not intention of starting that one debate! It is a very complicated issue and at best ends in "agree to disagree". Sorry?


By playersexual, I mean it do seem out of character for some companions to have no care of what kind of a person PC is. Sometimes the warning signs are too big and no amount of attraction can explain a LS character getting involved with a pure DS one. This is what I liked in Quinn – he reacts to a SW in a way someone with a working brain may react to a Sith Lord hitting on you.


For me, it would be jarring for Arcann seeing no difference between PC who blown up the Spire and the one who done everything to minimize civilian causalities. But thats just me. My PC likes her man using their head not only to headbutt enemies :p.


Why be sorry? no one was upset :rak_02: urmm...I think :eek:


Ah I misread your post :D my apologies. Although my response was more intended as a tease :o. It then spawned a discussion :o


I think it would have more bearing later (What you do with your power) but in the short term it's just that you showed any compassion to him/ his family, his standards are at an all time low (thanks Valky).

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I will say however, that I didn't mean to attack anyone on their opinion about playersexuality or whatever!

If I made anyone or Asmodesu feel that way I sincerely apologize. While it was a discussion and we don't​ agree on the matter, I had in no way any intention of making any one feel attacked or invalidate their personal opinion. I know text can make things come across differently than they are meant to be.

Edited by Eshvara
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There was this thread about a force sensitive male LI as there wasn't one, and Charles noted Arcann and Scourge as they were the most requested. Then there have been little teasers about Scourge on Twitter so I think it's fairly likely that he'll be an option later. :)

Ooooh some people might be pleased then :)

I will say however, that I didn't mean to attack anyone on their opinion about playersexuality or whatever!

If I made anyone or Asmodesu feel that way I sincerely apologize. While it was a discussion and we don't​ agree on the matter, I had in no way any intention of making any one feel attacked.

It was a friendly discussion no attacking :) s' why I like hanging out in this thread so much :sul_embarrassed:

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Scadge in pink. Now I saw everything!:eek:




I support. I was very disappointed that Arcann does not perceive the PC as a woman. Honestly, at first I thought he was gay, so indifferent and aggressive he behaves with femPC.:(

But I think it's about saving resources for dialogues.

I don't think he doesn't view the Outlander as a woman/ man etc. Just that he views them as the Outlander/ Valky's vessel first and foremost (In KotFE at least).

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There was this thread about a force sensitive male LI as there wasn't one, and Charles noted Arcann and Scourge as they were the most requested. Then there have been little teasers about Scourge on Twitter so I think it's fairly likely that he'll be an option later. :)


If Scourge is only for guy characters omg I will get popcorn for the mega explosion of "you *censored* why would you do this?" threads. he's popular with the ladies you see :p



And yeah sorry about discussing it but that may be the most polite discussion I have ever had with that topic. and I was enjoying it too much, but I think we were banging heads on a specific polar opposite when I wasn't trying to come across that way.

Where I think you got me wrong, is perhaps you think I'm against any representation, which I'm not - it's actually forum and player drama and arguments/bickering/hating that drove me to the "just make them romancable to everyone to avoid this *censored* stuff" mindframe around when DAI released, prior to that I was exactly like you. hence why I always specify "in video games". In swtor with Theron and Lana (and Koth) no-one is divided, we all enjoy it the way we want to enjoy the romances and can all discuss them from that point of view. I've rarely seen drama personally, just once in the Theron thread solely because someone (me) dared to mention they romanced him with a lady character. Huge difference from other forums I've frequented where they had restricted romances. ooh boy, man.. that was a minefield from all sides! hopefully that explains clearer why I'm against it now, as that's the best I can outline the truth.


I'm for meaningful LI's and romances that are not all about the sexuality or explicitly stating it, I'm a private person when it comes to private matters and far prefer how Theron and Lana romances were written (for all). That's the main gist of it :D and hope Arcann's follows suit!



*hugs* :D

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Personally I think playersexual is better for a game like swtor. With low resources now it is the way to offer more choices to various players. And I wouldn't call it lazy. I know how I would feel if Arcann is gay. And if he's straight I'm sure gay gamers will feel being left out once again.


I headcanon that Arcann has been in the alliance for as long as Kotet had been released. That's like over a year by now. So for me it will not be out of the blue.

While I don't know the dialogue, I know something that will happen that made me go "aww" so I'm not too worry about 5.8

I'm sure the cutscene will just last as long as the other alerts. But I'm still holding out hope that he'll have a speaking role in at least one other update.

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While I don't know the dialogue, I know something that will happen that made me go "aww" so I'm not too worry about 5.8

I'm sure the cutscene will just last as long as the other alerts. But I'm still holding out hope that he'll have a speaking role in at least one other update.


-Eyes LamiaKan- now I'm jealous :D


Yeah I'm hoping he'll turn up in more story content too. Preferably optional so I don't have to put up with the complaining. I'm a selfish creature :D Also it isn't fun if your forced to spend time with people you generally don't like in or out of game.



I've been avoiding places that know things like the plague. I've been waiting for this romance long enough to let it get spoiled by people who couldn't wait! :mad:

Spoiler tags are our friend :D:rak_03:


Double Edit:

I don't think anyone here would, but please no spoilers! Preferably also not in spoiler tags.

Ooop, Ninjaed. If you specifically ask them not to I'm sure they won't :) (posters in general).

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I've been avoiding places that know things like the plague. I've been waiting for this romance long enough to let it get spoiled by people who couldn't wait! :mad:

I'm sorry if what I posted in the tag is too spoilery? But I was being very vague:( Just want to share my reaction. If I do I apologize. Maybe I will just edit it out

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I'm sorry if what I posted in the tag is too spoilery? But I was being very vague:( Just want to share my reaction. If I do I apologize. Maybe I will just edit it out

No it wasn't, and you didn't do anything wrong! :)

Im just scared that it may be something that someone will react to with things that they know, that some of us do not.

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I'm sorry if what I posted in the tag is too spoilery? But I was being very vague:( Just want to share my reaction. If I do I apologize. Maybe I will just edit it out


Don't worry you gave no spoilers! Unless the fact that there are spoilers is a spoiler :D

Eshvara was just talking in general I think, plus it never hurts to make personal preference clear :rak_03:



...Would you mind Pm-ing me about it :o I'm very curious -Embarrassed-

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I've been avoiding places that know things like the plague. I've been waiting for this romance long enough to let it get spoiled by people who couldn't wait! :mad:


I will try to hold back from my "minute it's released excitement!" .. for more then a minute here (it'd have to be in spoiler sin general forums anyway!

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I do not think that Arcann will in future participate in the plot. Especially if the story returns to the format of Imp vs Resp. But I dream that the developers will return the opportunity to go through the story with our favorite character, and not with imposed ones. As it was in vanilla.:rolleyes:
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I do not think that Arcann will in future participate in the plot. Especially if the story returns to the format of Imp vs Resp. But I dream that the developers will return the opportunity to go through the story with our favorite character, and not with imposed ones. As it was in vanilla.:rolleyes:



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Good to know :).


Ah, so it is not too fast. Niiiiiice. Headcanon FTW!

Being around Koth was like being forced to read “THE BEST RULER EVER adoration and worshiping thread! Go, Zakuul!” without ability to critique beloved Valkorion -_-. I guess some would be angry at his shenanigans with Gravestone. Oh, and some dislike him for maybe being involved with Lana some time ago.


Aaaaahh Still maybe seems a bit extreme. But things effect people differently I guess :)

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No it wasn't, and you didn't do anything wrong! :)

Im just scared that it may be something that someone will react to with things that they know, that some of us do not.

ah I'm relieved.:)

-Eyes LamiaKan- now I'm jealous :D


Yeah I'm hoping he'll turn up in more story content too. Preferably optional so I don't have to put up with the complaining. I'm a selfish creature :D Also it isn't fun if your forced to spend time with people you generally don't like in or out of game.

If he did have more content,there'll be complain whether it's optional or not. And it won't be pretty.


Edit: I still think that it would be a great opportunity for him to say something in Nathema. But beyond that, I don't expect anything.

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I admit I'm one of the people that go searching for any snippet of datamined dialogue.. and have found none of this specific topic. It actually made me both sad and happy, so I stopped looking and just felt confused xD

Yeah I'm impatient like that and will go out of my way to find spoilers. But I can't find any dialogues either......

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