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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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On 5/12/2023 at 1:25 AM, witchglove said:

To me, the eye always looked vaguely tear-shaped, which aligns with the inherent tragedy of his character. There's the same level of detail in his visible eye - you can see that faint ring of blue around the pupil; his true self hasn't been entirely eclipsed by the Dark Side. As with his face, there is just a sliver left, indicating the potential for redemption.

I've never noticed those before! I've only seen the blue glow inside his cybernetic, like he's keeping his inner self, the remaining good, caged. Which reminds me of one of my favorite lines from Senya: how we all push down parts of ourselves when it's appropriate, and she wants to think this is true of Arcann.

And then his DS customization has an orange glow instead, so it's like the potential for redemption has been lost.

On 5/12/2023 at 1:07 PM, JakRoanin said:

One thing that did disappoint me about the Zakuul arc was that the Lore was so minimal. I want more context of the culture and history of Zakuul.

Interesting, I was very pleased by the lore for Zakuul and found it to be very detailed. Though I have purposefully looked into it and haven't done so for most other planets.

There's a lot of small details like the script, main color scheme of black/white/gold, phrases like "Great Izax". I especially love the religion, and how Iokath and the hidden devotional texts in the Star Fortresses adds to it. The fact that the ancient Zakuulans started worshipping their supermachine conquerors as gods that represent the pains of life is extremely fascinating to me.

Most of the lore is codex entries (a moment of appreciation for the codex entry writers). I wish more of the history was shown in scenes, rather than written.

On 5/12/2023 at 2:16 PM, JakRoanin said:

Thank you for this I was really hesitating on Vaylin's armor set of the CM because of the writing I didn't want my JC to wear them and it says something to trigger Arcann. LOL 

Make sure to NOT get Valkorion's 😆

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Hello again, fellow Arcann fans!

I've been absent the past few days because some deep conversations with @witchglove, coupled with some extremely moving music tracks from KOTFE/KOTET, inspired me to create a new video.

This one speaks to three distinct periods of Arcann's life where he laments past actions and comes to terms with various past transgressions.  This was a very difficult video to make as Arcann's story is extremely moving in a multitude of ways.

I hope that you like this!


Thanks and please feel free to provide feedback ❤️


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I really hope we get more of Arcann making a solid new place for himself. It would be tragic if he redefines himself as merely an extension of PC romantic or otherwise. I still say make Senya Odessen's Senator

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I'm hoping Arcann's upcoming appearance really continues his growth, like how he now interacts with the Voss and the Jedi/Sith. By the end of Echoes he is starting to feel at peace with himself, so I'd like to see him with that renewed self confidence.

Definite yes to Arcann having his own goals and having agency. He's extremely devoted to the Commander, romance or not, so maybe he actually feels most like himself when he defines himself as part of a pair, at first with Thexan and now with the Commander. The strong bond is extremely emotionally moving but sometimes I worry if this suggests him being codependent.

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On 5/16/2023 at 11:43 AM, Siita said:

Hello again, fellow Arcann fans!

I've been absent the past few days because some deep conversations with @witchglove, coupled with some extremely moving music tracks from KOTFE/KOTET, inspired me to create a new video.

This one speaks to three distinct periods of Arcann's life where he laments past actions and comes to terms with various past transgressions.  This was a very difficult video to make as Arcann's story is extremely moving in a multitude of ways.

I hope that you like this!


Thanks and please feel free to provide feedback ❤️



Seriously masterful work! Please make more. I started crying right when Arcann said "Have I not sacrificed enough?!" That's honestly one of the most heart wrenching lines I've ever heard in anything and Dellums delivers that line with so much pain

My favorite moments:

The constant barrage of Valkorion's words at the beginning, and then Arcann's words feels like he's fighting him in his head

Constant contrasting shots of past and present. It really visually shows exactly what Arcann is thinking each second

Those 3 shots of Arcann's and Thexan's united hands, but the last one is Thexan slipping away

The transition from his past violence against the galaxy to his past violence against the Commander is really smooth. When she's going up the steps to the throne, he makes a natural switch in focus.

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15 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Twin bonds are quite real, and I can only imagine that Arcann and Thexan's was infinitely more powerful than Luke and Leia's. So, I wouldn't describe the need as being codependent.

I meant to say that Arcann & Thexan and Arcann & Commander are very strong bonds, but with the Commander (not as much with Thexan) I can see the possibility of Arcann depending too much on him/her to be his "light". Not knowing what he'd do without them, in his own words (but now that I think about it, he likely says this because he can't handle the grief of losing another person he deeply cares about, rather than because of codependency). More so with an extremely LS Jedi character, where he/she is completely virtuous and can do no wrong, whereas he considers himself to be extremely flawed, so there's an imbalance there.

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It's interesting how Arcann still casts Force Lightning after his redemption. Usually that's a dark side power that feeds off anger. I think he channels some different feeling now. Anger can be controlled, but I think he believes that if he uses anger as fuel at all, he tends to go too far, since he has done so many times before.

In what ways do you think his perspective on the Force has changed?

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Ok putting on my nerd hat... Even though it was never onscreen, Master Plo Koon cast golden nonlethal lightning called electric judgement. Now, cast it long enough it does damage, but it doesn't require Sithy stuff. Since Arcann wasn't raised with the concept of the Force itself having duality, I doubt its changed too drastically. But maybe we'll get more on Voss.

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7 hours ago, cosmicchar said:


Seriously masterful work! Please make more. I started crying right when Arcann said "Have I not sacrificed enough?!" That's honestly one of the most heart wrenching lines I've ever heard in anything and Dellums delivers that line with so much pain

My favorite moments:

The constant barrage of Valkorion's words at the beginning, and then Arcann's words feels like he's fighting him in his head

Constant contrasting shots of past and present. It really visually shows exactly what Arcann is thinking each second

Those 3 shots of Arcann's and Thexan's united hands, but the last one is Thexan slipping away

The transition from his past violence against the galaxy to his past violence against the Commander is really smooth. When she's going up the steps to the throne, he makes a natural switch in focus.

This means SO much to me!

I have already told @witchglove this, but I admittedly was overcome a few times while making the video.  The lines that Valkorion says to Arcann and his family are absolutely abhorrent.  I'm so glad you were impacted by the scene where Arcann is replaying Valkorion's toxic words over and over in his head.  It is horrible. 😔

All of these kind words are immensely appreciated, especially from a fellow Arcann fan!  I was keen on showing three distinct Arcann lamentations, and showing what that regret might have looked like during three different "phases" in his life (not that he couldn't regret numerous actions at once).  This video was also important to me to get right as the "Jedi fury"/emperor room Vader vs. Luke scene music has ALWAYS hit me hard, emotionally, coupled with the fact that the track that played during the Thexan lamentation is one of the most moving, influential musical compositions from this game (to me), I wanted to make sure it was PERFECT in order to do it justice.

Arcann's literally my favorite Star Wars character of all time.

@cosmicchar would you be interested in joining our discord? We talk a lot about everything/anything Eternal Empire and we'd LOVE to have you, even if you only feel compelled to lurk most of the time 🤗

Thanks again for watching the video and for the kind words!  @witchglove and I spent quite some time discussing the themes and visuals we wanted to show in the video.


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I think it was datamined we're not really supposed to talk about that stuff here. Although it might happen if you kneel to Valky. <shiver>

You know I haven't used Arcann since he left on his mission on any PC. Wanted to get into the mind of my JC. She's forlorn poor baby, but, she's also proud of her man and a dang good Jedi to boot.

Edited by JakRoanin
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The defined crease that Arcann has between his eyebrows is quite attractive. And from a character design standpoint, it's a small detail that really completes his face. Makes him look very serious by default, very intimidating when he glares

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