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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Yeah I feel like smugler and BH are supposed to be a bit older, but considering Torian's age, I don't want my BH to be more than 2-3 years older than him, which is where I have a problem with her voice.

My BH is in her early twenties, and her voice sounds like a 40 year old woman, wich is a bit disturbing.

It was quite ok with the male BH sounding a bit older, but the Mako romance was kind of gross, considering he was something like twice her age. I really don't like the mentor-apprentice kind of romance anyways, so I've a hard time with my male PC's romances


hehe woops, yeah I get that feel with a few characters. My SW is seventeen when the prologue (Korriban) starts, so like nineteen by end of class story, thankfully with english VA she sounds more mature for her age but not super older. It still fits the character to be young and speaking like that, practically being an Imperial Princess and all.

My BH I made older to suit the way of speaking and sound of her voice, it didn't hurt and I had her at approx 25 at the start, Torian is young for her and I like to think she points that out to him that he's chasing a woman like 5 years older (which isn't bad actually).


I originally had my SW with Malavai instead of Theron. First attempt at setting her up in-depth and it just did not work out as he is so much older (40's when met I think).

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Yeah I feel like smugler and BH are supposed to be a bit older, but considering Torian's age, I don't want my BH to be more than 2-3 years older than him, which is where I have a problem with her voice.

My BH is in her early twenties, and her voice sounds like a 40 year old woman, wich is a bit disturbing.

It was quite ok with the male BH sounding a bit older, but the Mako romance was kind of gross, considering he was something like twice her age. I really don't like the mentor-apprentice kind of romance anyways, so I've a hard time with my male PC's romances

The BH does not shock me because mine is... massive. And scarred. So the voice is OK for me, tough voice for tough girl. And I do not have the impression that it makes her a 40 year old woman. My SW being her sister, I am pretty good with it too in fact. But I prefer the voice of my SI... which makes me stick to french because I do not like what I heard of the english one.

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hehe woops, yeah I get that feel with a few characters. My SW is seventeen when the prologue (Korriban) starts, so like nineteen by end of class story, thankfully with english VA she sounds more mature for her age but not super older. It still fits the character to be young and speaking like that, practically being an Imperial Princess and all.

My BH I made older to suit the way of speaking and sound of her voice, it didn't hurt and I had her at approx 25 at the start, Torian is young for her and I like to think she points that out to him that he's chasing a woman like 5 years older (which isn't bad actually).


I originally had my SW with Malavai instead of Theron. First attempt at setting her up in-depth and it just did not work out as he is so much older (40's when met I think).


Yeah Quinn is something like 37 when you meet him (he looks younger than he actually is)


My JK is 19 when she arrives on Tython, but female JK's voice sounds quite young so it's all good. And well, this is also why I'll not have her with Doc who's nearly 10 years older than her (well, that's not my type of man either, he's quite annoying tbh, and rejecting him is so much fun).

My JK is nobility too, but she didn't want that lifestyle and chose the Jedi life instead, and did not talk to her father again for the next 10 years, untill she went back to Alderaan.


Yeah, I think my BH is 3 years older than Torian, and calls him kid sometimes xD

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Scum and Villainy, and dps. Also I've had so many bad experiences over that 4 years is why I quit group content almost altogether. These guys were chill though, so may do it again.


Omg! It was my first OPS too :D. Spent all the time being confused and lost :o. Glad you liked it and the dread horrors of Styrak robes have not scarred your PC for life :D. This guild seem like they know what they are doing – S&V Warlords can be a PUG killer.


And I will say it again and again, usually the one who accuses others is the week link (barring some exceptions).


But strangely all that stuff about SWTOR comes in english into my mind, probably because I discuss too much with you all here. :p


Heh, then I am a gamer, I think in English. Other times, I am Russian. Weeeeeeird.


All that said, while it is of course always rewarding to have people appreciate your work as is, the opposite is as well very interesting as long as it is not just "I don't like it, period". ;)


I am worried that I will be unnecessarily picky :(. It's pretty hard to be fair if your brain is used to noticing certain patterns in fanfiction, even if their use is justified and there is nothing new under this sun.


PS: Holiday Special is a must, as is Spaceballs. :D


You are the lady of refined tastes :D.

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I am worried that I will be unnecessarily picky :(. It's pretty hard to be fair if your brain is used to noticing certain patterns in fanfiction, even if their use is justified and there is nothing new under this sun.

Can you specifically identify some for me, please? To see if I'm already falling in the trap, which is probably the case anyway. :p

You are the lady of refined tastes :D.

Still better than some scenes of the real canons. That scene with Mace Windu where Anakin turns to the Dark Side... Duh!

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Omg! It was my first OPS too :D. Spent all the time being confused and lost :o. Glad you liked it and the dread horrors of Styrak robes have not scarred your PC for life :D. This guild seem like they know what they are doing – S&V Warlords can be a PUG killer.


And I will say it again and again, usually the one who accuses others is the week link (barring some exceptions).


I am worried that I will be unnecessarily picky :(. It's pretty hard to be fair if your brain is used to noticing certain patterns in fanfiction, even if their use is justified and there is nothing new under this sun.


My SW reads as a "mary sue" (unbeatable in fights anyway) at the moment because that's how she's written through the entire class story, so canon... It's annoying but I am not making her any different in fights, strength in the Force etc then she is in the SW class story, she'll get her first tough one on Tattooine just like in the canon story. Maybe end DK class story stuff too she'll get some tough hits. Another reason I can't wait to get to SoR - KotET stuff, far more tough bits and tough choices etc, lots more depth in-story on top of what I can add in my own headcanon scenes.

I write average stuff (in my opinion, I have low self esteem and believe myself over anyone else) , but am picky about stuff I read. I think it's normal. lol


On the Op, yeah there were a few there who had done it so many times, a couple of us it was our first time. We got it done. I did have to spend all my credits on augments before I could join them but that's understandable, I can get those back easily enough.

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The BH does not shock me because mine is... massive. And scarred. So the voice is OK for me, tough voice for tough girl. And I do not have the impression that it makes her a 40 year old woman. My SW being her sister, I am pretty good with it too in fact. But I prefer the voice of my SI... which makes me stick to french because I do not like what I heard of the english one.

Well, that's probably because I heard the female BH french VA in CSI as Catherine Willows' voice, and VA is actually 61 years old so she does not sound like a 20 year old young woman to me.

Well, my 1st female BH was a type 1 body fair skinned that looked like she was 15, so it clearly didn't work. My current fem BH is type 2 bodytype who is a black lady with tattoos on her head and most of her hair shaved that knows she still quite young and tries to sound older than she actually is to be taken more seriously, so the voice fits better with her than the previous one, but she still sounds a bit to old to my taste.


My SW reads as a "mary sue" (unbeatable in fights anyway) at the moment because that's how she's written through the entire class story, so canon... It's annoying but I am not making her any different in fights, strength in the Force etc then she is in the SW class story, she'll get her first tough one on Tattooine just like in the canon story. Maybe end DK class story stuff too she'll get some tough hits. Another reason I can't wait to get to SoR - KotET stuff, far more tough bits and tough choices etc, lots more depth in-story on top of what I can add in my own headcanon scenes.

I write average stuff (in my opinion, I have low self esteem and believe myself over anyone else) , but am picky about stuff I read. I think it's normal. lol.

Well JK is a bit similar, except for her big failure to the Emperor, she's pretty much unbeatable in a fight (she's said ingame to have exceptional skills with a lightsaber and to have defeated all her previous masters), I guess Arcann is the only one who actually nearly killed her.

And I have a little problem here, Senya was always victorious in all of her fights with Vaylin (because clearly Vaylin sucks with a lightsaber), so how come the Empire's Wrath or the Battlemaster of the Jedi Order who are supposedly the strongest duellist of their respective faction always loose to Vaylin until the last fight ?

Or is Valko somehow hindering their abilities to make them feel weak so that they'd more willingly accept his power ? (never worked with my JK anyway, she's not stupid and knows the guy pretty well)

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Every time I post something the discussion is miles ahead! Paul, easy on that propane!


On voices:


My BH is a cyborg with a scarring on her throat. So it was an “Ohhhh! This is why she sound older! Retcon time!” moment then we were chatting about damage actually having an effect on voice :cool:.


Female SI just sound like she is barely holding back her annoyance at idiots that surround her for me, so that's ok in my books :). Sometimes she does sound less shrill – usually then she is not Dark Lord of the Sith.


But Female Smuggler voice – I don't like it. At all.


Come to think almost all my non Force Using ladies are cyborgs... Huh. BH had to have a reason to run like that in all that heavy armor, Trooper is Jennifer Hale, so she just had to be a Vanguard red head with upgrades (CHAAAAARGE) and Sniper with black glasses just looks cool (and will have some implants anyway even if not cyborg).

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Well JK is a bit similar, except for her big failure to the Emperor, she's pretty much unbeatable in a fight (she's said ingame to have exceptional skills with a lightsaber and to have defeated all her previous masters), I guess Arcann is the only one who actually nearly killed her.

And I have a little problem here, Senya was always victorious in all of her fights with Vaylin (because clearly Vaylin sucks with a lightsaber), so how come the Empire's Wrath or the Battlemaster of the Jedi Order who are supposedly the strongest duellist of their respective faction always loose to Vaylin until the last fight ?


I have a few headcanon points for the sudden struggles the PC gets from KotFE+

1- carbonite poisoning for 5 years, this had to have wreaked some havoc.

2- Arcann and Vaylin are stronger then the PC, and Satele points out how the different training the Knights and Scions go through makes them an enemy that the Jedi and Sith are not trained to face in battle, likely fight differently, possible brand new saber fighting techniques not the Forms that the Jedi and Sith use etc

3- the PC takes down the Exarchs fine, and those are something Theron says Senya would not want to face in battle.

4- when PC claims to Lana that they want to stand and fight Vaylin (during escape from Zakuul) they nearly topple over and Lana points out she's surprised that they're still standing.

5- 5 years carbonite poisoning, just after some recovery time either severely weakened body from using Valky's power or stabbed through the gut with a lightsaber, recover from that and made leader of an Alliance something they didn't choose and tons of responsibility, Valky tosses them around the Odessan Wilderness, so much stuff happens I fear for my characters' sanity half the time xD


For Senya and Vaylin then I guess it's because family / toying with Senya.

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And I have a little problem here, Senya was always victorious in all of her fights with Vaylin (because clearly Vaylin sucks with a lightsaber), so how come the Empire's Wrath or the Battlemaster of the Jedi Order who are supposedly the strongest duellist of their respective faction always loose to Vaylin until the last fight ?

Or is Valko somehow hindering their abilities to make them feel weak so that they'd more willingly accept his power ? (never worked with my JK anyway, she's not stupid and knows the guy pretty well)


I think it is because Vaylin wants to beat Senya in lightsaber duel.


Maybe as revenge that for all that times Senya was limiting Vaylin use of the Force – “You can not beat me even if I am playing by your rules.” Maybe as a take that for that training incident that landed her in Sanatorium – “I would learn to do what you wanted if you gave me a chance!”


Then it comes to Outlander, Vaylin do not impose such restrictions on herself and her most damaging attacks are the Force ones.


Oh and carbonite. And that saber to the chest? Valkorion distracted Outlander. Yep. Thats what that was.


And may, just maybe because Valkorion kids are overpowered and had a lot of training from hell. :p

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I have a few headcanon points for the sudden struggles the PC gets from KotFE+

1- carbonite poisoning for 5 years, this had to have wreaked some havoc.

2- Arcann and Vaylin are stronger then the PC, and Satele points out how the different training the Knights and Scions go through makes them an enemy that the Jedi and Sith are not trained to face in battle, likely fight differently, possible brand new saber fighting techniques not the Forms that the Jedi and Sith use etc

3- the PC takes down the Exarchs fine, and those are something Theron says Senya would not want to face in battle.

4- when PC claims to Lana that they want to stand and fight Vaylin (during escape from Zakuul) they nearly topple over and Lana points out she's surprised that they're still standing.

5- 5 years carbonite poisoning, just after some recovery time either severely weakened body from using Valky's power or stabbed through the gut with a lightsaber, recover from that and made leader of an Alliance something they didn't choose and tons of responsibility, Valky tosses them around the Odessan Wilderness, so much stuff happens I fear for my characters' sanity half the time xD


For Senya and Vaylin then I guess it's because family / toying with Senya.

Yeah I think the carbonite poisoining didn't help, and 5 years of carbonite freezing in itself may have had some side effects on our PC's muscles for a start, and considering SW and JK mostly use the Force to strengthen their own physical abilities, it might not be that great.

About the Arcann fight, I've no problem with that, our PC was probably still in a weakened state and I think Arcann (and even so Vaylin) are stronger with the Force than our PC, and Arcann is quite a competent duellist himself, so our PC's defeat to him is quite logical, and maybe Valkorion did not really help either, especially if you kept refusing his powers earlier.

But while Vaylin is clearly a beast with her Force powers, she's also clearly fairly weak with a lightsaber. I think in the short story with Senya, it's said that if Senya is able to defeat Vaylin, it's because Senya is a far more experienced fighter and she's able to see all the flaws in Vaylin lightsaber's skills, which should probably be the case for a SW or JK too (well, I guess the blame should go to the 1 story for all classes here).

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Yeah I think the carbonite poisoining didn't help, and 5 years of carbonite freezing in itself may have had some side effects on our PC's muscles for a start, and considering SW and JK mostly use the Force to strengthen their own physical abilities, it might not be that great.

About the Arcann fight, I've no problem with that, our PC was probably still in a weakened state and I think Arcann (and even so Vaylin) are stronger with the Force than our PC, and Arcann is quite a competent duellist himself, so our PC's defeat to him is quite logical, and maybe Valkorion did not really help either, especially if you kept refusing his powers earlier.

But while Vaylin is clearly a beast with her Force powers, she's also clearly fairly weak with a lightsaber. I think in the short story with Senya, it's said that if Senya is able to defeat Vaylin, it's because Senya is a far more experienced fighter and she's able to see all the flaws in Vaylin lightsaber's skills, which should probably be the case for a SW or JK too (well, I guess the blame should go to the 1 story for all classes here).


With Arcann and Vaylin it requires us training under Satele and Valkorion to get strong enough to take them on in an even battle. Probably helps that Valkorion went and super-strengthened our bond to the Force to the point if a force user Satele points out that the Force using PC may be the strongest of them all now. And relearning to use the Force in a different way there too. A lot of important things happened in chapter 12 with Satele and Marr, I so wish it had more info in it, and was longer, but headcanon will have to suffice for me :(


JK and SW are top combatants, with the lightsaber and physically, and as you said use the Force to strengthen themselves even more, it flows through them during fights. Vaylin and Arcann are less lightsaber fight, Vaylin more-so, and more Force powers. They inherited Valky's Force strength, even though biologically the host's kids.

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With Arcann and Vaylin it requires us training under Satele and Valkorion to get strong enough to take them on in an even battle. Probably helps that Valkorion went and super-strengthened our bond to the Force to the point if a force user Satele points out that the Force using PC may be the strongest of them all now. And relearning to use the Force in a different way there too. A lot of important things happened in chapter 12 with Satele and Marr, I so wish it had more info in it, and was longer, but headcanon will have to suffice for me :(


JK and SW are top combatants, with the lightsaber and physically, and as you said use the Force to strengthen themselves even more, it flows through them during fights. Vaylin and Arcann are less lightsaber fight, Vaylin more-so, and more Force powers. They inherited Valky's Force strength, even though biologically the host's kids.

Well, yeah, and you can then defeat Arcann, but not Vaylin when you fight her aboard the Gravestone (or maybe Valko used her conditioning before we got a chance to know if we would have been able to actually defeat her), and she's still weaker at that point than after Nathema, when we finally defeat her.


On a side note, how do you think our PC and Darth Marr survived Marr's flagship's destruction ?

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I had the impression that our PC in the KOTFE / KOTET is unreasonably weak. It was wild to me to see how Arcann wipes the floor with a Sith warrior. No, seriously. I understand that Arcann can wipe the floor of nonforceusers, but SW and JK?

If my SW was so weak, he would have made himself a hara-kiri.

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Well, yeah, and you can then defeat Arcann, but not Vaylin when you fight her aboard the Gravestone (or maybe Valko used her conditioning before we got a chance to know if we would have been able to actually defeat her), and she's still weaker at that point than after Nathema, when we finally defeat her.


On a side note, how do you think our PC and Darth Marr survived Marr's flagship's destruction ?


They're both very powerful, and it's likely the explosion knocked them unconscious and the droids picked them up. That's how I saw it anyhow.


I have no idea why we suddenly went from "you'll lose" to "you're the only one that can stop her." with regards to Vaylin, obviously we've been training super hard lol.

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They're both very powerful, and it's likely the explosion knocked them unconscious and the droids picked them up. That's how I saw it anyhow.


I have no idea why we suddenly went from "you'll lose" to "you're the only one that can stop her." with regards to Vaylin, obviously we've been training super hard lol.

Well , that's more or less how I see it too and this works just fine for Forceusers but non Forceusers, how did they survive an exploding ship ?


Well, yeah that's a bit weird. I'm pretty sure Valkorion is no stranger to that actually, he probably wanted you to feel extra weak against his children so that you'd want his powers, and in case it was not working, he was pushing you to kill them (maybe with some help from him) so that he could absorb them and use their powers to strenthen his hold on you or something like that. (which means a DS Outlander that always picked the DS choices and was always playing according to Valkorion's rules should never be able to defeat him).


Well, can see my JK spending a lot of time training with Arcann actually, I guess they'd both enjoy sparring with a very strong partner.

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OK, my take.


Carbonite poisoning might still be impacting us. But I think that they are mostly more powerful than us because they know how to use both sides of the Force. Marr and Shan tell us so. They say that we will need more than one side of the Force to defeat Arcann and Valkorion.

And the lightsaber wound doesn't work for me because my PC did not get it. She used Valky's power against her will because she had used it in the past (once? to save Lana) and could not prevent it (yep, that was a "oh sh*t moment with hundreds of deads...").

Arcann and Vaylin both have a big flaw, though. They do not know how to control themselves. Arcann is a trained fighter, so he is still someone who is hard to defeat. He has some control that his sister does not have (and I looove to see his moves in the cinematics :p) but he is easily distracted by his hatred towards his father. That is what allows us to win.

Vaylin is different. Valky says that she is the most powerful of his children and she is, but she is no good fighter and again, he hatred is so strong that it makes her do mistakes...


As per our own power, I wonder if Valkorion is not weakening us bit by bit by trying to take hold on us...


Marr and PC? Skytroopers have those strange pods that crash into the ship, making opening for them to enter. Perhaps a specific commando was instructed to try and catch us alive and left just before the explosion.

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Been CP grinding on my BH before my sub ends today. Might resub for the next double xp or if there's Arcann content again. lol. Hopefully, no maintenance until 5.9. If there's CC unlock for forum access, I'll get that.


On Nathema Conspiracy;


After reading Boyd's tweet, I assume someone would make another monologues over how I was being unfair about doing things; for choosing to side with Sith Empire or falling in love with the man they all expected me to kill...oops... sorry not so sorry.


I wouldn't lie, I'm disappointed that it will be another Lana and Theron show again. I assume Lana need to be around for when they'll finally reveal who the real Zildrog traitor is... who is obviously not Theron, duh...


At least, its a flashpoint and not an instanced chapter so I could still take Arcann along, take a lot screenshots and maybe write up some headcanon stuff afterwards. Still not perfect but hey.. beggars can't be choosers. Hopefully, nobody gonna come here and whine "I hate Arcann and I hate the expansions. You make Bioware do the content I don't like!!"... yes yes.. obviously we have that power here /s



On Vakorion liking you for his vessel;


I have 41 toons at the moment. I don't play the expansions on all my characters and I really don't like to explain why all class have relevance to him or to be Outlander; considering Ilum, ROTHC and SOR and ROTE also removed any individual class significance.


But in ROTE, its proven all non-Force Using characters can withstand Vitiate's mental influence on Ziost, why wouldn't it be much a surprise that Valkorion find that intriguing.


Among all FU class story, Jedi Knight have the most Special Snowflake thing going on... (actual trope, not the appropriated labels that Americans use) and Vitiate spend some time trying to brainwash Knight. And then there's the whole convoluted Children of the Sith Emperor arc with Kira and Jedi Consular.


Inquisitor does have the most experience. Darth Zash did use the same soul transference ritual against Inquisitor which backfired. Inquisitor does have Force Walk ability and can overpower several strong souls although Valkorion wasn't exactly an easy one to 'eat'.


Sith Warrior became my overall personal favourite to the story because I don't think mine ever have righteous heroic tendencies like Knight, even LS Sith Warrior still do terrible things even without the intent, nor unexplained overpoweredness that Consular and Inquisitor has. SW's recurring theme is Betrayal. Even before being made Wrath, the storyline set you up to be a survivor that have to be earned rather than given. Which is a crucial thing that Valkorion would appreciate... and like his other former Wrath, he might expect for mine to be tempted with his idea of immortality. There's also multiple subversion with Wrath-Outlander and similarities with Dark Arcann than I enjoyed. For me, this class cleanly ended the narrative threads since KOTOR with a full circle.



On the whole underpoweredness in KOTFE;


Unlike most FU classes, I always see my Wrath as someone who used her emotions as a weapon. The only thing that she have -that Arcann and Vaylin aren't taught to control or in Valkorion's better words "undisciplined." which I think is intentional so he could manipulate them easily. She represent the wrathful arm of vengeance and injustice against her people. She doesn't care about fun or glory, she do things because its a matter of life and death. She's a Marauder too and fought like a furious berserker driven by rage. Which serve her well as Wrath of the Empire but not against Arcann. I set her up to be a dark sider who have to learn newer ways of the force. Who better than a Jedi Grandmaster to teach her in the ways of the light.


Emperor Arcann is very single-minded about destroying his father's legacy and purely driven by his hatred and self-hate. He's destructive to everyone including himself because he still felt guilt over his most egregious actions (abandoning his mother and killing his older brother) that he felt the ends (killing Valkorioan) will justified the means. And he's like.. a foot taller and all hard muscles... it still take Valkorion's powers (lightning/healing in chapter 8 and shielding in 16) to actually survive DS Arcann. Whereas in KOTET, I felt that as DS Arcann again, he just gave up rather than keep on fighting. He could survive past that but I think he didn't feel like his life is worth living anymore. Not after he lost his mother who is practically the only one in the galaxy who love him.


In contrast, Vaylin is all full DS power unleashed but she lack control over her emotions which are circumvented by her conditioning which aggravated her psychopathy. But it wasn't clear she ever practiced the whole Zakuulan's philosophy and ways of the force. She seemed to only care about her wants and reject everyone out of pure hatred and desire to punish. I think if she have clearer head and wisdom, she would make a frightening sith sorceress ever.


And I don't think Carbonite Poisoning is a real thing... seems like Vakorion trying to make it like you're dying and manipulate Lana to urgently save you. He also patiently manipulating you into using his powers while consciously careful about damaging you further. His life is linked to yours.


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