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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Finale of the flashpoint. if it's another cliffhanger I'm gonna tear my hair out!

It will be. But likely in the sense of "What happens next with the Order" and not in terms of Theron. If it's a Theron cliffhanger I'm buying a ticket to Texas and chaining myself to the Bioware office until I get my damned closure.

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It will be. But likely in the sense of "What happens next with the Order" and not in terms of Theron. If it's a Theron cliffhanger I'm buying a ticket to Texas and chaining myself to the Bioware office until I get my damned closure.


ah hmm, I think the Order thing I'd be okay with. It's the Alliance and Theron I'm more worried about. Need some specific info on what's going on, I've waited semi-patiently for 8 months! (or will have by then) over a year if you count Iokath!


I meant more like, what the desired finale is. :p? I know it's a happy ending! Any Headcanon​? I feel like reading at 4am...


But I don't think it will be a happy ending! lmao. In regards to Theron, or the Alliance, anyway. Let me see if I can semi-coherently write down a fantasy ending though xD

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ah hmm, I think the Order thing I'd be okay with. It's the Alliance and Theron I'm more worried about. Need some specific info on what's going on, I've waited semi-patiently for 8 months! (or will have by then) over a year if you count Iokath!




But I don't think it will be a happy ending! lmao. In regards to Theron, or the Alliance, anyway. Let me see if I can semi-coherently write down a fantasy ending though xD



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In general what I'd like:

- Lana explains Nathema location, and Dr Oggurobb is highly interested in the planet using it as a focus for his studies to figure out what was going on.

- We head to the Orbital Base and meet a team, or team leader, that has been organising sweeps and scans to find the exact area all the stuff is going down.

- Head down to the planet, bump into the Order

- About halfway through the flashpoint Theron sticks his head up. Insists there's no time to explain what he's been doing and why but we have to go to x to do y before z happens.

- Finally confront Theron after the flashpoint ends, get some explanation about his betrayal being the only way to get close to the Order to prevent the near-death on Iokath from happening again.

- Get to say to him that though PC loves him and always will, they can't trust a word he's saying.

- Get a decent discussion about this, even if short. Vow to try and make it work still.

- Take out superweapon controls, or the weapon itself

- go back to Odessan to start whatever Imp vs Rep information on new battle is going on and starting full information network to find out more about the Order if it survived Nathema.


Mini-starter scene fic rushed paragraph thing. Because I was bored and tired too.



We found it! anticipation driving Lana to call the Commander immediately.

Safaia groaned as her holocom, still clipped to her belt, beeped urgently as it received the priority call. She rolled over and threw it against the far wall. It had been an incredibly rough few weeks and she was struggling with everything. Minutes later Lana barged in through the door to her quarters.

"Commander, it's important. We've found the planet the map Theron destroyed led to." Lana spoke firmly, but her worry about Safaia was thinly veiled. The Commander had thrown herself into her work, almost glue to her office computer desk taking a bigger interest in all of the Alliance's reports and anything that didn't have to do with Theron.

There was something else Lana couldn't quite put her finger on, the Commander had shut herself off from almost everyone, refused to talk to any worried alliance medics, and was exhausted all the time. She was currently lying on her bed, fully clothed and geared up as if she hadn't moved since she attempted to get involved the training arena the day before.


Safaia sighed, rolling off the bed and heading out the door, "fine. I guess we're already prepped to go. Destination?"


Safaia stopped in her tracks, staring at Lana incredulously. "I remember reading that it was re-vegetating itself. Oggurobb's very intrigued by it but... seriously? that's where the superweapon coordinates led us? I thought it would have been Yavin IV or Ziost."

"That is the location and preliminary scout reports are showing signs of activity from an unknown group, the shuttle is ready to go, we'll stop at the Orbital Station to check in."



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I'm of the impression that there can be happy ending for Theron. I've seen writer reassured Theron fans that they'll be pleased or something. Of course what the devs think of a happy ending may not be entirely in line with what fans want.

Regarding the alliance, when I'm optimistic, I think it'll be significantly weaken but still somewhat intact. Or that's what I hope will happen.

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In general what I'd like:

- Lana explains Nathema location, and Dr Oggurobb is highly interested in the planet using it as a focus for his studies to figure out what was going on.

- We head to the Orbital Base and meet a team, or team leader, that has been organising sweeps and scans to find the exact area all the stuff is going down.

- Head down to the planet, bump into the Order

- About halfway through the flashpoint Theron sticks his head up. Insists there's no time to explain what he's been doing and why but we have to go to x to do y before z happens.

- Finally confront Theron after the flashpoint ends, get some explanation about his betrayal being the only way to get close to the Order to prevent the near-death on Iokath from happening again.

- Get to say to him that though PC loves him and always will, they can't trust a word he's saying.

- Get a decent discussion about this, even if short. Vow to try and make it work still.

- Take out superweapon controls, or the weapon itself

- go back to Odessan to start whatever Imp vs Rep information on new battle is going on and starting full information network to find out more about the Order if it survived Nathema.


Mini-starter scene fic rushed paragraph thing. Because I was bored and tired too.



We found it! anticipation driving Lana to call the Commander immediately.

Safaia groaned as her holocom, still clipped to her belt, beeped urgently as it received the priority call. She rolled over and threw it against the far wall. It had been an incredibly rough few weeks and she was struggling with everything. Minutes later Lana barged in through the door to her quarters.

"Commander, it's important. We've found the planet the map Theron destroyed led to." Lana spoke firmly, but her worry about Safaia was thinly veiled. The Commander had thrown herself into her work, almost glue to her office computer desk taking a bigger interest in all of the Alliance's reports and anything that didn't have to do with Theron.

There was something else Lana couldn't quite put her finger on, the Commander had shut herself off from almost everyone, refused to talk to any worried alliance medics, and was exhausted all the time. She was currently lying on her bed, fully clothed and geared up as if she hadn't moved since she attempted to get involved the training arena the day before.


Safaia sighed, rolling off the bed and heading out the door, "fine. I guess we're already prepped to go. Destination?"


Safaia stopped in her tracks, staring at Lana incredulously. "I remember reading that it was re-vegetating itself. Oggurobb's very intrigued by it but... seriously? that's where the superweapon coordinates led us? I thought it would have been Yavin IV or Ziost."

"That is the location and preliminary scout reports are showing signs of activity from an unknown group, the shuttle is ready to go, we'll stop at the Orbital Station to check in."



Interesting! And sorry, I actually fell asleep shortly after my last post. :o

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I was at a Metallica concert yesterday and have to add

to the playlist today. I wonder why I left it aside until now.


I see it more as fitting to the process of building trust, first when fighting side by side, and finding it in each other (discussion from yesterday, how the hell do they come to loving each other), than to the romance itself.

Edited by Iheaca
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Samantha Wallschlaeger (Guild Wars 2, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Star Wars: The Old Republic)


I grew up on older Japanese visual novels, which used romance solely as a form of fantasy fulfillment for the player. Audiences expected each romance arc to follow an existing trope, and the games of that era were happy to oblige. And there’s nothing particularly wrong with that, but it frustrated the hell out of me, because it was fantasy fulfillment at the expense of character development. A romance should reveal character depth, not hinder it. So when I began writing romances for games, I made a conscious decision to approach the process differently.


An NPC-player romance arc is always going to be a form of escapism, but I don’t think it has to give players absolutely everything they want. It’s important for me to follow a character’s truth, and really dig into the unique way he or she feels and expresses love. When I wrote Avela Kjar’s romance for Mass Effect: Andromeda, I knew that despite being kind and expressive, she would never allow herself to fully fall for anyone. And I stuck to that, even though it would mean letting the player down in the end. And that’s just it—it’s okay to break the player’s heart a little, if it makes for a better character experience. Injecting that kind of nuance into a relationship makes it feel more real, and lets the player become more immersed in the experience.


That’s not to say I don’t use tropes when I write romances. I think they’re an excellent starting point—people like them for a reason, after all (enemies-to-lovers is my particular weakness). And in order to provide a new spin on classic tropes, you need to be a practiced study. I make a point to grill my friends and colleagues on why they enjoy particular kinds of romance arcs, and what they’d like to see done differently.


Even if a certain kind of romance isn’t my personal preference, it’s important for me to understand why it’s appealing to other people. It’s my job to provide every type of player with the experience they’ve come to love—injected with a little freshness to surprise and delight them, of course. Because being committed to realism in game romance also means being committed to inclusivity, and celebrating the myriad types of relationships that exist.

Thank you for the interesting article. It is very interesting to see how she builds the relationships.

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The power of Zildrog is with you! The power of Zildrog is with you!


Edit: There's a space station in orbit of Nathema now? When did that happen?!


When they wanted to not have the start of the flashpoint on Odessan. Apparently, lmao.

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When they wanted to not have the start of the flashpoint on Odessan. Apparently, lmao.


So we built a space station over Nathema, and no one on said space station has noticed the Zildrog ships heading to Nathema or life returning to Nathema to send us a message saying,


"Uhh, Commander, weird **** is happening on Nathema!


P.S. A giant robot called Zildrog is here."

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So we built a space station over Nathema, and no one on said space station has noticed the Zildrog ships heading to Nathema or life returning to Nathema to send us a message saying,


"Uhh, Commander, weird **** is happening on Nathema!


P.S. A giant robot called Zildrog is here."


I can't speculate here until the story content actually drops. Apparently no one bothered to send my Commander reports saying "omg Nathema has life on it again and it's growing SO FAST!"

And yes it apparently starts on some kind of space station. Whether it's tiny or an orbital station I don't know.

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After putting a lot of efforts in sorting my ideas and trying to make sense of all the scenes and headcannons I had in mind, I have started a fanfiction that, I expect, will have many chapters. It brings us back to when Arcann sets foot on Odessen for the first time after pledging allegiance to the Commander and the Alliance. I intend to explore the baby steps that can bring two former ennemies to become lovers while respecting (mostly) the storyline, so a lot of "behind the cutscenes" work I'd say. Here is the first chapter only, but I'll add some more in a few days probably. Hope that those who will read it will enjoy it.


From Ashes We Will Rise

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I can't speculate here until the story content actually drops. Apparently no one bothered to send my Commander reports saying "omg Nathema has life on it again and it's growing SO FAST!"

And yes it apparently starts on some kind of space station. Whether it's tiny or an orbital station I don't know.


I can see it now ...


Crewman #1: Hey, who are all these Zildrog guys on the station?

Crewman #2: Forget them, look at Nathema, the planet is coming back to life!

Scientist #1: It's a miracle!

Crewman #2: Should we inform the Alliance?

Scientist #2: How can the planet come back to life so quickly?!

*A wild Sutherland appears*

Sutherland: Can it resurrect the dead?!

Crewman #2: Who are you?!


Crewman #1: *starts crying*



Heh, that was pretty good. I should get back into fiction, not that I was any good at it.

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I can see it now ...


Crewman #1: Hey, who are all these Zildrog guys on the station?

Crewman #2: Forget them, look at Nathema, the planet is coming back to life!

Scientist #1: It's a miracle!

Crewman #2: Should we inform the Alliance?

Scientist #2: How can the planet come back to life so quickly?!

*A wild Sutherland appears*

Sutherland: Can it resurrect the dead?!

Crewman #2: Who are you?!


Crewman #1: *starts crying*.


I like Crewman #1! They have a brain and not afraid to use it! Promotion and a raise is in order... If they will not get killed of immediately so we can witness an improbable chain of easily avoided stupidity which will lead to Commaner sitting on Nathema in broken escape pod with no means to contact Allaince.


Heh, that was pretty good. I should get back into fiction, not that I was any good at it.


Wait, have I got your gender wrong? I was sure that man touch fanfiction only a) to make fan of it or b) to get a glimpse at woman psyche (which scar them for life, some things are not meant for humans)...

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Bookmarked for later, I'm also still trying to write my own, ugh. I have such a low-self esteem issue that I keep quitting. I'm also nowhere near the spot I really want to write about lol.


Wait, have I got your gender wrong? I was sure that man touch fanfiction only a) to make fan of it or b) to get a glimpse at woman psyche (which scar them for life, some things are not meant for humans)...


I know a guy who absolutely adores safe for work fan fics. Like , obsessed with reading them (no naughty scenes ones, gore fine so a lot like myself).

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I like Crewman #1! They have a brain and not afraid to use it! Promotion and a raise is in order... If they will not get killed of immediately so we can witness an improbable chain of easily avoided stupidity which will lead to Commaner sitting on Nathema in broken escape pod with no means to contact Allaince.




Wait, have I got your gender wrong? I was sure that man touch fanfiction only a) to make fan of it or b)to get a glimpse at woman psyche (which scar them for life, some things are not meant for humans)...


We wouldn't be stupid enough to build a space station over Nathema, right? oowww ... Maybe we've built one over Odessen?


If it's got a good story I'll read it.


Last year I was reading one called 'The Eternal War' it was set during the first year of Arcann's rule, in this version though it was Darth Marr and Satele who got taken to Valkorian while the eight classes successfully fled the battle to fight a losing war against the Eternal Empire.

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After putting a lot of efforts in sorting my ideas and trying to make sense of all the scenes and headcannons I had in mind, I have started a fanfiction that, I expect, will have many chapters. It brings us back to when Arcann sets foot on Odessen for the first time after pledging allegiance to the Commander and the Alliance. I intend to explore the baby steps that can bring two former ennemies to become lovers while respecting (mostly) the storyline, so a lot of "behind the cutscenes" work I'd say. Here is the first chapter only, but I'll add some more in a few days probably. Hope that those who will read it will enjoy it.


From Ashes We Will Rise

This was a nice read, waiting for the next chapter now xD


I should write some stuff too, but I'm lacking time riqht now :(

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Thank you all. :-)


I can only again encourage you to try, whatever you think of your abilities. But don't do as I am currently doing and spend a substantial portion of your official work time writing instead. :p


This was a nice read, waiting for the next chapter now xD


I should write some stuff too, but I'm lacking time riqht now :(


Next chapter is on the way, but it takes time as I have more ideas for further on the timeline that at that very moment. And I need to watch all the chapters again in order to stick to the storyline as well. Oh well, I guess that I am the most impatient here anyway.. :p

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