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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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That's my point, in SoR we had the wookie, droid, Theron and Lana through most of it, chatting, guiding the story, talking and interacting closely. Yes our class companions were decoration like on Makeb, and Ilum and anywhere not the class story/planet arcs, but there was something from some new main characters.

In Makeb there was nothing like it, and you couldn't get to know/get properly close to the mission teams (other then what.. a kiss with two of them and it ends as soon as it begins pretty much?). Only the main LI's for classes had ambient location remarks at Yavin Jungle, temple, Makeb plateau, slave camp etc. One liners from Vette, Jaesa, Iresso, Malavai etc (not Scourge, what a waste. not any non LI)

With KotFE in the chapters that had companion returns you had an entire chapter with them at least, talking, fighting with. And then KotFE ones got lines in later chapters too, and discussions. Alliance alerts got nothing extra other then a couple showing up during battle of odessan, and likely never will, and now we only have Lana left as a constant - maybe because people wanted kill options, because people hated this other character so they didn't bother doing more with them etc etc. Many reasons, not all based on "aah low resources."

Oh, it seems I misunderstood some parts of what you were saying ^^'

Yep, I quite liked SoR, I liked most of KOTFE/ET too.

Alliance alerts, I'm not that interested in them, most of the time that just feels like a monologue from the companion you're trying to recruit, and once you have them, they do nothing.

So most of the time, i don't bother going through them. It's a bit sad, actually.


And the kill option, it's really bothering me more and more.

While I can understand that some people want some comps dead (and to some extend that some PC would kill said comp), I would gladly kill Ashara or Jaesa, because I don't like them.

But, once a companion can be killed, if you don't kill them, well, they're just like plants standing in the background (well at the very least your LI still have some dialogue even if s/he can die, but nothing more), so the kill option feels like punishment for players who don't want to kill their companions...

Edited by Goreshaga
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The sad thing about HK's bonus chapter is that that's where it ends, kinda like Shae. We won't ever see her again as she's a sub reward. They're basically just as useless as the CM companions. Which is a shame.


Says who? they could always have her back for a chapter / flashpoint etc.

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Says who? they could always have her back for a chapter / flashpoint etc.


I suppose so... But I really doubt it. HK has been made irrelevant, after he died in a canonical way, but he lives in the bonus chapter? I don't see how he'll ever feature again. I could be Wong, but I think Shae follows that same pattern, even if she didn't die.

She'd also have to somehow be indifferent towards joining you, which would be weird as well as not everyone has her.

Edited by Eshvara
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I suppose so... But I really doubt it. HK has been made irrelevant, after he died in a canonical way, but he lives in the bonus chapter? I don't see how he'll ever feature again. I could be Wong, but I think Shae follows that same pattern, even if she didn't die.

She'd also have to somehow be indifferent towards joining you, which would be weird as well as not everyone has her.


meh, just one line it away. "bla bla bla, heard you need help, here I am."

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I found the little romance with Arcann very nice, but too short. I really hope something will come ... I hope it will not end like many romances, you hear and see nothing / hardly any of your beloved. The only relationships that get a lot of attention are those with Theron and Lana. I think a bit sad. :(
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It come to the attention of the Hive Mind that Order of Vaylin lead by the Prophet Paul plans to use Arcann in a resurrection ritual. While some gentle attempts to point to out that Arcann is not on the list of the ingredients required for said ritual have been made, Paul still seem very attracted to the idea of maiming our companion. In the event that he manages to guilt trip Arcann into doing something stupid, we started to plan our retaliation.


As a first step, we propose to smash the holocron containing the missing part of the resurrection ritual Order of Vaylin have been trying (and failing) into 42 pieces and scatter them all over the game. The missing part while vital is very easy, but due to it being so obvious it is unlikely that Paul and his flock will stumble upon it by accident in the next 10 years. After all they are too differently rational to think of such a simple solution.


Hive Mind calls upon it's elements to compile a list of interesting and hard to access places.


Let me start:



1. Sarlacc digestive system. This one may seem pretty easy, but there is a catch.


2. Right next to Makeb Endurance datacron. I do hope that it will not fall of that platform because of the quake.


3. GEMINI Captain. No, I do not remember which one exactly.


4. One fragment have a 20% chance to spawn on the 6 finger stage of NiM Brontes fight, but only if on clock phase boss turned counter-clockwise... It is brutal, so here is a hint – with every SI in group, there is a +5% additive chance to spawn.


5. The trader who cells MMGS will exchange 1 fragment for 1 Czerca crate-o-matic.


6. Senya pants. Good luck with that one.


7. Scourge empathy. Some say he is just a big softy deep inside. I suggest to start digging.


8. A fragment drops from a Chance Cube at platinum rarity. Oh and it's only Chance Cube you can get from Command Crate.


Edited by RandomName_Ru
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oowww ... you realise this means war?! :mad:


Phil!!! We need to light speed around a star, we'll time travel this problem away while creating more problems in the process ... while we're at it, I think we'll pick up some whales to play it safe.


This is not a war. This is what will happen if Hive Mind will have spare time on their hands. Usually the fraction of the Mind dedicated to scheming and creativity is busy with Arcann, but since you are so focused on taking him away from us... Hsssss!


Something is wrong if I have more fun being crazy on forums then doing crazy things in game. Side note -

Saber Reflect do not work on that channeled attack of last boss in Black Talon.

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This is not a war. This is what will happen if Hive Mind will have spare time on their hands. Usually the fraction on the Mind dedicated to scheming and creativity is busy with Arcann, but since you are so focused on taking him away from us... Hsssss!


Correction: Should they blood be needed, Senya will be taking the first spot on the alter. :rak_03: However should the blood type be irrelevant, pick a planet and I'll harvest that instead.

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Correction: Should they blood be needed, Senya will be taking the first spot on the alter. :rak_03: However should the blood type be irrelevant, pick a planet and I'll harvest that instead.


...I sorta like her :jawa_redface:. And I told you, a fresh Unknown Egg and 2 pieces of wood is a perfect substitute for all your bloodletting needs! The resulting Vaylin will have smaller... how the insomnia circles under the eyes called?


And if you have time travel, why do you not capture Vitiate? THAT will be one hell of the lure and sacrifice. Vaylin will show up without all the other stuff ;). Or are you afraid that he will be too hard for you to handle? You can always ask Ashara for help, she is your equal now :mad:.


For the record, no problem with Ashara growing a spine. I just do not like the implied – “I am your equal! But I will left the heavy lifting of saving the Empire and Republic to you! Nope, I was not having a bad feeling that you are in danger and may need all the help you can get.”

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Our part of the Hive Mind does suffers some disturbances tonight, but as recommended by the Hive we have put one of the pieces inside one of the 150 broom closets presents on one of the ships of the Eternal Fleet.


We will now resume listening to the Hive's playlist.

Edited by Iheaca
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Arcannmancers gen chat here. lol.


That said, I find its curious how people were like "Arcann is a virgin!" simply because he's sweet and a bit self-conscious about falling in love with you. I really doubt him and his twin brother are chaste. But hey, headcanon galore. :rak_03:

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Arcannmancers gen chat here. lol.


That said, I find its curious how people were like "Arcann is a virgin!" simply because he's sweet and a bit self-conscious about falling in love with you. I really doubt him and his twin brother are chaste. But hey, headcanon galore. :rak_03:

Whatever suits our fancies. :p


He says himself that he is not accustomed to romantic relationships, but I'd doubt as well that this gorgeous body of his has never been used at all. :p I tend to imagine that he might have had partners, and potentially even teenage loves, but that his years after the mask, the dark side, and as an emperor must have been different and probably quite lonely. Especially as his position would make people revolve around him for other reason than real interest. People only interested in power or chasing benefits. And some others that he might have taken just for relieving himself.


I am sure that his sweet little sister would have been totally capable of dragging girls (boys... whatever) to his room to cheer him up and then drag them back to the street. She seemed sometimes so concerned about his well-being... :D

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Love and physical relationships are two different things. I do not believe that Arсann remained a virgin. This is simply impossible with his position at the imperial court. He obviously had females (and maybe males), but the first one he fell in love with was the PC.

And yes, Acinа had a relationship with him.:rolleyes:

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I don't think he's used to being touched especially after turning DS. I doubt he would let others to see his scars. Which is a curious thing because Zakuulan have the technology (chapter 10) and he's powerful enough to do the magic Zash used to hide her true self.


As for Acina thing, I'm not even sure they actually have a relationship. In the letter, she's very pissed off and want him drawn and quartered when I took him into the Alliance. I kinda assume she (or Vowrown) want a consolidated marriage to unite the empires but ended badly. DS Arcann does have some standard. And I kinda assume she slept with Quinn too.

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Headcannon or mentioned IG? I don't remember.

As far as I know, it was written in the Codex.


For Acina it was a political act, not sympathy or love. She is a Sith, what feelings can there be in general? Therefore, when she realized that the PC was defeating, she immediately moved to his side and would agree to destroy Arcann.

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Our part of the We have put one of the pieces inside one of the 150 broom closets presents on one of the ships of the Eternal Fleet..


Ohhh, neat! Added!


Let history remember, you started it!




:sy_galaxy:Paulsutherland looses 25k Influence with RandomName_Ru.


There are few things I dislike more then twisting the information, Paul.


Say hello to your SI new love.


from 3.30 Edited by RandomName_Ru
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As far as I know, it was written in the Codex.


For Acina it was a political act, not sympathy or love. She is a Sith, what feelings can there be in general? Therefore, when she realized that the PC was defeating, she immediately moved to his side and would agree to destroy Arcann.


The codex (from Empress Acina) states it is just a rumor:


"Whispered gossip suggested their relationship went much deeper than mere political alliance though little exists to substantiate those rumors"

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The codex (from Empress Acina) states it is just a rumor:


"Whispered gossip suggested their relationship went much deeper than mere political alliance though little exists to substantiate those rumors"

Smoke without fire does not happen.

And I do not believe that an adult male, a prince, and then an emperor, remained a virgin. It's just nonsense. Either speaks of the character as an impotent or a loser. I do not think Arсann suits these two definitions.:cool:

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Smoke without fire does not happen.

And I do not believe that an adult male, a prince, and then an emperor, remained a virgin. It's just nonsense. Either speaks of the character as an impotent or a loser. I do not think Arсann suits these two definitions.:cool:


It is still no proof. Everyone is free to head canon what they want but even the game says it is a rumor and this is not a fact or proof at all.


And I did not say that this implies he is a virgin - I just said that it isn't a fact that he and Acina had something together.

I don't think he is a virgin too.


And I don't agree with your choice of words regarding adult males that are still virgins - there might be other explanations and reasons for that. And we actually don't know if Arcann is impotent or not - but it doesn't matter.


If you really want proof then someone with a twitter account can try to ask the writer about this. She might know something about it - depends on who wrote the codex.

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Rumor is still rumor. You can take it both ways. Sure there may be some truth to it, but we don't know how much there it is unless the game outright says so. Acina's letter about you recruiting Arcann is quite hostile if you didn't ally with her. Maybe he slept with her then discarded her or he didn't take up her offer at all. I do think it's very likely she propose some political union at one point though.
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