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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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You're braver than me, I think I'll pass on trying to get my BH and Agent though KOTFE/ET.


Not my first Agent to go through KotFE, and I loved it last time so am sure I'll enjoy it this time too xD plus, Arcann to look forward to, again, lmao. I just need to resist the Theron flirts...

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I'm about to have a nice cuppa too with freshly ground beans! :D

As for Thexan, obviously, he's attractive.:rak_03: But he seemed too calm, as I said before, I like the wilder characters in game! But after reading the short story brothers, I must say, I felt a time of "crushing" on the idea of Thexan, mainly because of his compassion for his brother! But that passed. :p

I do prefer Arcann, especially with scars and his cybernetic arm. Honestly, it's like my character said it. I accept the good and the bad. And I do.:rak_03:

I think that I find Thexan more creepy than Arcann in fact. He has indeed some affection for his brother. But appart from that he seems totally feelingless. I mean, everything Arcann does seems to be to get some attention from his father and he is deeply frustrated not to get it. He may be a man, he remains quite childish as well. Thexan? Nothing seems to have any impact on him, and I doubt that it is thanks to the same kind of detachment than Jedi could have.

I don't know... Did he foresee what his father was trying to do with them both (pretty sure Valky was silently waiting that only one remains).

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Not my first Agent to go through KotFE, and I loved it last time so am sure I'll enjoy it this time too xD plus, Arcann to look forward to, again, lmao. I just need to resist the Theron flirts...


Think of the dead womp rat :p.


IDK, some of the chapters are ok, but every time I see SCORPIO... Arghhh!


I think that I find Thexan more creepy than Arcann in fact. He has indeed some affection for his brother. But appart from that he seems totally feelingless. I mean, everything Arcann does seems to be to get some attention from his father and he is deeply frustrated not to get it. He may be a man, he remains quite childish as well. Thexan? Nothing seems to have any impact on him, and I doubt that it is thanks to the same kind of detachment than Jedi could have.

I don't know... Did he foresee what his father was trying to do with them both (pretty sure Valky was silently waiting that only one remains).


Hmm, I would not call Thexan emotionless. Calmer, yes. More collected. Arcann do mention that Thexan found a way to deal with Valkoryon trolling and manipulations. I wounder how.


In short story he seem to genuinely believe that Valkorion was trying to make them stronger. And he is surprised that Valkorion do not want to know how Arcann is doing after that artillery barrage.


But as someone mentioned, some of the Thexan behavior do seem very strange. Maybe thats Valky special way of raising kids. How often children will laugh at their mother for being “weak”?

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I think that I find Thexan more creepy than Arcann in fact. He has indeed some affection for his brother. But appart from that he seems totally feelingless. I mean, everything Arcann does seems to be to get some attention from his father and he is deeply frustrated not to get it. He may be a man, he remains quite childish as well. Thexan? Nothing seems to have any impact on him, and I doubt that it is thanks to the same kind of detachment than Jedi could have.

I don't know... Did he foresee what his father was trying to do with them both (pretty sure Valky was silently waiting that only one remains).


Probably yeah! Valk knew what he was doing to Arcann, I'm sure he wanted to try and put them against each other in the background! Too bad Thexan died because of it. And Arcann will always have to carry that burden!

But I'll be here!!:rak_03:


I'm such a geek, oh lord!! 🤓


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I'm such a geek, oh lord!! 🤓


Geeks rule! And on my side video games are only the tip of the iceberg. :p But I'm sane and do have a normal life (mh... the geek version of normal, real normal is overrated), I promise.


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I'm sure he wanted to try and put them against each other in the background!


He did. Mentioned in Thexan Codex.


Ahah, ok ;)


Just then you think that you are alone... I wounder how many lurkers we have?


I am sure that a certain boss in Dread Seed quest is a direct reference to Alien. That fight is the only reason I bothered with Acina more then once.

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Geeks rule! And on my side video games are only the tip of the iceberg. :p But I'm sane and do have a normal life (mh... the geek version of normal, real normal is overrated), I promise.



Whoohoo for a geeky side of normal!! /o/


I do wonder sometimes when the not so heavily invested in companion people side of the forums, think of us and the image they picture! :D


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Whoohoo for a geeky side of normal!! /o/


I do wonder sometimes when the not so heavily invested in companion people side of the forums, think of us and the image they picture! :D



They have their own stuff to talk about and feedback to give I think.



Ermm... I think it is something not very nice :p. IIRC, there have been this term used on old forums... Rabid fangirls?


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Whoohoo for a geeky side of normal!! /o/


I do wonder sometimes when the not so heavily invested in companion people side of the forums, think of us and the image they picture! :D


I don't know if I am invested in the companions or simply in love with meaningful stories. the latter I guess, but it translates into a deep affection for some companions (and others I hate). It would probably be less important if I was still roleplaying online, but I don't want to anymore.


As per how they would picture us. I have a pretty good idea, but I'll spare you this part. Anyway, not sure they all are better. I never understood how people could be so attached to in-game items or in-game power.

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I don't know if I am invested in the companions or simply in love with meaningful stories. the latter I guess, but it translates into a deep affection for some companions (and others I hate). It would probably be less important if I was still roleplaying online, but I don't want to anymore.


As per how they would picture us. I have a pretty good idea, but I'll spare you this part. Anyway, not sure they all are better. I never understood how people could be so attached to in-game items or in-game power.


I guess when I say "invested" I'm not actually sure what I mean myself. But I do like my in game NPC's a lot more than let's say the average gamer does! Nothing my therapist found weird though, she approves!

:rak_03:Me saying I see a therapist probably doesn't help me create a positive image of myself. Lol! :D

They have their own stuff to talk about and feedback to give I think.



Ermm... I think it is something not very nice :p. IIRC, there have been this term used on old forums... Rabid fangirls?


Yeah, but I know some do lurk here! , Your spoiler description is probably accurate! :p:o

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Me saying I see a therapist probably doesn't help me create a positive image of myself. Lol! :D

I'm done with judging people. ;) Or trying hard at least.


I am sure that a certain boss in Dread Seed quest is a direct reference to Alien. That fight is the only reason I bothered with Acina more then once.

I am so bad at remembering each and every place, flashpoint, quest and character... Especially as I have done most of it only once... or not done at all...

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For me, the npc's are important so far as they are important to the character I am playing at the time, and how major their part in that character's story is. So my Agent won't hold Vette in high esteem and may be cold to the kid, where-as my Sith Warrior sees her as a little sister she needs to protect. Big difference. I get attached to my own characters far more then npc's, so I love Theron as a character for my Sith Warrior because they mesh together so well for her story, but he does not have the same interactions with my Inquisitor who sees everyone as beneath her.


if that even makes sense. But yeah, my characters are far more important to me, and I get shifty about npc's when they are important to any of my 3 favourite characters, hence my Theron fears. And I will continually hope for more Arcann mentions for my Agent alone.

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You're right Asmodesu.


Same here in fact, even though I must admit that I sometimes have to force myself not to take illogical decisions, just because I want to see the scene. If only I had more time to play, that would be much easier as I could experience many characters and many paths, which is not the case.


But I get attached to some characters and storylines. Not SWTOR but some games really made me cry because of what has happening to the characters. I've been devastated by Life is Strange. But I love it, because only a good game with a good story can make you feel that and it has much more impact than a movie or book because you have a chance to be part of the story. That's what I love about roleplaying as well, btw. I just refuse to do it online, now.

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I don't roleplay in the sense of most people online would see it, but my characters have deep histories and depth backstories, extra addition stuff throughout the class story.

Swtor to me is my Sith Warrior's story, from her point of view. She's my 'main story character' I am very attached to that lady as anyone may have noticed :D , Safaia is my precious. Saf does help Arcann heal and supports him though his stuff so he still deeply cares about her in my headcanon, even though she's with Theron :p

edit: I do add extra storylines / events for my characters if it's left open-ended through the planet arc/class stories etc. Like my SW headcanon has Zyliix as an apprentice as well as Jaesa, and still keeps contact with Lord Rathari.

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I ask because I think a scene where the commander is given Senya's blessing and approval to court her son, would be awesome!

Yes, I would like to see Senya's reaction (at least in a letter). Of course, it would be ideal to receive a reaction from other companions (Lana, for example), the reaction of the Alliance and the noise in the tabloid press of the galaxy, but ... This is an unattainable dream in the current situation.

We will assume that Arcann and the PC carefully conceal their romance.:p

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I don't roleplay in the sense of most people online would see it, but my characters have deep histories and depth backstories, extra addition stuff throughout the class story.

Swtor to me is my Sith Warrior's story, from her point of view. She's my 'main story character' I am very attached to that lady as anyone may have noticed :D , Safaia is my precious. Saf does help Arcann heal and supports him though his stuff so he still deeply cares about her in my headcanon, even though she's with Theron :p

edit: I do add extra storylines / events for my characters if it's left open-ended through the planet arc/class stories etc. Like my SW headcanon has Zyliix as an apprentice as well as Jaesa, and still keeps contact with Lord Rathari.

I can relate.

It seems that for you, your SW is exactly what my JK is for me xD


They seem to be quite similar on some things too.


I sometimes image some trainig sessions between Arcann and Naeya, which does not please Theron that much :rolleyes:

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I want to upload it but I accidentally let it record through. Will put it up once I have a video editor that didn't ruin the quality.


They used TLJ music. My god, this is so precious. Gifs incoming! This is so much better than Reylo.





GAhh.... I better wrap my DA:I-Cullen-PT up soon and get back to SWTOR :cool:



Lol, come back to the thread and it has grown about 14 pages. Looks like it was a nice patch :p

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I did the romance with my sith who looks like Lord Cytharat from Makeb.


Lets just say it was cute, emotional and hot at the same time :)

And since this is my head canon for a long time, I´m extremely pleased with 5.8.


More of this please Bioware - well done!

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GAhh.... I better wrap my DA:I-Cullen-PT up soon and get back to SWTOR :cool:



Lol, come back to the thread and it has grown about 14 pages. Looks like it was a nice patch :p


Welcome back! :D

*Vader voice* Nooooooooooooooooooo.....


*watches the happy scene again *...


much better now ! the galaxy is in order ! :D


I refuse to watch it!! Not gonna happen!:mad::mad:

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