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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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it's the same as the Zakuul Knight armor, but with a different color scheme to it.



It's slightly different, the zakuul knight armor has a shirt over the sleeves, if that makes any sense. Arcann's crafted armor does not. :)


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For me it kind of confirms there was nothing going on between Acina and Arcann. As he said all he felt was hatred, and how this is unknown territory for him! :D

Wellllll... When he said that, my first thought was Thexan. I know it's not the same kind of love, but brotherly love was definitely there! I'm guessing he meant since killing Thexan.

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Wellllll... When he said that, my first thought was Thexan. I know it's not the same kind of love, but brotherly love was definitely there! I'm guessing he meant since killing Thexan.


Hmmm, I guess I interpreted it differently. Even with Thexan, he was still full of hate, and after his death it kinda kept groing.

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Hmmm, I guess I interpreted it differently. Even with Thexan, he was still full of hate, and after his death it kinda kept groing.

He was still full of hate when his brother was alive. At the same time I feel like he did love his brother. From my point of view, he let himself be dominated by his hatred of his father (and his father's lack of love for him), because that was something he thought he could fight or do something about. Thexan's love and support was a constant, maybe even something he took for granted (without realizing it; I doubt he ever considered that a time might come when Thexan wasn't with him). Just my reading of it!

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Great job on voice acting and animation :).



It was... sincere. Showing a soft and vulnerable side - it was unfamiliar territory for my Outlander too. Pretty terrifying experience for a Sith. And wonderful. And embarrassing a little. Like a dead tree flowering...



My fellow Arcanites, I come bearing a gift! Because we deserve love letters too. :p


I hope you will like it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14036277/chapters/32328981


I like it!

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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I'm so upset I can't replay this conversation whenever I want. Why devs why?

I frapsed the hell out of it!!


I thought it was okay and I liked that they chose the same outdoor location that you speak to Senya at for your first conversation with her on Odessan. I thought the kiss animation was too aggressive for the situation they built up between the player and Arcann, with him saying he was in unfamiliar territory and not being sure how to proceed. The kiss should have been more tentative in a similar style to the kisses between Theron and the character during SoR. I also feel that this needed a definite "to be continued..."at the end. There is much more to this romance story then we were given.


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QUESTION: Who gets the romance alert and who doesn't? I mean for people who HAVE Arcann already as a companion?


My LS Agent and my DS Inquisitor both have Arcann as companion (saved him and Senya, etc...) but only my agent got the alert. It stayed even though she had just rekindled her romance with Vector.


My Inquisitor did not get the alert. She rekindled her romance with Andronikos at the last update.


A little more info, under spoilers for KOTFE just in case.




Both, iirc, did NOT save the people on Zakuul in KOTFE and my agent may have (can't remember) let Kaliyo do her naughty thing in Chapter X of KOTFE. Both lost Koth, although my agent attempted to make nice with him while my Inqui did not.


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Do you have an active chapter? My understanding is that active chapters prevent the alert from showing up.


Some people who like to run with Marr or Acina as companions have chapters active at all times without actually remembering it's a thing. :o

Edited by Estelindis
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I frapsed the hell out of it!!


I thought it was okay and I liked that they chose the same outdoor location that you speak to Senya at for your first conversation with her on Odessan. I thought the kiss animation was too aggressive for the situation they built up between the player and Arcann, with him saying he was in unfamiliar territory and not being sure how to proceed. The kiss should have been more tentative in a similar style to the kisses between Theron and the character during SoR. I also feel that this needed a definite "to be continued..."at the end. There is much more to this romance story then we were given.


I liked such an aggressive kiss! It contained something from DS Arcann , that ferocious tiger with burning eyes. This kiss showed that Arcann is a male, not a shy boy.



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Ah, my Inquisitor is in the middle of Iokath ... that must be it! thanks!

I don't know if that's it - I'm not sure that Iokath is considered a "chapter." But if that ends up helping, great.


I don't think the reason can be that you resumed a romance with a companion, as my trooper who's shacked up with Jorgan still got the alert.

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Eric, how do you start the romance? I see nothing!!




Catching up on everything. Eshvara you made me cry with laughter at this post I can only imagine how frantic you were :D


Put my Warrior through, very happy and also very happy for my Agent who has her hubby back. Just wish we could replay it.

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Its been hours and I can't stop replaying the scene. I'm uploading it on youtube without cuts. Ultra and all. I need to sleep but I can't seem to stop grinning like an idiot. Its short but sweet and wonderful.


"What you said, gives me hope. When I see you, I feel something I never knew was possible before. I want to stay by your side through whatever comes. I've done terrible things, Commander. But if you can accept me. I want to become someone you deserve."


I'm not here. I'm dead in asexual hell with all my screenshots and gifs and romance novels to company.



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I'm still replaying the video I made hours later. It makes me incredibly happy.


Sad though at the thought that this might be it that it's all we might get. It's better than not having it at all, for sure, but the whole story only in flashpoints and possibly not having more big expansions makes me sad that we might not get more. (I can't go back to just getting the odd mail from him.)

I want more kisses, I want hugs, I want I love you's and I want people to know, I want Senya to know and ugh it hurts my heart.



I'll just go and watch my recording again to cheer up. :o

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Catching up on everything. Eshvara you made me cry with laughter at this post I can only imagine how frantic you were :D


Put my Warrior through, very happy and also very happy for my Agent who has her hubby back. Just wish we could replay it.


I was!!! Lol.:rak_03:

I could only do Androniko's alert for the first time today because of the same issue!! :p:D It never appeared until today.

Glad you liked it! Haven't seen a "bad". review so far. :)

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