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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Even if the alternative will be a Satele camp or bunk of private Shor? :p

Considering she spent several years on Odessen ans noone even knew she was there, it could be more intimate than the Commander's room :D

Edited by Goreshaga
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You are welcome. :) I think that the "Empress of Zakull" sign is another attempt to troll the big Brother :p. And what's your read on sibling relationship?


On a side note, my SI Outlander just found their room in the Alliance base. By pure accident.





"So tired... Need to find a safe place to sleep... What's is this, a congregation of assassin droids? Oh, they are guarding a doorway. What could be important enough for MY droids to guard? Hmmm, I remember this room. It had a datapad with some fetch quests. Wait, is it a bed?.. Wait, is it my room?! No one bothered to tell me I have a room?! I was sleeping on Fury, in the speeder, camping out in the Odessen wilds and scaring our troops to death by playing Goldilocks in the barracks! Someone is going to pay:mad:! Oh, a chocolate cookie :). Why Lana says it is not normal that I constantly find them :confused:? Oh well, a cookie is a cookie :rolleyes:!"


Alliance daily news:

Commander returned from Nathema. And they finally found their personal quarters. Boys and girls, you will have to come up with another way to initiate "fresh blood". As hilarious as it was to lure Commander with a chocolate cookies trail to a bunk of a newcomer and record the face expression of a poor sod finding a Darth/That Imperial menace/Outlander peacefully having a nightmare in their bunk, it did cause some incidents.



Sana Rae had a vision - "Commander should not be lured with chocolate cookies trail to our new "ally" quarters." Wait what? You tell me that someone was going to do give a "Special welcome to Alliance AKA lets see if you will dare to wake up Commander and ask them to leave!" greeting to Arcann of all people?! Nah, no one could be this stupid. Wait what? Team 42 seriously was going to do it? They already placed the cookies? The disaster will be averted thanks to Vaylin attacking Odessen... now? WHAT?!!


Well remember that you asked :D:rak_04:

First of all there's some confusion for me because of the scene with fake Thexan.

"I remember when father sent you to bring me home. You hated my cage almost as much as I did." -Vaylin

"Oh, I am. Clever, too.The thing is Thexan...You didn't bring me home. That was Arcann." -Vaylin

It gave me they impression that she liked Thexan (Body language etc.), but in that conversation when was she talking about Thexan and when was she talking about Arcann (Or fake stuff for fake Thexan :D) ?


Forgetting that part, my read on the Arcann-Vaylin sibling relationship is different depending on which of their perspectives your viewing it from:


Arcann- She's a sibling, not the sibling (Thexan) but she's the one that is still there. He seem to still be trying to build the future he originally envisioned, the three of them ruling. Proving their worth, Valky's folly in dismissing them.

Obviously they are down one major player now, the plans coming apart at the seams from the start. But instead of changing the plan he still barrels on with it, still tries to make it work. We know how this ends. In terms of an emotional connection, they have whats left from early childhood but it's not close. I wonder if he's using her a bit as a crutch/ stand in for Thexan? Apart from that he also sees her as a fellow victim of Valky which adds a certain level of camaraderie. I think he's trying to build something with her, but it's in it's fledgling stages. They don't really know each other and yet they are probably the closest thing to trust either have :(.


Vaylin- Arcann and Thexan are the closest thing she has to a positive family bond. Valky is her monster/ jailer, Senya is the betrayal that saw her caged. The boys are the only early family connection that hasn't been mired by Nathema. But it was a long time ago and was so brief when compared with her confinement, it's a small bright spark and I think she holds onto that. It's why she supports Arcann (Along with the fact that he was the one that came and brought her home in the end) even though I don't think she's very invested in the throne/ politics etc. Nathema has ensured she doesn't build new positive connections, so she's falling back on the damaged remnants of whats left to her. She remembers being happy, she doesn't know how to be that any more, this is the closest she can manage. All under pinned by her main drive...Never to be caged again. Distant but indulgent, to a point. That's how I'de characterize the relationship.


So yeah...Not sure if that made sense. You asked :D:p

Also Your Outlander's exploration of her base amused me more than it should have :D was just reading like, SAME.

Edited by DuskIsNotAmused
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Well remember that you asked :D:rak_04:


First of all there's some confusion for me because of the scene with fake Thexan.

"I remember when father sent you to bring me home. You hated my cage almost as much as I did." -Vaylin

"Oh, I am. Clever, too.The thing is Thexan...You didn't bring me home. That was Arcann." -Vaylin

It gave me they impression that she liked Thexan (Body language etc.), but in that conversation when was she talking about Thexan and when was she talking about Arcann (Or fake stuff for fake Thexan :D) ?


Forgetting that part, my read on the Arcann-Vaylin sibling relationship is different depending on which of their perspectives your viewing it from:


Arcann- She's a sibling, not the sibling (Thexan) but she's the one that is still there. He seem to still be trying to build the future he originally envisioned, the three of them ruling. Proving their worth, Valky's folly in dismissing them.

Obviously they are down one major player now, the plans coming apart at the seams from the start. But instead of changing the plan he still barrels on with it, still tries to make it work. We know how this ends. In terms of an emotional connection, they have whats left from early childhood but it's not close. I wonder if he's using her a bit as a crutch/ stand in for Thexan? Apart from that he also sees her as a fellow victim of Valky which adds a certain level of camaraderie. I think he's trying to build something with her, but it's in it's fledgling stages. They don't really know each other and yet they are probably the closest thing to trust either have :(.


Vaylin- Arcann and Thexan are the closest thing she has to a positive family bond. Valky is her monster/ jailer, Senya is the betrayal that saw her caged. The boys are the only early family connection that hasn't been mired by Nathema. But it was a long time ago and was so brief when compared with her confinement, it's a small bright spark and I think she holds onto that. It's why she supports Arcann (Along with the fact that he was the one that came and brought her home in the end) even though I don't think she's very invested in the throne/ politics etc. Nathema has ensured she doesn't build new positive connections, so she's falling back on the damaged remnants of whats left to her. She remembers being happy, she doesn't know how to be that any more, this is the closest she can manage. All under pinned by her main drive...Never to be caged again. Distant but indulgent, to a point. That's how I'de characterize the relationship.



So yeah...Not sure if that made sense. You asked :D:p

Also Your Outlanders exploration of her base amused me more than it should have :D was just reading like, SAME.


Thank you. I am glad I am asked ;).

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Even if the alternative will be a Satele camp or bunk of private Shor? :p

In the camp there can be a very romantic scene. Night, forest, moonlight and flying fireflies, heat from the fire ...

Waterfall, under which you can the shower together ...

It's much better than a dull bedroom!:rolleyes:

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In the camp there can be a very romantic scene. Night, forest, moonlight and flying fireflies, heat from the fire ...

Waterfall, under which you can the shower together ...

It's much better than a dull bedroom!:rolleyes:


Along with countless biting insects, poison plants, all that stuff that attacked you in Visions in the Dark, leftovers of Vaylin army and Darth Marr Force Ghost :D. And cold water is overrated.


I vote for personal starship. You can park it somewhere nice and have the luxury of hot water, food that is not burned on open fire, holonet connection, plumbing, soft bed AND since companions are gone - privacy!


What can I say... I know it is a game and everything happen without certain real life annoyances... but my PC had her share of sleeping on the ground (or playing Goldilocks) :p.


Edit: OMG, PC HAVE A ROOM ON GRAVESTONE TOO! With a PLANT IN THE POT! And some cables dangerously hanging over the bed -_-. And no door. Gravestone have so many doors, but noooooo...

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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In the camp there can be a very romantic scene. Night, forest, moonlight and flying fireflies, heat from the fire ...

Waterfall, under which you can the shower together ...

It's much better than a dull bedroom!:rolleyes:


LOL you're a romantic! And prolly a camping fan :)


( sry guys for entering your thread like that, i'm still waiting for the game to reinstall, new computer)

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Along with countless biting insects, poison plants, all that stuff that attacked you in Visions in the Dark, leftovers of Vaylin army and Darth Marr Force Ghost :D. And cold water is overrated.

We use a repellent for insects and shoot all invisible creatures.

Remnants of the Vailyn army will beaten before dinner, and Darth Marr will not peek at the PC and Arcann (I hope).

But this scene in the forest would be so beautiful!:p

LOL you're a romantic! And prolly a camping fan :)

Oh, yes, I love nature!

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Along with countless biting insects, poison plants, all that stuff that attacked you in Visions in the Dark, leftovers of Vaylin army and Darth Marr Force Ghost :D. And cold water is overrated.


I vote for personal starship. You can park it somewhere nice and have the luxury of hot water, food that is not burned on open fire, holonet connection, plumbing, soft bed AND since companions are gone - privacy!


What can I say... I know it is a game and everything happen without certain real life annoyances... but my PC had her share of sleeping on the ground (or playing Goldilocks) :p.


Edit: OMG, PC HAVE A ROOM ON GRAVESTONE TOO! With a PLANT IN THE POT! And some cables dangerously hanging over the bed -_-. And no door. Gravestone have so many doors, but noooooo...

Sssooooo much this ^ :D

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Please, pleaseee let it be in the Commander's room for once. it's only been used in break-up scenes or that one time with Valky...


Not long to go before we find out, but my sub only has a day left, I don't know if I have a spare 18 bucks floating around this week :( I better not be one day late to experience it *cries*

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I was waiting for this since Arcann became redeemed! I just adored Senyas courage and love as a mother, who only wants to protect their children. I really do hope we get to see more such heartfilled and warm moments with both of them together & even some commentary and teasing from Senya :D I kinda like that cute and protective side of Arcann towards his mother... And hope we get to see more of it when he then does finally fall for us :p I love me myself the protective strong Typ of guy <3
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I was waiting for this since Arcann became redeemed! I just adored Senyas courage and love as a mother, who only wants to protect their children. I really do hope we get to see more such heartfilled and warm moments with both of them together & even some commentary and teasing from Senya :D I kinda like that cute and protective side of Arcann towards his mother... And hope we get to see more of it when he then does finally fall for us :p I love me myself the protective strong Typ of guy <3


Hey, glad you stopped by and shared your love for Arcann with us!! :D Always nice to see new faces and there have been quite a few lately! :)

Welcome o/

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I knew there were far more hiding in the woodwork! and of course there's likely free-to-play people would join the ranks too but can't type in here.


Welcome! we're all mad here


Yep yep!! :D:D:D

*fingers crossed* good luck.


I hope the dialog will be longer than two minutes.


I think we all do! :) Well all the Arcann fans anyway. :d_cool:

Edited by Eshvara
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If it's good and longer than 3minutes, they'll be saying how unfair it is and how Arcann is getting special treatment.

If it's bad and shorter than 3 minutes, they'll ask why even spend time on something so insignificant as the Arcann romance, while resources could have gone to something more important.


The people who will be saying these things are, some of the forum usuals such as, [Names below] v


:d_cool: just kidding. MWHUHAUHAUAHUAH




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