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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Whatever happens in the game, we should start a romance short novell contest. There's potential in these twisted minds. 😉


I have not written anything fancy for ages, only strategic papers and commercial documents (yuk...). I miss it! Even though it would be hard for me to write in english so that I can share here.


I am not a contest person because I'm horrible at writing, but I wrote something long ago, I'll copy paste it here just to share, it's not much just how I would have liked the scene back then.. umm




can find it posted up Here with other stuff.


Music and chatter from a party in the nearby community courtyard drifted into the small, quiet room. Zakuul's people were starting to adjust to their new Empress, and recover from the Eternal Fleet's bombardment. The woman... Empress.. sat across from the tall brooding man, her attention thoughtful on the cards in her hand. How she had managed to talk him into a light dinner and card game he'd never know. She was special. Noble, strong, but also compassionate. He gazed at her for a moment and beautiful . She glanced up at him suddenly, meeting his sad blue eyes with her own brilliant green ones. He sat back, both nervous and embarrassed. She smiled slightly, pushing deep red hair away from her face.

"Arcann." her soft voice pierced straight to his heart. He'd been trying to bury his feelings for her ever since she'd recruited him to her Alliance. They needed no words spoken between them right now though, they each knew the other's feelings. Arcann stood up and went to look out a window, down at the party below to try and clear his mind, as always.


This time she followed him, placing a hand lightly on his good arm.

"I feel the same," she said softly. "you know that. We're connected, you and I. Arcann..." She trailed off as he stiffened, placing his cybernetic arm against the window for support and bowing his head.

"I shouldn't ... we shouldn't feel this way. After everything I did to you..." it was his turn to trail off to silence.

"Arcann..." her hand remained on his arm until he turned to face her, almost desperately. Distressed.

"I imprisoned you in carbonite for five years!"

"I know." she replied, her eyes soft. Caring. Why.

"I ran you through with my lightsaber," emotions choked him up a little, "Had the fleet bombard planets to drive you out of hiding, hunted and tried to kill you multiple times.."

He closed his eyes, the emotions and memories were too painful. And he placed his face.. his scarred face.. in his hands.

"And all that hate and rage that controlled you was healed on Voss by the mystics and your mother." Her hands were on his, gently pulling them from his face so she could look into his eyes.

"Since then you've defended the Alliance. Helped me against your father. Tried to atone for what you had done. Protected me. You are now the man you were always meant to be." Her voice was soothing. She reached out one of her hands, while her other remained holding his cybernetic hand. Placing her free one gently upon his cheek, the scar tissue that covered half his face not bothering her at all. She saw past that. He swallowed nervously. She was too close.

"But I..." he didn't get to protest any more as she stood on tiptoe, and pressed her lips against his, drawing him into a long kiss. Time lost all meaning then as he slid his still whole arm around her waist, pulling her even closer as he deepened the kiss. When they parted he gazed into her eyes. She was smiling.





Edited by Asmodesu
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I wish I can write. I have a few ideas but I know I sucked at writing so it just stays in my head.


I feel that way too. Sometimes I can put together a couple of paragraphs that sorta make sense, other times it reads like I chose my words by fishing word bundles out of an alphabet soup :D

I keep at it just because I want to, lol. I can be stubborn.

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I am not a contest person because I'm horrible at writing, but I wrote something long ago, I'll copy paste it here just to share, it's not much just how I would have liked the scene back then.. umm




can find it posted up Here with other stuff.


Music and chatter from a party in the nearby community courtyard drifted into the small, quiet room. Zakuul's people were starting to adjust to their new Empress, and recover from the Eternal Fleet's bombardment. The woman... Empress.. sat across from the tall brooding man, her attention thoughtful on the cards in her hand. How she had managed to talk him into a light dinner and card game he'd never know. She was special. Noble, strong, but also compassionate. He gazed at her for a moment and beautiful . She glanced up at him suddenly, meeting his sad blue eyes with her own brilliant green ones. He sat back, both nervous and embarrassed. She smiled slightly, pushing deep red hair away from her face.

"Arcann." her soft voice pierced straight to his heart. He'd been trying to bury his feelings for her ever since she'd recruited him to her Alliance. They needed no words spoken between them right now though, they each knew the other's feelings. Arcann stood up and went to look out a window, down at the party below to try and clear his mind, as always.


This time she followed him, placing a hand lightly on his good arm.

"I feel the same," she said softly. "you know that. We're connected, you and I. Arcann..." She trailed off as he stiffened, placing his cybernetic arm against the window for support and bowing his head.

"I shouldn't ... we shouldn't feel this way. After everything I did to you..." it was his turn to trail off to silence.

"Arcann..." her hand remained on his arm until he turned to face her, almost desperately. Distressed.

"I imprisoned you in carbonite for five years!"

"I know." she replied, her eyes soft. Caring. Why.

"I ran you through with my lightsaber," emotions choked him up a little, "Had the fleet bombard planets to drive you out of hiding, hunted and tried to kill you multiple times.."

He closed his eyes, the emotions and memories were too painful. And he placed his face.. his scarred face.. in his hands.

"And all that hate and rage that controlled you was healed on Voss by the mystics and your mother." Her hands were on his, gently pulling them from his face so she could look into his eyes.

"Since then you've defended the Alliance. Helped me against your father. Tried to atone for what you had done. Protected me. You are now the man you were always meant to be." Her voice was soothing. She reached out one of her hands, while her other remained holding his cybernetic hand. Placing her free one gently upon his cheek, the scar tissue that covered half his face not bothering her at all. She saw past that. He swallowed nervously. She was too close.

"But I..." he didn't get to protest any more as she stood on tiptoe, and pressed her lips against his, drawing him into a long kiss. Time lost all meaning then as he slid his still whole arm around her waist, pulling her even closer as he deepened the kiss. When they parted he gazed into her eyes. She was smiling.




Ok, now I need to write something to give another version. 😛 I like yours, though, even if mine might be less soft (no I don't mean mature content).

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Hater here came to hate.


Meh I’m not really bothered about romances but I can’t say you guys shouldn’t be able to romance.


It’s just not content that I find valuable and good use of time.


I do not consider new Op's or a new PVP map to be a valuable and good use of time ...but hey...you dont see me whining about this , now do you ?


everyone has their own "idea" what content is valuable to them....the difference is..some of us dont go around shouting that "what you want is irrelevant and you should **** " :) ....


Just saying :p:rolleyes:

Edited by Milishor
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"Useful" concept for each his own. For some, this is group PVE content, for someone - PVP, for someone - story, for someone characters and romance with them. But what percentage of all is to invest in the game, the developers decided.

And I do not think that the wishes of the fans are crucial for the developers. Maybe only general directions.

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Hater here came to hate.


Meh I’m not really bothered about romances but I can’t say you guys shouldn’t be able to romance.


It’s just not content that I find valuable and good use of time.


Your hate is not strong enough! Try harder!


Thank you for you input? It is sad that game can not cater to all, is it not? Are you a raider or PvP player? Or one of that poor neglected souls known as GSF lovers? Hope you will have something for your tastes in incoming update and that others will find it valuable enough for BW to continue to expand on it.


On a side note, I think that BW forums will not be complete without a couple of appreciation threads and fans running wild in them.

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Share it with me at least, then. 😛 My mother tongue is french too.

Didn't write anything yet, I'm waiting to see how the Arcann romance and the traitor story go before chosing between Arcann and Theron for my JK xD


Hater here came to hate.


Meh I’m not really bothered about romances but I can’t say you guys shouldn’t be able to romance.


It’s just not content that I find valuable and good use of time.

Well, to each his own

I personnally couldn't care less about PvP or Ops, I only care about story and relashionships between characters. In all honesty if this game was a solo game, I'd be more than happy

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Still kinda unbelievable how we're nearing 3k posts and almost 100k views.:eek: I guess we'll reach it on Tuesday? :d_cool:


Reminds me of the good old Thane thread (Mass Effect). That one had poetry dedicated to him BEFORE the game release. It proves the importance of ****** trailers :p.


By the way, what exactly views do show? I do not think that there are that many lurkers?


In all honesty if this game was a solo game, I'd be more than happy


Have you not heard? "There is no market for solo games. Gamers feel a sense of pride and accomplishment then they open lootboxes." EA. Not exact quote, but close one :mad:.


Please, Disney, save SWTOR from this devourer!

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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Whining? So now having an opinion is considered whining.


I mean the only person whining at the moment is you to say the least.


On it's own? No :).

Feeling the need to enter a romance appreciation thread to voice it. Thats heading into more ambiguous territory.


What was your opening statement? Hater here came to hate :D Don't get me wrong I like the direct approach but

What were you expecting, standing ovation? :rak_02:


Still kinda unbelievable how we're nearing 3k posts and almost 100k views.:eek: I guess we'll reach it on Tuesday? :d_cool:

:eek: Is this your way of telling us we talk to much :p:D

Edited by DuskIsNotAmused
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Have you not heard? "There is no market for solo games. Gamers feel a sense of pride and accomplishment then they open lootboxes." EA. Not exact quote, but close one :mad:.


Please, Disney, save SWTOR from this devourer!

Well Monster Hunter is not bad for that, you have a full solo offline part and online multyplayer quests.


Another thing that annoys me with the online only game, is that when my internet is not that great, i cannot play, or get kicked out of the server like every 5 min, which is really frustrating :mad:

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