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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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I'm just one of those people who believe the best love stories are more than just lust. Not saying passion is bad, just empty without deep love, friendship, and respect. And I'm no romantic teen! Rapidly approaching my 34th year. Edited by JakRoanin
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I'm just one of those people who believe the best love stories are more than just lust. Not saying passion is bad, just empty without deep love, friendship, and respect. And I'm no romantic teen! Rapidly approaching my 34th year.


I don't disagree!!

In DAI, I thought bull's relationship that was more lust than love to be extremely fun! And I wouldn't want it any other way.

Cullen was the other way around, it was fun too, though I wasn't all that interested in his character even though he was handsome! :rak_03:

Not to say Arcann wouldn't be nice with something deeper, but I do think, especially with Kotet, there is depth already.

You were enemies, you saved him after all that he's done, he joined you, and you and helped out with defeating Valkorion.

You get to say things that you believe in him and that he's a better man!!

While those things aren't exactly "romantic" it's quite deep, it requires trust and devotion. Imo anyway.


In swtor, and what we've been given, and what I think most of us are expecting, it's hard to see that there will be time for something on the level of intense romantic feelings! I hope I'll be proven wrong and that there's a mix of the two somehow, but with what they have to include alongside the actual [flirts] I personally just don't see it happening.

I'm not trying to be pessimistic or saying that there's anything wrong with wanting the things you want, Jak!!

I'd pretty pretty disappointed if all there was, was "fire" as well.

I don't think most of us want to see, "hi, we'll [your choice of words] okay?" To say it simply.:rak_03:

Then FTB, and that's it!


But for me, my character, I want it to be somewhere in the middle! Not one more than the other, and with time as short as it'll probably be, for me personally, that sounds about right.



I thought teens were anything but romantic? :p:d_cool:

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I'm just one of those people who believe the best love stories are more than just lust. Not saying passion is bad, just empty without deep love, friendship, and respect. And I'm no romantic teen! Rapidly approaching my 34th year.


It's... complicated. But I do agree that physical attraction can take you only so far. Sooner or later, you will have to talk.


So, the dialog, voice acting and animation have to be damn good to fit all THAT in 3 minutes conversation. On a bright side, I do think it is possible. For example Rishi class quests is not very long, but oh my have they been satisfying. Aside from Consular, I almost fell asleep. Again. JK in particular stand out for me.



“Every day I face pain. I inflict suffering – out of necessity, on those we call “the enemy”. It... eats at you.”



Not so calm after all... *


On a gloom side, will BW do it?


Additional complications arise from a fact that not everyones PC will want that - and their expectations are as important.


I thought teens were anything but romantic? :p:d_cool:


Ah, if only we could have more...


IIRC, romantic as hell. ***** too. Overconfident and insecure at the same time. Contradictory. Ah, good/terrible times. :p



* "Fell out of anabiosis". May I use it to describe JK from now on, MrJunay? That mental image is lovely!


***** Starts with an "H" ends with an "y". Second letter "o" and the third is "r".

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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But if it's really good, I'll be in trouble chosing between Arcann and Theron for my JK ^^'


And then BW will present another Force Sensetive option. Second most popular... JK only. MHA-HA-HA!




Maybe there will be letters like with all other interests? Even if it is sorta kinda strange that you get a letter concerning some important events from someone you presumably in relationship. At least Arcann is probably used to this... It seems Valky had some non conventional ideas about family interactions. I would not be suprised if Senya had to formally request an audience and wait for a year to talk about children.


Well, we might all be disappointed. I'd like something meaningful and deep as well, based on trust, respect but fire and passion as well. But I'll take what comes (in any case, the other filthy little betraying bastard can go **** himself! No one leaves my PC, NO ONE!!)


Hope for the best, prepare for the worst may as well be a motto of this thread :).


By the way, what if, by some miracle, Therons actions are justified and he is in fact have not betrayed PC?


About armor... I am not going for anything fancy, as long as there are faction appropriate colors, no spikes, no hood and it do not raise a question of "how can you figth in that?" very hard - it is good.


Rant about RNG and clothes.



Still saving for the Sith Recluse set. I think that one is perfect for any situation (for Sith toons naturally). But it is so expensive, that I will sooner find it in Grand Cube from CC. Even if game insists on giving me dancer outfits and ugly mounts -_-.


Yes, I just opened a pack from first Conquest reward and yes, it was ANOTHER elegant something. Why? Just whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?


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I'm just one of those people who believe the best love stories are more than just lust. Not saying passion is bad, just empty without deep love, friendship, and respect. And I'm no romantic teen! Rapidly approaching my 34th year.

I like duos (not necessarily couples) fighting together. Each one trusts the other with his/her life. It takes as well some deep instinctive understanding of how the other one works, thinks. No words needed, just a look. Each one needing the other far beyond only lust. That is the kind of romance I'd wish for this kind of characters and in the current situation of the galaxy. And that's why I hope it will not be too cheesy.

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So, the dialog, voice acting and animation have to be damn good to fit all THAT in 3 minutes conversation.

Honestly, I'm afraid for facial animation. In the KOTFE/ KOTET, it became simply inadequate. Even in quiet dialogues the PC starts to make terrible and spiteful grimaces. And if this happens in the romantic scene with Arcann... That will turn it into a comedy.:(

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By the way, what if, by some miracle, Therons actions are justified and he is in fact have not betrayed PC?

Well, now that my character has placed a bounty on his head, any coming back might be a bit compromised.:p I could not see her betrayed and just whining about it during their exchange in the train. She might not be totally sith anymore and trying to do what's best for the galaxy, she still has pride and cannot accept that someone she trusted just decides that he has to fight her without even speaking his mind first.

And I must confess that I never really liked Theron's romance anyway. Some parts were nice but something was missing. He was definitely not at her level. I had been thinking about a redeemed Arcann being a good companion even before knowing that he would be romanceable. A powerful man, a fighter (and not a range one), and all that goes goes with his past of ex bad guy, which is not that far from a sith having evolved.

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I like duos (not necessarily couples) fighting together. Each one trusts the other with his/her life. It takes as well some deep instinctive understanding of how the other one works, thinks. No words needed, just a look. Each one needing the other far beyond only lust. That is the kind of romance I'd wish for this kind of characters and in the current situation of the galaxy. And that's why I hope it will not be too cheesy.

This is what I imagine for my Warrior and Arcann too! You put it into words wonderfully. I love seeing them demolish enemies when soloing with Arcann being the tank.

I think the least likely scenario of the romance is that it'll be pure lust. I would love a mix of meaningful conversation and passion. I don't know if it can achieve that with 2-3 min. Maybe it's possible. We'll find out soon.

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And then BW will present another Force Sensetive option. Second most popular... JK only. MHA-HA-HA!

Well, I honnestly don't know how she would react to him having that kind of feelings for her. Considering he's been somehow obsessed with the JK for 300 years, she'd probably freak out :D

I'd give that romance a try though if we get it someday.


About Theron, I'm pretty sur at least for a LS PC that he's not an actual traitor but just doing his spy job. I might be wrong though, and so I'll wait to know how all that ends before chosing between the 2 guys.

I think my JK would forgive him if he's just being stupid with his feelings, doing things on his own to protect her, but she'd still be mad at him for a while. It'd be more difficult forgiving Lana if she's the mastermind behind that though.


Sith Recluse set, yep, it's a nice set, I have it on my pure blooded SI, and he looks great with that. Poor guy is in need for love though, cause I really don't like Ashara.


I like duos (not necessarily couples) fighting together. Each one trusts the other with his/her life. It takes as well some deep instinctive understanding of how the other one works, thinks. No words needed, just a look. Each one needing the other far beyond only lust. That is the kind of romance I'd wish for this kind of characters and in the current situation of the galaxy. And that's why I hope it will not be too cheesy.

Yeah, that's how I see that relashionship, I hope it'll be good

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Hope for the best, prepare for the worst may as well be a motto of this thread :)


Yep! I'm not expecting a romance novel. We also don't really know is what kind of person Arcann even is when it comes to a relationship! Maybe he'll be a Corso, or maybe a Quinn! Or something else entirely.

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I realized I already chose a new outfit. No dress, nothing too fancy, all black to play on complementarity (would that be the word in english?). I don't know if we will be able to choose the place. But there is one thing I'm missing...


What video recording software would you guys recommend?


I personally use Fraps to record (Raw file size is huge but the quality is awesome) then Winx HD Video Converter Deluxe to make the raw data vids a more manageable size (Do not delete raw data until you have played them through)

But I had to fiddle with both programs to get the best result (Worth it in my opinion, but time consuming and buying software isn't necessarily cheap or particularly straight forward thanks to websites XD).


If your looking for something more straight forward and have a Windows 10 PC there's actually a gaming recording setting included (Records at reasonable size, minimal fiddling) I found the Brightness/ saturation a bit higher than in game but you may wish to play with that and see if you like it before hunting down other software :)

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Yep! I'm not expecting a romance novel. We also don't really know is what kind of person Arcann even is when it comes to a relationship! Maybe he'll be a Corso, or maybe a Quinn! Or something else entirely.


well if that writer wasbegging to do this for 2 years or so, then I would expect more than 2 minutes. Maybe 3?

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Actually do you think it'll be unlocked similar to the original companions? (I.E. Unlock a cutscene every 10 levels of influence?)


Would be great, but I don't think so.🤔

What would that mean if you reject him, did they spend all that time figuring a friendship out as well? That's way too detailed.

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Hope for the best, prepare for the worst may as well be a motto of this thread :).



I'm not worried :) We already have an amazing character with good content that has tied into the main storyline heavily...Aaaand we have a forum thread full of fans who've been doing very well without any romance specific content at all :D Just imagine what we can do with a couple of minutes :rak_04::rak_03:.

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I'm not worried :) We already have an amazing character with good content that has tied into the main storyline heavily...Aaaand we have a forum thread full of fans who've been doing very well without any romance specific content at all :D Just imagine what we can do with a couple of minutes :rak_04::rak_03:.



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I wonder if there will be some kind of friendly relations? For example, if the PC does not intend to start romance with Arcann?


I wouldn't assume so, doubt there will be anything after that however. If so, more than just the "haters" will be mad.:o

Edited by Eshvara
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Whatever happens in the game, we should start a romance short novell contest. There's potential in these twisted minds. 😉


I have not written anything fancy for ages, only strategic papers and commercial documents (yuk...). I miss it! Even though it would be hard for me to write in english so that I can share here.

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Whatever happens in the game, we should start a romance short novell contest. There's potential in these twisted minds. 😉


I have not written anything fancy for ages, only strategic papers and commercial documents (yuk...). I miss it! Even though it would be hard for me to write in english so that I can share here.

That could be nice, it'd be difficult for me too, as everything come in french in my mind :D

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