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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Also I should probably thank you all :) I made some stupid mistakes in game yesterday (Playing when sick is a bad Idea :D) which will probably make my Idiot compulsive self have to restart my character :mad: I was so wound up about it, but I came onto the forum yesterday and the fun chat cheered me up :) So thank you :o


I've decided to do some Legacy renovating then get right back on the horse and start my character (Again :rolleyes:), You folks are the best kind of enablers :rak_03:


P.s. If any of you ever decide to make a forum thread guild please invite me -Insert **** in Boots big eye Gif here-



Why did -Other word for cat- get censored :eek:!?

Edited by DuskIsNotAmused
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Arcann better give me one of those cool looking big ships we saw him and Vaylin use ... I want one as a present, Arcann!


Get me one of them Arcann and the galaxy can go **** itself over your questionable history.



Hi Paul fancy seeing you here, I'm just about to go catch up on the Dark Empress thread provided you haven't changed the passwords :)



Also I want that ship :eek::rak_04:

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I was serious, but not in a "omg stop this nonsense" way, just a "I am a true, real, non-exaggerating prude. I have to remove myself from any talk about innuendos or s-word because it makes me uncomfortable being around that conversation"

xD Have your fun! I'll drop by tomorrow and see if it cooled off. I hope it can be more downplayed so I join in excitement on the release day though or I'll be left to talk to my cat about the scene :(


No-no-no, come back! I will behave!


On a side note, if devs will ever reuse Arcann's lines for romance - it will not be easy. In FE he a) barks commands, b) annoyed, c) too focused on his Dad, d) has a bad day and e) says anything nice only to Vaylin.


i know..and i didint mean her :p ..you know who i was reffering to lol (lets not say its name ...dont want him ruining this thread again lol :D )


Wait, Moff Broysc ruined this thread? THEN?!


What is this, people really go mad for that lunatic??!! Have to kill Senya every time just not let this monster roam free....If they give option to throw him out airlock, I would pay for it as I would pay for option to throw out another character from fifferent game, called Garrus, what wrong with you people... Jeez:eek:


Oh, no, I never heard that one before! I am going to rethink my life! /s


If you are truly curious, there are some very detailed explanations on “why” buried somewhere in this thread. Or... Maybe you "love him" and just need to "admit it"? ;) Do it! It will feel good!


Btw, anyone ever tought he is gay, look in hes eyes when he kill his brother. He think, what a waste... And how he look Theron...


Jeez, what is wrong with you? Do your research before you post something like this! Have you even played the game? This is not a GoT and Arcann is bisexual.


Also, you can leave Garrus on Virmire? Thats a new one. Is it a mod or lack of knowledge again?


I have no doubt Malgus will return. I doubt he'll be a romance option given his history and all....but a girl can dream.:rak_03: Hot damn!:rak_04:

I get too excited when I talk about my favourite pixels.:rak_03: forgive me.


Are you sure? I heard it was just a testing scene, since Blur had the assets?


Hmmm guild stuff seems like it could be quite fun, more so if you somewhat know your guildies...


Are Guilds legacy wide or specific to Alts?


Indeed, you just need to find that one for you :).


Specific to Alts. If you want to get another toon into the same guild, you will need an invite again. You also can be in several guilds on one Legacy (some guilds dislike that btw).


And why have you stopped playing?! What kind of mistake have you done? :(.


Arcann better give me one of those cool looking big ships we saw him and Vaylin use ... I want one as a present, Arcann!


Get me one of them Arcann and the galaxy can go **** itself over your questionable history.


It was Arcann's flagship and you have blown it up. Vaylin had another one I think.


Wait, you have some problems with Arcanns questionable history?

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Hi Paul fancy seeing you here, I'm just about to go catch up on the Dark Empress thread provided you haven't changed the passwords :)


Just thought I would pop in and say hello, or ... moan about wanting a big ship!


Watch out for the sacrificial daggers and the posts by the Prophet about keeping Arcann and Senya around in case their blood is needed for ... things. ;)


Wait, you have some problems with Arcanns questionable history?


Just certain parts, like bombing those 5 planets, killing half your loyal knights ... nothing major :o Oh, and giving up on your sister during the Odessen fight.

Edited by Paulsutherland
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Why did -Other word for cat- get censored :eek:!?


I will give you ONE guess. It is even more funny then filter targets innocent made up words from the game itself.


Хоть кол им на голове теши, ей богу! Просто слов нет!


They could at least TRY to make an attempt to be original...


Just certain parts, like bombing those 5 planets, killing half your loyal knights ... nothing major :o Oh, and giving up on your sister during the Odessen fight.


Pot calling a kettle black ;). And sister did not wanted any help :(. And "resources".

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Somehow it feels like the days are flying by, which is weird since I'm waiting for something exciting! It's usually the opposite. :p


Also, Asmodesu, I just realised you won something on the stream? Congrats!! :D


I won something "any item on cartel market" but I never received anything, nor got told if I had done something wrong and to fix what or where or whatever. So, technically I both won something, but won nothing at all.

Makes me sad I didn't make this name Ashaantha too, lmao.

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No-no-no, come back! I will behave!


On a side note, if devs will ever reuse Arcann's lines for romance - it will not be easy. In FE he a) barks commands, b) annoyed, c) too focused on his Dad, d) has a bad day and e) says anything nice only to Vaylin.




Wait, Moff Broysc ruined this thread? THEN?!



Oh, no, I never heard that one before! I am going to rethink my life! /s


If you are truly curious, there are some very detailed explanations on “why” buried somewhere in this thread. Or... Maybe you "love him" and just need to "admit it"? ;) Do it! It will feel good!



Indeed, you just need to find that one for you :).


Specific to Alts. If you want to get another toon into the same guild, you will need an invite again. You also can be in several guilds on one Legacy (some guilds dislike that btw).


And why have you stopped playing?! What kind of mistake have you done? :(.




It was Arcann's flagship and you have blown it up. Vaylin had another one I think.


Wait, you have some problems with Arcanns questionable history?


Yes! We'll behave, or at least hide it beneath spoiler tags -Looks around shiftily-


Who? :)


Join the love :rak_04::D


Skipped/ messed up some scenes, dropped some missions I should not have (That I can't get back) etc. Stuff that would not bother me if I was sane, you know :D usual XD


I think the Prophet just really wants that ship :D



Ack have aaallll the colours :rak_04::rak_03:

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I won something "any item on cartel market" but I never received anything, nor got told if I had done something wrong and to fix what or where or whatever. So, technically I both won something, but won nothing at all.

Makes me sad I didn't make this name Ashaantha too, lmao.


Musco will contact you on Twitch or you can contact him on Twitch

And tell him what you want! :) Just be sure to do it on your Twitch account so he knows it's you.


Any idea of what you want? :)

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Musco will contact you on Twitch or you can contact him on Twitch

And tell him what you want! :) Just be sure to do it on your Twitch account so he knows it's you.


Any idea of what you want? :)


Already done that on stream-day, and replied. nothing. lol, guess it takes more then a couple of days *shrugs* I'm pretty patient lmao, not worried just.. meh.

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Just thought I would pop in and say hello, or ... moan about wanting a big ship!


Watch out for the sacrificial daggers and the posts by the Prophet about keeping Arcann and Senya around in case their blood is needed for ... things. ;)




Just certain parts, like bombing those 5 planets, killing half your loyal knights ... nothing major :o Oh, and giving up on your sister during the Odessen fight.


Gotcha business as usual then :D


On a more serious note, I'm always curious about that. Revan/Malak bombed planets, And decimating ranks (An actual Roman military tactic/ punishment) Is a real world history reference.

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Already done that on stream-day, and replied. nothing. lol, guess it takes more then a couple of days *shrugs* I'm pretty patient lmao, not worried just.. meh.


Ahh good! When I won it took some time too, but I got my item. :)

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An NPC from Quinn story. Known for being very-very "differently rational".


I know, but Prothet can be more cunning! And Vaylin HAD one!


I like this differently rational thing, might need to give Inquisitor another go :sul_smile:

-Looks at forum avatar-

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Did she? And what happened to them?


And more importantly, what prevents the third one from sufferning the same fate?


Besides, it's not like Vaylin needs the Flagship to nuke stuff from orbit ;).


Unknown, either destroyed or flew off.


Arcann's ship blew up, but that's because he was suffering from a form of tunnel vision, not noticing his bridge exploding around him.

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