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Arcann romance appreciation thread! Haters keep out please!❤


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Wow. Your post means a lot to me, especially coming from another person that appreciates Arcann's character as I do. Thank you for the very kind words. I'm not that great at making videos, but I did want to create something special for my favorite SWTOR character :)


I'm hoping that this thread will stay busy/alive as more and more people get to experience Arcann and maybe even his wonderful romance!

You're very welcome. I've save your video to re-watch because it's so good. It's almost exactly what I imagined I would make for the Arcann story if I had any editing skill.

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Torian is such a little boy. I love the Arcann Romance especially because he doesn't go around acting like his past is no big deal. He's truly atoning for his sins not just sorry. He's proactive and always aware that he needs to keep working to achieve goodness and stick to the morally righteous and compassionate path. He doesn't expect to be embraced by the people he's hurt, and has no desire to try and get that, he simply wants to as much as he can to clean up the mess he made.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I love Torian's romance in spite of the fact that he's so young and dreamy-eyed. I think it just fits so well into the BH story.


My second favorite is the much-maligned "he's so boring" Lt. iresso. I love him so much because he's just a normal guy with PTSD, and he and the Consular really do have a wonderful relationship.

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I love reading the responses here!


Question for you all: did you choose to send Arcann to investigate

the planet where Darth Nul's relic was first discovered?



I said yes on pretty much all of my toons and I'm hoping now I won't regret it ie I hope nothing happens to him. What did you all pick for that choice?

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I love reading the responses here!


Question for you all: did you choose to send Arcann to investigate

the planet where Darth Nul's relic was first discovered?



Edited to add the letter:

I said yes on pretty much all of my toons and I'm hoping now I won't regret it ie I hope nothing happens to him. What did you all pick for that choice?


Some of my characters don't have Arcann because I did a terrible thing, however, all my characters who do have him I'm sending. I've already sent my romanced Arcann. I thought he sent a letter but I can't find a copy in my screenshots; if I do I'll post it. I really hope he hasn't been sent to his doom now you mention it. It had not occurred to me that something might happen to him. I mean they already allow you to kill Arcann, surely they don't need a second time :rolleyes:


Here's Arcann's Letter after he's sent on the mission if you romanced him.


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Some of my characters don't have Arcann because I did a terrible thing, however, all my characters who do have him I'm sending. I've already sent my romanced Arcann. I thought he sent a letter but I can't find a copy in my screenshots; if I do I'll post it. I really hope he hasn't been sent to his doom now you mention it. It had not occurred to me that something might happen to him. I mean they already allow you to kill Arcann, surely they don't need a second time :rolleyes:


Here's Arcann's Letter after he's sent on the mission if you romanced him.


Oh my gosh I really hope you are right! I've been

sending him to the planet on all of my toons, not even thinking about possible consequences :confused: I did go through the conversation choices and exited out of them and option three is super nasty. Your character says something along the lines of "I can't trust Arcann to handle something this important". Ooof. :(



I was wondering if he would find out that you said such things about him and didn't trust him, but I can't bring myself to choose that option.

Especially since Zenith sends your character a hateful email if you are an imperial toon and try to "use him". I legit thought I was going to get a chance to interact with Zenith on that toon - nothing malicious was intended! Not trying to have something like that happen with Arcann.



I LOVE the letters that Arcann sends your character. They are absolutely wonderful!!

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It's so nice to see this thread resurrected! It's making me feel quite nostalgic :o


Since SWTOR's ten year anniversary is right around the corner, I made this Arcann tribute video to celebrate my favorite character (and romance). Thought you might enjoy it.



It is honestly amazing to think that a relationship that was founded on jealousy and mutual dislike ended up turning into one of the most respectful, passionate, and deep romances in the game. It is my personal favorite romance in the game followed closely by the trooper + Jorgan.


Arcann's VA sent me a tweet today saying that more Arcann content is coming soon. I'm beyond stoked. Here we go! <3


Your video is wonderful! It got a bunch of clicks and a like from me :) I really like how seamlessly the soundtracks you selected blend into each other. And the scene where your Outlander wakes up from a nightmare about fighting him (5:12-5:14) is so sweet and well-made.


Thank you soooo much for letting us know that there's more Arcann content coming soon! I am also beyond stoked :o Also, what magic powers do you possess to get Dellums to give you these personal updates? I'm jealous, lol :p;)

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As glad as I am to know we'll get more Arcann Content, I want a cutscene where Senya gives us her blessing. Satele kinda gives one to Theron's Romance, my JC would love to know her (hopefully) future mother-in-law is happy Arcann and Gia-Sade chose each other.
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It's so nice to see this thread resurrected! It's making me feel quite nostalgic :o




Your video is wonderful! It got a bunch of clicks and a like from me :) I really like how seamlessly the soundtracks you selected blend into each other. And the scene where your Outlander wakes up from a nightmare about fighting him (5:12-5:14) is so sweet and well-made.


Thank you soooo much for letting us know that there's more Arcann content coming soon! I am also beyond stoked :o Also, what magic powers do you possess to get Dellums to give you these personal updates? I'm jealous, lol :p;)


WOW. You are all so incredibly kind! Thanks for the kind words regarding my Arcann video! I'm so glad to see you back, Witchglove. I hope we can keep this thread alive :)


I found two amazing Star Wars tracks on a SW orchestrator's youtube page and used them in conjunction with a track from SWTOR itself (the Voss cleansing scene) to make one long Arcann tribute that I thought fit the emotions that we see him go through! As for Dellums, I think he's like one of my three Twitter followers. He really enjoyed the Arcann video that I shared so that's a bonus.


Thanks again for the wonderful feedback and I hope you stick around the thread here! Arcann is the best! <3

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As glad as I am to know we'll get more Arcann Content, I want a cutscene where Senya gives us her blessing. Satele kinda gives one to Theron's Romance, my JC would love to know her (hopefully) future mother-in-law is happy Arcann and Gia-Sade chose each other.


Jak, you bring up a point, coincidentally, that I was going to post here about today.


Has anyone here ever received an email from Senya regarding your relationship with Arcann?

I found a letter in the game files yesterday from Senya to the player's character and I have NEVER, EVER seen it before on any of the numerous times that I romanced Arcann on a variety of toons. It is INSANELY hilarious and I love it to death.



Has anyone ever received this letter before?


I additionally found and read through all of the other letters that various characters send to your toon after you break things off with them to start a relationship with Arcann. SUPER interesting to say the least. :D

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No, I can't say I've seen that letter, but posting datamined information on the Forums is against ToS. That said I could never breakup with one comp to romance another, even Arcann. My Jedi will always be Kira's husband. My SW will always be Vette's husband. My Fem Agent will always be Vector's wife. If Shara Jenn ever comes back my Male Agent will marry her. My BH will always be Theron's wife. My JC belongs to Arcann.
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Jak, you bring up a point, coincidentally, that I was going to post here about today.


Has anyone here ever received an email from Senya regarding your relationship with Arcann?

I found a letter in the game files yesterday from Senya to the player's character and I have NEVER, EVER seen it before on any of the numerous times that I romanced Arcann on a variety of toons. It is INSANELY hilarious and I love it to death.



Has anyone ever received this letter before?


I additionally found and read through all of the other letters that various characters send to your toon after you break things off with them to start a relationship with Arcann. SUPER interesting to say the least. :D

What?! :eek: I don't remember seeing anything like this. Are you able to share the text of it in spoiler tags?

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What?! :eek: I don't remember seeing anything like this. Are you able to share the text of it in spoiler tags?


I can DM you the contents of Senya's letter if you'd like! I have no interest in getting banned :) Otherwise, feel free to message me on Discord (Ghet2DaCHOPPAAA#6206) and we can chat.

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No, I can't say I've seen that letter, but posting datamined information on the Forums is against ToS. That said I could never breakup with one comp to romance another, even Arcann. My Jedi will always be Kira's husband. My SW will always be Vette's husband. My Fem Agent will always be Vector's wife. If Shara Jenn ever comes back my Male Agent will marry her. My BH will always be Theron's wife. My JC belongs to Arcann.


Let me know if you'd like to know the contents of Senya's letter and I'll reach out. I think you will enjoy what it brings to your characters and their relationships with Arcann and Senya <3

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Romance is all well and good, but it shouldn't define Arcann's growth. One thing I'd like to see is him gaining some perspective on Thexan and what happened. The mini-movie clearly shows that Arcann didn't deliberately and cold-bloodedly murder his twin, nor can Thexan be the Paragon of perfection Arcann sees him as being. I hope it's explored at some point.


PS. I also think Senya should be Odessen's Senator on the Pub side but I don't see that happening either.

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Romance is all well and good, but it shouldn't define Arcann's growth. One thing I'd like to see is him gaining some perspective on Thexan and what happened. The mini-movie clearly shows that Arcann didn't deliberately and cold-bloodedly murder his twin, nor can Thexan be the Paragon of perfection Arcann sees him as being. I hope it's explored at some point.


PS. I also think Senya should be Odessen's Senator on the Pub side but I don't see that happening either.


I completely concur. There's still so much that I hope for in regard to these special characters. All we really have regarding Arcann and his reflections on what he did to Thexan come from his letters to the player. A deeper dive into how he's coping with this reality now that he's been redeemed would be wholeheartedly welcomed.


I'd also like to see acknowledgement by both the player character and Arcann that, between the two of you, you've killed most of his family... :( There have to be some lingering feelings and emotions there that can be explored.

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You are all so incredibly kind! Thanks for the kind words regarding my Arcann video! I'm so glad to see you back, Witchglove. I hope we can keep this thread alive :)


Thanks! :) I had to unsubscribe for awhile, but I'm back in anticipation of 7.0 and (I expect) a good while after!

I hope we can keep the thread alive, too. It always had a really good vibe. I feel like the people posting here are always interested in quite deep conversations about Arcann's character, also beyond the romance (as Jak just pointed out). Arcann's fans are the best! ;)


I just love seeing people's creations :) I can't remember if I've shared it here before, but I made a little Arcann Funko pop and 3D printed his mask ages ago :p


Regarding Senya's letter (which I've also bookmarked - a shame we're not allowed to share it here), I'm really curious about why it never made it into the game. It seems like such a waste, especially as it also gives more insight into his character.


Not only would I also love to see Senya acknowledge our relationship with Arcann and give us her blessing, but I would love to see her interact more with him as well. As far as I recall, we never actually see the two of them speaking directly to each other (though we do see them supporting each other silently). I guess we're supposed to infer that they talked about Thexan, Vaylin, Valkorion and everything Arcann did as emperor, but I would really have liked to see just a glimpse of those conversations. Senya does send that letter post-Echoes of Oblivion which indicates that she is not comfortable speaking to Arcann about Vaylin. I think her phrasing is that "he is carrying so much guilt already." That makes me wonder if they are able to talk about Vaylin at all, or even Thexan.


I completely agree with Jak. We need to see more of Arcann actually dealing with his past. It's pretty integral to believing that he would even be capable of a functional romantic relationship (or any kind of life, really). I felt like Echoes of Oblivion was a step in the right direction, but it also gives me the distinct impression that he (still) relies heavily on our character for emotional support. I'm not against that at all, but I want to see more difficult topics discussed between them.



if Vaylin makes a return using Syl as her vessel, that will create an opportunity to deal with some of all this? I hope so!


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I can DM you the contents of Senya's letter if you'd like! I have no interest in getting banned :) Otherwise, feel free to message me on Discord (Ghet2DaCHOPPAAA#6206) and we can chat.

PM me the juicy details here please! I avoid Discord at all costs. I did a search for the letter but came up empty.

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So, I have quite a collection of letters here that offer us more details regarding Arcann's character and his relationships/interactions with other characters. The problem is that I haven't done all of these other romances in the game and I don't know if these letters are things that you actually receive in the live game.


I'd love to post them all in here to discuss, but I don't want to cause any problems.


The letters are from the following characters:

Aric Jorgan

Kaliyo Djannis


Torian Cadera

Malavai Quinn

Elara Dorne

Raina Temple

Vector Hyllus


Corso Riggs

Ashara Zavros

Andronikos Revel

Kira Carsen

Lord Scourge

Felix Iresso

Jaesa (light/dark)


Granted a few listed above seem more generic in nature, however, quite a few directly discuss Arcann in interesting ways. Anyone recall getting any letters from these companions after romancing Arcann?

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Arcann needs a village not just his relationships with Senya and PC to remake his life. Out of all the characters we interact which ones are the most qualified and willing to do so?


This is such a great point. Who else could Arcann even look to for support while attempting to rebuild/redefine his life?


Depending on the player's choices and story, they likely encountered their fair share of betrayals and backstabbing, maybe even "turned their lives around" at some point (such as in the Warrior's story on Tatooine). The only thing that is guaranteed is that the player supported Senya at that pivotal moment on Voss.


What other characters have gone through such a turbulent and devastating storyline like Arcann's, emerging redeemed - repentant and self-aware of their previous crimes and transgressions? Lord Scourge made a 'turn around' in regards to his path, however, I can't think of any other prominent character at the moment that has been through anything remotely similar and could be deemed to be 'qualified' to help in Arcann's continued transition to his new life/reality.


Senya is, and continues to be, a rock for him, giving Arcann the love and support that he needs (and needed growing up :( ).


What do you all think?

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Be safe don't post the letters on the Forums if you haven't screen-shot them in-game. You could get banned.


I don't necessarily think anyone has to go through trauma the way Arcann has to help him heal. It's more a matter of being willing to offer support. Frankly I wouldn't blame most of our Comps for not doing so, (Arcann did cause galactic-wide suffering) however there are some from each class I can see volunteering their time to help.


JK Companions:


Kira: Hear me out, she's a former 'child of the Emperor' that was bad. As she put it herself, she was "treated like a droid" I can see her telling Arcann off for freezing her Master/Best Friend/Spouse, then saying. "OK, lets get to work cleaning the mess you made, you might want to start ----- if you feel the need to unleash destruction. I'll be here if you need help."


T7: The stories that droid could tell about former Jedi, and the bad guys who made good. Besides, as Mission Vao once said, "Droids don't hold grudges."


Rusk: Would stay away, he doesn't do forgiveness.


Scourge: He'd say, "The only reason I don't kill you is because JK wouldn't like it. That said maybe underneath your childish exterior there might be potential. Meet me for sparring at dawn, don't be late."


Doc: "Don't you people have doctors on Zakuul your arm is terrible and your face! No wonder you burned down half the galaxy." Then he'd remember who he was talking to and run.

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This is such a great point. Who else could Arcann even look to for support while attempting to rebuild/redefine his life?



Imagine how morally corrupt player character has to be to even give him this option. This fella is a mass murderer on galactic scale, bombing entire planets to ashes cause of some daddy issues. Yet, he reconnected with his mom and is liked by PlayerChar, so apparently it is all alright now. Suffering and death of millions of innocent don't matter at all, since player char, on personal level, happens to like him and his mom! I suppose this suits DS Sith playthroughs and perhaps Sith Society as a whole quite well. It is bit crazy how the option to hand him over for some well deserved execution isn't a thing. If world followed some internal logic of its own, LS Republic character forgiving Arcann would prolly cause major civil unrest, even more death, bombed planets distancing themselves from Republic...


It'd also render Playerchar such as some Jedi negotiator too morally corrupt to get anything done. "Oh, YOU of all people gonna come here lecture about justice and what is right? gg.."


I would have liked this more had BW written surviial of Arcann into a secret. Saving Arcann and shielding him from justice should have been a huge dififcult decision for the player. Lying to the world Arcann is dead, while hiding him in some Onderon cave, PC struggling with their massive hypocrisy, selfishness and moral corruption while falling to them kissable lips. It'd be a nice story about falling to DS for playerchar. Perhaps having to kill few Alliance members who discovered the truth.. Stuff like this would be a logical price and cost for "eh, I wanna keep him!"

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I would have liked this more had BW written surviial of Arcann into a secret. Saving Arcann and shielding him from justice should have been a huge dififcult decision for the player. Lying to the world Arcann is dead, while hiding him in some Onderon cave, PC struggling with their massive hypocrisy, selfishness and moral corruption while falling to them kissable lips. It'd be a nice story about falling to DS for playerchar. Perhaps having to kill few Alliance members who discovered the truth.. Stuff like this would be a logical price and cost for "eh, I wanna keep him!"


I actually like this idea for a Dark Side romance with Arcann. But keep in mind that in no way is it morally corrupt or hypocritical for a Jedi character to save him and do their utmost to heal him. Jedi are guardians of life. They're not executioners or judges. And the JK especially has tried to redeem people with massive death tolls throughout his/her class story by sending them back to Tython for healing. Killing and torturing Vaylin, on the other hand, feels deeply morally corrupt for my JK who would, at the very, very least have done everything in her power to give her a cleaner, more peaceful death.


The only action regarding a redeemed Arcann that could possibly be considered hypocritical and morally corrupt for a Jedi is romancing him. In the class stories, it's pretty clear that romance and marriage are disallowed for Jedi in this era. But arguably, our character no longer consider her/himself a Jedi at this point and the Order barely exists to support those rules.


JK Companions:


Kira: Hear me out, she's a former 'child of the Emperor' that was bad. As she put it herself, she was "treated like a droid" I can see her telling Arcann off for freezing her Master/Best Friend/Spouse, then saying. "OK, lets get to work cleaning the mess you made, you might want to start ----- if you feel the need to unleash destruction. I'll be here if you need help."


T7: The stories that droid could tell about former Jedi, and the bad guys who made good. Besides, as Mission Vao once said, "Droids don't hold grudges."


Rusk: Would stay away, he doesn't do forgiveness.


Scourge: He'd say, "The only reason I don't kill you is because JK wouldn't like it. That said maybe underneath your childish exterior there might be potential. Meet me for sparring at dawn, don't be late."


Doc: "Don't you people have doctors on Zakuul your arm is terrible and your face! No wonder you burned down half the galaxy." Then he'd remember who he was talking to and run.


I could see all of them saying those things :) What I wouldn't give to see that in game!

Arcann does indicate in his letters that he has experienced something of a 'found family' in the Alliance (though again, we never actually see it). I also think many of the consular companions could show support because they've been on a journey that involved healing so many broken people.


arcann has kissable lips


Truth ;)

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