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The big surprise in the upcoming roadmap?


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If I were BW, I'd never use the word exciting again, just saying...


The game needs a relaunch, basically. Rebuild it on an updated engine, go back to the class stories and redo everything after that. I really don't see it happening, though.


Well, sure a relaunch... Class quests -- hard to say. Some of you (not saying you per se) have rose-colored glasses. Some of the class stories were pretty mediocre. Certain chapters where down right awful. And, yes, I'm saying that parts KotFE and KotET were better than certain chapters. We can disagree on what those chapters were.


And sure, we can wish for a new engine, but that essentially means starting completely over. Not terribly realistic.

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I don't know what is coming but it does feel like something major is about to be revealed. I do not think it's maintenance mode, but I do share the scepticism about what they call exciting.


We'll know soon now. I still have hope but the truth is that the game really needs something major to revitalize the game.

Your posts sums it up nicely. :)

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. Some of the class stories were pretty mediocre. Certain chapters where down right awful. And, yes, I'm saying that parts KotFE and KotET were better than certain chapters.


Why even bother saying that part? It's ALL subjective at the end of the day. Just because you liked parts of KOTFE/ET better than the original content doesn't make it objectively better. Same as just because most people consider all the original content better doesn't make it all better. It's all opinion based. And I'd say if we went by opinion of the community at large most consider the class content leaps and bounds better. But of course without an actual scientific poll I can't make that claim fully. I'm just going by the posts I see. It's quite rare to find people who think KOTFE/ET was a good story especially next to original class stuff. A lot of that is annoyance over one size fits all however. For example the story is disjointed and senseless as a smuggler. But it plays fine for a Knight.

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Why even bother saying that part? It's ALL subjective at the end of the day. Just because you liked parts of KOTFE/ET better than the original content doesn't make it objectively better. Same as just because most people consider all the original content better doesn't make it all better. It's all opinion based. And I'd say if we went by opinion of the community at large most consider the class content leaps and bounds better. But of course without an actual scientific poll I can't make that claim fully. I'm just going by the posts I see. It's quite rare to find people who think KOTFE/ET was a good story especially next to original class stuff. A lot of that is annoyance over one size fits all however. For example the story is disjointed and senseless as a smuggler. But it plays fine for a Knight.


At the outset, I think it should go without saying that any interpretation of quality is inherently subjective. Also...


1. I myself have criticized KotFE/ET storyline for non-force users, on several occasions. And, I too would agree that I'm probably in the minority, particularly based on posts in this forum. But...


2. I didn't say KotFE/ET was "a good story especially next to original class stuff." I chose my words very, very carefully. I said parts of it were better than select chapters for select classes. For example, I thought the second and third chapters of the Bounty Hunter storyline were worse than select chapters in KotFE/ET. Whereas, I think Chapter 6 in ET: Into the Dragon Maw (the one where you run around delivering food dressed as a Zak Knight) is perhaps one of the most boring gaming experiences I have ever had. Put differently, I don't view KotFE/ET as one monolithic whole -- even if the overarching story followed one grand arc; e.g., I quite liked the Scorpio / Gemini arc. I'm sure others disagree.


3. I just think that some people believe that going back to original class stories is some sort of panacea. When: a) resource wise it seems extremely unlikely outside of a minor nod such as what we saw in SoR; and b) and far more importantly, the writing for the class stories was wildly inconsistent -- in my subjective opinion -- though there are tons of threads ranking class stories with many acknowledging that the quality varies not only between classes, but within.


So, yeah, I'll stand by rose-colored glasses comment, but openly acknowledge again (as I did earlier) that it is "hard to say."


In any case, we'll know in 24 hours!



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The cynic in me believes its just a new line of loot boxes. These things are poisoning the industry. I'm sort of hungry for their collapse because I can't wait to see all the corpse of companies we'll have.


But what I'm hoping for is probably a new expansion or expansion type and perhaps a redesigning of CXP so that you gain it regardless of level thus start at level one which would be good for alts. I'd also hope the voice actor strike being over means we finally get to hear companions again. Maybe an expansion of mostly companion quests now that we're sharing so many. It would also be nice to see the erasure of the Jedi and Sith reversed as it seems for all intents and purposes these two groups have been removed from galactic events. Maybe they'll learn to do Courscant, Korriban, Drommud Kaas, and Tython as phases so they aren't forever stuck in the past. Maybe that's what the expansion can be about... resolving the time stream destruction where time hasn't been working throughout most of the galaxy.


Heck, I dunno what to hope for...

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A new boss for Valley of the Machine Gods that also doubles as...


  • A mount
  • A stronghold
  • A pet
  • A new ship for GSF
  • A new type of armor


So in short, a transformer type robot. They love robots.


Realistically: Tier 5, to retroactively justify all the nerfs and Make Gear Relevant Again! I really hope that I'm wrong but there is a system to their madness, and adding new gear for more grind is way easier than adding more content.

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you have to redo Vanilla thru KotET to relearn who you are

I would like to draw your attention to GW2's The Departing.


In this mission, you are killed. I mean, really, truly dead. Or deader than that. This happens at the beginning of the mission. You end up in a sort of Limbo state, and you have no minimap, no abilities, and your character looks like a ghost (all transparent) and your nameplate becomes "Lost Spirit". You must explore the zone (but without any sort of map to help you) and recover your weapons, your name, and your purpose.


Are you thinking of something like that?

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What I don't consider "BIG" they will likely spit out instead:

1. Legacy Currency

2. New GSF Features

3. New MAP for PVP

4. Server Mergers

5. Fixing Legacy CXP Buff to be something more like 100% or 250%

Legacy currency, *as such* isn't big. And Keith K did say they were working on making all currencies legacy-oriented in some unspecified way. But he also said that they were doing it to support a new game feature of unspecified nature, so the "BIG" will presumably (dangerous things, presumptions) be that new feature rather than the legacy currency itself.


And server mergers *are* big news, and highly likely to cause catastrophic issues of some sort for an unsmall number of players.


But 2, 3, and 5 aren't big enough to be worth mentioning in a "BIG" announcement.

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In the latest podcast Musco pretty much said that this roadmap was going to be big and things that we know, that we shouldn't know about:rak_03:, is nothing compared to what's going to be revealed in the next roadmap.


I think it's class flavoured stories in the next expansion. We've been yearning for it and I'm sure they are aware of it, so probably a SoR like expansion.


What do you think this "big thing" could be?


This feels like a big if for me...


But, if they're about to confirm some actual staff support to start churning out honest to goodness game development to include class stories again-- I'd be one of the first nay sayers to do a 180 and actually give them the benefit of the doubt for further releases for the game.


I just... can't see there being that kind of surprise though.


To me a Big surprise would just about have to include an announcement about transitioning to the next mmorpg. Nothing else is really going to hit home with a chunk of us out here. Even announcing a mega server, cross server queues, or just cross faction queues feels a little too late now.


I'm getting to be like Fox Mulder here... I want[/] to believe. My experiences with past mmorpgs up till now suggests we're just going to get more of the same though.

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30 more Huttball maps with weekly 8 v 8 ranked matches. And added spectator mode!


Spectator mode for Ranked could be sweet, like really interesting. But it's a big NO for more Huttball, not until they fix the desync and optimize the game properly. It is already a pain in the *ss to have two of these :o

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Spectator mode for Ranked could be sweet, like really interesting. But it's a big NO for more Huttball, not until they fix the desync and optimize the game properly. It is already a pain in the *ss to have two of these :o


I only really dislike Quesh huttball, I don't know how they managed to pass a map like that to the live client.

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I only really dislike Quesh huttball, I don't know how they managed to pass a map like that to the live client.


Probably by running it on LAN testing. It's the only way that you wouldn't have desync or anything like that when running with a decent computer. :rolleyes:


I don't like the other one, because of how the "ventilation" works. One time it will send you just right, another time you'll go backward, another time you'll land into the nearest fire trap... :rak_02:

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The "big surprise" better NOT turn out to be a new tier of end game gear or any more levels of GC.

The only announcement of GC/CXP/RNG I want to hear is that it's being removed and replaced with a traditional commendations (or crystals if that suits you) system of gearing, similar what we had in 1.x - 4.x.


I honestly don't know how to feel about the road map, which should be released in a matter of hours (it's 8:21AM CST, and Austin is in that time zone). I all know is that I am patiently waiting to see it.

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Herbert: "It's me again, just lonely here, thinking bout the community guy, wondering when he's gonna bring me some good news"


hoping for a nice announcement and want to believe they arent looking at this thread (or others like it) then back to the paper of announcements...then back to the posts...then to the announcements....and then think, "shoot....we are so boned."

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Herbert: "It's me again, just lonely here, thinking bout the community guy, wondering when he's gonna bring me some good news"


hoping for a nice announcement and want to believe they arent looking at this thread (or others like it) then back to the paper of announcements...then back to the posts...then to the announcements....and then think, "shoot....we are so boned."

Hahahaha this put a big smile on my face! :D ty!

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hoping for a nice announcement and want to believe they arent looking at this thread (or others like it) then back to the paper of announcements...then back to the posts...then to the announcements....and then think, "shoot....we are so boned."


Lol, this could actually be true :rak_03:

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