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The big surprise in the upcoming roadmap?


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In the latest podcast Musco pretty much said that this roadmap was going to be big and things that we know, that we shouldn't know about:rak_03:, is nothing compared to what's going to be revealed in the next roadmap.


I think it's class flavoured stories in the next expansion. We've been yearning for it and I'm sure they are aware of it, so probably a SoR like expansion.


What do you think this "big thing" could be?

🎭 🎁

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What do you think this "big thing" could be?

I've learned to be a pessimist as far as the Dev/BW "big" announcements are as their idea of big and exciting is completely different to mine.

Unless they are doing all of the following:

  • bringing back class based stories
  • giving us a side story each for Malavai Quinn & Elara Dorne (to make up for the shower of ***** that was their lacklustre and nonsensical Iokath return)
  • bringing an end to the constant betrayal storylines (they are hurtful and disappointing at best when not immediately resolved)
  • removing Lana as the centre of the story and putting the player character back in that role
  • bringing back a crystal type system of gearing
  • removing all remaining alliance alerts for people who have completed KotFE/KotET (or at least giving us the option to remove them)
  • allowing us to abandon all ops quests (I'm pointing at you Iokath) if we don't run ops OR allowing some kind of alternate if you're a solo player like they did for Yavin
  • Fixing Malavai Quinn's stronghold decoration pose to his original model

then I'm not interested or holding my breath for anything "big" that will make me throw money at the game for another two months when my current sub is up.

Edited by Sarova
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Au weia :eek:


I'm not expecting much.


If they want turn things, they have to deliver a real AddOn with two or three new planets with great open areas and many quests. I dont expect class stories because to much work, but three indepent questlines (empire, republic, allianz) would be great.


I think for the raiding friends there should also be an raid with 8-10 bosses and one or two new battle fields.


In other words an addon like the ones from WoW or only a little bit smaller.


Is there "A new Hope" for that, I think not because I think they have not the dev base for devoloping and testing such a content.

Edited by Master_Morak
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I've learned to be a pessimist as far as the Dev/BW "big" announcements are as their idea of big and exciting is completely different to mine.

Unless they are doing all of the following:

  • bringing back class based stories
  • giving us a side story each for Malavai Quinn & Elara Dorne (to make up for the shower of ***** that was their lacklustre and nonsensical Iokath return)
  • bringing an end to the constant betrayal storylines (they are hurtful and disappointing at best when not immediately resolved)
  • removing Lana as the centre of the story and putting the player character back in that role
  • bringing back a crystal type system of gearing
  • removing all remaining alliance alerts for people who have completed KotFE/KotET (or at least giving us the option to remove them)
  • allowing us to abandon all ops quests (I'm pointing at you Iokath) if we don't run ops OR allowing some kind of alternate if you're a solo player like they did for Yavin
  • Fixing Malavai Quinn's stronghold decoration pose to his original model

then I'm not interested or holding my breath for anything "big" that will make me throw money at the game for another two months when my current sub is up.




But probably a new stupid raid monster. Pffft. Shouldn't Izax be coming out soon? Or the Demon Saviour? :rolleyes:

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The big suprise would be something that is worthy of the star wars universe. Another announcement for another announcement for something "really cool coming to this game" like the crappy command system wouldnt rock anyones socks.

They cant suprise us. Everyone is looking forward to be disappointed again.

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How about a 3D world where we can actually fly in our speeders off the ground, move around, explore. The ONLY Thing Beyond that I'm holding on for is a return of Jaesa, Short of her returning or being able to fly, I'm finally hanging up my lightsabers.


It was a good run while it lasted.

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They are going to unveil two new bosses:


Darth Spuds, the eternal pessimist, will represent the dark side of the force and we will fight a giant Mr. Potatohead.


Yiliarus, the eternal optimist, will represent the light side of the force and we will fight a giant smiling unicorn.





Edited by Jdast
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They are going to unveil two new bosses:


Darth Spuds, the eternal pessimist, will represent the dark side of the force and we will fight a giant Mr. Potatohead.


Yiliarus, the eternal optimist, will represent the light side of the force and we will fight a giant smiling unicorn.






Can't wait for the mount of those boss with the NiM version :p

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