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Can't Handle the Players Anymore


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The name is pretty blunt and I can already hear the trolls waking from their bridges.


I'll be called "too sensitive" or "I should try WoW" but honestly the community for the most part makes me sick. Constant hate speech in chat, rampant bullying, and NO PUNISHMENT handed down. Before you start saying crap like "You don't know what they do", while this is true I do know FOR A FACT that 2 daily bullies admitted that they intentionally get reported just to prove there's no response.


I pay my sub like anyone else and it took very little time to feel like I was being ripped off. I'll be called out for not listing any single example but frankly use your eyes for 5 seconds and you'll see it. EA/Bioware you've failed to uphold any real standard and I just can't keep turning a blind eye. I've got 31 days left on my sub, keep it, cause it's the last dime you get from me.


I've had an okay time over the last 6 months but it's clear that newer players are not welcome here.


Goodbye Swtor.

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lol just use the ignore feature or turn the chat box off.


I'd rather just quit playing, it's not worth it. Especially since turning off the chat would basically remove the mmo aspect. If they don't want to regulate their servers then screw them. I have 100+ steam games and growing, and don't need to throw away my time and money on a greedy, uncaring game. Way to go EA, you did it again.

Edited by WolfesBite
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If you still enjoy playing the game (if you don't, then it doesn't really matter what you do, since you'll have made up your mind already), then the ignore feature is your only tool. Luckily, there are just the usual suspects you have to worry about. Once you ignore them, you'll be surprised how quiet things get. Then you get to watch the naive troll-feeders talk to themselves.


I would recommend, if anything, closing the PvP channel, and after that ignore the trolls in General. That will usually take care of most of the bs.


Oh, and don't make a big show to everyone that you're ignoring them. The trolls feed on that and it continually empowers them.

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Oh, you're leaving again?


...or finally leaving three months after you said you'd already stopped playing? :confused:


I'm just a little confused here. You said in that last thread that...well, basically the same thing you said here. Did you decide to stick around for a few more months after you posted the last thread? (No, I'm not harassing you. I'm just genuinely curious.)

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The name is pretty blunt and I can already hear the trolls waking from their bridges.


I'll be called "too sensitive" or "I should try WoW" but honestly the community for the most part makes me sick. Constant hate speech in chat, rampant bullying, and NO PUNISHMENT handed down. Before you start saying crap like "You don't know what they do", while this is true I do know FOR A FACT that 2 daily bullies admitted that they intentionally get reported just to prove there's no response.


I pay my sub like anyone else and it took very little time to feel like I was being ripped off. I'll be called out for not listing any single example but frankly use your eyes for 5 seconds and you'll see it. EA/Bioware you've failed to uphold any real standard and I just can't keep turning a blind eye. I've got 31 days left on my sub, keep it, cause it's the last dime you get from me.


I've had an okay time over the last 6 months but it's clear that newer players are not welcome here.


Goodbye Swtor.


I will not hate on you cause u r right. i seen bullying, Discussions of adult themes, racist bigoted comments. just yesterday in rank pvp some one new tried ranking out and got killed right off the bat and all this one dude could do is, to call the player the "N" Word. Is this Game Family friendly? Hell no! I think kids under 14yo, i think is to young. Especially since Disney has kid friendly Star Wars games out there. Now if there is kids, and i am sure there are, playing this game, that is on those kids parents. But to each their own. Me personally my girls wont play any game with this much Violence till there 14. That is just me though.


But dont leave the game just turn off chat and wing it thats what i have done for 6 years. It is hard though to ignore the creeps, and they know whom they are. But it can be done.....


I do believe BW Mods should police the General chat from time to time and violators will have their general and whisper chat features block for a period of time for 1st violation and 2nd. A longer period of time and 3rd. Banned from game.... But i am sure it wont happen.......



Take Care and Be well....

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I will not hate on you cause u r right. i seen bullying, Discussions of adult themes, racist bigoted comments. just yesterday in rank pvp some one new tried ranking out and got killed right off the bat and all this one dude could do is, to call the player the "N" Word. Is this Game Family friendly? Hell no! I think kids under 14yo, i think is to young. Especially since Disney has kid friendly Star Wars games out there. Now if there is kids, and i am sure there are, playing this game, that is on those kids parents. But to each their own. Me personally my girls wont play any game with this much Violence till there 14. That is just me though.


But dont leave the game just turn off chat and wing it thats what i have done for 6 years. It is hard though to ignore the creeps, and they know whom they are. But it can be done.....


I do believe BW Mods should police the General chat from time to time and violators will have their general and whisper chat features block for a period of time for 1st violation and 2nd. A longer period of time and 3rd. Banned from game.... But i am sure it wont happen.......



Take Care and Be well....


Honestly my niece wanted to play the game after seeing me since she just completed kotor 2 she's only 8 so I said no problem on my account so I created a new toon but before I handed it over I switched of chat in interface I don't thinks she's that clever yet haha

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I will not hate on you cause u r right. i seen bullying, Discussions of adult themes, racist bigoted comments. just yesterday in rank pvp some one new tried ranking out and got killed right off the bat and all this one dude could do is, to call the player the "N" Word. Is this Game Family friendly? Hell no! I think kids under 14yo, i think is to young. Especially since Disney has kid friendly Star Wars games out there. Now if there is kids, and i am sure there are, playing this game, that is on those kids parents. But to each their own. Me personally my girls wont play any game with this much Violence till there 14. That is just me though.


But dont leave the game just turn off chat and wing it thats what i have done for 6 years. It is hard though to ignore the creeps, and they know whom they are. But it can be done.....


I do believe BW Mods should police the General chat from time to time and violators will have their general and whisper chat features block for a period of time for 1st violation and 2nd. A longer period of time and 3rd. Banned from game.... But i am sure it wont happen.......



Take Care and Be well....


I 100% believe that. The one that did it for me was seeing gen chat full of people talking about making an ISIS guild to go after white players. That's both horrible and doesn't even really make a lot of sense. I called to report the players and was insulted. Absolutely sickening.

Edited by WolfesBite
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I won't mock the OP either - I think it's easy to forget that we all have varying ways of processing things and that the type of behavior that goes on can be truly upsetting. While turning off general chat and putting everything on auto-reject is a way to handle it - and it is certainly what I do to survive in the game - it does indeed mean that one misses out on the social aspect, if that's something they'd like to have.


IMHO Bioware should, as someone else mentioned, be recruiting responsible players as mods in the game. They could even make it fun - they could appoint such players as 'sheriffs' and have them roam and moderate the general chat and player interactions, especially on the Fleet.

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Sometimes people don't see why other people tend to have problems with them.


I've noticed one constant in my life. People don't tend to like being told what to do or what not to do. A better approach is to ask, make a nice request, try to be pleasant. But, unfortunately people usually prefer to make mountains out of molehills.


I'd prefer strangers not call me "babe" either. But it hardly qualifies as a big deal or something to report.

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What you gonna leave here? Sorry my browser is old kinda don't support some websites even this one I somewhat don't have referral links visible.

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On a different note who preordered Battlefront 2 because EA are awesome? 🙌🏼🙏🏼👏🏼


Not me. One word: "Micro-transactions"


And many differ on that statement..... MANY



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Wow, this thread became a perfect example of why it's so incredibly easy to wind up gen chat. If you don't put people who are winding you up on ignore immediately and move on silently you are most of the problem.


It's tough to decide who's worse: trolls or the people who give them the attention they crave so much. A real "chicken or the egg" question.

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Wow, this thread became a perfect example of why it's so incredibly easy to wind up gen chat. If you don't put people who are winding you up on ignore immediately and move on silently you are most of the problem.


It's tough to decide who's worse: trolls or the people who give them the attention they crave so much. A real "chicken or the egg" question.


It's entirely wrong to put a troll on the same level as the victim of trolling. They didn't ask for the bs and shouldn't be forced to take it in stride. It's NEVER wrong to stand up for yourself, and it is ALWAYS wrong to victimize others. Few things are black and white in nature, but this is. Your statement is very similar to "Look what she's wearing, she's asking for it"

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It's entirely wrong to put a troll on the same level as the victim of trolling. They didn't ask for the bs and shouldn't be forced to take it in stride. It's NEVER wrong to stand up for yourself, and it is ALWAYS wrong to victimize others. Few things are black and white in nature, but this is. Your statement is very similar to "Look what she's wearing, she's asking for it"


In an environment where an ignore feature exists and is easy to use, anyone who engages with trolls is simply fueling the problem.


Unfortunately ignore features do not exist in real life. I resent your assumption about how I feel about real life problems. I would never ever blame a rape victim under any circumstance, and in fact I would welcome an immediate death penalty to any and all rapists as I find them to be the most repugnant scum of the earth, followed by all abusers of children, women, and animals.


So let's not get crazy here and how about you don't continue equating a trolling "victim" in a video game with rape victims. You are going to come out bad no matter how you spin it.

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In an environment where an ignore feature exists and is easy to use, anyone who engages with trolls is simply fueling the problem.


Unfortunately ignore features do not exist in real life. I resent your assumption about how I feel about real life problems. I would never ever blame a rape victim under any circumstance, and in fact I would welcome an immediate death penalty to any and all rapists as I find them to be the most repugnant scum of the earth, followed by all abusers of children, women, and animals.


So let's not get crazy here and how about you don't continue equating a trolling "victim" in a video game with rape victims. You are going to come out bad no matter how you spin it.


I would consider comparing a victim to one who likes to victimize others a bigger faux pas than comparing two types of victims, so I stand by my statement as the lesser of 2 evils. Also love the callas disregard you use when you put "victim" as though nobody could possibly be bullied or harassed through cyberspace and therefore should just get over it.


When you just ignore those who victimize others, you are the problem. You pass the suffering onto others in the lowest, most cowardly way.


And the fact that you said you don't know which is worse, the troll (who gets pleasure out of other's suffering) or the person "being wound up" (also sometimes called the victim) makes you lose ALL credibility moving forward, but please continue.

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