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Welcome to the Apocalypse!


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Actually what sort of end of the world is this?


Biblical? With Jesus and the devil fighting naked on top of a mountain?


Natural disaster style? Ground opening up and finally demolishing EA HQ like I've demanded for years?


All out mutagen attack? Turning everybody into squirrels?




Skynet being activated?


I'm only prepared for Skynet sadly, I have a guy who'll just yank the plug out of the socket.


It has now passed midnight. What's the freaking hold up?


You know, they never really said. Death my large space rock? Army of vampire groundhogs rising up? I guess they wanted us to be surprised. On the upside...maybe we get to survive? I have T - 4hrs to go, until I know for sure lol.





Hey if its a Zombie Apocalypse we'll be the last ones standing!


...Unless you live in Toronto, then you're still screwed...


True enough lol. I'm about 2 hours away from the big TO, so I might have a good enough head start... :D

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Actually what sort of end of the world is this?


Biblical? With Jesus and the devil fighting naked on top of a mountain?


Natural disaster style? Ground opening up and finally demolishing EA HQ like I've demanded for years?


All out mutagen attack? Turning everybody into squirrels?




Skynet being activated?


I'm only prepared for Skynet sadly, I have a guy who'll just yank the plug out of the socket.


It has now passed midnight. What's the freaking hold up?

Supposedly some "Planet X" or "Nibiru" is going to crash into the earth.


Predictably, NASA says there's no such thing. The end-of-the-worlders, equally predictably, claim that NASA is just part of a giant conspiracy to cover it up.


Still over 6 hours till midnight my time (US West coast), so ...


Most likely I'll be watching SNL tonight when midnight rolls around. And I expect I'll still be alive and kicking long after.

Edited by Adric_the_Red
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Had to put our 9yo golden down today, damn Apocalypse could have saved us that grief!:(


I'm so sorry to hear that. What a horrible thing to have to go through, it's so hard. Please accept my condolences. Goldens are so beautiful, such dear, kind looking dogs. I lost my sweet Rottie four years ago. He was a good boy too, so I understand, I think.


*hugs* take care.

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I wish I'd known this was a costume end of the world party, I wouldve put my Bob from Slime Rancher outfit on, sooner.


I'll plan better for the next one. It sort of became a costume event by accident, but it's never too late to dress up.


And hey, what do you know? It's the 24th, it looks like we survived! We liiiiiiiiive! :)

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Ah, now how do you know this for sure? We could all have been incinerated instantly, and moved onto another plane of existence, while having massive memory loss of the event.




Does pinching yourself work? *pinches* Still hurts, so the new plane is just as crappy as the old one, if that's the case lol.

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I'll plan better for the next one. It sort of became a costume event by accident, but it's never too late to dress up.


And hey, what do you know? It's the 24th, it looks like we survived! We liiiiiiiiive! :)


Damn... now I have to finish the rest of my work shift.... stupid end of the world crushing my hopes and dreams.

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As far as I can tell I'm still alive at 06:23 in the morning here in blighty.


One day they'll call it right, one day.


Good news though, my orbital battle station tentatively named Gravely Wounded Star is quite operational I'm afraid. Has not been destroyed by some idiot bragging about his T-16 piloting skills.

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As far as I can tell I'm still alive at 06:23 in the morning here in blighty.


One day they'll call it right, one day.


Good news though, my orbital battle station tentatively named Gravely Wounded Star is quite operational I'm afraid. Has not been destroyed by some idiot bragging about his T-16 piloting skills.


Good news on both counts. I haven't bull's eyed womprats in ages...so I figured it best not to flaunt it too much lol. I




Damn... now I have to finish the rest of my work shift.... stupid end of the world crushing my hopes and dreams.


Yeah, looks like. Sorry. :o


Nope, you have to have willpower to wake yourself up :p


Dang, guess I'm not waking up anytime soon then. My character stole all my willpower, I have none left lol.

Edited by Lunafox
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I spent the morning looking around a new school for my daughter, the afternoon at a barbeque, the evening making pizza for the family and the late evening playing SWTOR.


So I guess we're all in the matrix now, no?


-Funny thing these end-of-world predictions. Coz not one of them has been right so far.....


Tho' it is the end of series for DAY 5 - check out Rooster Teeth. - That hopes to further explain the apocalypse that really happened to them....


DAY 5 Link.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Oh - it was the 23rd .... **** ... I thought it was today ... dammit ... I missed the end of the world. How did it go?!


About how you'd expect lol. We're still here. Congrats, we liiiiiiiive. So far so good... :)


Now we should have t-shirts that we survived the September 23rd, 2017 apocalypse. :p

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About how you'd expect lol. We're still here. Congrats, we liiiiiiiive. So far so good... :)


Now we should have t-shirts that we survived the September 23rd, 2017 apocalypse. :p


I don't think we're due another apocalypse until the new year. I'll start my yearly prep shortly. 5 gallons of whiskey and some shottie shells. Nothing bad can happen....

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It's funny to me that I have absolutely no idea what anyone in this thread is talking about. I guess news about the "end of the world" doesn't travel very fast around here.


I didn't know either that there was an apocalypse happening on Saturday. This thread is the only place I have read anything about it.

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Lunafox is clearly an Illuminati member and has access to sources we don't. Or maybe it's a Canadian thing.


Shhhh you weren't supposed to tell. :eek::D


Well, I guess the date for the next apocalypse has been moved up lol, so we can plan better for the next one. I got some good ideas out of this thread...costume party...definitely...followed by costumed pub crawl. It made me think of the Apocalypse Party in the Imperial Agent story. :D


Anyway, we made it and it was fun having an apocalypse party with you all. Cheers! On to the next! :D

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