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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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The one thing I will say that might certainly be a waste of resources is this droid romance they've joked/rumoured about, because in this game, other than Scorpio they don't exactly look... humanoid. As a Khem-romancer that shouldn't bother me, but I honestly can't imagine who or what this droid could be if this romance thing is true. I'm just :confused:


Back to Theron I really hope we get more. At some point they said just because someone is dead doesn't mean they won't get content in the future and they made some comment about Koth getting stuff in the future and whilst I hope that's true, I honestly don't see it and won't be holding my breath, especially with how he and other companions with a kill option have been treated so far.


I just replayed through KOTFE and started KOTET on my new Trooper who is romancing Theron and I find myself getting irritated with how often we get stuck with Lana as a companion. Even those few times we're running with Lana and Theron (like Chapter 2 when we go to meet Acina) I'm just... annoyed that she's in the companion slot with Theron tagging along instead of the other way around. At least with Gault and Vette they'd switch around, especially if you happened to romance Vette. Bah.

Edited by Farferello
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I imagine the majority of very vocal people who cried out for a kill Koth option most likely don't even play any more. I know it's been discussed to death already but I can't get over my frustration of why the Dev's started this companion killing off spree. No one wins. Us Theron fans have lost another companion in him. So now whose head is on the chopping block? I'm really looking forward to getting any news on 6.0 and future companion roles in the story whether they be good or bad, I just want to know what's going to happen to those who remain. Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I have no doubt in my mind that you're right. Like Nefla, I'm totally not touching that bet. As a straight female player of SWTOR these past 7+years, that's pretty much my expectation too. I'm starting to wonder if it's not a conspiracy...get rid of the straight female players and all can become pvp and romance with Lana. We are the only obstacles to their happy heaven of nothing but female romances and killing each other in boring ways. Oh and killing the few hawt male companions in ghastly ways.


I always felt that way from the very beginning. Honestly, the only two original LI's for females that I enjoyed were Quinn and Doc. Then they made Quinn betray us. Why didn't they do that for any straight male character like with Jaesa or something? No it had to be the only female LI in that storyline to betray.


I know the agent story can argue that Kaliyo betrays. I never felt she did, but I have a different take on her personality and reasons for what she does. Anyway, even if the agent wants to go with that, the male had a fall back LI in Raina. But straight women got none of that at all. No replacement or even a secondary LI to romance or choose between.


The Jedi Knight could have had a choice between Scourge and Doc. The Sage could have been Cedrax or Ilresso (or even Zenith). The SI not really complaining about as Andronikas was okay. But my point is that when SoR came out we got to have something new, refreshing and interesting with Theron Shan. They made him handsome, charming, funny - everything a girl would want and he was loyal, faithful and not one to betray us. Then they wrote the Traitor story and ruined him because of insisting on putting a kill option in there. I don't think I can ever forgive BW on this one.


What about Khem Val romance? They actually spent resources and time to do that when they could have used it to have Theron doing his work (what Lana now does) at the start of the Ossus stuff. I am really sorry if someone here actually wanted that romance but for me even the idea they used resources on that pisses me off.


Now excuse me to put my tinfoil hat on before saying this... There... But it sometimes feels almost like they are making fun of Theron romancers/ladies like "Hahaha they ask for more romance let's make Khem Val romance" with some Beavis and Butthead laughter. Grrrrrhhhh. :mad:


I couldn't agree more. Khem Val romance was just really gross and to waste resources on that instead of creating something meaningful with Theron and his work as an SIS agent and lover/friend to us was truly a slap in the face.

Edited by Swingkittie
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I'm starting to wonder if it's not a conspiracy...get rid of the straight female players and all can become pvp and romance with Lana. We are the only obstacles to their happy heaven of nothing but female romances and killing each other in boring ways. Oh and killing the few hawt male companions in ghastly ways.


This isn't the first time I've heard the theory that there's something going on behind the scenes. Only logic I can see as to why there's not a conspiracy is this is Bioware, it's long known that the playerbase for it's games have been more diverse than the standard video games player stereotype and they'd know they'd be hurting themselves. With that said though, I can definitely see them being a bit clueless, short sighted and fumbling when it comes to making adjustments the playerbase wants.


Case in point, Dragon Age 2 had the DLC where your character can meet an elf prostitute who talks as if the two of you had met before at a brothel. Players thought this was possibly bugged since the dialog popped whether you did go to the brothel or not, and it ended up that it wasn't bugged. The writers/devs genuinely didn't think that anyone not only would not have gone to the brothel, but that they'd definitely take the elf prostitute option. Here in SWTOR, the devs were majorly surprised that a substantial amount of players wanted to side with Darth Malgus during the Illum content since they felt Imperials would be all DS options and Republic would always be hating on the Empire.


I can see Bioware not thinking of backup plans for if the real life situation changes and they can't provide the same level of content as they've had and winging it the best they can. I can see them pinning hopes on Koth, Lana, and Theron being enough to soothe any upset if they weren't able to return all the classic companions. I can see them hoping the ambitiousness they were taking with KotFE/ET would be enough and scrambling when the content wasn't as well received with a sizeable chunk of the playerbase and taking the route of short sighted choices such as 'players want to kill off Koth so let's give it to them' and then opening that can of worms of allowing LIs to be killed off. After all, look how long people have been kvetching about wanting to kill off Quinn. I can see them planning on still doing content for companions who can be killed off but hitting the stump of when it comes down to crunch time for releasing content, it's easier to rationalize 'skip content for a companion since not everyone'll have them' until it's down to the only one without a kill option is Lana and people know all bets are off once she's given a kill option. Lanamancers have seen what we complain about and don't want to have that happen to them, and Bioware's in that bind of not wanting to set off another segment of the playerbase as they have us.


After all that said, the situation is still somewhat salvageable. Doing the companion emails are a good way for us to not feel like we're being cast aside and they've been well recieved. In addition to the standard expansions, they can also do chapter/mini expansions centered around a particular LI. For example, we can do do a short spy mission or two with Theron with some personal time between him and our characters.

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After all that said, the situation is still somewhat salvageable. Doing the companion emails are a good way for us to not feel like we're being cast aside and they've been well recieved. In addition to the standard expansions, they can also do chapter/mini expansions centered around a particular LI. For example, we can do do a short spy mission or two with Theron with some personal time between him and our characters.

I'd be glad to invest cartel coins in quality scenarized LI content...


I have a hard time understanding why they do not simply give us a few letters to chew on once in a while. It is far from resource intensive, could potentially event be externalised.. Letters are short, writing one would take only a few minutes... All the LI could be covered in one work day or less.

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I'd be glad to invest cartel coins in quality scenarized LI content...


I have a hard time understanding why they do not simply give us a few letters to chew on once in a while. It is far from resource intensive, could potentially event be externalised.. Letters are short, writing one would take only a few minutes... All the LI could be covered in one work day or less.

I'd spend CC on that as well, not for all LIs, but for the ones who are important to my main characters, i'd definitely buy.


Yup, letters would be a great solution as it could give something to every LI without having to animate or voice anything.

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Letters would be really nice, at least it would be something to make it feel like those romances/companions were still active. Koth definitely needed a letter at the end of the Nathema arc if they weren't going to bother with giving him a cutscene. Same with where we're heading now, it bugs me that Theron seems to only send a basic letter with zero romance content, nothing from Arcann or anyone else you would expect to say something about where we're heading with the Pub v Imp story. I don't know if Quinn sends anything to a Warrior at the end of the Ossus story we just did, he bugged for me when it first came out and I only just got him back so I don't know if I missed out on something there. Speaking of Quinn

With how much they gave into the hate bon*rs of some people, I really wish they would have thrown a bone to those of us who do like him. I have a male Warrior who has been pining for Quinn for years, but no, instead he gets a sudden, out of nowhere option with Jaesa. It's sad but also unsurprising that all the romances who've returned as bi have been the female companions. (I don't include Khem because he was never an option in vanilla story so that's kinda different.)



If we can't have cutscenes, letters are the least we should get. I'm just really, really hoping with the next story content that my Theron-romancer will get to tell him about his defection. I don't want to have to play the rest of this story with only Lana (and Jonas) knowing, and Theron worrying that i'm murdering my way through his people for the Empire, when I'm trying to do the opposite. Even if the game mechanics won't let me do anything but murder civilian colonists and Jedi. :o

Edited by Farferello
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I always felt that way from the very beginning. Honestly, the only two original LI's for females that I enjoyed were Quinn and Doc. Then they made Quinn betray us. Why didn't they do that for any straight male character like with Jaesa or something? No it had to be the only female LI in that storyline to betray.


I know the agent story can argue that Kaliyo betrays. I never felt she did, but I have a different take on her personality and reasons for what she does. Anyway, even if the agent wants to go with that, the male had a fall back LI in Raina. But straight women got none of that at all. No replacement or even a secondary LI to romance or choose between.


The Jedi Knight could have had a choice between Scourge and Doc. The Sage could have been Cedrax or Ilresso (or even Zenith). The SI not really complaining about as Andronikas was okay. But my point is that when SoR came out we got to have something new, refreshing and interesting with Theron Shan. They made him handsome, charming, funny - everything a girl would want and he was loyal, faithful and not one to betray us. Then they wrote the Traitor story and ruined him because of insisting on putting a kill option in there. I don't think I can ever forgive BW on this one.




I couldn't agree more. Khem Val romance was just really gross and to waste resources on that instead of creating something meaningful with Theron and his work as an SIS agent and lover/friend to us was truly a slap in the face.



Exactly, we get the betrayals. And after Quinn, I was fully expecting Doc to take off with some chippie too. And then there was Cedrax who used and abused us and dumped us for his holochippie. And of course the icing on the cake, they make Theron do it, and even though it wasn't real, I have a sneaking suspicion they were going to make it real.


Sure people could argue that Kaliyo betrayed our toons in a relationship and also professionally by selling us out a number of times, but she never left us or was taken away while she was doing all that, and they made us keep her around. Theron was taken away, his look changed (thankfully it was fixable) for some months. And like you say the male players get a comp to fall back on, with agent getting Kaliyo and Raina, SW getting Vette and Jaesa, Smuggler getting Akaavi and Risha...all full-fledged relationships, whereas female SW gets a one nighter with PIerce if they want it, and SI gets a one nighter with that creepy Sith from Alderaan.


Everyone should've gotten two choices, and Scourge and Doc are prime examples of companions we could've gotten to be with. The men even get more flirts and FTBs with random people across the galaxy. It's always been a man's game and women treated as an after thought. :( It's an old argument too, one I'm tired of rehashing because they don't do anything about it.

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This isn't the first time I've heard the theory that there's something going on behind the scenes. Only logic I can see as to why there's not a conspiracy is this is Bioware, it's long known that the playerbase for it's games have been more diverse than the standard video games player stereotype and they'd know they'd be hurting themselves. With that said though, I can definitely see them being a bit clueless, short sighted and fumbling when it comes to making adjustments the playerbase wants.



I can't see them being *that* clueless, when people on the forum and on various other venues had several actual threads about the problems we have with the game. I think they have the 'image' of trying to be diverse and maybe compared to other games they are, but if they're not willfullly playing up to their 'target demographic' to the extent of ignoring the others, then maybe its budget constraints, but I don't buy that either, because they should've made things equal from the get go and like I said in my previous post, pleasing the male player has always been their aim, whether it's by providing more romances, or giving into the kill lords to go after the ones that many female players like, like Quinn and Theron.

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Everyone should've gotten two choices, and Scourge and Doc are prime examples of companions we could've gotten to be with. The men even get more flirts and FTBs with random people across the galaxy. It's always been a man's game and women treated as an after thought. :( It's an old argument too, one I'm tired of rehashing because they don't do anything about it.


Totally agree, we should have had (just using force user as a example),

JC: Iresso and Zenith. (Zenith could have been great for a DS JC).

JK: Doc and Scourge. (I do believe there was never a Scourge option because male JK's would probably feel threatened by him as a powerful male force user).

SW: Quinn and Pierce.

SI: Revel and Talos. (Why you tease me with that one flirt on Hoth Talos but never follow it up? And don't get me started on why we have a Khem romance and still no Talos :mad:)


The options were there for more original male romances in the vanilla stories. Other than Scourge as a possible romance it's sad to see how female force users were given no options in vanilla for a male force using romance. Did we really have to wait all that time for Arcann to be our first male force using companion...? And even then it was almost as though we were just given him as old scraps to stop us asking for a male force user by saying, look here have this one and stop complaining now.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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The options were there for more original male romances in the vanilla stories. Other than Scourge as a possible romance it's sad to see how female force users were given no options in vanilla for a male force using romance. Did we really have to wait all that time for Arcann to be our first male force using companion...? And even then it was almost as though we were just given him as old scraps to stop us asking for a male force user by saying, look here have this one and stop complaining now.


And the sad part is that small cut scene with Arcann and the one before you go to Nathema is probably all we will ever get from that romance. But then again, I could say the same for the new ones they brought in. I doubt another word will be spoken between Nadia and Light/Dark Jaesa and the PC (male or female) who chose to romance them. What bugged me about the Nadia one was that she started to rap up the conversation with my male JC like she completely forgot about him and their romance and he had to remind her about "us" and can "we" talk? Lame...

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And the sad part is that small cut scene with Arcann and the one before you go to Nathema is probably all we will ever get from that romance. But then again, I could say the same for the new ones they brought in. I doubt another word will be spoken between Nadia and Light/Dark Jaesa and the PC (male or female) who chose to romance them. What bugged me about the Nadia one was that she started to rap up the conversation with my male JC like she completely forgot about him and their romance and he had to remind her about "us" and can "we" talk? Lame...


I agree with the newer romances most likely never getting anymore attention, I'll always be grateful for having so much time with Theron in SOR, KOTFE and KOTET knowing that so many other newer romances will never get anything close to that. As much as I want new romances (Talos and Jonas) I know I'd only ever get one cut scene and probably one letter if I'm lucky but even then just having the option is still nice.


I haven't taken my romanced JC with Nadia through Ossus yet but that's hilarious! I wonder if you don't bring it up at all if it's just forgotten. :p

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What about Khem Val romance? They actually spent resources and time to do that when they could have used it to have Theron doing his work (what Lana now does) at the start of the Ossus stuff. I am really sorry if someone here actually wanted that romance but for me even the idea they used resources on that pisses me off.


Now excuse me to put my tinfoil hat on before saying this... There... But it sometimes feels almost like they are making fun of Theron romancers/ladies like "Hahaha they ask for more romance let's make Khem Val romance" with some Beavis and Butthead laughter. Grrrrrhhhh. :mad:


Hey, come on, man! My crazy Nox does NOT fit with anyone but her morose monster! The idea of your post, even as it went through your head, pissed me off!

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  • 1 month later...
Hey Theron fans, I'm just curious to see what you think now since the dust has been settled: How do you feel about Theron taking the backseat in the story now? Personally, I do not mind at all but I still want him to be involved with the PC's life. Just because he isn't one of the main focuses in the current storyline right now doesn't mean he has to be written out of the PC's life now. He can comment on what's going on, he can join in on plans, and etc... The point is that we should still be able to talk with him! It's beyond me why don't we have romantic sidequests/story arcs for any of the LI yet. It can really help with the issue of the one minute reunion scene and then never talk to your lover again that many people have currently. Edited by Ackerprincess
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Hey Theron fans, I'm just curious to see what you think now since the dust has been settled: How do you feel about Theron taking the backseat in the story now?


I get irritated by it every time I play Ossus. I find Ossus has zero replay value to the point I'm space-barring through it which is normally an anathema to me.

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I get irritated by it every time I play Ossus. I find Ossus has zero replay value to the point I'm space-barring through it which is normally an anathema to me.

Pretty much the same here.

I've only played it twice, once on an imp saboteur IA and the other time on my main JK who is romancing Theron as a pub loyalist.


And i'm still really mad that Theron was not allowed to be part of the sunset walk / faction choice at the very begining and that i had to get that very romantic setting with Lana (while not getting something as beautiful with any of my character's actual LI), when he was my character's LI, and when they're both from the same faction, that made 0 sense, and Lana being the one contacting Jonas was BS as well when Theron and him are friends.

The reason for Theron not joining an imp character kinda made sense (while not perfect, it was still better than the pub side reason), but him not joining a pub character was completely stupid... Especially when he's friend with Gnost-Dural and romancing the Commander.


Anyways, my sub is running out in something like 2 weeks, i don't think i'll resub, so i'll turn silent at some point, and i'll probably wait to see if i'll see him again in a satisfying way (wich would be more than 3 lines and a hug), before resubing.

I'd like to see more for Aric, Torian, Vector and Arcann as well, as they're my other main character's LI, but giving more to every LI would be great.

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And i'm still really mad that Theron was not allowed to be part of the sunset walk / faction choice at the very begining and that i had to get that very romantic setting with Lana (while not getting something as beautiful with any of my character's actual LI), when he was my character's LI, and when they're both from the same faction, that made 0 sense, and Lana being the one contacting Jonas was BS as well when Theron and him are friends.

The reason for Theron not joining an imp character kinda made sense (while not perfect, it was still better than the pub side reason), but him not joining a pub character was completely stupid... Especially when he's friend with Gnost-Dural and romancing the Commander.


To me this is what I'm expecting for Theron moving forward, very minimal role, a line or two if we're lucky and that's it, even if it doesn't make sense of why he's got no opinion on certain issues. I agree 100% with you around meeting Jonas and his role with Gnost-Dural and how that made zero sense. At this point in the story my SI is now working with the Pubside because of Theron but it seems as though his number 1 reason for turning away from the imp side (Theron) isn't even going to be apart of the story anymore...might as well just go back to Imp side I suppose. :rolleyes:


Ossus to me was the moment of truth for Theron in regards to whether or not he'll be any part of the story moving forward even if was just a little. Ossus has showed me that he nor any other companion/LI other than Lana will get any content. 6.0 will be Lana + new companion + our character and everyone else will get non speaking roles or any parts in any story, that's what I see moving forward.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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LMAO BioWare!


Anyway, so long ladies of the Theron thread (and forum as a whole) it's been a pleasure ^_^ maybe one day BioWare really WILL make that fabled single player expansion and it will have 99% less Lana and a good amount of Theron and even other neglected and sidelined romances and we'll all meet again and play it. Until that day comes, I've officially learned my lesson about subbing long term based on rumors and assurances and developers "want to do in the future maybe possibly" statements. From now on if they come out with another short story chapter that's few and far between like the traitor ones and the Ossus one I will sub for that month only. Small content, small sub right? If they don't ever release any more single player story content or if they do and it's Lana focused then I guess that's it.

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LMAO BioWare!


Anyway, so long ladies of the Theron thread (and forum as a whole) it's been a pleasure ^_^ maybe one day BioWare really WILL make that fabled single player expansion and it will have 99% less Lana and a good amount of Theron and even other neglected and sidelined romances and we'll all meet again and play it. Until that day comes, I've officially learned my lesson about subbing long term based on rumors and assurances and developers "want to do in the future maybe possibly" statements. From now on if they come out with another short story chapter that's few and far between like the traitor ones and the Ossus one I will sub for that month only. Small content, small sub right? If they don't ever release any more single player story content or if they do and it's Lana focused then I guess that's it.


I'm going to miss you and your posts. When/if that happens, we can all have a reunion. For now, I'm grateful that we know where to find each other. Everything you've said here, makes a ton of sense. Take care and my best to you. <3

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If your interested there is a Theron player model on Garry's Mod which you can use on the swtor themed servers. I'm not really into the text based roleplay stuff ... I have tried it a few times ... but my last gmod experience ending up with this. I was driving a speeder ... went around the corner a bit too quickly and killed four people.
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