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Empire planet arc storyline for Corellia plays first, and republic planet arc is about retaking it or something. they run on a different timetable to class stories, which as I mentioned seem to just weave their way around the planet arcs. So for me, who is adding planet arcs to my tale even if I focus on one character with only tiny mentions to my others, I need to tackle planet arc timelines alongside class ones xD . I'll get there, no hurry for it yet, for me.


Like Taris is republic first, and then the Imps crash through and destroy all their hard work afterwards.

I found my blank flashcards, that'll help me. I like being able to see the stuff in front of me to order it all with a lot of guesswork involved xD

That's not an eeasy thing :D

I usually don't bother with the panet arcs, the only exception being Alderaan with my JK, though i have no idea where to place it in the timeline. I guess here the best is to place that right afrter Naeya gets on Alderaan and before she's reunited with Orgus..


Well Taris / Balmorra are a bit easier to sort out, as our republican characters go to Taris in their chapter 1 and on Balmorra on their chapter 2 while it's the opposite for imperial characters.

Corelia is not as easy. It seem that the BH is the 1st to get there, probably followed by the SW.

It seems that the JK is probably the 1st of the republic sided characters to get on Corelia as things seem pretty bad for the Republic when the JK arrives there and considering that there's no Janarus or Saresh in the JK's final cutescene, i'd say that it takes place between Janarus' death and Saresh becoming the new Supreme Chancellor, and i'd say that Saresh being there at the end of the trooper and consular class story would place them as the last 2 classes to be on Corelia.

I have no clue about the SI, smuggler and IA though


So yeah, i guess Empire won the first battle but in the end, the Republic won the war over Corelia.


I think in the letter to the SW the Hand mentions the Jedi attacking the Emperor on DK while the Wrath is busy taking care of Baras on Korriban, so these 2 events must be quite simultaneous, which would mean that the JK already left Corelia for DK before the SI gets there for his Kaggath with Thanaton.

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hehe seems feasible! I don't know why I enjoy the planet arcs so much too, but I do. I also loved Makeb. Although everything SoR and onwards remains my favourite story-wise.

Hm have more characters than i need for the class stories (i have at least a lady SW who has nothing to do with the SW class story), so i guess i'll use these unused characters for the planet arcs and flashpoints, and so problem solved :D


And i managed to get a copy of Lost Suns on Amazon (there were only 3 left), so now waiting for the stupid spy to come home :cool:

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Hm have more characters than i need for the class stories (i have at least a lady SW who has nothing to do with the SW class story), so i guess i'll use these unused characters for the planet arcs and flashpoints, and so problem solved :D


And i managed to get a copy of Lost Suns on Amazon (there were only 3 left), so now waiting for the stupid spy to come home :cool:


It's just a thing for me, I like the planet arcs but don't do sidequests on all characters unless it's one I know is funny xD

Technically it's my imp and rep main characters (1 each) that do them in my story since though the class stories are existing at the same time, so 4 per faction, the planet arcs are singular. My smuggler does rep-side, my sith warrior does imp-side.


Would you believe me if I said The Lost Suns was the first comic I ever read xD I love it!

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It's just a thing for me, I like the planet arcs but don't do sidequests on all characters unless it's one I know is funny xD

Technically it's my imp and rep main characters (1 each) that do them in my story since though the class stories are existing at the same time, so 4 per faction, the planet arcs are singular. My smuggler does rep-side, my sith warrior does imp-side.


Would you believe me if I said The Lost Suns was the first comic I ever read xD I love it!

Yep, that's why i do the Alderaan one with my JK since she's directly concerned with this one. This is the first time since she left her father to become a Jedi that she's able to see him again, it's been 10 years and they're like strangers now, a bit weird for both of them i guess.


I'll use my lady SW for the imp-side planet arcs and flaspoints, and i think i'll create a male JK for the rep-side ones.


I should be able to read it in like 2 or 3 days, i hope i'll like it as much as i enjoyed reading Annihilation and Revan. Haven't finished the book about Dark Malgus and the Sack of Coruscant yet, and haven't read the last one either.


The book with Malgus is a good tie in for my JK's backstory as i imagined that Satele was the one to take her from Alderaan to the jedi order, and considering that she's on Alderaan at that time it's nice. Funny thing is that Naeya has probably met Baras then, i don't think she likes him very much.

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So realistically how much Theron/Lana do you guys expect in 6.0? I know we got that Dev post but was curious as to what everyone expects. For me I believe we'll see them but only for them to make a comment about the situation and not actually be involved with it, I reckon we'll have new characters that will be tagging along with us now, new romances? I do also believe we'll see Satele again, I would love her thoughts on her son marrying my SI/SW. ;) Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I'm not expecting much content at all, likely just pop into a cutscene here and there.

I am hoping for very few new companions, no more romance (outside of rumours already) because we have 25 and if they take away everyone yet again just to only give new ones it's just gonna be too much, like what's the point of even giving a damn about any characters.

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So realistically how much Theron/Lana do you guys expect in 6.0? I know we got that Dev post but was curious as to what everyone expects. For me I believe we'll see them but only for them to make a comment about the situation and not actually be involved with it, I reckon we'll have new characters that will be tagging along with us now, new romances? I do also believe we'll see Satele again, I would love her thoughts on her son marrying my SI/SW. ;)


I hope that there's going to be an option to have only Theron in the story. I don't want to see blondie ever again. Just give me an option to fire her for incompetence, remove from my story, and keep in others, if they choose so, just like I keep Theron after my choice on Nathema.


As for new people and romances. I hope to hear Valss/Vin VA again in any capacity. If he's a new LI, all the better. That said, I'd be very weary attaching myself to anyone new, in case they share the fate of those I already like and "lost" due to kill options I never took.

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So realistically how much Theron/Lana do you guys expect in 6.0? I know we got that Dev post but was curious as to what everyone expects. For me I believe we'll see them but only for them to make a comment about the situation and not actually be involved with it, I reckon we'll have new characters that will be tagging along with us now, new romances? I do also believe we'll see Satele again, I would love her thoughts on her son marrying my SI/SW. ;)

Well, i'm not expecting much more than what Arcann had so far, which is a bit sad, because the more Theron, the better.

I'd also love something from Satele and maybe Malcom about Theron and my JK (at least a letter from them would be nice). They're somehow what Satele and Malcom could have been if she had decided to leave the Jedi.


I'd say that i'd like to see Valss and Vin again, that'd be nice, and if romanceable, why not, i've 2 single characters.

I also guess that we'll have new companions and probably new romances too, but idk, except my males JC and SI, all my girls are already with someone, so unless i headcanon that Koth died on the Gravestone when it exploded, i've not that much room left for new romances, and, if they also become plants, what's the point anyway :(

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I need more Theron! And more Quinn!


If Valss were to somehow return I would have to make a Chiss girl for him. Although, maybe a Chiss boy would be a better fit, he was making eyes at Theron. Then again...Theron, can't really blame him.

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I need more Theron! And more Quinn!


If Valss were to somehow return I would have to make a Chiss girl for him. Although, maybe a Chiss boy would be a better fit, he was making eyes at Theron. Then again...Theron, can't really blame him.

I'm all for more Theron, well more Quinn why not, even if I have no one for him right now


Considering the way he was looking at Theron (and yeah how could we blame him for that, but dear Valss you can look but don't even try to touch !), i could totaly see him with another guy.

Maybe he could fit quite well with my pureblood SI, they would make a powerfull couple i guess, but no children for them unless they adopt ^^'

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A male Chiss it is then, cause I know if I made a female Chiss she would just end up a clone of Jen and end up with Theron, lol.


My SW's are all with Quinn, cause I adore him. <3

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A male Chiss it is then, cause I know if I made a female Chiss she would just end up a clone of Jen and end up with Theron, lol.

lol, i'me the same when creating new JK, they always end up as Naeya clones :D


Hm, male Chiss could work yeah.

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Any SW I make is a Saf clone, and so with Theron xD I actually have this post-it note on my monitor saying "-characetr name is FINAL SW!!!!!" lmao.

all male characters I make tend to become CC clones (the nickname of my JC). and JK are Chay-like.

I'm more open minded with every other class as they aren't as important to me xD


I adore Quinn but for romance.. Theron won, and he only matched my sw play-style , it was a tough choice.

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I have tried to make a SW to do other romances with, and I just can't not flirt with Quinn and get him all flustered.


Much like when I am playing my mercs, or smuggler with Theron. <3


I love it when they trip over their words. It is adorable.

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Any SW I make is a Saf clone, and so with Theron xD I actually have this post-it note on my monitor saying "-characetr name is FINAL SW!!!!!" lmao.

all male characters I make tend to become CC clones (the nickname of my JC). and JK are Chay-like.

I'm more open minded with every other class as they aren't as important to me xD


I adore Quinn but for romance.. Theron won, and he only matched my sw play-style , it was a tough choice.

I tried to make a pureblood SW but i actually used him only as a testing dummy to see the differences with Jaesa when being DS, neutral or LS. and i'm just replaying a Merak (who's a human SW) clone now, who'll end up with Lana.


I've tried Theron with ♀ IA, ♀ smuggler, ♀ SW, ♂ SI and ♀ JK, and the ♀ JK was the only one where the love felt real and mutual.

I guess it's mainly due to voice acting, but seriously the french voice actress for the JK sounds like she has the biggest crush on Theron Shan ever :D

♀ SW sounds quite cold, like she doesn't really care, ♀ smuggler and Theron sound like they don't really like each other to begin with (logical explaination would be that the smuggler doesn't trust spies after Darmas and that Theron doesnt have a high opinion on smugglers), and ♀ IA and ♂ SI, just seem to be there for the non romantic part of the relashionship.

♀ IA sounded much more pleased to have Vector back than during any moment whith Theron, and that was my 1st pick for Theron, but it did not work that well.

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I agree the smuggler doesn't really fit for me either, but that is probably because I am used to my merc. But I wanted to get some scenes that you can only get if you are pub side, after Ziost. So my smuggler is a clone of Jen. I love how happy the merc sounds when she says Theron's name when he comes into the hangar after Nathema, it is adorable. Edited by rachetsw
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I agree the smuggler doesn't really fit for me either, but that is probably because I am used to my merc. But I wanted to get some scenes that you can only get if you are pub side, after Ziost. So my smuggler is a clone of Jen. I love how happy the merc sounds when she says Theron's name when he comes into the hangar after Nathema, it is adorable.

Yeah i like how the romance pays out with a pub side character. I liked it with my LS IA at first with the fact that they're supposed to be ennemies but are in fact not so different but now, i just can't see anyone with him other than my JK.

And well, the fact that he suffered to have a Jedi mother only to fall in love with another Jedi, who's in fact really close to his mother is quite funny too.


Yeah, she sounded so happy to see him at that moment too.

And damn that proposal was great. He's the only one who did it outside so far, which is just perfect for my Jk who loves the beautiful landscapes.

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English fem SW VA grew on me, is perfect for how I envision Saf. How I play mine just works so well with either Quinn or Theron... except for the fact when my SW meets Malavai she's only 17 lol. I didn't want to hurt Quinn, though I do write them as attracted to each other and use the age gap as why such a thing won't happen. Saf was just looking for a different kind of man, in the end.. and never got that, ended up with Theron instead.
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English fem SW VA grew on me, is perfect for how I envision Saf. How I play mine just works so well with either Quinn or Theron... except for the fact when my SW meets Malavai she's only 17 lol. I didn't want to hurt Quinn, though I do write them as attracted to each other and use the age gap as why such a thing won't happen. Saf was just looking for a different kind of man, in the end.. and never got that, ended up with Theron instead.

Don't know how she sounds in english, but i'm not the biggest fan of the female SW's french voice (that's probably why my main SW is male, because his voice is damn great, male SI has an amazing voice too).

While the voice fits quite well for the character, it does not sound that great when paired with Theron's, while the female JK's voice and Theron's just sound so perfect for each other :D


The Quinn romance is quite funny, too bad he's female only. I could've seen my male SW with him whithout any problem :p

Maybe DJaesa should've been a male and female option, Vette a male only, Pierce a female only and Quinn a male and female option.


Funny thing is that from the pics you posted of your SW she looks older than my JK who's 19 at the begining of her class story (my sis always teases me about her looking like she's actually 15) :D

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Welll... I'm not as well behaved where Theron's concerned, lol. Most of my characters (okay maybe ME), by the time they reach SoR, feel so bummed out by the discontinued flirts with their original spouses that I do tend to take all the Theron flirts, though in some cases passing on the FtB on Yavin.


It also happens that I'm not all that into some of the class LIs. Corso just doesn't tickle me so after my Smuggler's done sleeping with every other man crossing her path she usually falls for Theron. Bieberboy isn't my flavor either so most of my Bounty Hunters end up with Theron. My original JC always remained single because she wasn't interested in Felix so she's also with Theron. My original SI is with Andronikos but their relationship isn't too serious so she's had her fun flirting with Theron. My Agent, who does love Vector, has only ever flirted with Theron as a form of teasing, suppose as one spy to another in a way. Some have also flirted with Theron to get the more friend/buddy type of dialogue responses as I had them become just good friends but the non-flirts don't reflect that well.


My Trooper, who originally wanted Balkar, is happily married to Aric and somehow I managed to not flirt with Theron or hook up with him at all on her so, yay? Same with my SW though because the mere thought of flirting with Theron, or anyone not-Quinn, breaks my damn heart so she's 100% loyal to Quinn. (Save for my original SW who didn't get to lock her Quinn-mance in and wound up single then with Theron).


My Jedi Knight is the trickiest of all. She married Doc, to her regret, when still riding high on those waves of a first love and receiving such romantic attention. Bit naive on her part. She's always loved Scourge but, well, that's a no-go zone as it currently stands in game. Then Theron came along and yeah... I do have it headcanoned she and Doc split up before Theron came into the picture, and she is happily married to Theron now. Always will be and I'm going to need to make a different, new JK if Scourge ever does become available because there is not a single chance on earth I could ever stomach to dump Theron.


I guess Theron, in a way, has a harem of his own but lol. It helps that all my characters are individual with their own story and history and none of them (save for my 2nd SW and my original JK) are related in my headcanons so, plenty of Theron to go around I suppose.


What can I say? I'm addicted to him. ;)

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Don't know how she sounds in english, but i'm not the biggest fan of the female SW's french voice (that's probably why my main SW is male, because his voice is damn great, male SI has an amazing voice too).

While the voice fits quite well for the character, it does not sound that great when paired with Theron's, while the female JK's voice and Theron's just sound so perfect for each other :D


The Quinn romance is quite funny, too bad he's female only. I could've seen my male SW with him whithout any problem :p

Maybe DJaesa should've been a male and female option, Vette a male only, Pierce a female only and Quinn a male and female option.


Funny thing is that from the pics you posted of your SW she looks older than my JK who's 19 at the begining of her class story (my sis always teases me about her looking like she's actually 15) :D


It's hard to make specific looks with the available character creator :( I do have in my head that she looks and acts older then she is, and more mature. partly why she get respect everywhere. I did recently test the new hairstyle and I think it makes her look younger but never can be sure xD Here - everything the same as original except the hair

The english JK fem VA sounds incredibly sweet and soft to me, kind of funny pairing a sweet innocent sounding lass to Doc xD probably why I like it.

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My SW doesn't mind the age difference. She feels this pull to him, and doesn't understand it at first, sure he is gorgeous, and his voice. But he is so different from anyone she has met. She grew up on Alderaan, and all the boys there were foppish and concerned with their looks and their rank in nobility. Quinn wants to serve the Empire with distinction. To make the Empire stronger. She loves that about him.


And like Jenny, the thought of breaking Quinn's heart is too much for me. I can't do it. Ever.



My merc feels the same with Theron, she doesn't know why she likes him at first, except that he is easy on the eyes, and she could listen to him read the phone book. Seriously, that voice. <3 But the longer she works with him on Rishi and Yavin the more she sees how kind and intelligent he is. And he makes her laugh. He also doesn't ask her to be anyone other than herself.


My Agent loves Vector, and can't go through with the flirts, since she also has another man on the side on Voss. It feels like too much to put Vector through.


And my SI, well she is a little crazy, and I don't think that Theron would actually work with her. Like as in even be in an alliance with her she is that crazy. So I don't romance him with her.


As for the pub side I haven't done Kotfe or Kotet with anyone other than my trooper, who stayed with Jorgan.

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Well i guess we can't have too much Theron :D


About Corso, yeah, i didn't like that romance either, so my smuggler ended up flirting with every man who crossed her path (except for Darmas, but i'm replaying her and testing that)


Too bad we can't really try with Balkar, but well my trooper is happy with Jorgan now, so that's the end of it, maybe if he was to be a companion, and a romance option for all female characters whatever their class, he could work with my smuggler or IA.


My JK would never fall for Doc. She spend most of her childhood on Alderaan surrounded by liars and people obssessed with their powerplays, so a womanizer would clearly not suit her taste, because he's somewhat full of lies too. Scourge, i don't think he would suit her either, as a friend, yeah, but as a lover nope.


It's hard to make specific looks with the available character creator :( I do have in my head that she looks and acts older then she is, and more mature. partly why she get respect everywhere. I did recently test the new hairstyle and I think it makes her look younger but never can be sure xD Here - everything the same as original except the hair

The english JK fem VA sounds incredibly sweet and soft to me, kind of funny pairing a sweet innocent sounding lass to Doc xD probably why I like it.

I think that's mostly because my Jk has a somewhat rounder face and no make up that she really looks younger.

Funny thing is that your SW wears the same outfits as my JK :D

I'll go watch it, but i can't find the same with the french voices :(

Well here you can at least listen to both JK and their companions' french voices :

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