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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I still prefer his original hair but the new do has grown on me enough that it doesn't bother me in the cut-scenes or even during the proposal. He's still my Theron no matter what. ♥

I don't mind it at all, I even kept it on some toons, a reminder of what he did for love lol

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I didn’t keep that shaved style but I do like the idea of there being a concrete reason for it. That he needed to tinker with his implants works for me, I’m going with that one. I did keep his undercover outfit for lack of a better idea. Need to get some black dye for it someday though - if he’s going to marry my inq he’s going to have to wear black, thems the rules.
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I still prefer his original hair but the new do has grown on me enough that it doesn't bother me in the cut-scenes or even during the proposal. He's still my Theron no matter what. ♥


Exactly. Love that boy. ❤

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I could confirm today something I first hoped for (before Nathema went live, but after Umbara traitor mess), and then suspected seeing the rewards for Nathema:


If you skip KOTFE/ET, and go straight to Iokath, Theron and Beniko naturally aren't your companions. You can't summon them to run around with.


After Nathema, Theron becomes a summonable companion for non-KOTFE characters :)


Theron for all! :D

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I could confirm today something I first hoped for (before Nathema went live, but after Umbara traitor mess), and then suspected seeing the rewards for Nathema:


If you skip KOTFE/ET, and go straight to Iokath, Theron and Beniko naturally aren't your companions. You can't summon them to run around with.


After Nathema, Theron becomes a summonable companion for non-KOTFE characters :)


Theron for all! :D


You could have gotten Theron back via the console at any time anyways (if you didn't want to run Nathema to unlock him again).

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You could have gotten Theron back via the console at any time anyways (if you didn't want to run Nathema to unlock him again).


I mean characters that don't do KOTFE/ET. As in: never started it. Never had him as a comp. Don't have access to that console. Characters that finish pre-4.0 story content, and go straight to Iokath and beyond.

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finally caught up. I disappear for 2 days..

Theron hair - eh, I'm glad it defaults back to his original hair-do

Theron implants - I am likely the only person thinking the hacking it idea is silly, because he can completely disconnect his implants, he does it in the book Annihilation so it's feasible that he could still disconnect them at will - clicks back teeth together twice to disconnect/turn off his implants so that the director can't keep calling him and being distracting. He could have done that fine if he suspected Gemini was peeking through them. He doesn't need them turned on to do his job, they just help a lot.


The proposal, while sweet and feels heavy, was far too soon after such a betrayal. "hey, can we be a couple again?" then like 20 seconds later "marry me." woah, boy. and my character teased him into it, ugh c'mon. Sadly not going that route means in-game it'll never come up again later so I had to :/ oh well, it was nice. Be nicer once the contacts page gets updated.

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I actually love the fact that my character teases him into the proposal, because it is so in character for how I write Jenny and Theron together. Like she says it, but isn't actually expecting him to proprose. Until he doesn't, and then she realizes how much she actually does want him to ask. The teasing goes both ways though. I think it works really well for the bounty hunter because they can be pretty sarcastic.


I do agree that it is a bit too soon after they come back from Nathema. I am trying to decide if I should write it for after he is released from the med bay or later down the road.


(I finished the med bay scene, but I haven't even finished everything leading up to Nathema so I can't post it, and I totally want to share it with someone. :( )

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finally caught up. I disappear for 2 days..

Theron hair - eh, I'm glad it defaults back to his original hair-do

Theron implants - I am likely the only person thinking the hacking it idea is silly, because he can completely disconnect his implants, he does it in the book Annihilation so it's feasible that he could still disconnect them at will - clicks back teeth together twice to disconnect/turn off his implants so that the director can't keep calling him and being distracting. He could have done that fine if he suspected Gemini was peeking through them. He doesn't need them turned on to do his job, they just help a lot.


The proposal, while sweet and feels heavy, was far too soon after such a betrayal. "hey, can we be a couple again?" then like 20 seconds later "marry me." woah, boy. and my character teased him into it, ugh c'mon. Sadly not going that route means in-game it'll never come up again later so I had to :/ oh well, it was nice. Be nicer once the contacts page gets updated.


I think the implants thing is a stretch too. Because if that were the case, Gemini 16 would have found him out when he was leaving breadcrumbs for us.


And yeah...the proposal. ICK. That felt like an absolute blindside/tricksy mind-game/desperate push. Not to mention it also makes the Commander look like they're holding that over Theron's head as a condition of their forgiveness (which I'm sure wasn't the intent, but there it is). It was just really bad pacing...and felt...wrong. I know a lot of people loved it, but it just didn't work for me and how my characters interact with someone who is Bad at Feelings (because they're also Bad at Feelings). Pushing him like that just...no...


I wrote a massive rant about it on Tumblr, lol. But you're right...you know if you don't take it, we'll miss out on content later.

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I actually love the fact that my character teases him into the proposal, because it is so in character for how I write Jenny and Theron together. Like she says it, but isn't actually expecting him to proprose. Until he doesn't, and then she realizes how much she actually does want him to ask. The teasing goes both ways though. I think it works really well for the bounty hunter because they can be pretty sarcastic.


I do agree that it is a bit too soon after they come back from Nathema. I am trying to decide if I should write it for after he is released from the med bay or later down the road.


(I finished the med bay scene, but I haven't even finished everything leading up to Nathema so I can't post it, and I totally want to share it with someone. :( )


Teasing (not about marriage but in general) fitted with my character in a way. I think I mentioned back on release day that it was nice to see my character teasing him in flirts again finally after all this time.

This is how their relationship started! (Imperial with Theron in SoR - he's hesitant, trying to keep back and Imp teases him all the way through until he gives in) but doing that to a marriage thing, so soon with everything she's been through because of the betrayal, just wasn't in character, but meh.. I pretend she's just gloriously happy to get him back and has never felt that relief/happiness so strong before, afterwards realizes what she did and apologises (fic) and I can have him say it's fine, he's still up for it. lol.


It was pretty cool other then pushy, but just too close to the "making up for what was done" stuff, there is none of that actually just talk saying he has to lol. But I can work with it, I'm just grumbling about the timing, not the event itself.


I have only sporadic scenes scattered for KotET+ stuff, myself. my writing is still in the class story era xD I'll catch up eventually, chapter 1 and prologue took me 4 years to get the self esteem to actually finish it .. so.. maybe another 4 I might finish the class story events :p

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I started the Vanilla story but after Umbara I moved on to Aftermath. I haven't finished KotFE/KotET yet either, but working on it. Well, had the med bay chapter not needed to be written (:mad: Jen). Now maybe I can get back to my Quinn or Lana chapters. I think Jen is content enough to let me write other PoVs, lol.


This isn't the first time that Jenny has teased him about marriage, so I guess that is why it doesn't really bother me. Because it is kind of a joke between them. But this time, she realizes that she really wants him to ask.

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Haha, half my problem is anxiety/self esteem/motivation issues. the other half is all my ideas are noted down, I just keep struggling in the in-between bits to work them together. I can event ell when what I was writing was the obstacle between event 1 and event 4 which were my favourite ones xD


Saf would never tease someone like that, it's not in her nature. Or not more then once anyway, When she commits to someone, it's full commitment. She never thought that had to be talked about. so she never brought such a thing up until all this went down (and preggers). even the "I love you" first scene plays out for her as a "ooh right, I've never actually told you I love you yet" from Saf. She feels stuff, wants stuff, things are that in the relationship but she never says it. lol.


I can make it work for her, it was just sudden to me as a person. The dialogue leading to it works fine, it's the timing of it that I'm hung up on lol. neither had said anything like life-long/rest of life stuff before so that was new xD and makes it work out, the conversation.

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I have scraps of paper in a notebook, labeled for Something More, or for Aftermath. I also have note cards for all the main characters with important details. Nicknames, who they are related to, favorite flowers, or colors. Descriptions of their physical attributes. Important titles. And then I have seven or eight spiral notebooks, with chapters that I have written that are all out of order, lol. I write whatever the characters are feeling like sharing with me at the moment. That isn't always chronological, obviously, haha.


Jenny and Theron have talked about it, or more kind of joked. Because they both were happy with the way things were going, they didn't need a label. But Jenny has their baby while he is gone, and is not as light hearted the whole time he is gone. When she sees him on Nathema, it is like that part of her is woken up again, and she finds that joy she had when he was her boy. The timing is off, even for Jenny, but the fact that she has already had their baby, kind of ups the timetable.

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The timing is fast! "Hey love, remember that time not long ago on the train when I said all that stuff and pretended I wanted you dead? I was spy! Marry me?"


But it's a convenience matter for the game, to include it into the FP rather than do it at a later time or give us a "Three months later..." pop up. I get that part and for my characters who aren't quite there yet after this situation, I will just headcanon that some time has passed. My main, however, she's more like "Yeah you've been gone for too long already and this sht was hard enough without you, not letting you go again, we're making things official right meow."

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I used to do that, I now just have a spiral notebooks for it, especially to jot mini-scenes down when I'm not near my pc or plan out a story arc/event. I spent some money on a software program that helps me organise the heck out of my notes. Everything is easy to find, in order, and I love it. Another reason I finally got some motivation to get cracking on writing, less risk of kid scribbling all over my handwritten notes!
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For me it wasn't the timing of the proposal, my girls realise losing 5 years of their lives and losing touch with their friends for so long, some not even back yet means you have to take the moment when you can or risk losing it. The problem for me was it felt like Theron was put on the spot. He clearly was taken aback and wasn't intending on proposing at all. After he just said he'll spend the rest of his life proving his love it sounded like he felt 'obliged' to prove it right there.

Like whats already been said I take the proposal because we'll probably not get another chance but it still felt a little uncomfortable.

I also realised we never had a fade to black moment. It's not a real issue but it just seems weird getting the marriage without it. Republic did have one at the end of SOR but Imperials haven't had one yet.

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I can't give any writers advice. I literally make stuff up as I go and whenever a new plot enters my mind, I check back in older chapters to see if it works and fits then just roll with it. At best I've got a note listing the year of certain in-game events and a few little reminders of "Hey remember that thing you did/mentioned in chapter whatever, make sure you write a resolution for that cos plotholes be the devil!". I can't plan to save my life because the second I do I feel caged in and create a writer's block for myself.
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I use Google Docs, and it is great, cause I write a lot on my breaks at work, on my phone. I just wish I could do folders so I could put in chapters that are finished in it. Or put them in separate folders by book.


My only problem with setting it at a later date is all the can you forgive me, give me a second chance stuff. Jenny isn't about to waste three more months or even one month before she forgives him.


The way I wrote it was that the Order had already taken enough from them, and if she pushed Theron away they would win. Not in the way that they had intended. But losing Theron would destroy Jen, thoroughly.


And YES! Where is our fade to black? Imperials never, and it has been a long dry spell for the Republic.

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The proposal, while sweet and feels heavy, was far too soon after such a betrayal. "hey, can we be a couple again?" then like 20 seconds later "marry me." woah, boy. and my character teased him into it, ugh c'mon. Sadly not going that route means in-game it'll never come up again later so I had to :/ oh well, it was nice. Be nicer once the contacts page gets updated.

I guess it all depends on how we play our characters. For me, with Naeya, that's the start of the romance that's too early actually.

During chap 9 of KOTFE, she's still a Jedi, and somehow possed by Valkorion, though the feelings are there, she knows that Valkorion's still a threat and that fighting him may cost her her life and don't want him to hesitate if he has to put her down to stop him.

I think she'd only really confess just before taking the throne because she can't keep it inside any longer. And they'd start the actual romance only once Valkorion's gone for good.

Then you have the whole traitor stuff and he comes back and propose.


Thing is they've been in love with each other for something like 7 years (minus the 5 years in carbonite in Naeya's case), he waited after her all this time, so her waiting for him a few month is no big deal for her, and at that time she does not consider herself to be a Jedi anymore. She thought she had lost him on Nathema and doesn't want to loose more time away from him.

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I use Google Docs, and it is great, cause I write a lot on my breaks at work, on my phone. I just wish I could do folders so I could put in chapters that are finished in it. Or put them in separate folders by book.


Why can't you create folders in GDocs? I've got dozens of them, or is the phone app limited somehow?

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I use Google Docs, and it is great, cause I write a lot on my breaks at work, on my phone. I just wish I could do folders so I could put in chapters that are finished in it. Or put them in separate folders by book.


My only problem with setting it at a later date is all the can you forgive me, give me a second chance stuff. Jenny isn't about to waste three more months or even one month before she forgives him.


The way I wrote it was that the Order had already taken enough from them, and if she pushed Theron away they would win. Not in the way that they had intended. But losing Theron would destroy Jen, thoroughly.


And YES! Where is our fade to black? Imperials never, and it has been a long dry spell for the Republic.


I have scenes separated, books and chapters. all easy, able to be copied to other parts. etc, it just works better for me then any of the free things I tried, like google docs.


Oh Saf was not losing Theron after this, not at all. She forgave him on Nathema with his hurried explanation there. But that doesn't mean she had to try and get him to propose the moment he can walk again after his ordeal lol.

Forgive me, or rather "give me a one more chance" was to get back together/resume relationship and work to fix it, in my opinion. That parts was 190% fine! it was the 20 seconds later remaining a couple turned into take this relationship to it's last stage right now. Hence my timing hang up xD

But it's cool


and yeah as Goreshaga said, characters and their personalities, even codes, make it different for everyone :)

My Sith isn't the romantic type at all. She really would have been fine with the boyfriend/girlfriend stage forever. But, marriage also suits her as that is how she saw it the entire time.

Saf loved Theron from Yavin 4 onward, the tease turned into real feelings between Manaan and Rishi, then after they said goodbye she realized she loved him. She'd wait her entire life to see him again, it was only a couple of months for her, while it was over 5years for him and he still came back to her.

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