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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Hard disagree, Lana was also funny, I love when she has to remind my boys that they are flirting too hard and getting mega distracted 🤣  genuinely cracks me up every single time.  That bit in the new scene reminded me a lot of their reunion on Rishi, which I also love 😂

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I think Lana's reaction and way of interrupting is very in character for her and that she is way less considerate than Theron; he waits almost twice as long as Lana does before interrupting.

And I definitely agree that Lana's reaction on Rishi is very similar to her reaction here. I think she must be uncomfortable with other people flirting around her and the only way she can think to make them stop is to bring up work related tasks. And I'm now headcanoning that Theron constantly flirts with my agent around Lana in large part to annoy Lana - which is why she's so quick to stop any in-game flirting that involves Theron.

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6 minutes ago, JenaSalton said:

I think Lana's reaction and way of interrupting is very in character for her and that she is way less considerate than Theron; he waits almost twice as long as Lana does before interrupting.

Yes, in character, inconsiderate, not funny, and Pissy! 😂

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28 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

Yes, in character, inconsiderate, not funny, and Pissy! 😂

Ok, look, I get it, you hate Lana, and you hate everything she does, so you hate that she got in the way of your ship.  Fine.  But she was NOT pissy, she didn't sound pissy, her wording wasn't pissy.  She was NOT inconsiderate (certainly no more than Theron interrupting a PC and Lana!), she was completely right that they were getting distracted, and she was just getting them back to business because they were so into each other that they forgot they had work to do.  She didn't say it in a rude way, she was just very "*ahem* boys*...... work!"  and it was funny. ❤️

*or: hetero couple term of choice lol  (here I am just thinking of my favorite ship haha)

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18 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I don't hate Everything she does. I actually think its hilarious the way she teases Arn and Tau, and I'll even say she's gracious with Gnost-Dural but she was pissy in that elevator!

The only time Lana sounded pissy in the scene (and rightfully so!) was when Shae was annoying her and being demanding.  She's not pissy about them flirting, just very direct and to the point, and if anything her tone is really dry and all business.  Her exact wording is "may I remind you both we still have more to discuss", which is not only kinda the opposite of pissy but honestly even more polite and professional than some of her other interruptions 🤣  (and obviously I am saying that as someone who loves them all)  Here's a clip of my JK's version of the exchange, btw, since I had it available.


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3 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

The only time Lana sounded pissy in the scene (and rightfully so!) was when Shae was annoying her and being demanding.  She's not pissy about them flirting, just very direct and to the point, and if anything her tone is really dry and all business.  Her exact wording is "may I remind you both we still have more to discuss", which is not only kinda the opposite of pissy but honestly even more polite and professional than some of her other interruptions 🤣  (and obviously I am saying that as someone who loves them all)  Here's a clip of my JK's version of the exchange, btw, since I had it available.


I will never, ever, ever agree, Shae had more right than anyone to be pissed. And both Theron, and Lana were extremely disrespectful to her title!

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Just now, JakRoanin said:

I will never, ever, ever agree, She's had more right than anyone to be pissed. And both Theron, and Lana were extremely disrespectful to her title!

I was literally just saying that Shae was annoying LANA, which she clearly is in the scene.  I am so done arguing over whether she was right or wrong to be pissed, that's not anything I was even commenting on.

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I think that scene is hilarious. Lana wants the PC and Theron to get a room. I would roll my eyes too if I'm stuck in a lift and my two buddies started to flirt and send heart eyes to each other.

"I my experience, respect is something to be earned."

-Mayday, a clone trooper more Mandalorian than some Karen in basement.

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10 minutes ago, eabevella said:

I think that scene is hilarious. Lana wants the PC and Theron to get a room. I would roll my eyes too if I'm stuck in a lift and my two buddies started to flirt and send heart eyes to each other.

Exactly!  That's an even better way to describe it than I did, she totally wants them to get a room (but, ya know, later, after they finish their work!) 😂 

Like, gotta remember too that the last time she interrupted them was because they made out in front of her and clearly made her feel all awkward with the longest kiss ever and probably would not have stopped if she hadn't been like "*cough*" 🤣 (I love that scene so much btw, from after the Corellia FP)  so she knows how completely in their own little romance world they can get, she's gotta nip that in the bud when it's business time! 😂   And I love it, because I love that she has to, and I love that they're never offended or upset, they always realize she's right and they were getting distracted and they get right back to business.  They're definitely making silent plans to meet up later and get that room tho 😉

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4 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Exactly!  That's an even better way to describe it than I did, she totally wants them to get a room (but, ya know, later, after they finish their work!) 😂 

Like, gotta remember too that the last time she interrupted them was because they made out in front of her and clearly made her feel all awkward with the longest kiss ever and probably would not have stopped if she hadn't been like "*cough*" 🤣 (I love that scene so much btw, from after the Corellia FP)  so she knows how completely in their own little romance world they can get, she's gotta nip that in the bud when it's business time! 😂   And I love it, because I love that she has to, and I love that they're never offended or upset, they always realize she's right and they were getting distracted and they get right back to business.  They're definitely making silent plans to meet up later and get that room tho 😉

I like and miss their banter like this.

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Personally i hate it.

Like, most of our romantic interactions with Theron are in front of Lana now, we have very few one on one romance scenes with him (if i'm not mistaken, the last time was during Hearts and Minds, where he proposed his little escapade in the wilds of Odessen), and you can be sure that she'll interrupt pretty much every time. When i saw the [flirt] in the elevator, i was 100% sure the scene would once again be interrupted by Lana even before she did it, and that annoys me more and more each time that happens. It wouldn't be so irritating if we had more private romance scenes where it's only our PC and Theron and no one to interrupt, but when that's like 99% of the romantic interractions, and we already don't have that many to begin with, yeah it gets on my nerves and doesn't help my Lana annoyance case.

Doesn't help that she also kills the mood in other romances, like Koth's for instance.

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5 hours ago, eabevella said:

I like and miss their banter like this.

Same, any time we get the PC, Theron, and Lana trio together in a scene where they actually interact with each other (or, hell, interact with OTHER people) as friends/people with a shared history and not just exposition monkeys in an alliance meeting is SUCH a treat nowadays, because it used to be all the time but it has seriously been ages since we got it regularly.  I mean this scene doesn't come close to comparing to their interactions from earlier storylines (and the super unfinished/janky animations where they had hardly any facial expressions and mostly really stiff movements and barely accurate lip syncing to lines was.... not great and totally took me out of it a few times, erg) but compared to what we HAVE had lately, I loved it because I love/miss them together as a trio so much ❤️❤️

edit: oh, and, specifically back on the flirting thing, I love that they feel comfortable enough around Lana to flirt so passionately right in front of her, because unless I am mistaken and forgetting an incident, Theron and PC never once have a flirting/romantic interaction where they get in close and make mega heart eyes at each other (or kiss!) right in front of someone they were/are still talking with other than Lana.  They have normal and more low key flirts, but nothing like the ones where they are so distracted by each other that Lana needs to get them back to reality. 😂  They also kiss in public several times for sure, but after other people they were interacting with are gone.  But they are totally comfortable in front of Lana.  She may want them to get a room 😅 but they know that ultimately she supports them and they are friends enough to not mind that she is right there, and not mind when she gets them back to task.  I love that. ❤️

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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Same, any time we get the PC, Theron, and Lana trio together in a scene where they actually interact with each other (or, hell, interact with OTHER people) as friends/people with a shared history and not just exposition monkeys in an alliance meeting is SUCH a treat nowadays, because it used to be all the time but it has seriously been ages since we got it regularly.  I mean this scene doesn't come close to comparing to their interactions from earlier storylines (and the super unfinished/janky animations where they had hardly any facial expressions and mostly really stiff movements and barely accurate lip syncing to lines was.... not great and totally took me out of it a few times, erg) but compared to what we HAVE had lately, I loved it because I love/miss them together as a trio so much ❤️❤️

edit: oh, and, specifically back on the flirting thing, I love that they feel comfortable enough around Lana to flirt so passionately right in front of her, because unless I am mistaken and forgetting an incident, Theron and PC never once have a flirting/romantic interaction where they get in close and make mega heart eyes at each other (or kiss!) right in front of someone they were/are still talking with other than Lana.  They have normal and more low key flirts, but nothing like the ones where they are so distracted by each other that Lana needs to get them back to reality. 😂  They also kiss in public several times for sure, but after other people they were interacting with are gone.  But they are totally comfortable in front of Lana.  She may want them to get a room 😅 but they know that ultimately she supports them and they are friends enough to not mind that she is right there, and not mind when she gets them back to task.  I love that. ❤️

Yeah, I love that in Nathema Theron teased Lana about the height and got a 😠 in return. I mean, Lana doesn't take any joke or tease from anyone else, so that says something.

I always imagine the "omg get a room" attitude is a thing close friends do, you know, some sort of inner joke.

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42 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Yeah, I love that in Nathema Theron teased Lana about the height and got a 😠 in return. I mean, Lana doesn't take any joke or tease from anyone else, so that says something.

I always imagine the "omg get a room" attitude is a thing close friends do, you know, some sort of inner joke.

omg yes, I LOVE that exchange on Nathema ❤️  it's so small and yet says so much about their relationship (in general and in that moment), because Lana's still upset with him but Theron can still tease her like friends, and even though her response, as you say, was totally 😠 you can also tell she's warming back up to him because if she wasn't, she would have snapped so much harder (or worse lol).  her "I don't need your concern, Theron 😠" was totally a "you're my friend but I'm still grumpy with you" response, not an "I hate you, we're not friends anymore, shut up" response.

and same, agreed about the "omg get a room" (not to be confused with "ugh ew, get a room") being a close friends thing (not just in this case, but in general) haha.  I mean, like I said, it's only because they're close friends that they will do things that would prompt "get a room" attitude right around each other in the first place, but then also it's a very kind of friendly teasing thing, or kindly reminding friends that "I'm still standing right here" (and "we were doing something as a group, remember??")! 😅 

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

and same, agreed about the "omg get a room" (not to be confused with "ugh ew, get a room") being a close friends thing (not just in this case, but in general) haha.  I mean, like I said, it's only because they're close friends that they will do things that would prompt "get a room" attitude right around each other in the first place, but then also it's a very kind of friendly teasing thing, or kindly reminding friends that "I'm still standing right here" (and "we were doing something as a group, remember??")! 😅 

We're back to the problem of player agency there actually.

Like, you had issues with the scene with Shae because it didn't fit with your JK's personality and the kind of relationship he has with her. On the other hand you're fine with these scenes with Lana because you see her as his close friend and that kind of behavior amuses you.

My JK and Lana are not close friends (the original one was, but the clones are not, and the original has been relegated to being a testing dummy for new content in case i mess up somewhere down the line), they're not even friends, she doesn't even trust Lana to begin with. They're stuck working together because the devs have decided that it was going to be that way, and are unwilling to give us an option to part ways with her. I always take at best the most neutral options whenever she's talking to Lana and i have a choice of dialogue (and even then i'm more and more tempted to take the meanest answers now). They definitely don't have the kind of relationship where Lana playing third wheel all the time or worse interupting the very few romance scenes we're lucky enough to have would not get my JK to at the very least very visiby roll her eyes at Lana or even tell her to keep quiet or take another elevator in this case (and we never even have any option to tell her that kind of thigs).

So with that kind of relationship, Lana constantly being a mood killer definitely comes off more as a "ugh ew, get a room" than a "omg get a room".

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3 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

We're back to the problem of player agency there actually.

Like, you had issues with the scene with Shae because it didn't fit with your JK's personality and the kind of relationship he has with her. On the other hand you're fine with these scenes with Lana because you see her as his close friend and that kind of behavior amuses you.

My JK and Lana are not close friends (the original one was, but the clones are not, and the original has been relegated to being a testing dummy for new content in case i mess up somewhere down the line), they're not even friends, she doesn't even trust Lana to begin with. They're stuck working together because the devs have decided that it was going to be that way, and are unwilling to give us an option to part ways with her. I always take at best the most neutral options whenever she's talking to Lana and i have a choice of dialogue (and even then i'm more and more tempted to take the meanest answers now). They definitely don't have the kind of relationship where Lana playing third wheel all the time or worse interupting the very few romance scenes we're lucky enough to have would not get my JK to at the very least very visiby roll her eyes at Lana or even tell her to keep quiet or take another elevator in this case (and we never even have any option to tell her that kind of thigs).

So with that kind of relationship, Lana constantly being a mood killer definitely comes off more as a "ugh ew, get a room" than a "omg get a room".

You are fully entitled to not want her to "be a mood killer" if you see it that way, that's fine.  I disagree with you but I entirely respect your opinion on it for your own characters.

However, I absolutely disagree about Lana and Shae situations being comparable and both being about player agency.  The Shae situation is a direct lack of player agency by having a "decision" with two choices that are actually the same choice, whereas the Lana one is not a lack of player agency, it's just a thing that happens in the scene that you didn't like and wish your character could have made a decision on.  And again, it's fine that you don't like it, but, it's not the same thing.  The two events are really only comparable insofar as they both involve a type of request from an NPC, and some people hate the outcome of one, and some people hate the outcome of the other.  The actual situations, both scene-wise and in how they impact and are impacted by the characters involved, are entirely different. 

With Shae, a) it is a major plot point and shapes the course of the scene and therefore the main storyline, b) it is entirely the PC's place to make the decision what to do with her (Theron and Lana provide input and clearly both support denying Shae's request but leave the decision to the PC), but then c) there is dialogue to make your character "decide" whether to give in to Shae's demands but despite it being framed as a decision, both options lead to the exact same choice and it's one that ignores all the suggestions of their allies and does not make sense for most characters (and it is predictably proven to be a bad choice when it backfires later in the scene!  therefore making characters look stupid for making that choice).

Meanwhile, with Lana, a) it is a flirt moment, not a major plot point, asking the couple to stop after one flirt does nothing to the plot except stop them from doing more flirting/potentially making out (and it should be pointed out that historically there is almost never more than one flirt-back-and-forth in a scene if anyone else - not just Lana - is there anyway, regardless of those other people interrupting them or not).... but, even more importantly, b) both the PC and Theron are involved in the decision to listen to Lana or not.  And even if you have decided that YOUR character hates Lana and would not want to listen to her and it's not friendly banter, THERON is still friends with Lana regardless of any player's decisions about their own character and it is entirely in character that he would respect his friend's request that they stop making googoo eyes and get back to work. 

And frankly, even if Theron WASN'T friends with Lana, or if your headcanon is that he totally isn't in your playthrough, Theron has equal say in the decision regardless, and the decision he makes is to listen to Lana and get back to business, so even if your character would have wanted to make a different choice and keep going and ignore Lana, Theron made the choice to agree with Lana and cut the making moves off and therefore the flirting ended.

edit because I forgot one of my main points lol (I'm tired ok, don't judge me): There isn't actually even a choice to MAKE in the Lana asking them to get back on track bit, it is just an event that happens in the plot that doesn't take player input, which is true of many, many, many things in the game.  This one just happened to have (for you) an undesireable outcome.  It is only about player agency or not when there IS a choice for the player to make, and it's a lack of agency when there is the illusion of choice for more than one outcome but regardless of the choice you make in the scene it goes only one way (or, more to the point, it can go the opposite way of what you actually chose since there is only one possible outcome).  In this particular example, I chose over and over "no, Shae" but then the result of the scene was her being in on the interrogation anyway, because apparently no means yes.


(btw, don't get me wrong, I would have LOVED them to keep going and make out, it's been so long since we had a kiss, but, I also personally think Lana was entirely right to get them back to business, and I love that banter between them, for all the reasons I have previously detailed, therefore I love the scene as is)


Also, I feel it is important to say, even if you don't take the scene as friendly banter and for you it is about someone who is not a friend being a "mood killer", it is completely normal and acceptable for ANYONE to ask others they are hanging out with/working with to stop making moves on each other/making out right in front of them if it makes them uncomfortable and/or when they're basically in a work setting, especially if they are nice about it (which Lana was, she was very calm and professional).  So, you can hate her for it, that's fine, but Lana did nothing that was actually out of line.

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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

it should be pointed out that historically there is almost never more than one flirt-back-and-forth in a scene if anyone else - not just Lana - is there anyway, regardless of those other people interrupting them or not)

Which makes the whole situation even worse actually, as it was completely pointless for her to interrupt. They were about to arrive at Malgus's prison and would've stopped anyways either right when they arrived or when seeing angry Shae waiting for them, so why did she need to interrupt once again ? She could've just turned away and let them look at each other lovingly for a few more seconds, especially since they weren't really doing anything indecent other than looking at each other while ignoring her.

3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

it's a lack of agency when there is the illusion of choice for more than one outcome but regardless of the choice you make in the scene it goes only one way (or, more to the point, it can go the opposite way of what you actually chose since there is only one possible outcome).

Which is basically what happens with Lana. You're given many, many opportunities to not be friendly with her and to have a somewhat cordial but not close or even an openly hostile relationship with her, but the fact the relationship is not friendly is ignored whenever they want to, so you end up with a weird situation where the relationship is not friendly whenever you're given a choice, but you're still treated as being BFF (if not pseudo lovers at times) whenever you don't have a choice.

3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

THERON is still friends with Lana regardless of any player's decisions about their own character and it is entirely in character that he would respect his friend's request that they stop making googoo eyes and get back to work. 

And frankly, even if Theron WASN'T friends with Lana, or if your headcanon is that he totally isn't in your playthrough, Theron has equal say in the decision regardless, and the decision he makes is to listen to Lana and get back to business, so even if your character would have wanted to make a different choice and keep going and ignore Lana, Theron made the choice to agree with Lana and cut the making moves off and therefore the flirting ended.

I don't mind that Theron agrees to stop, i'm not the one making the decisions for him, i do that my characters are never allowed to tell her to stop being a mood killer, or to stop behaving like a proxy mom or GF though.

3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

(btw, don't get me wrong, I would have LOVED them to keep going and make out, it's been so long since we had a kiss, but, I also personally think Lana was entirely right to get them back to business, and I love that banter between them, for all the reasons I have previously detailed, therefore I love the scene as is)


Also, I feel it is important to say, even if you don't take the scene as friendly banter and for you it is about someone who is not a friend being a "mood killer", it is completely normal and acceptable for ANYONE to ask others they are hanging out with/working with to stop making moves on each other/making out right in front of them if it makes them uncomfortable and/or when they're basically in a work setting, especially if they are nice about it (which Lana was, she was very calm and professional).  So, you can hate her for it, that's fine, but Lana did nothing that was actually out of line.

I'd not necessarily want for them to openly make out and kiss passionately, i'd have been fine with her just not interrupting. And again, her interrupting would not bother me as much if 1/ we had more romance scenes where it's just the PC and Theron instead of having nearly all of them in front of Lana and 2/ if we were actually allowed to tell her to either keep it to herself or leave if it bothers her so much, instead of having Lana ruining most of the romance scenes by either standing by their side staring at them while they're trying to have a moment or openly interrupting them. The only moments she's been considerate enough to actually leave was at the end of Nathema, and more or less Hearts & Minds, but she still took her time before leaving while Theron was clearly waiting to have a moment alone with our PC


But hey if we really had a choice, i'd have kicked her out of my sight after Nathema and we wouldn't have that conversation as she'd not be ruining most of the few romance scenes we're allowed to have, for me at least. Everybody would be happy, you'd still have the scenes as they are, and i'd actually not have her playing third wheel or interrupting, since she'd not be there anymore for me.


Honestly, in this update, the romantic interactions Arcann and Torian received are infinitely better than what Theron got (i'm very happy for my SW and BH, and anyone whose characters are romancing any of them, but i'm not really happy for my JK here, i would've been if they had just stopped flirting on their own without Lana interrupting though), unless there is another scene i'm not aware of where Theron and the PC can finally have some private time together, which would make Lana interrupting what seems to be the only romantic interaction with him a lot less irritating actually.

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I was gonna draft up a bunch of counter points, but I'm just.... I'm honestly done with this tired debate.  The people that hate Lana hate this scene, those of us who like/love Lana like the scene.  It's the same for basically every scene we talk about that has both Lana and Theron in and/or Lana does anything of note involving Theron and/or the PC, and as someone who loves her (she's in my top 5 favorite characters in the game) and loves her and Theron's relationship (and the Theron/Lana/PC trio) and would like to talk about that in here because it's an aspect of my love for Theron (and this is, ya know, a Theron love thread) but I basically can't because it always incites waves of Lana bashing, it's tiring.  

It'd be one thing is this debate had happened once, or even a few times (we are ALL guilty of getting off topic, and we have all complained about things in here, even complained about other characters, including me), but it happens every.single.time.  And Lana alone always seems to go beyond just talking about things people don't like being done by her into the realm of actual HATE TALK about her as a character (which I should point out is literally one of the only things that's listed as no-nos for this thread if you read the very first post, but it's not like that's a binding contract, I can't exactly enforce it).  And again, it is basically every single time.

With that in mind (and I do not ask this lightly because I know I am not a forum mod, I have no authority of any kind, I am just someone who loves a silly lil Star Wars game and wants to have a chill time talking about Theron), can we PLEASE can the Lana bashing/hate talk in this thread??

It is crystal clear that people who love Lana and people who hate Lana are never going to agree.  That's fine, we're allowed to disagree on things, we have loads of friendly debates in here that do NOT devolve into hate bashing vs defending specific characters every time they are brought up.  But for some reason Lana conversations always end up there.  Which is seriously frustrating considering she is one of the MAIN characters Theron interacts with other than the PC (and one of the main NPC characters in the game) and if we can't talk about any topic involving her and Theron without it devolving into a furious debate between those of us defending/loving her and people complaining/bashing her then there's loads of things I want to talk about that I can't talk about if I don't want to see the same tired repetitive arguments for why people feel raging hate for one of my favorite characters.

If you hate Lana, that's FINE.  Your opinion is perfectly valid, it's FINE.   Even if you hate her specifically because she's there when you think Theron should be or you think she treats Theron terribly or for literally any other reason that revolves around Theron, again, FINE.  But that doesn't mean those of us who love/enjoy her interactions/relationship with Theron want to hear about that every single time we talk about it.  Or at least, I don't!  This is meant to be a LOVE thread.  I know it is a Theron love thread, not a Lana love thread, but if we're talking about how much we love something about Lana as she or something she did relates to Theron, that's entirely on topic.  So people instantly turning around and telling us back how much they hate what we're saying we love, or just unpromptedly saying how much they hate something Lana has done regarding Theron or hate Lana in general and then continuing to bash her when we try to spin it positively, that's just frustrating.

So, please, I am begging, pleading, asking as nicely and sincerely as I possibly can: if we're talking positively about Lana and Theron, and you are someone who is finding yourself just itching to respond to say how much you disagree because you loathe her, or if you are playing the game/watching a scene and you feel the rage building inside you about Lana, and want to post about it here, can you please please please just..... not

My genuine suggestion: make yourself a "Lana hate thread" and bash her all you want in there.  I won't go over there and say anything I love about her, I promise.

For my part, I will not stop talking positively about Lana as she relates to any topic we are talking about (mainly Theron), but if people exercise their right to ignore me completely and keep hating on her in response then I will try to resist the urge to engage with people complaining even though I really want to defend her and keep it positive.  I know I'm guilty of always engaging to defend and it always stokes the flames of the haters, so I will try to resist.  But it would definitely be nice if I just didn't have to resist because the hate talk stopped.  I know that might be too much to ask for, but I tried.  I had to try.

Aaaaand that's me having said my piece.  It was a very long piece, I know, but I wanted to be thorough.  Sorry if I've hideously offended anyone, as that was not my intention. 

I will say no more.  Thank you for your time. 

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Now, for something completely different:

I was going through my agent videos and somehow I never clocked this wonderful shared line my first time through.  It's something only imperials get (since republic gets a very different flirt), and as a republic main I admit I'm actually a little jelly 😂, because I love it ❤️

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