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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

In theory I agree with all that re: how spies work.  And if it was done better I would really love it too.

But imo the problem is in the execution.  It feels lazy to me, like the devs didn't have enough money to actually make 4 separate versions of the story (2 normal, 2 saboteur) but because they wanted to give the illusion of choice to not rejoin original faction they threw in some token differences into the story which are ultimately not worth much.

I wanted to love the saboteur story, I really thought I would, but it has too many glaring issues for me and made me hate it, especially on the character I was playing it on.  And the fact I was on THE SPY and it didn't feel right, welp.

I would be infinitely more ok with the saboteur story if:

1. There was a choice between fully join opposing faction (and playing that story) OR be a spy for opposing faction and go back to your own faction as saboteur -- GIVE MY CHARACTERS BACK THEIR AGENCY

2. cutscenes with Theron and Lana who know about the PC being a spy reflect that they are undercover on missions and not act like they are supporting the faction they are spying on

2b. this may be an imperial saboteur issue specifically but: Theron and Lana suddenly acting differently in general because they are publicly working with the empire is a huge ick to me, fix that

3. when choosing saboteur the PC could likewise choose to publicly leave the Alliance and "rejoin" their original faction in an agreement that the Alliance itself will then ally with the faction the PC wanted them to ally with (e.g., imp character chooses republic, republic agrees to ally officially and publicly with the Alliance, but the Commander publicly steps down and returns to the empire, planning to be a spy there) -- this because I absolutely LOATHE that the whole Alliance is forced to ally with a faction publicly just because the faction the Commander ACTUALLY chose wants their leader to be a spy for that faction, it is nonsensical and stupid imo

4. more actual spying and reporting back, aka more actual saboteuring (such as doing more saboteur bonus quests, or doing things like my previously suggested reporting on Gnost-dural's capture and giving enough info that the republic can intercept and free him -- this would not break the spy's cover but would be a perfect example of actually feeling useful) -- because as is being "saboteur" feels all but useless and hardly any different from just playing that story as normal

5. if it's just quietly undercover as spy and barely even reporting anything useful in any mission, then maybe call it something other than "saboteur" lol, because the word saboteur implies actually doing active sabotage and there is almost none of that

6. let the PC be a spy who simply gathers info but then let their allies in the Alliance act on that intel and do actual genuine sabotaging -- this would especially be effective with #3 

A few thoughts on your points, because I agree for the most part but can also understand why things wouldn't work out that way. I also freely admit that a lot of my thoughts are working backwards to fix the issues that exist with the way the story has been written thus far, rather than because these explanations would be the best, if there wasn't something to adapt to already (not sure if that made any sense or not, but hopefully someone understands).

Anyway to your points:

1. I think this basically comes down to too much work for Bioware. I think throwing in an Imp character into the Republic side missions because they publicly defected, would feel even more... unright than what we have now. You wouldn't be trusted by most people and they likely wouldn't invite you to participate in the various high stake missions (ie Corellia, hunting down Malgus) . I do think a choice should be there to allow for player/character agency, but I'd rather there not be a choice then have you make a choice only for that choice to be ignored.

2. Earlier in this thread, people talked about how talented Theron was for his various ways of getting the PC to Rishi by doing spy stuff. We see the hints of how good a spy the Shroud is. The Traitor Arc happens because Theron is worried he can't speak openly to the PC without someone else overhearing. Jonas and Rivix are probably bugging or at least trying to bug the PC or the Alliance base on a semi regular basis. Theron and Lana would be aware of the risks and avoid speaking openly about it most of the time - though I agree there should be some scenes at least where they mention doing a full sweep for bugs and then openly discuss what they're actually doing.

3. I agree with you here, but at the same time I imagine that if the PC walked away, most people would have just rejoined their own factions and the Alliance would have basically dissolved. I also imagine that there were probably a lot of regular grunts in the Alliance probably did like Aygo (and the various comps who send you letters saying they won't work against their own faction) and left. Because yeah, the idea that everyone in the Alliance just follows the Commander to whatever faction the Commander publicly choose is silly. Especially with any alien species joining the Empire - really don't see that happening, no matter how much the Empire says they've changed.

4. Full agree here. Give me letters from Jonas and Theron and Lana telling me about how the various things I did, the information I gathered have aided the side I'm actually supporting. Honestly, just give me more letters in general. Its such a great and relatively simple way to make the game feel bigger and like things are happening, even while we're waiting for updates in RL. (Also I want letters from my companions, particularly my LIs, but that's a whole other thing that has nothing to do with the topic on hand.)

5. The name of the role never bothered me, but I see what you're saying. 

6. I still think the PC can and should do some sabotaging/espionage, because I our characters are the main characters and they should be allowed to do things that have big effects. But, for the most part, I think the small, covert actions make more sense in game and probably have a big effect on the war effort, if Bioware was able to show us. 

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Here's another thing you can tailor some of it. I've watched playthroughs where...


Imp Sab, gets the Pub fleet from Onderon to Corellia, but fries the fuel {saves the lives} of the Mek'sha fleet in order to keep their pretense, and Pubs still win Corellia...

Then I kicked myself for not doing the same thing with my Agents 'Cause DUH! But I didn't know it wouldn't screw things up. So maybe working with the construct can make the story more enjoyable. But to add a Theron Cherry he and Lana could have had a little chit-chat about how hard you rocked.

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1 hour ago, JenaSalton said:

1. I think this basically comes down to too much work for Bioware. I think throwing in an Imp character into the Republic side missions because they publicly defected, would feel even more... unright than what we have now. You wouldn't be trusted by most people and they likely wouldn't invite you to participate in the various high stake missions (ie Corellia, hunting down Malgus).

I definitely agree that it's because it was too much work for BW, like I said, the reason there are only 2 versions of the story with super minor alterations instead of 4 totally different stories is very clearly that they didn't want to do that extra work (whether it's laziness, lack of enough writers to come up with better ideas, or just straight up lack of budget, who can say, but probably the latter).  I know why we don't have it, but knowing doesn't make it sting any less.

Definitely disagree though about the idea that it would not work to fully defect.  I do think there would be some characters in the defected-to faction who would be wary about them, but that would just make a better story imo.  And if anything it would mean the PC could literally volunteer for missions to prove themselves.  But I also think that a) they are the Alliance Commander, regardless of where they started, and that alone carries weight, and would warrant being invited to help with missions who need a really capable person to carry them out, and b) it worked out fine on Iokath so why would it not work out longer term, especially after they spent a couple early missions proving themselves?

Also, just to say, I frankly wouldn't even care if there was really minimal difference to, say, the republic storyline as imperial character playing through it compared to playing through it as republic character, even if there were situations where it would make sense for the fact they're imperial to come into play where it didn't, I wouldn't care, I would still take want the option for characters who would not choose double agent but also would not want to go back to their original faction (like, ya know, former imps who are dating/marrying a former republic spy boy ❤️)

1 hour ago, JenaSalton said:

I do think a choice should be there to allow for player/character agency, but I'd rather there not be a choice then have you make a choice only for that choice to be ignored.

The problem for me with this is that I feel like there already IS a choice, and it already is ignored.  That is, the PC chooses to ally the Alliance with X faction.  Not to become their double agent, but to ally their own people with X faction.  Instead, THAT choice is ignored, and they are forced to be a double agent, even if they protest the idea and say they just want to be done with their old faction.  That really bothers me on a visceral level. 

Since my character makes that choice I want that to actually be able to BE a choice. 

Let the faction try to offer me double agent status, let me decide if I want to do that or if I really really for suresies just want to ally factions and be DONE with my previous faction.  Or else don't give me the option to "choose" that faction at all.  (I mean, I don't want that either, I don't want to NOT be able to choose to change from original faction.  But I want the ability to choose and actually do it.) 

For some characters it completely makes sense to play double agent, and choose that story.  But I honestly think for the majority of characters who want to switch from original faction, it really doesn't, it makes more sense for them to just want to choose a faction and work with them, not pretend to work for the other side.  Not every character is going to be a good deep cover spy, it takes a very specific set of skills, and is a really hard thing to do, and extremely emotionally taxing.

1 hour ago, JenaSalton said:

2. Earlier in this thread, people talked about how talented Theron was for his various ways of getting the PC to Rishi by doing spy stuff. We see the hints of how good a spy the Shroud is. The Traitor Arc happens because Theron is worried he can't speak openly to the PC without someone else overhearing. Jonas and Rivix are probably bugging or at least trying to bug the PC or the Alliance base on a semi regular basis. Theron and Lana would be aware of the risks and avoid speaking openly about it most of the time - though I agree there should be some scenes at least where they mention doing a full sweep for bugs and then openly discuss what they're actually doing.

I definitely agree Theron is a really good spy and would be cautious, and their enemies may certainly be trying to bug them, but, the times that they DO talk openly there is never any mention of worrying about people overhearing or anything, and there are never mentions (at least as far as I got in the story) of "we better be constantly sweeping for bugs!" or any other mention of the idea that they are playing at being imperial for the sake of a potential imperial audience.  So as a result the scenes where they talk like they're loyal imperial allies compared to the few where they actually talk openly just comes off feeling either a) inconsistent or b) like lazy game design because they didn't want to make alt versions of most scenes for saboteur.  

Also, like, for Theron in particular, I feel it would honestly be MORE conspicuous for a former republic spy to act like he's loyally supporting their imperial missions I think lol  (I mean, it's certainly out of character and anyone who knows him would know it!)  If he was acting like they weren't spying, him making a show of protesting actions which hurt the republic badly would be less suspicious (and maybe that does happen later on in the story past where I got to, let me know if so haha)

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The problem of Saboteur is not the idea itself: changing and challenging the Empire from the inside is the main theme of LS Warrior and Inquisitor, while breaking the chains of the Empire is the central topic of the Agent. Even Bounty Hunter, the Imperial class with the least ties with the Empire, could choose not to be a Darth's lap dog in the end of their class story. Being able to actually dissolve the Empire is great for all Imp characters (especially interesting for the Warrior and Inquisitor who have to explain to their (former) Jedi companions why they think changing the Empire is no longer an option).

The problem is that SWTOR is a MMO, there's no way BW is able to make such drastic change to a character's factions that will affect (break) everything from fleet and vanilla planets accessibility, all the faction restricted missions, achievements, and such. It's not a simple change of our character's faction tag, so there's no way the Saboteur story will go anywhere nor our saboteurs do anything significant, because BW already has trouble making 1 hour long story content for their 10th anniversary "expansion", there's no way they will make the saboteur story an actual thing instead of an after thought to the "main" story, which is frustrating the more I play it even though there are some interesting things on the Imp side (can't wait to have my agent point his finger at Rivix and tell him that he never fall for his Zeltron charm because are you kidding me? Have you seen Theron? lol).

The only thing I can do is to headcanon my agent defect with my JK so he and Theron have their small moment of "happy ever after" after Echos of Oblivion (talk with mother in law, get her blessing, and convince her to talk to Theron etc etc you know, all the good stuffs).

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Ok, ya know that scene on Yavin while the crazy guy is being interrogated on Yavin (republic version) and Theron comes up to talk and then asks how the PC is doing?  Something that has always bugged me in that scene is that after Theron asks that, you can either answer his question OR ask him how he's doing (specifically, how he's handling working with Satele), but it won't let you do both.  I always feel bad completely ignoring his question and not answering it but also wanna ask him how he's doing! (especially on JK, who knows both Theron and Satele well and knows about their strained relationship and wants to help, so of course he would ask about that)  Like, in game this is the first time Theron and the PC chat since kissing on Rishi and admitting they're into each other (assuming you did the romance, obv - I think the convo happens regardless), they should really be able to both ask each other how they're handling things and both get answers.

So, I decided to fix it in post and splice the two dialogues back to back.  And imo this really improves the scene (like, seriously, this should just be an option in the actual game), so I thought I would share.  Here is the link for anyone interested.  Maybe no one else will agree it works 😅, but, I love having both lines in there

(And yes, the transition between lines is a little abrupt, but there are far more jarring dialogue transitions in the actual official dialogue of the game so it honestly doesn't bother me at all lol  this is just going as my official recording version now)

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Ok, ya know that scene on Yavin while the crazy guy is being interrogated on Yavin (republic version) and Theron comes up to talk and then asks how the PC is doing?  Something that has always bugged me in that scene is that after Theron asks that, you can either answer his question OR ask him how he's doing (specifically, how he's handling working with Satele), but it won't let you do both.  I always feel bad completely ignoring his question and not answering it but also wanna ask him how he's doing! (especially on JK, who knows both Theron and Satele well and knows about their strained relationship and wants to help, so of course he would ask about that)  Like, in game this is the first time Theron and the PC chat since kissing on Rishi and admitting they're into each other (assuming you did the romance, obv - I think the convo happens regardless), they should really be able to both ask each other how they're handling things and both get answers.

So, I decided to fix it in post and splice the two dialogues back to back.  And imo this really improves the scene (like, seriously, this should just be an option in the actual game), so I thought I would share.  Here is the link for anyone interested.  Maybe no one else will agree it works 😅, but, I love having both lines in there

(And yes, the transition between lines is a little abrupt, but there are far more jarring dialogue transitions in the actual official dialogue of the game so it honestly doesn't bother me at all lol  this is just going as my official recording version now)

I feel the same about some dialogues. This one (and i think your edit works really well, as that's exactly how i'd see it going between Theron and my own JK), but also the dialogue with Satele at the end of EoO, where you can either tell her you love Theron and want to spend the rest of your life making him happy, or that she's his mother and he needs her in his life, to which she answers she'd love that. I really wish we could choose both because both are something my JK would tell her as yeah she loves Theron and wants to make him happy, but she also knows how much he cares about his mother and that being able to be closer to her would make him happy.

I should probably learn how to edit videos so i could do the same as you with that particular dialogue.

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5 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I feel the same about some dialogues. This one (and i think your edit works really well, as that's exactly how i'd see it going between Theron and my own JK), but also the dialogue with Satele at the end of EoO, where you can either tell her you love Theron and want to spend the rest of your life making him happy, or that she's his mother and he needs her in his life, to which she answers she'd love that. I really wish we could choose both because both are something my JK would tell her as yeah she loves Theron and wants to make him happy, but she also knows how much he cares about his mother and that being able to be closer to her would make him happy.

I should probably learn how to edit videos so i could do the same as you with that particular dialogue.

omg I did not know Satele said something so amazing in response to the second prompt in EoO, because I have only ever chosen the romantic option!  Is that a cutscene that you can safely hit esc on and start over?  if so I think I will to get both dialogues and then edit that too.  I want to hear Satele say she'd love to be there for Theron so much ❤️

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18 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

omg I did not know Satele said something so amazing in response to the second prompt in EoO, because I have only ever chosen the romantic option!  Is that a cutscene that you can safely hit esc on and start over?  if so I think I will to get both dialogues and then edit that too.  I want to hear Satele say she'd love to be there for Theron so much ❤️

Yes you can safely esc and relaunch the cutscene, that's how i was able to watch both answers.

I don't know what the exact dialogue is in english though as i've only watched that cutscene in french so far, but i really liked the second option, that's what i ended up choosing after recording the first one (reasoning being that in the first one you say you love him and want to make him happy, in the second one you actually do something that will make him happy), but i really, really wish we could have both one after the other in the actual cutscene.

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6 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Yes you can safely esc and relaunch the cutscene, that's how i was able to watch both answers.

I don't know what the exact dialogue is in english though as i've only watched that cutscene in french so far, but i really liked the second option, that's what i ended up choosing after recording the first one (reasoning being that in the first one you say you love him and want to make him happy, in the second one you actually do something that will make him happy), but i really, really wish we could have both one after the other in the actual cutscene.

ok, perfect, I am 100% going to record both dialogues and splice then ❤️

In mine I think I will still choose the romantic one as the "official" response just because I love that one, and playing a Jedi (especially JK who has known her and worked with her so long) I love getting that little smile of approval from Satele, like she's saying "yeah, screw that rule in the Jedi code, you loving Theron is the right choice", although your reasoning on choosing the second one is really sound too hmmm

I'm guessing it doesn't actually affect anything in game either way though.  Since you get a letter from Theron after that says he is spending way more time with Satele and that she tells him every time they meet not to take his relationship for granted, so it really is like you DID tell her both things.

You really really really should be able to tell her both those things for real though, you are so right.

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43 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

ok, perfect, I am 100% going to record both dialogues and splice then ❤️

In mine I think I will still choose the romantic one as the "official" response just because I love that one, and playing a Jedi (especially JK who has known her and worked with her so long) I love getting that little smile of approval from Satele, like she's saying "yeah, screw that rule in the Jedi code, you loving Theron is the right choice", although your reasoning on choosing the second one is really sound too hmmm

I'm guessing it doesn't actually affect anything in game either way though.  Since you get a letter from Theron after that says he is spending way more time with Satele and that she tells him every time they meet not to take his relationship for granted, so it really is like you DID tell her both things.

You really really really should be able to tell her both those things for real though, you are so right.

Yeah both work very well and don't seem to affect anything, which is why it's even more sad you can't actually get both in the same dialogue.

I'll HC my JK said both, and when i'll be done with all the recordings i want to make and finally get to write down all of that she'll definitely say both. That being said, me being able to edit the videos so that she'd actually say both would be even better, i need to find a nice program that's easy to use, because i have literally no idea how to do any of that.

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12 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah both work very well and don't seem to affect anything, which is why it's even more sad you can't actually get both in the same dialogue.

I'll HC my JK said both, and when i'll be done with all the recordings i want to make and finally get to write down all of that she'll definitely say both. That being said, me being able to edit the videos so that she'd actually say both would be even better, i need to find a nice program that's easy to use, because i have literally no idea how to do any of that.

I just edit mine in the same program I use to do the recordings, it's called Wondershare Filmora, it's very simple to use so I like it (I did have to pay for it to do the editing part though, wasn't free).  There are probably way better programs to do better editing, but so far this works really well for very simple edits, and I don't regret paying for it, which is always good 😄

Definitely finding a way to edit both lines together, very worth.

I feel like there are a few other places too where I have thought "I'd love to have both those lines", will try to get as many of them as possible on this playthrough.  Since I already have a full completed playthrough on my JK, I have been much more bold about hitting that esc button this time around so I've already gotten to listen to a lot of alt lines that I didn't even know existed lol


In other (Theron) news, no one was around to stop me so I did a thing.  I feel like I should hate it but I really really don't hate it.   (I wish I could give him something to go around his neck to hide the awkward tan line, but, I don't know of any headpiece item that would do that haha  if anyone knows of something, lemme know)

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I in no way feel that I should "stop" you but I gotta say some of the "Sexy" outfits don't feel like SW's to me let alone TOR SW's, so... I feel jarred when I see them in-game. You must understand that worldbuilding and aesthetics effect me a lot so, while I don't mean to sound snobby I probably do. Sorry. 

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You'll notice I did say "I feel like I should hate it" 😅  but not for that, just for the awkwardly-identical male body model that I usually hide as much as possible haha

I definitely agree that there are outfits (and a few weapons tbh) in game that don't feel super Star Wars-aesthetic-y, and some that feel very "modern"-SW and not Old Republic era, but I'll admit that part doesn't really bother me at all.  Not in the game, anyway.  It bothers me when stuff in the movies and shows feels off-aesthetic, but so far nothing in the game has ever bothered me.

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13 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

I just edit mine in the same program I use to do the recordings, it's called Wondershare Filmora, it's very simple to use so I like it (I did have to pay for it to do the editing part though, wasn't free).  There are probably way better programs to do better editing, but so far this works really well for very simple edits, and I don't regret paying for it, which is always good 😄

Definitely finding a way to edit both lines together, very worth.

I feel like there are a few other places too where I have thought "I'd love to have both those lines", will try to get as many of them as possible on this playthrough.  Since I already have a full completed playthrough on my JK, I have been much more bold about hitting that esc button this time around so I've already gotten to listen to a lot of alt lines that I didn't even know existed lol


In other (Theron) news, no one was around to stop me so I did a thing.  I feel like I should hate it but I really really don't hate it.   (I wish I could give him something to go around his neck to hide the awkward tan line, but, I don't know of any headpiece item that would do that haha  if anyone knows of something, lemme know)

Thanks, i'll try to see if i can find something that works for free though, if not, i'll go see this one.

Yep, i'm currently leveling a JK to get the romance scenes with Theron locked behind Arcann's death, so i've no issues being a bit bold with the options in this playthrough either and writing down the ones i like the most for when 'ill go record a definitive version (at least untill new outfits or something like that make me want to re-record)

Looks nice, not something i could see him wear outside of very private events though 🤣

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Well, I'll be completely honest and admit I'm not thrilled when they add the OG Trilogy and Current SW's stuff in. Part of the appeal for me is that it's 3000 yrs. before all that. It should inspire more creativity and imagination while still having the basic SW's silhouette. I have to say though Satele's design from the armor to the weapons is PERFECTION! I want more of that!

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2 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Thanks, i'll try to see if i can find something that works for free though, if not, i'll go see this one.

Yep, i'm currently leveling a JK to get the romance scenes with Theron locked behind Arcann's death, so i've no issues being a bit bold with the options in this playthrough either and writing down the ones i like the most for when 'ill go record a definitive version (at least untill new outfits or something like that make me want to re-record)

Oh man, you really are taking one for the team on that one!  I hope you are willing to upload all the recordings of the scenes that are locked behind because I REALLY want to see them but could never get them myself

4 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Looks nice, not something i could see him wear outside of very private events though 🤣

oh, 100% same, totally 🤣  it is eye candy for me (well, and maybe his significant other 😉) only, not an outfit Theron would actually want to wear out in public

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2 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Well, I'll be completely honest and admit I'm not thrilled when they add the OG Trilogy and Current SW's stuff in. Part of the appeal for me is that it's 3000 yrs. before all that. It should inspire more creativity and imagination while still having the basic SW's silhouette. I have to say though Satele's design from the armor to the weapons is PERFECTION! I want more of that!

There are some i really like, the Steadfast Master looks great on my JC as his class story outfit, then pairded with Denolm Orr set makes for a nice KOTFE+ outfit.

Love the Mandalorian Nomad, imo that's what looks the best on Torian.

I'd love something inspired by Bo-Katan's outfit for my BH, because so far, i haven't found something i really like, she's using the Reforged Mandalorian Hunter so far, but it's not perfect, and i'd like a niteowl like helmet as it looks a bit more feminine than any of the currently available mando helmets.

And i'd absolutely love something similar to Ahsoka's outfit during the Siege of Mandalore arc for my JK, it looks similar enough to Satele's outfit that it could be some kind of homage, without being Satele's actual outfit, because romancing Theron while wearing him mother's clothes is hem awkward to say the least. An outfit inspired by her Mandalorian one would be perfect for Ziost and the beginning of KOTFE too.

2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Oh man, you really are taking one for the team on that one!  I hope you are willing to upload all the recordings of the scenes that are locked behind because I REALLY want to see them but could never get them myself

I'll do it. I intended to record anyways, as i'm definitely not replaying it afterwards 🤣

Still really mad that they thiought it was a brilliant idea to lock romance scenes behind killing someone though.

2 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

oh, 100% same, totally 🤣  it is eye candy for me (well, and maybe his significant other 😉) only, not an outfit Theron would actually want to wear out in public

Yeah, i'm sure your JK would enjoy the view, i'm pretty sure mine would at least.

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28 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

I'll do it. I intended to record anyways, as i'm definitely not replaying it afterwards 🤣

Still really mad that they thiought it was a brilliant idea to lock romance scenes behind killing someone though.

erg agreed!

ngl, after saying "I could never do it" I totally remembered that I have a JK I already ruined by romancing with Kira and therefore used only to record through Ziost and stopped.

........so I almost want to use him to see the Darkest Timeline version of KotFE/KotET (make Koth leave, kill Arcann and Senya, etc) out of sheer morbid curiosity 🥺

this may depend on how horrible it is based on what you report back from your attempt 😅

28 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah, i'm sure your JK would enjoy the view, i'm pretty sure mine would at least.

I actually put it on him on my JC, I will pretend he just wants to impress his sexy twi'lek girlfriend/fiancé 😉

I can't guarantee he won't also get a version of this outfit on my JK also tho 😆 ...for special occasions!  or, idk, some undercover mission, or something.


oh and agreed on a lot of those outfits, I love the steadfast master one (it's that one I put on Theron for a bit lol), and even though I would like to see some new NON-mando armor (since so much recent stuff has been inspired by The Mandalorian) I would actually like to see Bo Katan stuff too, I love her and her style is awesome.

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44 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I want Bo Katan's blasters! I'm not totally against it, just don't want to feel like I'm in the "future."

They're nice too.

I dont use these sets on every character nor do i use all of them, but for some, yep i'm really happy they're there. I actually prefer the ones where you can see the inspiration, but are still different enough that it's not 100% the same thing, like the Imperial Reaper one, it's clearly inspired by Fennec Shand's outfit, but it"s still pretty different, and mixed with other pieces, it look really good (really love it on my JK).

26 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

erg agreed!

ngl, after saying "I could never do it" I totally remembered that I have a JK I already ruined by romancing with Kira and therefore used only to record through Ziost and stopped.

........so I almost want to use him to see the Darkest Timeline version of KotFE/KotET (make Koth leave, kill Arcann and Senya, etc) out of sheer morbid curiosity 🥺

this may depend on how horrible it is based on what you report back from your attempt 😅

I'll probably make Koth leave too while i'm at it, if only to try to see if i can get the dialogue where it's obvious Theron is still mad at Lana about Rishi, and it seems to be tied to making him leave and not shooting at Arcann/Senya in KOTFE 16 as the dialogue goes like that from what i've written down when i watched that on YT :

  • Lana : It was a long road to get there. But you did it.
  • PC : Save your congratulations. We lost the Gravestone.
  • Lana : I never thought Koth would strike against us directly. On top of Arcann's escape, I'm uneasy about what this will mean for the Alliance's future.
  • PC : If Senya believes she can reform Arcann, I had to give her a chance. She's earned that much.
  • Theron : You may enjoy roughing up allies, Lana, but there are other options.
  • Lana : Theron, it's been years. Time to let Rishi go.
  • Theron : I've still got scars !
  • Lana : So cover them with cybernetics. You like those. We've more pressing concerns...

So considering i'll already have to make a choice i've never picked by killing Arcann and Senya, i may as well see how things play out when you irritate Koth so much he turns against you, as that's never happened either.

36 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

I actually put it on him on my JC, I will pretend he just wants to impress his sexy twi'lek girlfriend/fiancé 😉

I can't guarantee he won't also get a version of this outfit on my JK also tho 😆 ...for special occasions!  or, idk, some undercover mission, or something.

Lol, could work. I really need to get my sexy Twi'lek Smuggler up to date, i know she'll romance Koth (as i've already done the romance with an old smugglerette, and i think they go well together, but the Twi'lek looks much better than the one i had before), but right now, she's very far from that point, i think she's just past Coruscant or something like that.

Special occasions seems the best option i'd say.

38 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

oh and agreed on a lot of those outfits, I love the steadfast master one (it's that one I put on Theron for a bit lol), and even though I would like to see some new NON-mando armor (since so much recent stuff has been inspired by The Mandalorian) I would actually like to see Bo Katan stuff too, I love her and her style is awesome.

Yep, looks good, i could not find anything i liked for my JC before this one, as he's a twig, and most outfit don't really look good on a BT1, this one makes the character slightly bulkier, which is perfect for a BT1, as they're still shorter but don't look way too skinny. Thoug i'll probably have to change how my JC looks like, he's a cute little Zabrak, which was going perfectly with his french voice, but hem let's say the english voice doesn't fit, at all, and i'd like to record the whole thing for all my characters both in french and english so i need looks that go well with both set of voices. No issue with my JK, even though i think the french voice fits a bit better, for my SW, the english voice was surprisingly even more fitting than the french one with how she looks, but my JC yeah, english voice doesn't work with that look.

A Bo-Katan inspired set for my BH and two Ahsoka inspired ones for my JK that's what i'd really like to see

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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

You'll notice I did say "I feel like I should hate it" 😅  but not for that, just for the awkwardly-identical male body model that I usually hide as much as possible haha

I definitely agree that there are outfits (and a few weapons tbh) in game that don't feel super Star Wars-aesthetic-y, and some that feel very "modern"-SW and not Old Republic era, but I'll admit that part doesn't really bother me at all.  Not in the game, anyway.  It bothers me when stuff in the movies and shows feels off-aesthetic, but so far nothing in the game has ever bothered me.

Theron in the Revealing outfit looks nice, though of course you want to change the dye. It's top color single color. Choose your favorite color. It's made for female body, but on a male it's fine. The no sleeves look works.

The Bathing Suit is probably ridiculous. On males the pectorals remain exposed. Tenebrae in Echoes of Oblivion is wearing the top as an example. Add in the shorts and sandals, running around the galaxy like that is not for everyone. Male body type 3 can pull it off for the 'barbarian' look.

In a few cut scenes in Eternal Throne onward, if you have Theron in a skin-bear outfit Theron will be wearing a black shirt underneath where the skin would be exposed. In a couple of scenes depending on outfit he wears a bra. The 'female' to 'male ' outfits don't always work properly. It's not all cut scenes, but here and there.

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5 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

I'll probably make Koth leave too while i'm at it, if only to try to see if i can get the dialogue where it's obvious Theron is still mad at Lana about Rishi, and it seems to be tied to making him leave and not shooting at Arcann/Senya in KOTFE 16 as the dialogue goes like that from what i've written down when i watched that on YT :

  Hide contents
  • Lana : It was a long road to get there. But you did it.
  • PC : Save your congratulations. We lost the Gravestone.
  • Lana : I never thought Koth would strike against us directly. On top of Arcann's escape, I'm uneasy about what this will mean for the Alliance's future.
  • PC : If Senya believes she can reform Arcann, I had to give her a chance. She's earned that much.
  • Theron : You may enjoy roughing up allies, Lana, but there are other options.
  • Lana : Theron, it's been years. Time to let Rishi go.
  • Theron : I've still got scars !
  • Lana : So cover them with cybernetics. You like those. We've more pressing concerns...

So considering i'll already have to make a choice i've never picked by killing Arcann and Senya, i may as well see how things play out when you irritate Koth so much he turns against you, as that's never happened either.

OMG that scene, Theron sounds so salty!!  And Lana too!  dayum, yikes. 

I might need to find that on youtube myself now, especially since if I did a dark version I would just make everything comically awful, like every single dark option possible including shooting at them, so I would not get that dialogue 😅  I am curious what the dialogue is though if Koth leaves AND you shoot at them.  I bet literally everyone is in the dog house.

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6 minutes ago, Hadsil said:

Theron in the Revealing outfit looks nice, though of course you want to change the dye. It's top color single color. Choose your favorite color. It's made for female body, but on a male it's fine. The no sleeves look works.

The Bathing Suit is probably ridiculous. On males the pectorals remain exposed. Tenebrae in Echoes of Oblivion is wearing the top as an example. Add in the shorts and sandals, running around the galaxy like that is not for everyone. Male body type 3 can pull it off for the 'barbarian' look.

In a few cut scenes in Eternal Throne onward, if you have Theron in a skin-bear outfit Theron will be wearing a black shirt underneath where the skin would be exposed. In a couple of scenes depending on outfit he wears a bra. The 'female' to 'male ' outfits don't always work properly. It's not all cut scenes, but here and there.

omg that "cloth where there should be skin" thing is so weird, it happens to Kira in the cutscenes in JK storyline while JK is under the emperor's control.  I have had two different outfits on Kira for those scenes and they both did it.  didn't realize it ever happened in KotET!  But my Theron always has long sleeves and no exposed skin besides having fingerless gloves during the later storylines.

I have actually previewed the revealing bodysuit (dyed, as you say, the default greyish black is meh) on Theron but I couldn't take it seriously, it was just too ridiculous for me and made me cackle uncontrollably (true of almost all revealing outfits on him tbh) 😅  I just want him in leather, apparently haha

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43 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

OMG that scene, Theron sounds so salty!!  And Lana too!  dayum, yikes. 

I might need to find that on youtube myself now, especially since if I did a dark version I would just make everything comically awful, like every single dark option possible including shooting at them, so I would not get that dialogue 😅  I am curious what the dialogue is though if Koth leaves AND you shoot at them.  I bet literally everyone is in the dog house.

It was honestly even worse with the voices. Theron did sound super salty, and Lana sounded so uncaring, like she didn't care that the scars were because of her, and she was actively mocking him with the cybernetics part.

Dunno if you'll find it as i'm not sure many people who pissed Koth didn't also shoot at Arcann and Senya, i saw it because someone shared a link to their own video, like we do here, but i can't remember where that was posted. I'm actually glad i wrote the dialogue down as i feared i could not find the video later if i didn't, and i was right apparently

No idea what happens then, i'll really try to have the Koth leave but not shooting at Arcann and Senya, which is kinda inconsistant considering i'll then kill them, but that playthrough is more for experiment purposes than anything else anyways.

That being said, i'm still very far from all that as i've only just done Quesh yesterday (saw a nice dialogue with Scourge i had never tried before too, but i'll keep this one for my M JK, it was a bit too arrogant for my F JK. But the more i replay F JK, the more irritated i am with the options when it comes to Doc, as apparently the only way to get him off her back is to play the "i'm a Jedi, it's against the Code" card, which just doesn't fit my JK, especially since it sounds like she'd definitely be down for that if not for the Jedi Code, when it's actually 100% the other way around : she doesn't care about the non attachement rule, she's just not interested in Doc, perdiod, and would tell him in no uncertain words, so i try to pick the most unpleasant answers but there are times the only choices that are not "but my Code" are two [flirts], and then you're locked in a romance not really romance, where he'll propose even if outside of two [flirts] that basically amount to "not even if you were the last living being in the galaxy" and "I barely know you. What kind of woman would let a strange man kiss her ?", you've only picked somewhat mean and non flirt answers, and even then, i don't even understand why these two are labelled as [flirt] tbh, they're quite mean too, and she really sounds like she's absolutely not interested.

Edited by Goreshaga
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2 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

It was honestly even worse with the voices. Theron did sound super salty, and Lana sounded so uncaring, like she didn't care that the scars were because of her, and she was actively mocking him with the cybernetics part.

Dunno if you'll find it as i'm not sure many people who pissed Koth didn't also shoot at Arcann and Senya, i saw it because someone shared a link to their own video, like we do here, but i can't remember where that was posted. I'm actually glad i wrote the dialogue down as i feared i could not find the video later if i didn't, and i was right apparently

No idea what happens then, i'll really try to have the Koth leave but not shooting at Arcann and Senya, which is kinda inconsistant considering i'll then kill them, but that playthrough is more for experiment purposes than anything else anyways.

yeah, Lana sounds so mean there!  definitely put that down as a "never letting that happen on an official playthrough, YIKES" scene lol  bummer about the video though, if you do decide to record that, I definitely wanna see

it does seem odd though he'd be SO salty about the getting him tortured thing since there is that line you can have him say in chapter 9 where he just kinda jokes about it, but I suppose you could say in that scenario that he mostly got over it but if she makes him mad, you better believe he will definitely bring it up and not let her live it down 😅  he does bring it up on Nathema too, but he doesn't sound salty there, he's kinda just pointing out that they're maybe kind of even now with keeping the other in the dark lol

10 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

But the more i replay F JK, the more irritated i am with the options when it comes to Doc, as apparently the only way to get him off her back is to play the "i'm a Jedi, it's against the Code" card, which just doesn't fit my JK, especially since it sounds like she'd definitely be done for that if not for the Jedi Code, when this one doesn't care about the non attachement rule, she's just not interested in Doc, perdiod, and would tell him in no uncertain words, so i try to pick the most unpleasant answers but there are times the only choices that are not "but my Code" are two [flirts].

oh god.  why.  yeah, that's so bad.  🤮  like, there really needs to be a "back off, no, I am not interested" option for every companion that hits on you (which isn't many of them, so, come on, throw us a bone)

I was really glad that he didn't hit on my JK but the fact he hit on Kira instead almost offended me even more than if he'd flirted with my own character, I was like "NUH UH, MISTER, NO"

thankfully to get him to back off Kira as a M JK you can choose a dialogue line to tell him "she's a Jedi Knight, have some respect" basically (I have it recorded but it's at home, don't remember it exactly) or, if romanced with her, the line is instead like "she's spoken for, pal" and Kira goes "he doesn't need to know that" lol  (I hated that romance, but can't lie, that scene was funny)  even though he stops hitting on her though, he makes rude comments about Kira a few times after that, and I can't lie, if there was a dark side "punch Doc" option during those moments, I woulda been mighty tempted to break my JK's perfect light score 😅

I love how much Kira constantly hates on/sasses Doc though, she does at least as much if not more than I make my JK do it, which is saying something 🤣

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