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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I'm INTJ.  I see a lot of myself (traits) in Theron.

The only origin LIs that any of my characters take are (or have taken):

F IA - Vector

F Trooper - Aric

F BH - Torian


F IA - Theron (works really well as both spies)

M IA - Lana (works really well)

F SW - Arcann

F BH - Theron (hmmm...seems to be a theme developing here...)

F JK - Theron (again....)

F JK - Scourge (because she missed the Ch. 9 option :( )

Male characters tend to go with Lana, female with ummmm Theron.....

Absolutely cannot stand Kaliyo or Vette (they both die). 

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Theron is incredibly upset, angry, and hurt if he is selected. His voice breaks, even. Which, fair, he has been nothing but loyal, he's going undercover for his friend/lover, and to be suspected of being a traitor after everything the PC and him have gone through together must really hurt a lot. He then proceeds to name a list of other suspects. (He does this if he or Lana are chosen.) I find it amusing that Satele's name is in there. (I choose Acina even though it makes absolutely no sense. I don't confront her about it either because if I have to take that stupid option then my character is not going to show his hand and tip her off that he is onto her.) My character then proceeded to choose the monitor everyone option. That definitely made Theron's undercover job harder. I can only imagine how stressed out he is about slipping up and getting caught. He likely stopped sleeping or eating well too. 🥺


Agent: [3] Me (stands casually and moves to the tip of the triangle making up the three of them. unconcerned, he looks down and admires his fingernails with a wry, secretive smile.) What if the traitor is me?

Lana: What? Of course it's not you!

Agent: Hmmm... what makes you so sure? (looks up with a coy smile) I could be playing both of you. Or have you forgotten who I used to be? I didn't make Cipher 9 because of my pretty looks.

Theron: If it's anyone here, then it's me. I am the better.... 

Agent: (raises an eyebrow with a small grin)  Spy? You seem to often forget I'm one too, Agent Shan. 😘

Theron: There's no way it's you. 

Agent: Well, if that's what you believe then there is no use further speculating at this point in time. We need to wait for whoever it is to slip up and make a mistake. I want you both to monitor everyone on base. Even each other.

Theron: (thinks) 'Great, My job just got a hell of a lot harder.' 😣


23 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

omg, I didn't know shooting at them but not shooting them down was actually an option 😶  at least that's what it sounds like happened?

In other news, I put Theron on damage for like an hour and I tanked while I let him run around killing things in heroics, and man, he absolutely ANNIHILATES enemies (he kills things faster than I can! but then, I am tank not DPS) but he stubbornly refused to say it like a spy.  I did, however, get him to say a different line I had never heard before: "Didn't think I'd get that one" 🤣

Nice line! thanks for that.

Exactly. Shooting at the shuttle or not makes no difference. She still gets away and she and Arcann both get to Voss safely. 

19 hours ago, eabevella said:

"And I couldn't live if I lost you"



All my toons kill Attius. The only place he belongs is the same as his sh decoration sorting: floor. He's lucky Theron needs to be hurried to Odessen and the fact that BW doesn't really go there because torture would be a good option *eyes my predominant Imp side toons*

I really love the sweet lines like that one. 🥰 I realized today that the primary reason I love hearing Theron and my character say they love each other is because I am used to playing other BioWare games in which the male characters rarely, if ever, say it. Because apparently, men don't say they love each other to each other. 🙄

Take Mass Effect 3, for example. In the base game, maleShep and Kaidan can finally, officially get together. They have lots of dialogue and scenes that indicate they care about each other, but they never once utter the word 'love' to each other. Then BW added an 'Extended Cut' to end-game because there was such an uproar about the ending. Thus, it was added into the end of the game that Shepard will say to Kaidan that he loves him and Kaidan will return the sentiment.


This is only on the suicide run to the gate though. That means that my Shepard, who never, ever chooses to bring Kaidan on that final run due to the high risk involved, has to bring him in order to tell the man he loves that he loves him for the first and last time.

 In the entire game! Then the Citadel DLC came out and Kaidan tells maleShepard he loves him in it but Shepard still doesn't say it back. Making that spoiler scene still the only time in which the sentiment is returned.

That's why I play on PC Master Race and mod the heck out of the game to activate the romance from ME1 and have it carry over. In ME3, Kaidan will say he loves maleShepard twice. MaleShepard still doesn't say the love word until the end, but at least the word is in the game more.

(And yes, words of affirmation is definitely one of my five languages of love. 💖 That's why this matters so much to me. )

6 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

Oh, how I loathe is OG hair. I know this is the Theron Thread but seriously I'd get sick of him if I romanced him on more than one character. TBH I'd get sick of them all! I live with the let it be special mentality. Theron might have slightly different dialogue (I've watched him romance others on YouTube) but to me it's only special with my Kali-Sati.

5 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

I'm quite the same. I did romance him on a few characters to see with who he'd make the best pairing, and now that i'm set on my JK with him, i just can't romance him with anyone else anymore.

5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

After I did my first Theron romance on JC I definitely felt the same way, I thought I would never double dip or romance anyone else with him because I didn't want that romance to be less special.   I thought I would romance future characters only with other people.  But then I caved on JK and ended up loving that romance even more (still my favorite).  And while I'm still not sold on whether I should have done it on SW, regardless I love every different version of the romance story with him because it's a totally different relationship dynamic every time.  And my characters are all in different time streams from each other, so it does not bother me at all.  If anything it means that Theron gets to be happily in love in every timeline (at least so far) of my lil game universe, and that makes me happy 😊

I will definitely never be sick of romancing characters with him 😂

🤔 Romancing Theron on all my characters doesn't bother me because I am so used to either being limited in my romance options in other games. Or I get very attached to one character and the thought of romancing another feels weird to me. In this game, there are a lot of different characters and many, many romance options, but I still find it difficult to test other romances. Instead, I stick to the one and only one I have tried and liked.

For example, in Dragon Age: Origins, I always romance Alistair. I romanced Zevran once and after that, it was Alistar on every playthrough. Dragon Age 2, I always romance Anders. I played the game through over a dozen times and romanced Anders each time. Dragon Age: Inquisition, I romanced Dorian once and after that, romanced Cullen every other time. In Mass Effect, I have played the game series through no less than over two dozen times and I romance Kaidan every time. In Stardew Valley, I always romance Harvey. Etc. 

In this game, while so far I have only romanced Theron, and will mostly continue to do so (I have a character that will romance Koth and one that will wait for Quinn), I do believe that my BH and Theron are still going to be my personal canon pairing and the thought of say, my JC being the canon pairing, feels weird to me. Even though post-Ziost, much of the dialogue is the same so it feels like all of my characters are the same person. Only with different voices. 😅

5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I mean, we definitely post about more than just Theron romance in here, this isn't a Theron romance thread, it's a broader Theron love thread 🤔 (ok, so we don't even always stay on topic of Theron lmao  but that's fine too)  

Oh, isn't that the truth! I know I veer off-topic a lot (did so a few times in this post) and then I worry that others will be annoyed by that. 😂


On the topic of kids with Theron from a page or so back, I keep using an AI baby predictor and it keeps giving me babies that have brown eyes. Where are my green-eyed babies, AI?! Are you even trying🤔🤨


You know what I really appreciate? You both (Cannibithobbal and JakRoanin) have different ways of expressing your thoughts and even though the wording sometimes causes miscommunication with each other, you both actively try to fix things and understand the way the other thinks. I think that's amazing! 🤩 In tense social situations, I tend to clam up and flee instead of facing the confrontation. 😅

I have not done one of those personality tests in a long time! And of course, the answers are prone to change over time based on experiences and other factors. Currently, mine is Mediator INFP-T: Mediators are poetic, kind, and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.

When taking tests like these, I was taught that it is better to answer in the extreme and try not to have too many neutral answers because it will produce a more grey result. Thus, with this test just now, I answered all Highly Disagree or Highly Agree. The high degree of Empathy, and the 83% Turbulent and sensitive to stress was very spot on. 😂

I also tried answering as Theron and got to question 3, "Do you feel emotional when others are" and I thought, I have no idea!!! 🤣 So I didn't finish. 


Edited by yenzin
added sentences. added a link. Fixed the spoiler. language of love.
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52 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Theron is incredibly upset, angry, and hurt if he is selected. His voice breaks, even. Which, fair, he has been nothing but loyal, he's going undercover for his friend/lover, and to be suspected of being a traitor after everything the PC and him have gone through together must really hurt a lot. He then proceeds to name a list of other suspects. (He does this if he or Lana are chosen.) I find it amusing that Satele's name is in there. (I choose Acina even though it makes absolutely no sense. I don't confront her about it either because if I have to take that stupid option then my character is not going to show his hand and tip her off that he is onto her.) My character then proceeded to choose the monitor everyone option. That definitely made Theron's undercover job harder. I can only imagine how stressed out he is about slipping up and getting caught. He likely stopped sleeping or eating well too. 🥺

omg Theron 😥  I did always wonder how he would react, I had to assume it would be to react really hurt, but bb. 😥 

I have never made a character choose to monitor everyone, I probably could have on my agent but by that point in the story he really cares about preserving the trust his people have given him as leader despite him being a former imperial spy, so he didn't.

It is funny that he lists Satele though haha  Lana lists her also if you choose the third option.  Poor Satele, man.  SO UNTUSTWORTHY, APPARENTLY

As mentioned before, my agent accused Malcolm both to Theron and Lana and then also straight to his face.  It definitely made the most sense by far.  Theron being like "I wouldn't put it past him" and then "answer the question", he be really prickly about his pops there for a guy who knows Malcolm didn't do it.

52 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Exactly. Shooting at the shuttle or not makes no difference. She still gets away and she and Arcann both get to Voss safely.

I have learned something new today 😦

52 minutes ago, yenzin said:

I really love the sweet lines like that one. 🥰 I realized today that the primary reason I love hearing Theron and my character say they love each other is because I am used to playing other BioWare games in which the male characters rarely, if ever, say it. Because apparently, men don't say they love each other to each other. 🙄

I love that about Theron romance SO MUCH too. 

(I have never played other BW games but from your description of ME, man, that is, wow.  Gay men can and do say I love you to each other, omg. 🤦‍♀️)

I love how many times Theron and his LI get to say "I love you" or otherwise express how much they mean to each other in so many really heartfelt ways.  From the small things like them worrying about each other to the big "I love you" moments, it's all so good.  The super casual "and Theron, I love you" "I love you too" moment on Iokath is one of my favorites, it gets me every time.  Not to mention Theron's "you mean everything to me" and the PC getting to say Theron means everything to them later when talking to Satele ❤️  It's honestly stuff like that which is WHY I keep playing Theron romance.  It's just such a good romance story.  And also heart-wrenching (the "I love you, Theron, come home" "I love you too, but I can't" ALSO gets me every bloody time, omg the feels, even just thinking about it, little stabby in the chest).  I honestly would not love the Theron romance nearly as much if it was not the emotional driving force of the fractured alliances arc when you are romanced to him (since it makes the whole story basically that he's doing the entire thing to protect the person he loves... and the alliance too but mostly to protect them.)

Like you I also just keep doing it because I know how much I like it so I don't really wanna do a different one 😅   Also, I genuinely don't even want to know how much limper the fractured alliances arc would feel emotionally if I went through the story not romanced to Theron, because man I love that story so much WITH the romance, it is such an emotional roller coaster, and I love it.

I also love how, despite THERON'S lines always being the same, the personality differences from the different PC VAs makes every different character romance with Theron feel completely different to me (same goes for the entire Alliance story, tbh -- I mean, the VA differences plus options to take different choices, obv), it never feels like I'm just making all my characters be identical by romancing them all with Theron, quite the opposite.  My JC, JK, and agent all did the story through the end of Nathema, every one got engaged to Theron, but every one has a totally different relationship with him for me, because all three of them are VERY different characters, both from the choices I made for them/their character journey and the personality given to them by their VAs.

Edited by cannibithobbal
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3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I love how many times Theron and his LI get to say "I love you" or otherwise express how much they mean to each other in so many really heartfelt ways.  From the small things like them worrying about each other to the big "I love you" moments, it's all so good.  The super casual "and Theron, I love you" "I love you too" moment on Iokath is one of my favorites, it gets me every time.  Not to mention Theron's "you mean everything to me" and the PC getting to say Theron means everything to them later when talking to Satele ❤️  It's honestly stuff like that which is WHY I keep playing Theron romance.  It's just such a good romance story.  And also heart-wrenching (the "I love you, Theron, come home" "I love you too, but I can't" ALSO gets me every bloody time, omg the feels, even just thinking about it, little stabby in the chest).  I honestly would not love the Theron romance nearly as much if it was not the emotional driving force of the fractured alliances arc when you are romanced to him (since it makes the whole story basically that he's doing the entire thing to protect the person he loves... and the alliance too but mostly to protect them.)

Like you I also just keep doing it because I know how much I like it so I don't really wanna do a different one 😅   Also, I genuinely don't even want to know how much limper the fractured alliances arc would feel emotionally if I went through the story not romanced to Theron, because man I love that story so much WITH the romance, it is such an emotional roller coaster, and I love it.

It's funny how differently people can feel things.

For me, it's because all of these things are only between him and my JK that the romance feels so special and is easily my favorite in the game. But if he was telling all that to all of my characters it would lessen the impact to the point i'd probably not enjoy the romance nearly as much.

Similarly i love how Torian and F BH have these little ways of calling each other "my love" and other things like that in Mando'a, it gives something really unique to their romance that's not there for anyone else. I'll admit, i also really like that he calls a Mando M BH his brother, gives a nice touch to the friendship too.

Or how bitter-sweet F Trooper and Aric reunion is, with him telling her he'd been a widower for 5 years and was nearly kicked out of the army because he was depressed and how happy he is to finally have her back, same with Vector who ended up cut from the hive mind because his pain from loosing F IA was too much for the Kiliks. All these little things make the relationships really unique.

That's probably why in the end i didn't like Lana's romance. As she behaves the same with every single PC romanced or not, as if she's always in love, giving all the worried looks and concerned tones, when i got to romancing her, it didn't feel special at all, and the romance felt weak and not genuine to me, to the point i was actually happy when i had to break up with her.


The whole Fractured Alliance arc works quite well if the PC and Theron have a good friendship going on too. He does something similar, albeit in a much smaller scale at the beginning of Annihilation to help Teff'ith, so it's quite in character for him to do that kinds of things even for someone who's just a friend, and even then Theron and Teff'ith are definitely not as close as Theron can be with a friendly Commander. But yeah, the romance makes the whole arc a lot better.


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7 hours ago, Goreshaga said:

It's funny how differently people can feel things.

For me, it's because all of these things are only between him and my JK that the romance feels so special and is easily my favorite in the game. But if he was telling all that to all of my characters it would lessen the impact to the point i'd probably not enjoy the romance nearly as much.


Or how bitter-sweet F Trooper and Aric reunion is, with him telling her he'd been a widower for 5 years and was nearly kicked out of the army because he was depressed and how happy he is to finally have her back, same with Vector who ended up cut from the hive mind because his pain from loosing F IA was too much for the Kiliks. All these little things make the relationships really unique.



7 hours ago, Goreshaga said:



This so much this! It does annoy me that my BH doesn't use Mando'a with Theron, because seriously he knows it!

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On 6/2/2023 at 11:06 AM, yenzin said:

Since most of you may never see it, here is Theron being totally willing to shoot his own father - I think he misses on purpose though (he has implants that make it impossible for him to miss (Annihilation)) - and subsequently, Malcom's death. I have the flirt recorded but watching it makes me cringe, so on my playthrough, I don't take that option. Also, there are a couple of sweet lines in there. 💖🥰

So, dredging this back up because I was thinking about this scene again, and obviously in this version Theron literally turns on his own father to take the side of his LI, and Malcolm is real pissed and makes very angry remarks about Theron choosing an imperial, and it's a lot of pain going around, and, it makes me sad.

But, it got me thinking, and now I am really curious how Malcolm would feel even knowing his son was dating a FORMER imperial.  In the "choose the republic" version Malcolm never learns that Theron is dating the PC (regardless of faction) because Theron doesn't declare his love in front of Malcolm in that version, so we never get to see his reaction.  He is cordial enough to the former imperial willing to side with him (he makes a comment in front of them about "imp scum" and then is like "no offense" lol) but I.... really wonder how it would go down if he found out the dating his son thing.  Maybe I am wrong, but I feel like it wouldn't go well.  😶  I have a very strong suspicion that the very best case scenario would be "awkward af" lol

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Well, language aside, I cannot see him taking any relationship well. If it's a Jedi "Son that is only heartbreak" Smuggler, Criminal Filth, don't trust them. Any Imp or Mando, YOU CAN'T YOU CAN'T YOU CAN'T. He might be accepting of a Trooper, but it'd turned into be very very toxic recruiting monologue.

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Well, I didn't throw in Theron's ACE, Satele it doesn't matter if you're a light Pub or a light Imp if you are good to her son she's all for the relationship romantic or not. She'd put Jace down hard and because Jace does genuinely love her, and Theron, he'd fall in line.

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Ok, I do love the idea of Satele being so supportive of her son's happiness she literally puts Malcolm in his place about it ❤️  I mean, we already know she's so supportive that she literally takes the time to thank the PC for giving her son a home, and then if he's in a romance she apparently tells Theron literally every time they meet to make sure he doesn't take his amazing SO for granted ❤️

So, yeah, I can definitely see Mama Satele telling Malcolm what's-what.  I would definitely pay to see it.  (Ya hear that, devs?  Let me pay for that bonus side quest.)

....he's still not invited to family dinners, but if he wanders in, I want to see this happen.

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Honestly Jace is just Mace Windu without a lightsaber, the Republic is all, not the actual government the idea of what it represents. Jace is so obsessed with it, and any perceived or real threats to it, that Lover, son, right wrong, all of it is drowned out by his obsessive need to defend this ideal. In his way he's quite tragic. I think deep down Theron knows, and in his way pities him for the delusion. Anyway Sati would be like, "I don't care if he hates me, he loves you and is family! He gets fed and you will try!"

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Clarification: if THERON wanted to invite him, he's invited, Theron's wishes will be obliged, it's his father/family after all, his choice.  But, none of my characters would invite him themselves or actively encourage Theron to invite him if Theron did not express interest first (because I wouldn't, and, well, I decide what they do, don't I 😉).  And honestly I don't see Theron inviting him being all that likely either.  He might want to meet with Malcolm on his own sometime, but, volunteering to be stuck in the middle of an awkward and uncomfortable social situation where he feels he has to constantly choose a side between his father and the person he loves and potentially break up conflicts or have to shut down Malcolm's complaints/judgements?  I seriously don't see Theron wanting to do that.  (Which is exactly why I wouldn't push it on him, or make my characters push it on him, he's stressed enough as is, he doesn't need any extra "my father hates my fiancé" drama to add to it, poor thing.) 

The one and only exception would be for an "ok we probably need to break the ice before we invite him to the wedding so he doesn't ruin that, since we can't exactly not invite him to the wedding" dinner 😅  which my characters would probably suggest if Theron didn't first lol  but Satele is invited to that too, because they need her to back them

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I should clarify too, Sati would never demand Theron invite Jace. However, she would reasonably encourage reconciliation. This is very much because of her backstory her parents not only neglected her they actively wanted her to suffer. It was pure dumb luck she escaped, and sheer will to win the great hunt and take the creed. To a Mando, family above all, and while Jace is unbalanced and should not have custody of a child, he is not evil. He may want to blow up DK, he may want to gun down every Imperial, but he doesn't. As much as he may want it, he doesn't do it.

To Sati, forgiveness and reconciliation is better for THERON! She can't have that, and she wants him to heal. That said, if Jace does become toxic and abusive she will protect her Riduur.

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Encouraging Theron to reconcile if he wants to = definite yes.  From pretty much day 1, my JK takes every opportunity to encourage Theron to reconcile with Satele, because it's obvious how much Theron actually cares about her and as a jedi he can easily sense how much Theron wishes he had a relationship with Satele but just doesn't know how to, and he knows Satele personally and feels he can be a bridge of sorts and offer that support.  Likewise my agent suggests Theron talk to Satele and tell him how he feels after Theron complaints about the "agent" thing.  My JC did not romance him or get particularly close to him until KotFE so she didn't really do much to actively help Theron mend with Satele, so she's the odd one out there.  If Theron showed a similar amount of interest in reconciling with Malcolm, all three of them would absolutely support him in that.  Just, as of yet, Theron hasn't really shown that, part of him may wish for it but he does not seem to actively seek it at all, and the few times we have seen them interact on screen it was vaguely antagonistic, or tragic, if you chose the empire on Iokath (which I seriously could never, even with how much I dislike Malcolm as a father figure)

Also, since you mentioned your character has a troubled family backstory, I should maybe point out that all three of my characters that are fully romanced with Theron essentially did NOT actually have family at all, but all three also were raised in an environment where they were taught not to care about that.  (and I swear that wasn't even on purpose, it just worked out that way lol  I honestly didn't even realize it until just now)  My HC for both jedi was that they joined the order as really young children (JC as a toddler, she has 0 memory of her family, JK around age 6 or 7, he only has super vague memories of his previous life), and agent was a child living on the streets that intelligence grabbed and molded/manipulated into being a spy for them (since "no one would suspect an alien of being an imperial spy") (and that agent one is canon from the Voss mission, I didn't even come up with that).  So, they would all support Theron in what he wants his family to be, but none of them have any preconceived notion of what family should be or needs to be.  So regardless of me pushing my own choices on my characters, it wouldn't actually make sense for any of them to suggest to Theron that he needs to reconcile or needs to have that father figure if Theron doesn't voice that he wants to or show through his actions that he wants to.

idk if I made any actual points in there, just more explanation of my character thought process for my own characters, really lol  And I should also be sleeping, so it's possible half that was nonsense 😅  if so, apologies lmao

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I thought you were quite eloquent.😃 Still, sometimes only focusing on what a loved one wants and not what they truly need can do more harm than good. And according to canon Thereon at one time had more contact with his father than his mother. He valued that, therefore positive encouragement could go a long way for all three.

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I quite agree with both of your view on Malcom, though i think he'd still be more accepting of a Pub character romancing his son, than a former imp, especially if said Pub character had worked with him on Alderaan, as he'd know them personally. He actually seemed to quite like my JK when they first met, but yeah i still think the being a Jedi part could be a bit of an issue for him.

As for the relationship between Theron and Malcom, i'd see my JK encouraging Theron to try to talk to his father, then it's up to them if they manage to better their relationship or not, but she thinks Theron needs to at least let things out. That being said, i could also see her tell Malcom a couple things he doesn't necessarily want to hear about him trying to control Theron's choices  and that by doing that he's actually pushing Theron away, as that's basically what happened between her and her own father.

3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

agent was a child living on the streets that intelligence grabbed and molded/manipulated into being a spy for them (since "no one would suspect an alien of being an imperial spy") (and that agent one is canon from the Voss mission, I didn't even come up with that). 

Oh that's interesting, and fit pretty well with what i had in mind for a potential Zeltron IA (if the species become available one day that is).

My F IA is Chiss and the mission on Voss stated she was part of some kind of police force (or something along these lines, can't remember exactly as that was year ago since i did that mission) on Csilla before joining Imperial Intelligence. Can't remember what the mission said for my human IA though, as that playthrough was a very long time ago.

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It's too bad Malcom barely did nor said anything in game before Iokath. The only thing we got is the novel and the short scene that's not even officially published,

For some reason I always have the impression that Theron and Malcom had a fall out when Theron quit the SIS and joined/established the Alliance, which is why Theron sounded so pissed when Malcom appealed to him on Iokath.

But I must complain that the execution of the super weapon scene is extra bad for Malcom even though there are a few good lines if we romance Theron. We never get the chance to spend time with him like with Acina. Malcom just shows up, goes on a rampage, and dies. There's zero build up and zero knowledge regarding the character in game except he's Theron's father. He's little more than a nameless NPC on Iokath and I honestly feel nothing in that super weapon scene if not for Troy Baker's brilliant voice acting skill during the scene.

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2 hours ago, eabevella said:

It's too bad Malcom barely did nor said anything in game before Iokath. The only thing we got is the novel and the short scene that's not even officially published,

For some reason I always have the impression that Theron and Malcom had a fall out when Theron quit the SIS and joined/established the Alliance, which is why Theron sounded so pissed when Malcom appealed to him on Iokath.

But I must complain that the execution of the super weapon scene is extra bad for Malcom even though there are a few good lines if we romance Theron. We never get the chance to spend time with him like with Acina. Malcom just shows up, goes on a rampage, and dies. There's zero build up and zero knowledge regarding the character in game except he's Theron's father. He's little more than a nameless NPC on Iokath and I honestly feel nothing in that super weapon scene if not for Troy Baker's brilliant voice acting skill during the scene.

They should have given him a chapter like they did with Acina honestly. Because Pub characters can meet him if they do the mission he's part of on Alderaan, he appears in the last cutscene for JKs, and he briefly shows up during RotHC, but other than that yeah, we barely know him in game.

Wasn't that sated in a codex entry or something, because i remember reading that was the reason they're not on good terms now, or was that also just my imagination ?

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1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

They should have given him a chapter like they did with Acina honestly. Because Pub characters can meet him if they do the mission he's part of on Alderaan, he appears in the last cutscene for JKs, and he briefly shows up during RotHC, but other than that yeah, we barely know him in game.

Wasn't that sated in a codex entry or something, because i remember reading that was the reason they're not on good terms now, or was that also just my imagination ?

Malcom showed up a few times but he rarely said anything (didn't think he said a single word in that RotHC cutscene?) for us to understand who he is other than Theron's dad and Satele's ex.

Another problem I have is how KOTxx did the Republic dirty.

The Republic did 0 thing to support the Alliance. The only non-companion Republic figure who plays an active role is Saresh.

I would love a few chapters where we, as the Alliance leader, cooperates with Malcom and sees how the Republic is doing, preferably how they deal with Saresh's failed coup, and the ideology conflict between Malcom and Theron, before we are forced to face the choice on Iokath. This way, it makes his willingness to work with an Imperial character more impressive (it could even open up the possibility for Malcom and Theron's reconciliation) and his radical action if the player character sides with the Empire more reasonable (also a tragic end for the foreshadow about the darkness Satele saw in him).

I have no idea about a codex. I'll try to look for it later.

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On 5/22/2023 at 6:17 PM, JakRoanin said:

This is Theron's codex entry...

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Lore Entry: Theron was born from the love affair between two Republic heroes: Jedi Knight Satele Shan and Republic Captain Jace Malcom. Their romance was short-lived, and Satele only discovered her pregnancy after the two parted ways. She kept the child a secret and gave birth in hiding. Though Satele wanted nothing more than to care for her newborn son, she had to uphold her duty to the Jedi Order. She surrendered Theron to the care of her Jedi Master--Ngani Zho--to continue serving the Republic. Theron was briefly raised as a Jedi, but the older he grew, the more obvious it became that he was not Force-sensitive. He ultimately left the Jedi Order and joined the Republic Strategic Information Service. Theron excelled in his covert work as a spy, and finally met Jace Malcom and learned that he was his father. They worked together on Operation End Game and parted on good terms. In the following years, they shared the occasional father-son meeting, but struggled to grow close. Though the meetings were awkward, Theron always felt a fondness for his father--a feeling he never had for his mother, who he felt abandoned him for the good of the Republic. Theron's relationship with Malcom reached a breaking point when he left the Republic to help found the Alliance. Malcom saw this as a betrayal, but Theron refused to bow to the Eternal Empire's oppressive army. Harsh words were exchanged during their last holocall several years ago. They haven't spoken since.

This is the codex entry that people are talking about, I believe. Had to do some searching because I remember it was shared here not too long ago.

So yeah, Theron's decision to join the alliance definitely soured his relationship with his father. Personal headcanon, is that Theron actually approached Malcolm in hopes of recruiting him as the Alliance military commander when getting things set up and only when with Aygo after Malcolm completely and utterly refused to be a part of it.

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7 minutes ago, JenaSalton said:

This is the codex entry that people are talking about, I believe. Had to do some searching because I remember it was shared here not too long ago.

So yeah, Theron's decision to join the alliance definitely soured his relationship with his father. Personal headcanon, is that Theron actually approached Malcolm in hopes of recruiting him as the Alliance military commander when getting things set up and only when with Aygo after Malcolm completely and utterly refused to be a part of it.

Thanks a lot!

Yeah, I headcanon pretty much the same since 3 out of 4 Alliance specialist are either Republic (Aygo, the Hutt Dr.) or pro-Republic (Hylo). Makes perfect sense that Theron is the one who recruited them.

I would love to see Malcom's view change after the Alliance's success and there is a chance for Theron and him have a more natural and smooth improvement of their relationship. A small talk with the player character like the one with Satele would be nice.

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5 hours ago, eabevella said:

But I must complain that the execution of the super weapon scene is extra bad for Malcom even though there are a few good lines if we romance Theron. We never get the chance to spend time with him like with Acina. Malcom just shows up, goes on a rampage, and dies. There's zero build up and zero knowledge regarding the character in game except he's Theron's father. He's little more than a nameless NPC on Iokath and I honestly feel nothing in that super weapon scene if not for Troy Baker's brilliant voice acting skill during the scene.

30 minutes ago, eabevella said:

I would love a few chapters where we, as the Alliance leader, cooperates with Malcom and sees how the Republic is doing, preferably how they deal with Saresh's failed coup, and the ideology conflict between Malcom and Theron, before we are forced to face the choice on Iokath. This way, it makes his willingness to work with an Imperial character more impressive (it could even open up the possibility for Malcom and Theron's reconciliation) and his radical action if the player character sides with the Empire more reasonable (also a tragic end for the foreshadow about the darkness Satele saw in him).

100% agreed with all this, the fact we saw barely any Malcolm prior to Iokath (as stated he shows up a few brief times on pub side but barely talks) really hurts the emotional impact of the imperial Iokath story.  (It also means that those of us who choose republic NEVER see any more emotional interaction between Theron and Malcolm than "Theron, you're looking good, son, combat suits you" "and small talk doesn't.") 

Watching the imperial scene I didn't feel anything for Malcolm and only felt anything for Theron because of really good voice acting.  But even feeling loads for Theron there was no build up beforehand to explain why any of it was happening.  And the fact Theron was so willing to shoot at his own father right before being gutted that he died did not sit right with me, it felt so.... off.  Whereas, if there was established on screen backstory between them where we saw Malcolm and Theron's existing conflict and the reason for it and felt more of an actual emotional connection between them, and something that would explain why Theron would do that, it would have been a lot better.  I still would never choose it, of course, but, it would be better for the people who do!

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