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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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27 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

That is it exactly for me, spy and Jedi do things differently, and the number of times you have to be like "Theron no" during forged alliances/SoR when he wants you to commit minor war crimes or betray your allies is actually a little funny (like I think Ziost is the first time he suggests the light side action and Lana the dark one in a moral choice lol, and thankfully they never have him offer the bad choice again after that), but ultimately Theron will side with republic characters and their values more from the off, so there isn't that inherent layer of distrust to get past or have lingering forever in the background. 

To me that makes a much more satisfying and meaningful relationship, especially since Theron deliberately closes himself off and doesn't share that big heart of his easily or with just anyone.  With the sith warrior it definitely feels like "this is an excitingly dangerous time" which is fun, but with republic characters Theron feels so relaxed and comfortable, which I love. 

BH peeps chime in about how start of relationship is, I am curious since they are "imperial" but also, like, not really, so does Theron trust them way more than sith or agent or does the dialogue not really account for different levels of "imperial"?

(I finally started a BH yesterday btw, everyone was talking it up so I gave in 😂  it will be a looong time before she gets anywhere close to stories with Theron tho hahaha)


I just wish they would've done things a bit differently between Theron and a JK/JC compared to a RT/Smuggler. Considering his past with the Jedi, i think he should be a bit more guarded around our Jedi PC (not as much as he is with an imp character but a bit more than he'd be with a non Jedi pub one), like he is attracted to that Jedi, but he doesn't want to because he knows s/he should utimately have to choose between him and the Order and doesn't want to be hurt again. I get they did the same for all 4 to simplify, but it would've been a nice touch to have a slightly different relationship like that, where it would take a bit more time for him to fully open up to a Jedi and where he'd be a bit more reluctant to admit that he likes her/him, compared to a RT/Sm where he could be a bit more direct.

Can't comment on the BH though, i've never romanced Theron with one, as my main BH is a Torian girl all the way and doesn't see anyone else, and my male BH will go for Rass (might be a nice romance tbh as he's pretty cute so far), but i've just started him (i think i'm on DK, but i've played other characters since then so not fully sure), so i'm very far to meeting Rass with him.

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17 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

I just wish they would've done things a bit differently between Theron and a JK/JC compared to a RT/Smuggler. Considering his past with the Jedi, i think he should be a bit more guarded around our Jedi PC (not as much as he is with an imp character but a bit more than he'd be with a non Jedi pub one), like he is attracted to that Jedi, but he doesn't want to because he knows s/he should utimately have to choose between him and the Order and doesn't want to be hurt again. I get they did the same for all 4 to simplify, but it would've been a nice touch to have a slightly different relationship like that, where it would take a bit more time for him to fully open up to a Jedi and where he'd be a bit more reluctant to admit that he likes her/him, compared to a RT/Sm where he could be a bit more direct.

I totally agree, I always find it weird that Theron of all people does not so much as comment on the Jedi attachments thing considering it resulted in his most crushing emotional abandonment (even if he plays it off like it doesn't bother him, we all know it does).  But also, like, no one else mentions or acknowledge it ever either (or maybe everyone is just oblivious to the constant making out in public?  idk haha).  Like at the end of Yavin, Theron and JK bang then smash cut to literally the next scene and Satele says "you embody every ideal of the Jedi code" 🤣  cracks me up every time.  And when you are helping rebuild the Jedi later post-Ossus, not one single Jedi is concerned that your Jedi character is engaged to be married lol

I am very happy that my Jedis get to have a really lovely open relationship with Theron (no garbage sneaking around nonsense, no holding back of feelings unless you play it that way by holding back the flirts) but it would have been nice to have even just a few added exchanges to acknowledge it.  Like, when they first kiss on Rishi have Theron be surprised and like "what happened to no attachments" and the Jedi say they never agreed with that rule or don't care or something.  Then when you are rebuilding the Jedi order later and they are asked to be on the new Jedi council, if your Jedi is in any relationship to have them be like "are you sure?  you know I'm in a relationship with someone and I'm not going to break it off, I broke the rules" and have one of the other Jedi be like "there are so few of us left that we can't afford to care" or something.

I just kind of headcanon that something like those exchanges happened off-screen lol  but it would have been a nice bit of immersion to have them in game.  Goes for literally any Jedi romance tbh, not just Theron, but Theron in particular not questioning it always seemed odd.

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2 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

I totally agree, I always find it weird that Theron of all people does not so much as comment on the Jedi attachments thing considering it resulted in his most crushing emotional abandonment (even if he plays it off like it doesn't bother him, we all know it does).  But also, like, no one else mentions or acknowledge it ever either (or maybe everyone is just oblivious to the constant making out in public?  idk haha).  Like at the end of Yavin, Theron and JK bang then smash cut to literally the next scene and Satele says "you embody every ideal of the Jedi code" 🤣  cracks me up every time.  And when you are helping rebuild the Jedi later post-Ossus, not one single Jedi is concerned that your Jedi character is engaged to be married lol

I am very happy that my Jedis get to have a really lovely open relationship with Theron (no garbage sneaking around nonsense, no holding back of feelings unless you play it that way by holding back the flirts) but it would have been nice to have even just a few added exchanges to acknowledge it.  Like, when they first kiss on Rishi have Theron be surprised and like "what happened to no attachments" and the Jedi say they never agreed with that rule or don't care or something.  Then when you are rebuilding the Jedi order later and they are asked to be on the new Jedi council, if your Jedi is in any relationship to have them be like "are you sure?  you know I'm in a relationship with someone and I'm not going to break it off, I broke the rules" and have one of the other Jedi be like "there are so few of us left that we can't afford to care" or something.

I just kind of headcanon that something like those exchanges happened off-screen lol  but it would have been a nice bit of immersion to have them in game.  Goes for literally any Jedi romance tbh, not just Theron, but Theron in particular not questioning it always seemed odd.

That scene with Satele at the end of Yavin always cracks me up too, i always imagine that my JK, Theron and Satele herself (there's no way she doesn't know what happened between her son and one of the Jedi who's the closest to her, but chose not to say anything because she feels it's not her place to say something about that) are very awkward and quite uncomfortable at that moment.

I don't have a problem for the post-Ossus stuff though, because my JK chose to stay independant at the end of Onslaught, so she's technically not a Jedi anymore, even though she still fights on the side of the Republic and is willing to help the Jedi rebuilt, ultimately, she chose her people, and Theron above all.

And while i do HC some exchanges about my JK being a Jedi and Theron being a bit bothered about that, with my JK teasing him a lot without even realising just how much she's actually flirting with him (kinda like how the proposal plays out) and how much she's messing with his head/heart in the end, i'd have liked to have a bit of that in game too.

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

BH peeps chime in about how start of relationship is, I am curious since they are "imperial" but also, like, not really, so does Theron trust them way more than sith or agent or does the dialogue not really account for different levels of "imperial"?

(I finally started a BH yesterday btw, everyone was talking it up so I gave in 😂  it will be a looong time before she gets anywhere close to stories with Theron tho hahaha)

This is where I say to use all the pre-story carefully to build who you want BH to be. As you explore your options you can use what you know about Theron to tailor your BH. Confession I didn't take a single flirt until after his rescue on Rishi and it worked beautifully for who my BH is and her backstory.

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4 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

That scene with Satele at the end of Yavin always cracks me up too, i always imagine that my JK, Theron and Satele herself (there's no way she doesn't know what happened between her son and one of the Jedi who's the closest to her, but chose not to say anything because she feels it's not her place to say something about that) are very awkward and quite uncomfortable at that moment.

Satele is way too strong of a Jedi and has way too good of observation skills to not notice.  Like, she knows.  She knows everything.  I personally choose to HC that she is vaguely uncomfortable but deliberately choosing to give a pass because it's Theron and we all know deep down she wants him to be happy, but I do like the HC that JK and Theron are awkwardly wondering whether she noticed and didn't say anything or just somehow didn't notice haha

8 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

I don't have a problem for the post-Ossus stuff though, because my JK chose to stay independant at the end of Onslaught, so she's technically not a Jedi anymore, even though she still fights on the side of the Republic and is willing to help the Jedi rebuilt, ultimately, she chose her people, and Theron above all.

ngl, I did not actually know that choosing to stay independent was ACTUALLY a valid option until after I finished already and read it online.  Like, since on Iokath you are absolutely forced to choose a side no matter how much you try to waffle, I thought it would be the same and just chose Republic.  I wish I had known because I actually would have chosen staying independent on one character.  But, both my Jedis are back in and helping rebuild the Jedi order despite being engaged to Theron.  But thankfully, no one cares, apparently.  lol

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8 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

This is where I say to use all the pre-story carefully to build who you want BH to be. As you explore your options you can use what you know about Theron to tailor your BH. Confession I didn't take a single flirt until after his rescue on Rishi and it worked beautifully for who my BH is and her backstory.

my first flirt on warrior was during his rescue on Rishi and I was surprised it turned out so well (I was afraid I was too late and would get locked out tbh).  If I get as far as forged alliances, I will probably have BH flirt with him right away though to see what I missed out on. 

As you suggest, I did already come up with a good backstory for her to inform my decisions for the character, I know I am going to play it neutral/light (and I will say, I am happy that the light side choices are actually in the default slot more often than not, comparing to sith where it wants you to choose dark so it often has those as the top default option and makes dialogue choices confusing a lot lol).  Also, I plan to try and play her as independent from factions as the game will let me (hopefully it lets me?  I haven't spoiled myself on BH plot - not because I care if I get spoiled necessarily, I just haven't seen anything - but, crossing fingers), I like the idea of an independent BH who doesn't take sides or just doesn't love either side, I did that as much as I could on smuggler too, though it did awkwardly force smuggler into republic stuff a few times, so I am guessing it will probably do that with imperial for BH?

One thing I do want to know (feel free to spoil) is: does Theron treat BH like fully imperial and make comments about them being imperial or does the game actually acknowledge a lack of direct imperial allegience?  I can't remember how different dialogue on smuggler was compared to Jedis (I got my smuggler romanced with him through half of Yavin, but it was a while ago), but I also don't think Theron makes any specific republic-allegience comments about any of them anyway since it's more of a non-issue, he's just like "yeah ok, let's do this."

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He does lump BH into Imp side a couple of times but you can object at least once. What disappointed me was the lack of acknowledgement if BH does take the Creed and become Mandalorian. Theron never goes there whereas Lana does her bigoted nonsense.

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There is clearly a theme of a distinct lack of acknowledgement of individual character choices/sub-factions once you get to forged alliances onward 🫠  Still love the story and characters, but, definitely wish they had the budget to make more alt versions of dialogue to include more of those details.

Good to hear you can at least object to being imperial at least once.  It would be awkward if you just had to sit there and take it every time when you are clearly not an imperial officer or sith lord lol  honestly I just wish they had made an "independent" faction for smugglers and BH instead of just putting on republic and one imperial, but, obviously a million years too late for that to ever happen 😅

Edited by cannibithobbal
accidentally hit submit before I was done lol
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Well, as I said, my BH is a very proud Mandalorian, and that's a huge reason why I love this expansion. However, it does bug me that Theron never goes there. It's not against the Creed to marry an non-Mandalorian, so she's not sacrificing anything there. However, as Theron's LI my BH is always acknowledging his parents and being a double-agent to protect his culture. It'd be nice to have the same from him.

My other PC's would never work with Theron, because they are not my BH. 

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20 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Satele is way too strong of a Jedi and has way too good of observation skills to not notice.  Like, she knows.  She knows everything.  I personally choose to HC that she is vaguely uncomfortable but deliberately choosing to give a pass because it's Theron and we all know deep down she wants him to be happy, but I do like the HC that JK and Theron are awkwardly wondering whether she noticed and didn't say anything or just somehow didn't notice haha

ngl, I did not actually know that choosing to stay independent was ACTUALLY a valid option until after I finished already and read it online.  Like, since on Iokath you are absolutely forced to choose a side no matter how much you try to waffle, I thought it would be the same and just chose Republic.  I wish I had known because I actually would have chosen staying independent on one character.  But, both my Jedis are back in and helping rebuild the Jedi order despite being engaged to Theron.  But thankfully, no one cares, apparently.  lol

Yeah, i'm sure she knows but pretends she didn't notice, because it's her son, and because it's a Jedi (in my case anyways) who she's pretty close to and who suffered a lot already with everything that had already happened with Vitiate, so she wants to give them a bit of a happy moment, and at that point in time, it clearly doesn't derail any of them from what they have to do, so it's not a big deal.

But i can't imagine any of the three not feeling a bit uncomfortable at that moment 😁


I'm honestly so happy i was able to stay independant, as i could keep the Alliance my JK and her people have worked so hard for, she can still help the Republic and the Jedi, and protect the people she wants to protect, all the while being able to live her relationship with Theron fully.

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56 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah, i'm sure she knows but pretends she didn't notice, because it's her son, and because it's a Jedi (in my case anyways) who she's pretty close to and who suffered a lot already with everything that had already happened with Vitiate, so she wants to give them a bit of a happy moment, and at that point in time, it clearly doesn't derail any of them from what they have to do, so it's not a big deal.

But i can't imagine any of the three not feeling a bit uncomfortable at that moment 😁

Yeah, JK went through a lot and suffered a lot more personally and also worked way closer with Satele than JC, so Satele knows how good and dedicated of a Jedi they are, plus like they resisted literal control by the emperor so I feel like it would be obvious to her that JK is not going to suddenly go dark side for hooking up with Theron.  Plus, like, more than any of that, they were in a really similar kind of situation (working closely together in a war) to when her and Malcolm hooked up so it would be a weeeee bit hypocritical of her to get upset about it, let's be real 😆 

1 hour ago, Goreshaga said:

I'm honestly so happy i was able to stay independant, as i could keep the Alliance my JK and her people have worked so hard for, she can still help the Republic and the Jedi, and protect the people she wants to protect, all the while being able to live her relationship with Theron fully.

I also 100% would have had JK stay independent.  Consular (who I played as super dedicated to everything Jedi) not helping rebuild the council wouldn't feel right, so I made the right choice for her, but I wish I would have kept JK independent, I always played him as dedicated and super good and wanting to help but also more of an independent thinker who wants eventually something besides just Jedi life, so being Alliance leader he had his out and now because I was dumb I took it away from him 🥲 

Like I said though, I just HC that because Gnost-Dural is very open minded and friends with Theron he knows about their relationship but just tells them it's totally cool, JK is too needed and he doesn't care haha

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Just came across this video with the eight male classes saying their time has finally come. I forget the mission. I didn't take that option because Theron is so concerned about the player during that scene. I always thought that responding with a joke would be to cheapen Theron's concern. The situation is amusing though. The things poor Theron has to put up with. 😂 

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On 4/25/2023 at 2:04 PM, Goreshaga said:

Lol, between this one and the previous dialogue where you can basically friendzone Kira when she tells the JK how hard it was for her when they disappeared and ask to never do it again, i couldn't help but feel like my JK was completely oblivious of her crewmates being in love with her.

Sorry guys, but she only has eyes for Theron. 😅


Dug this one back up because something funny struck me.  Like, Scourge and Kira have been watching your character closely for weeks or months or however long it was..... were they actually the ones somehow completely oblivious to JK's relationship with Theron such that they both thought they still had a shot 😂  Like, how many times have they made out in public in front of you, guys (including, like, 30 seconds before they show up at the fleet), they are not shy about PDA, how did you miss it lmao

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6 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Just came across this video with the eight male classes saying their time has finally come. I forget the mission. I didn't take that option because Theron is so concerned about the player during that scene. I always thought that responding with a joke would be to cheapen Theron's concern. The situation is amusing though. The things poor Theron has to put up with. 😂 

omg, I was so tempted to do that option when I played it but didn't (I went to check my playthrough recording to be sure, I literally waffled on the choice for a minute lmao), now I kinda wish I had, that's hilarious, Theron's reaction is perfection 🤣

ngl, my favorite part might actually be the constant "SCORPIO is not amused".  Like, no one's amused except me.  Beautiful.

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1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Yeah, JK went through a lot and suffered a lot more personally and also worked way closer with Satele than JC, so Satele knows how good and dedicated of a Jedi they are, plus like they resisted literal control by the emperor so I feel like it would be obvious to her that JK is not going to suddenly go dark side for hooking up with Theron.  Plus, like, more than any of that, they were in a really similar kind of situation (working closely together in a war) to when her and Malcolm hooked up so it would be a weeeee bit hypocritical of her to get upset about it, let's be real 😆 


I HC my JK as being quite optimistic, joyful, snarky, quite easy going with other people, a bit sassy and mischievous at the beginning of her journey, but not as much after her time with the Emperor, she became a bit more closed to others (even Kira who she saw as a sister) maybe quite a bit more depressed in the end. But meeting Theron actually brought back at least some of her original personality, so i guess Satele saw that he was good for her, and decided that it was okay. But yeah considering what happened between her and Malcom, saying anything about a JK hooking up with her own son would've been a tad bit hypocritical.

1 hour ago, cannibithobbal said:

Like I said though, I just HC that because Gnost-Dural is very open minded and friends with Theron he knows about their relationship but just tells them it's totally cool, JK is too needed and he doesn't care haha

That can honestly work. Jedi are quite in a bad place at that moment, and aren't really in a position to be picky, so i guess if their choice is between an unorthodox Jedi who is in a commited relationship with the son of the former Grandmaster or no Jedi at all, they'll probably pretend they don't know about the relationship.

55 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

Dug this one back up because something funny struck me.  Like, Scourge and Kira have been watching your character closely for weeks or months or however long it was..... were they actually the ones somehow completely oblivious to JK's relationship with Theron such that they both thought they still had a shot 😂  Like, how many times have they made out in public in front of you, guys (including, like, 30 seconds before they show up at the fleet), they are not shy about PDA, how did you miss it lmao

Yeah, no idea, either they're evn more oblivious than the JK, or all of them are really bad at having a normal conversation, and are flirting without even realising they are.

1 hour ago, yenzin said:

Just came across this video with the eight male classes saying their time has finally come. I forget the mission. I didn't take that option because Theron is so concerned about the player during that scene. I always thought that responding with a joke would be to cheapen Theron's concern. The situation is amusing though. The things poor Theron has to put up with. 😂 

I don't think i've ever picked this one on my JK, but when i'll record, i may have to consider it, because i could actually see my JK being that dumb tbh (will have to see the other options, because i don't remember that part very well, as i'm not very fond of that chapter and have not replayed it in a very long time).

The "booo" on Iokath during the Fractured Alliance part is pretty fun too.

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1 minute ago, Goreshaga said:

Yeah, no idea, either they're evn more oblivious than the JK, or all of them are really bad at having a normal conversation, and are flirting without even realising they are.

🤣   idk if I can buy it as what's happening but the thought of that cracks me up.  Just, everyone accidentally flirting everywhere, and everyone totally oblivious all at the same time lol

1 minute ago, Goreshaga said:

The "booo" on Iokath during the Fractured Alliance part is pretty fun too.

The boo one is hilarious, I chose it both times I played 😅  That's honestly why I'm sad now I didn't choose the "I'm dying", I like the teasing moments with Theron, his reactions are always priceless haha  also I feel like more teasing earlier also makes teasing him while he's failing to spit out a proposal feel more fitting for their relationship 😅

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13 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

🤣   idk if I can buy it as what's happening but the thought of that cracks me up.  Just, everyone accidentally flirting everywhere, and everyone totally oblivious all at the same time lol

I already see my JK as flirting like crazy with Theron without even realising just how much she's flirting just because she wants to have fun teasing him (because yeah, his reactions to that are pretty fun), so maybe Kira and Scourge are just as oblivious as she is actually 🤣

15 minutes ago, cannibithobbal said:

The boo one is hilarious, I chose it both times I played 😅  That's honestly why I'm sad now I didn't choose the "I'm dying", I like the teasing moments with Theron, his reactions are always priceless haha  also I feel like more teasing earlier also makes teasing him while he's failing to spit out a proposal feel more fitting for their relationship 😅

I love that proposal, it felt so much in character for both Theron and my JK, and yeah teasing him as much as possible earlier makes it even better.

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13 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

I already see my JK as flirting like crazy with Theron without even realising just how much she's flirting just because she wants to have fun teasing him (because yeah, his reactions to that are pretty fun), so maybe Kira and Scourge are just as oblivious as she is actually 🤣

ngl, I am a bit sad that the only time we have seen the four of them interact in one scene is the EoO intro, which is a great scene but is really just Kira and Scourge being like "you really shouldn't" and Theron being like "you're not the boss of me", I would love to see more of JK hanging out with all 3 of them.  Maybe someday lol.


14 minutes ago, Goreshaga said:

I love that proposal, it felt so much in character for both Theron and my JK, and yeah teasing him as much as possible earlier makes it even better.

Theron's proposal really just is chef's kiss, literally the most Theron thing ever, it's so perfectly in character that he would be adorably bad at doing it on the spot with no preparation lol   And that it follows up him showing just how gutted he is for what he did, it makes it that much more heartfelt.  (Full props to Troy Baker tbh for nailing that entire scene, it's so good.)

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2 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

I have a lot of respect for the VA's in this game, even the characters I despise are incredibly done. Mr. Baker is top-class.

100% agreed.  All the voice acting is so good, and the number of people who play more than one prominent character and make them totally distinct in character and personality despite their voices being noticeably the same is so impressive.  (it also gives me a good chuckle that the VAs for Satele and Theron are two of the biggest cases of this 😄 runs in the family lol)

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Also agreed! All the voices are amazing! I've heard that a lot of people think the JC voice is boring but I think Nolan North makes the JC sound wise. Which completely fits the character. I also find his voice relaxing to listen to. And Baker's is just phenomenal - hand's down. I could go on and on about all the great voice acting in the game. 💟

Haha! The boo! option. I have never taken that one either. Theron is already so on edge in that place, I never have the heart to scare him further. Why does he willingly hang out with us? 🤣

Working on my JK right now. Is going to be a while before I get to the proposal on her. I decided to make two female twin knights. Going to play them neck and neck and one will romance Koth and the other Theron because I just know I won't be able to resist romancing him. I'm curious about that humourous line you all are talking about. I'm not going to spoil it for myself though. Must resist! 

I loved the BH proposal line and scene. It's the only one I have seen so far. (For some reason, I recorded it three times... 😅) Tom Spackman's voice makes me melt. Again, the VA in the game! You all are amazing! Anyway, the line really fits the BH's personality and when Theron is having trouble getting the words out, the BH's question to him always makes me laugh. Here is mine if any of you are curious and want to watch it. I set it as 'unlisted'. I hope to one day post the entire Male BH romance. Currently, there seem to be only full versions of the female romance available. 🤔 Guess I'll have to be the first one! (Judy Hopps 😉)

Until recently I was always confused as to why my character looked sad during that scene while Theron was thinking about what to say. Then I came across a great post that stated that Theron is constantly running away from the PC in some manner. First on Manaan when going into hiding. Then on Rishi when they part ways. Then there is Iocath and having to go deep undercover. So the post explains that the PC is worried Theron is going to run away from the relationship again. The post explains it better. Too bad I don't remember where I read it. I thought it made a lot of sense. 🥰

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14 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Haha! The boo! option. I have never taken that one either. Theron is already so on edge in that place, I never have the heart to scare him further. Why does he willingly hang out with us? 🤣

that video is chef's kiss lmao 🤣, his "very funny" cracks me up every single time.  he is definitely questioning his life choices dating this weirdo 🤣

16 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Also agreed! All the voices are amazing! I've heard that a lot of people think the JC voice is boring but I think Nolan North makes the JC sound wise. Which completely fits the character. I also find his voice relaxing to listen to. And Baker's is just phenomenal - hand's down. I could go on and on about all the great voice acting in the game. 💟

I have not played a male consular, but female consular voice is my personal favorite of all the player characters ❤️  she always sounds like the perfect Jedi to me, just calm, serene, and wise.  I love her.  From clips I have heard of male JC I agree that he plays the same kind of Jedi, it totally works, definitely not boring imo.  Troy Baker is just... well he's a pretty famous VA for a reason, ain't he.  😅  (He plays two of my favorite characters in the game, so, clearly he is doing everything right lol)

20 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Working on my JK right now. Is going to be a while before I get to the proposal on her. I decided to make two female twin knights. Going to play them neck and neck and one will romance Koth and the other Theron because I just know I won't be able to resist romancing him. I'm curious about that humourous line you all are talking about. I'm not going to spoil it for myself though. Must resist!

Did you make dupe JK too?  Because I made 2 identical JKs, can recommend, good life choice haha.  I romanced both mine with Theron though since I made the dupe for the sole purpose of recording forged alliances -> Ziost which I had missed the first time, so you are bolder than me actually doing the entire thing twice and different romances 😅  (I made a second JC too and ngl, I might be bolder there because I am actually tempted to romance Zenith with her instead, if that ever actually becomes a fully fledged option in game and not just one flirt lol  ....... but romancing Theron again also might be a temptation I can't resist, will see, it'll be a while before I get her that far anyway)

I am putting my whole JK playthrough up on youtube, but I also made it all unlisted because I just did it for myself, I didn't figure anyone else would want to watch plus I don't want to risk copyright strikes or something haha  If you are curious how diff it is and haven't seen it, though, here is JK proposal scene (hopefully the link to time stamp worked, should be 43:32), it is actually crazy how diff it is to the BH, the characters really have such different personalities!  Back to that great voice acting, man.  They are all so distinct, exact same lines but feels so different.

38 minutes ago, yenzin said:

Until recently I was always confused as to why my character looked sad during that scene while Theron was thinking about what to say. Then I came across a great post that stated that Theron is constantly running away from the PC in some manner. First on Manaan when going into hiding. Then on Rishi when they part ways. Then there is Iocath and having to go deep undercover. So the post explains that the PC is worried Theron is going to run away from the relationship again. The post explains it better. Too bad I don't remember where I read it. I thought it made a lot of sense. 🥰

awwwww it's so true, isn't it.  I definitely always read that moment as the character teasing him to propose then thinking "oh..... oh ok, he doesn't actually want to does he, not really, too big a commitment, I messed up, I shouldn't have said that 😢"  but omg, that explanation makes so much sense and I never even thought about it before and now my lil shipper heart actually hurts a lil bit.  My. Babies.


p.s. Theron totally is quite tall.  As companion he is constantly bending halfway over looking down at JC and is even slightly taller than my JK with same body type to the point he still has a slight lean 😂

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16 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

ngl, I am a bit sad that the only time we have seen the four of them interact in one scene is the EoO intro, which is a great scene but is really just Kira and Scourge being like "you really shouldn't" and Theron being like "you're not the boss of me", I would love to see more of JK hanging out with all 3 of them.  Maybe someday lol.

Yeah would be nice to see them interact a bit more. But i really liked having Kira, Scourge, Theron, Arcann and Senya with me during EoO, if only the very last scene had not been such a disappointment though...

Still mad that Scourge didn't have anything to say during SoR, we could've had some interesting dialogues between him and Revan, but nope, they just don't see each other.

16 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Theron's proposal really just is chef's kiss, literally the most Theron thing ever, it's so perfectly in character that he would be adorably bad at doing it on the spot with no preparation lol   And that it follows up him showing just how gutted he is for what he did, it makes it that much more heartfelt.  (Full props to Troy Baker tbh for nailing that entire scene, it's so good.)

Yeah, i love that proposal.

4 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

awwwww it's so true, isn't it.  I definitely always read that moment as the character teasing him to propose then thinking "oh..... oh ok, he doesn't actually want to does he, not really, too big a commitment, I messed up, I shouldn't have said that 😢"  but omg, that explanation makes so much sense and I never even thought about it before and now my lil shipper heart actually hurts a lil bit.  My. Babies.

Always read it like that too as in a "did i go too far this time ?", with my JK realising she'd actually really like him to propose but fearing he'll not do it.


As far as voice acting goes, i can't really comment on the VA in english, as i've played nearly exclusively in french, though i'm in the middle of recording the JK's playthrough in english, but i'm on Hoth, so still very far from even meeting Theron, and i've missed one of the convos with Doc because it ended before i could esc, and i want to change a dialogue with Killran, so i'll probably have to remake one in the end (i should really stop deciding on other dialogue options and clothes after i record, because i keep redoing new clones of my JK to record all over again...).

If anyone's interested, here's the proposal in french : https://youtu.be/ZdFqgdsXqX0?t=132. It's an old recording though, my JK doesn't even look like that anymore, so i'll have to re-record it at some point, when i'll get there.

Edited by Goreshaga
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On 4/26/2023 at 10:12 AM, cannibithobbal said:

I totally agree, I always find it weird that Theron of all people does not so much as comment on the Jedi attachments thing considering it resulted in his most crushing emotional abandonment (even if he plays it off like it doesn't bother him, we all know it does). 

I am very happy that my Jedis get to have a really lovely open relationship with Theron (no garbage sneaking around nonsense, no holding back of feelings unless you play it that way by holding back the flirts) but it would have been nice to have even just a few added exchanges to acknowledge it.  Like, when they first kiss on Rishi have Theron be surprised and like "what happened to no attachments" and the Jedi say they never agreed with that rule or don't care or something.  Then when you are rebuilding the Jedi order later and they are asked to be on the new Jedi council, if your Jedi is in any relationship to have them be like "are you sure?  you know I'm in a relationship with someone and I'm not going to break it off, I broke the rules" and have one of the other Jedi be like "there are so few of us left that we can't afford to care" or something.

On 4/26/2023 at 9:29 AM, Goreshaga said:

I just wish they would've done things a bit differently between Theron and a JK/JC compared to a RT/Smuggler. Considering his past with the Jedi, i think he should be a bit more guarded around our Jedi PC (not as much as he is with an imp character but a bit more than he'd be with a non Jedi pub one), like he is attracted to that Jedi, but he doesn't want to because he knows s/he should utimately have to choose between him and the Order and doesn't want to be hurt again.

On 4/26/2023 at 10:33 AM, JakRoanin said:

This is where I say to use all the pre-story carefully to build who you want BH to be. As you explore your options you can use what you know about Theron to tailor your BH. Confession I didn't take a single flirt until after his rescue on Rishi and it worked beautifully for who my BH is and her backstory.

I too would have preferred for Theron to have different reactions to a Jedi than the others. My HC is that my fem JK has been in love with Theron for years as she knew him growing up. But when she finally revealed her feelings to him he gently turned her down because he was afraid she would always choose the Order over him. She eventually accepts his answer and then meets Koth. Now that I am playing my JK I am going to have to amend that a bit.

I have no idea what my first flirt line on my FemJK with Theron will be. That HC is strong with this one. It is an integral part of the BH/Theron fanfiction I am writing. Going to be hard to mentally adjust. 🤔

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