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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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You can't "act on your own" when you are essentially the president/PM/leader of a government body. Especially when the Republic basically played dead and pretended nothing happened afterward. That's just pathetic. I don't trust Acina, but at least she's doing things the adult way. I sided with her on Iokath as a way to make a closure to our alliance and sent a message to the Republic telling them that they can't pull the "you're a Jedi, do this for the Republic for free while we drag you down" card on me.


The most difficult part of that decision is Theron's reaction. I can't stand hearing him so sad but shoving all his emotion back, using work to distracted himself... Ouch


Theron in the Empire is just so funny. So much awkwardness among too many Sith lol


I haven't played in a while but if I remember correctly didn't you get a message from a Pub official disavowing Saresh? didn't she also work with people in the imperial government to do what she did?

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I haven't played in a while but if I remember correctly didn't you get a message from a Pub official disavowing Saresh? didn't she also work with people in the imperial government to do what she did?


That letter is pathetic. The Chancellor was her puppet and he sent that letter only to perform a typical political cut-clean move (is there an english word for that?) to save his own ***. I don't buy him saying that he had nothing to do with it. Saresh must had made a deal with him, if she succeeded, he'll be be her happy Republic lapdog while Saresh controls the Alliance.


Judging by the timing, working with Lorman (Minister!) was probably an improvised gamble. She saw an idiot, she used the idiot. If the meeting was in the Republic space, she'll get her own people to set up the trap.


PS: I always think the reason why Theron hates her so much was not just because what she did to the Republic, I think Saresh used Therron as scapegoat for Ziost and buried his career. She probably tried to kill him to silence him (pressured the SIS chef to send Theron to do suicide mission etc.) I don't know if the game told us what happened between Ziost and him joining up with Lana, but that's what my headcanon is. That's why I always pick the stab/shoot options with Saresh to make my boy Theron happy lol

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slowly I am arriving at lvl 75 with all 95% of my characters so I can continue the story and finally get to SoR 😵 but some thoughts are in my mind in the meantime with all the Theron romance in the future.

reading all of you here, I understand that if you return to the Empire, nothing really changes with him, right? because I am a bit afraid with my SI @.@

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slowly I am arriving at lvl 75 with all 95% of my characters so I can continue the story and finally get to SoR 😵 but some thoughts are in my mind in the meantime with all the Theron romance in the future.

reading all of you here, I understand that if you return to the Empire, nothing really changes with him, right? because I am a bit afraid with my SI @.@


There will be reactions depending on your choices, but so far no definite changes. Don't knows if there will be changes depending on our past actions like Koth in the future.


That said, you'll be missing out a romance scene on imp side if you don't follow this (spoiler for late Onslaught):


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^ I would pretty much stop playing this game if he was absent entirely. You can't just throw away a relationship someone has been building with 2 different characters for so long away like that. Theron and Lana both are family at this point as much as my vanilla companions were. Theron has been through so much with the PC at this point. They are the characters we sit back with and reminisce on the "good ole days" when we're in a new dangerous situation, similar to Garrus and Liara from ME. ME would have hit much weaker if we did not have the companions we were with for so long there with us going through the devastation. I don't care what new characters they bring along, none of them will be able to match that history we have with theron or lana. Nathema hit me hard because it was like after Kaidan, after Carth, after Atton, after Liam after Jacob Bioware finally got a human male character right. They actually got me to like a human male of theirs for once, and then THAT?!?!


As of now? it's soso, both Lana & Theron are mostly just present for the ends and beginnings of your adventures throughout onslaught and echoes. I understand the story can no longer rely on them, and it's bittersweet. You understand the plot must progress, but if the characters you care about aren't going through it extensively as you are, it kind of makes it all pointless. But i'm atleast happy they have survived better than other characters have and they've done well to make them still feel close to the commander, as they are the two always featured in the personal scenes (which makes the theron boot option all the more questionable) but bleh.



They're not being ignored entirely. If you romanced one you get a kiss before you leave with Kira and Scourge to save Satele. Metagame it took effort to program and produce, so they're not just background scenery. More so with Theron since they infamously programmed the game wrong to allow players to play the game wrong and need to account for it.

Edited by Hadsil
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There will be reactions depending on your choices, but so far no definite changes. Don't knows if there will be changes depending on our past actions like Koth in the future.


That said, you'll be missing out a romance scene on imp side if you don't follow this (spoiler for late Onslaught):



ah yes yes. I know this part. and luckily for me, I saw some reactions online and youtube because if you go with saboteur storyline on the Empire side, that particular mission is somehow bugged, if I remember correctly 🤔

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They're not being ignored entirely. If you romanced one you get a kiss before you leave with Kira and Scourge to save Satele. Metagame it took effort to program and produce, so they're not just background scenery. More so with Theron since they infamously programmed the game wrong to allow players to play the game wrong and need to account for it.


Yeah I was shocked tbh that Theron actually gets even more sreentime on the Imp side, he even comes with you to most of the planets and interacts with the new characters which I like.


It's obvious why they did this for Theron. They realized they screwed up messing with the only leading male neutral LI that was involved with the story. We spent so much time with both Theron and Lana, spent so long developing a relationship and there really aren't any other LI's in the game that share that long development with you. So basically they in essence took away the only lead LI that both males and females would get consistent romance scenes with. They realized how messed, and unfair that would be having Lana still there and giving both males and LGBTQ women an option to continuously have a stable romance guranteed to get scenes while leaving the straight women and gay men in the dark. That was an oppsie.


That letter is pathetic. The Chancellor was her puppet and he sent that letter only to perform a typical political cut-clean move (is there an english word for that?) to save his own ***. I don't buy him saying that he had nothing to do with it. Saresh must had made a deal with him, if she succeeded, he'll be be her happy Republic lapdog while Saresh controls the Alliance.


Judging by the timing, working with Lorman (Minister!) was probably an improvised gamble. She saw an idiot, she used the idiot. If the meeting was in the Republic space, she'll get her own people to set up the trap.


PS: I always think the reason why Theron hates her so much was not just because what she did to the Republic, I think Saresh used Therron as scapegoat for Ziost and buried his career. She probably tried to kill him to silence him (pressured the SIS chef to send Theron to do suicide mission etc.) I don't know if the game told us what happened between Ziost and him joining up with Lana, but that's what my headcanon is. That's why I always pick the stab/shoot options with Saresh to make my boy Theron happy lol


I always executed her even on my Jedi as I had enough of her using the PC but dismissing them at every turn and also constantly trashing/upsetting Theron. Though I must admit Theron's mad/sad face is pretty cute, it looks so pouty like a puppy dog so when characters make him mad im always like awwwwww lol

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I always executed her even on my Jedi as I had enough of her using the PC but dismissing them at every turn and also constantly trashing/upsetting Theron. Though I must admit Theron's mad/sad face is pretty cute, it looks so pouty like a puppy dog so when characters make him mad im always like awwwwww lol


I always am curious to know who arrested her and who killed her 🤣 don't know if I can do it with my JK, but I can see you hadn't got any issure with that.

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I always executed her even on my Jedi as I had enough of her using the PC but dismissing them at every turn and also constantly trashing/upsetting Theron. Though I must admit Theron's mad/sad face is pretty cute, it looks so pouty like a puppy dog so when characters make him mad im always like awwwwww lol


Theron looks cute when he's angry/sad but only my toons can make him angry/sad. It's a shame we don't have more scenes where we can Force choke/shock/stab/shoot whoever threatens Theron lol

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I will see, depending on which character I am playing. but either you kill her o imprison her, he is happy 🤣 the only thing that I think I will keep with ALL my characters ( including the 3 Jedi ) is to punch her 😂 so cool to do that.


if you arrest her, Theron says with a smile "you have no idea how happy I am" 🖤 instead if you kill her, he will be "is it wrong to say I enjoyed that?" 😂 he basically approves both decisions.


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I will see, depending on which character I am playing. but either you kill her o imprison her, he is happy 🤣 the only thing that I think I will keep with ALL my characters ( including the 3 Jedi ) is to punch her 😂 so cool to do that.


if you arrest her, Theron says with a smile "you have no idea how happy I am" 🖤 instead if you kill her, he will be "is it wrong to say I enjoyed that?" 😂 he basically approves both decisions.


It's honestly one of my favorite scenes of the game. I am always thinking that "yea, we both just enjoyed that." It's just a major bonus that Theron is happy either way. And yea, I punch her every time, too, because that wench deserves it.

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I love how Lana was doing the Sith Sinister Snear when blocking Saresh's way, then Theron was like "oh wow this ***** dead lol" it always makes my day.


ah yes, with her "we are well beyond apologizes" 🖤 loved her there. can't wait to punch that scum every single time. going to enjoy it 😆

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I thought I replied earlier to the conversation about Saresh's dealings not being due to the republic. but I guess I didn't; Anyway Saresh was basically a desperate politician who lost power seeking to retain it. Lana pretty much says Saresh was the former chancellor so I highly doubt her actions were backed by others within the republic since she no longer had such power. I think there's a reason she sought out support from an idiot on the imp side.


At any rate, in the future. Bioware NEEDS to not sabotage one side too much. It's absolutely ridiculous how we got time with Acina, but nothing of Jace. Jace should have had screentime, some sort of role in the fight against Arcann, and he should have had his OWN mission like Acina did, to get us to see the republic side and sympathize with it. They just shove him into Iokath randomly and a lot of people could not relate with him because up until that point Bioware didn't even try to use him. So for some Acina was the obvious choice. Sometimes the devs show too much Imp favoritism and the republic side suffers for it. Too many republic characters go either underused or under-written then they throw random death options on them, and it's gotten pretty tiresome. I pretty much play my imp side characters more now because the devs treat them better. You want the sides to be less unbalanced in terms of players? stop trying so hard to crap on the Republic lol

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Bioware NEEDS to not sabotage one side too much. It's absolutely ridiculous how we got time with Acina, but nothing of Jace. Jace should have had screentime, some sort of role in the fight against Arcann, and he should have had his OWN mission like Acina did, to get us to see the republic side and sympathize with it. They just shove him into Iokath randomly and a lot of people could not relate with him because up until that point Bioware didn't even try to use him. So for some Acina was the obvious choice. Sometimes the devs show too much Imp favoritism and the republic side suffers for it. Too many republic characters go either underused or under-written then they throw random death options on them, and it's gotten pretty tiresome.

Completely agree. We have cutscenes with two different characters who can be emperor / empress. Jace is neglected by comparison.

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At any rate, in the future. Bioware NEEDS to not sabotage one side too much. It's absolutely ridiculous how we got time with Acina, but nothing of Jace. Jace should have had screentime, some sort of role in the fight against Arcann, and he should have had his OWN mission like Acina did, to get us to see the republic side and sympathize with it. They just shove him into Iokath randomly and a lot of people could not relate with him because up until that point Bioware didn't even try to use him. So for some Acina was the obvious choice. Sometimes the devs show too much Imp favoritism and the republic side suffers for it. Too many republic characters go either underused or under-written then they throw random death options on them, and it's gotten pretty tiresome. I pretty much play my imp side characters more now because the devs treat them better. You want the sides to be less unbalanced in terms of players? stop trying so hard to crap on the Republic lol

I think they relied too much on players knowing all the background with Jace Malcolm by reading the books/watching the videos featuring him/playing previous sw games. I am not one of those players; I have no idea about any back story for any character that does not happen in this game. I don't even know how much Theron knows about his father or what interactions they've had. This meant that I didn't really care about Jace Malcolm so was not inclined to side with him for any of my characters light or dark, empire or republic nor did I care when I chose to have Jace die. I only sided with JM when I felt my character should side with him. I'm not sure having a mission with him was the answer; I'm not a fan of the chapter with Acina as she's in my top 10 least favourite characters (and what did we actually learn about her from that chapter? I only learned that I wanted her dead).

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Hello. I'm a very recent addition to the Theron Is My Game Crush Help Group. Nice to meet you all.


*slightly throaty cough* Someone in this thread mentioned Theron videos. There are videos? I can't find the post now but if there *are* videos, I would like to watch them. I can't find the post now sadly (this is a very long thread isn't it.) I've listened to the audiobook before but it has a slightly different importance now. *sigh...reverie* (Edit: It's @Sarova's post above mine, stupid me. I'm all flustered.)


Anyway, poor Vector, I divorced him.


I would like a 'snog' button, and a repeatable cutscene please. :)



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I think they relied too much on players knowing all the background with Jace Malcolm by reading the books/watching the videos featuring him/playing previous sw games. I am not one of those players; I have no idea about any back story for any character that does not happen in this game. I don't even know how much Theron knows about his father or what interactions they've had. This meant that I didn't really care about Jace Malcolm so was not inclined to side with him for any of my characters light or dark, empire or republic nor did I care when I chose to have Jace die. I only sided with JM when I felt my character should side with him. I'm not sure having a mission with him was the answer; I'm not a fan of the chapter with Acina as she's in my top 10 least favourite characters (and what did we actually learn about her from that chapter? I only learned that I wanted her dead).


It got people to sympathize with her and the imperials. Almost making her be the landslide choice for even Pub players. I think there was a post on reddit and the subject was something like "Did bioware go too hard trying to dismantle the republic = good" idea" and I somewhat agree, they did. Pubs should have atleast been given something, whether or not it was with Jace. After the whole Saresh debacle the Pub side deserved some love one way or another, but nope. What they gave us was "Imps helped, Pubs tried to kill us", then if that wasn't enough they had our main pub character go on a whole fake betrayal arc that ends with him possibly dying as well as tying the mcguffin plot with our fleet being destroyed to his arc leaving people to put the blame on him for that too. Pubs have been done dirty it's not even funny lol


I hope they break apart from this writing habit going forward. But I can already see hints of it in the newer characters. Anri is written as this perfect buddy who doesn't really have any visible bad qualities at first glance. On the other hand Tau is suffering from some ptsd and Arn is already on the slippery slope to the dark side, which i'm sure is going to have a role in the future with him doing something stupid that will inevitably screw things up, then we have to kill him LOL

Hello. I'm a very recent addition to the Theron Is My Game Crush Help Group. Nice to meet you all.


*slightly throaty cough* Someone in this thread mentioned Theron videos. There are videos? I can't find the post now but if there *are* videos, I would like to watch them. I can't find the post now sadly (this is a very long thread isn't it.) I've listened to the audiobook before but it has a slightly different importance now. *sigh...reverie* (Edit: It's @Sarova's post above mine, stupid me. I'm all flustered.)


Anyway, poor Vector, I divorced him.


I would like a 'snog' button, and a repeatable cutscene please. :)




Don't worry, most of us broke up with our former romances for Theron :D

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I agree that the writers in kotxx didn't paint the Republic in a good light, like, at all.

But I wonder if that's because kotxx was canceled so we don't get to see the Republic side of story.

Would be nice to see Jace as the "**** Saresh and her puppet Chancellor. I'm here to **** the Eternal Empire up with you (even if you are an Imp)." help we get in some chapters before Iokath. At least it would balance things up *shrug*. More awkward Theron + Jace conversation would be amusing too. I love to see Theron angry because of that flirt option with Jace lmao

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Don't worry, most of us broke up with our former romances for Theron :D


I regret one of my characters continued the marriage when the Companion returned. The break up with Theron was heart wrenching. I was hoping for a reunion when the Companion died, but it never happened. Once it's over it's over. :( I will not make this mistake again. At least the character did get a happy ending finding love with a new Companion, but Theron is still best buds.

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Anyway I always sided with the Republic even on Imp characters who loved the Empire. For one, I wasn't going to kill Theron's father even though they aren't really close, and #2 I rationalized like so; The empire has already proven times before they aren't afraid to use devastating weapons on populations if need be. Between the Empire and the Sith they have already caused total destruction on planets as well as plagues like the Rakghouls that exist because of them. And all throughout the Sith/Empire class stories you find several people who are pro using extreme measures on people to get the job done. While as Jedi you spend more time destroying weapons of mass destruction to keep them out of anyones hands republic or empire. Simply put, I felt the super weapon would be better in the Republics hands. They would atleast have a lot of people with good morals to talk them down from using such a weapon.


In other news i'm replaying Iokath/Nathema on another character and WOW it still does not hit any different, it still manages to piss me off



Someone on the writing team REALLY hated theron and wanted to destroy his character, but hilariously enough the whole arc just made me dislike lana by how she was acting throughout the whole thing


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Don't worry, most of us broke up with our former romances for Theron :D

I'm the exception! I couldn't break up any of my class romances for Theron. In true altoholic style I just created and levelled almost every class to romance Theron instead** :D (though it did take me a long time to level a warrior who romanced Theron instead of Malavai Quinn. And I cannot bring myself not to romance Aric on any of my Troopers).

My main is the exception - I messed up her romance with Andronikos by stealing his kills so had to romance Theron instead. Happy outcome.



**this has led to 7TB of Theron romance videos. Don't ask.

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**this has led to 7TB of Theron romance videos. Don't ask.


But but we need to see them!! x)


I've just made a two new agents, one to stay with Vector and one to romance Theron only. I admire you dedication and determination btw!

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