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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Wait....they did it? where? in some random bush lmao all this time I thought they just kissed. My pure heart.


It's funny though if that's the case, because one would imagine a Sith having no code against such a thing rather encouraging, you'd think a Sith would be the first to have that option. How hilarious that a Jedi "does it" before a Sith.




At the end of Revan on Yavin. You're saying 'until we meet again' to Theron. You kiss. Kiss again. Fade to black. Both walk on screen and Theron comments you're good at everything.


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At the end of Revan on Yavin. You're saying 'until we meet again' to Theron. You kiss. Kiss again. Fade to black. Both walk on screen and Theron comments you're good at everything.



Loner Theron, Workaholic Theron, Shy Theron, Bumblin Fumblin with his words Theron... and then there's the get down and dirty in the bushes Theron.


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At the end of Revan on Yavin. You're saying 'until we meet again' to Theron. You kiss. Kiss again. Fade to black. Both walk on screen and Theron comments you're good at everything.


I thought he was talking about the kiss. Theron ninja smashed and I didn't even realize. How can I even play a Imp now lol. Actually the fact that they did it puts more things into context at the beginning of KOTFE when Theron sends you that "sorry I couldn't be there message". I always found it weird how we got that message from Theron as an imp, when the last 2 times we saw him, he broke it off with us, and on ziost there was a casual "nice to see you again". Seems rather weird Theron would still be into an imp character after 5 years after those two interactions. But I guess for an imp character he's just supressing his feelings because "you're the enemy".


Theron's messages are too cute though, especially after marriage. You can tell it comes from someone who has been abandoned, and running their entire life. He loves HARD once he has it. And Sattele reinforces that with her "He's finally content" comment. When you think about it, this all makes the darkside ending even harder to swallow and sad.

Abadoned all his life by everyone, then abanoned by the person he felt closest to

. F'd up indeed. Even if I didn't like Theron as a chracter, that's just too messed to go through with.

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I thought he was talking about the kiss. Theron ninja smashed and I didn't even realize. How can I even play a Imp now lol. Actually the fact that they did it puts more things into context at the beginning of KOTFE when Theron sends you that "sorry I couldn't be there message". I always found it weird how we got that message from Theron as an imp, when the last 2 times we saw him, he broke it off with us, and on ziost there was a casual "nice to see you again". Seems rather weird Theron would still be into an imp character after 5 years after those two interactions. But I guess for an imp character he's just supressing his feelings because "you're the enemy".


Theron's messages are too cute though, especially after marriage. You can tell it comes from someone who has been abandoned, and running their entire life. He loves HARD once he has it. And Sattele reinforces that with her "He's finally content" comment. When you think about it, this all makes the darkside ending even harder to swallow and sad.

Abadoned all his life by everyone, then abanoned by the person he felt closest to

. F'd up indeed. Even if I didn't like Theron as a chracter, that's just too messed to go through with.

Which make the fact he wasn't involved in the carbonite rescue mission all the more frustrating when you romanced him as a pub character during SoR and Ziost. The last time you saw him, the two characters were pretty close (with a kiss and him saying he'll not hesitate to call you sooner next time, even if the situation gets awfull), while when you play LS on Ziost, Lana walks away angrily and is pretty furious with you.

Yet the one who comes for you is the one who was angry, while the one who's clearly in love, and who didn't hesitate to ruin a SIS mission and parts of the Nar Shaddaa spaceport to help a friend, is nowhere to be seen... Which just doesn't make any sense... :(

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Which make the fact he wasn't involved in the carbonite rescue mission all the more frustrating when you romanced him as a pub character during SoR and Ziost. The last time you saw him, the two characters were pretty close (with a kiss and him saying he'll not hesitate to call you sooner next time, even if the situation gets awfull), while when you play LS on Ziost, Lana walks away angrily and is pretty furious with you.

Yet the one who comes for you is the one who was angry, while the one who's clearly in love, and who didn't hesitate to ruin a SIS mission and parts of the Nar Shaddaa spaceport to help a friend, is nowhere to be seen... Which just doesn't make any sense... :(


I did wonder why we only got a message from Theron saying he was working behind the scenes instead of being there. It felt like Theron should have been in Koth's place. Everytime Koth had a scene in that rescue mission, and everytime Lana had dialogue with Koth I kept saying in my head is this a Theron fill in role? because all his scenes felt like Theron should have been the one in the ship arguing with Lana, and i'm sort of wondering whether or not Koth's existence is in part due to Troy Baker's unavailability. Do we know whether or not Troy was busy with The Last of Us or other games at the time? Because that would make sense for why you do not hear anything from Theron until chapter 9 besides that message.


Do you still get a message in KOTFE from unromanced Theron?

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I did wonder why we only got a message from Theron saying he was working behind the scenes instead of being there. It felt like Theron should have been in Koth's place. Everytime Koth had a scene in that rescue mission, and everytime Lana had dialogue with Koth I kept saying in my head is this a Theron fill in role? because all his scenes felt like Theron should have been the one in the ship arguing with Lana, and i'm sort of wondering whether or not Koth's existence is in part due to Troy Baker's unavailability. Do we know whether or not Troy was busy with The Last of Us or other games at the time? Because that would make sense for why you do not hear anything from Theron until chapter 9 besides that message.


Do you still get a message in KOTFE from unromanced Theron?

Dunno why he wasn't involved, but he could very well have been there instead of T7 too, as he could've made divesrion just as well as T7, and at the end T7 goes off to a "new mission", during the Lady of Sorrows chapter when you're with T7, he leaves to "meet a contact" (which is later Theron's usual excuse for not being with you), and T7 basically disapear as soon as you meet Theron on Odessen, i honestly wonder if Theron wasn't planed to be there instead of T7 (who just doesn't really make sense for non JK characters and makes even less sense being there for imp toons btw), but maybe he was replaced by T7 because they wanted to introduce Koth and didn't want to have 2 male LIs while they had only Lana as female LI.

If that's the case, it sucks a lot...


I don't think you get anything from a non romanced Theron.

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On the bright side, Theron not being there makes you miss him more. When he does show up he has an Entrance. If he's your boyfriend it's a dramatic reunion. After all you've been through beforehand, you get to take a breather and have a moment of joy.


Of course I'd rather Theron have been there.

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On the bright side, Theron not being there makes you miss him more. When he does show up he has an Entrance. If he's your boyfriend it's a dramatic reunion. After all you've been through beforehand, you get to take a breather and have a moment of joy.


Of course I'd rather Theron have been there.

Hm, would've been much more epic if he was there to save you instead of his "like what you did with the place" lame reunion...

Dialogue itself is kinda nice, but so underwhelming compared to what they gave to Lana... :(

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On the bright side, Theron not being there makes you miss him more. When he does show up he has an Entrance. If he's your boyfriend it's a dramatic reunion. After all you've been through beforehand, you get to take a breather and have a moment of joy.


Of course I'd rather Theron have been there.


I would have settled for not having to run back and forth throughout zakuul for 9 chapters without him lmao. Though the "party infiltration mission" (one of my favorites of that storyline) and later missions did make up for it.


But yeah he still should've been there over Koth. Made no sense. And unless you romanced him, it seems you never even know about him working behind the scenes planning the rescue, since he apparently only sends you a message telling you that if he was romanced.


Hm, would've been much more epic if he was there to save you instead of his "like what you did with the place" lame reunion...

Dialogue itself is kinda nice, but so underwhelming compared to what they gave to Lana... :(


Very very true. It made no sense how a romanced Theron had to essentially be dragged there by Lana especially after the "for when you wake up" message LOL

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But yeah he still should've been there over Koth. Made no sense. And unless you romanced him, it seems you never even know about him working behind the scenes planning the rescue, since he apparently only sends you a message telling you that if he was romanced.

Tbh Koth being a zakuulan knows the place, he kinda makes sense being there. T7, on the other hand... I'll say it again, but while i like my astromech buddy, Theron could easily have done what he did, and Theron would've made far more sense being there than him.

Considering Theron's skills, he'd actually have made more sense then even Lana being there, especially for pub toons or ones who romanced him previously, but they should both have been included in that rescue mission.

It seem most of the behind the scene stuff other characters do you only learn through Ranos, Hexid and / or their romance mails. No wonder so many people think only Lana did anything considering she's the only one we actually see doing stuff...



Very very true. It made no sense how a romanced Theron had to essentially be dragged there by Lana especially after the "for when you wake up" message LOL

Yeah, him staying on stand by doing nothing doesn't make any sense, and is clearly out of character for him, especially if you romanced him during SoR...

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Tbh Koth being a zakuulan knows the place, he kinda makes sense being there. T7, on the other hand... I'll say it again, but while i like my astromech buddy, Theron could easily have done what he did, and Theron would've made far more sense being there than him.

Considering Theron's skills, he'd actually have made more sense then even Lana being there, especially for pub toons or ones who romanced him previously, but they should both have been included in that rescue mission.

It seem most of the behind the scene stuff other characters do you only learn through Ranos, Hexid and / or their romance mails. No wonder so many people think only Lana did anything considering she's the only one we actually see doing stuff...




Yeah, him staying on stand by doing nothing doesn't make any sense, and is clearly out of character for him, especially if you romanced him during SoR...


That is true, the one major companion with infiltration/espionage skills not being directly involved in a rescue mission that you know.....involves sneaking into a prison, is a strange thing indeed. That's why I wonder if Troy was busy or something during the making of those first few chapters.

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The ever present Lana was a problem well before KotFE launched. If you weren't here back then, I'll explain the horrible summer we Theron fans had.


There was a 9 month gap between the end of Ziost and the launch of KotFE. (Back then that was a really long time!) To keep us interested there were teasers for the expansion to come. Lana was featured on All of it. Absolutely NO Theron. We Theron fans kept asking if Theron was going to be in the new expansion. *Crickets* Then came an announcement that Lana would be available as a companion! We hadn't had a new story companion since Vanilla, so big news! We Theron fans asked if Theron would become a companion too! *Crickets* The first 9 chapters of KotFE released at long last and Theron didn't show until the very last moment after numerous chapters filled with Lana doing things Theron was better trained for.


That is what started my dislike for Lana. I liked her quite well in SoR, but having her forced down my throat while Bioware couldn't even be bothered to confirm Theron would be in KotFE was just too much. The continued favoritism was just nails in that coffin.

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That is true, the one major companion with infiltration/espionage skills not being directly involved in a rescue mission that you know.....involves sneaking into a prison, is a strange thing indeed. That's why I wonder if Troy was busy or something during the making of those first few chapters.

Yeah because the experienced field agent who managed to sneak and stay unnoticed on a super advanced imperial warship made absolutely less sense being there for the rescue than the very noticeable Sith Lord who stormed the place with a just as noticeable very clearly non zakuulan astromech... :rolleyes:


If that's the reason for Theron being left out, that sucks, especially since i don't even play in english...

But i honestly doubt it, as the first 9 chapters came out at the same time and he was part of the 9th chapter. So my guess is he was left out because they wanted to introduce Koth as a new potential LI and so decided to discard Theron for that.

I'm so going to rewrite that rescue mission to include Theron when i'll finally find the time and motivation to get to work on that.


The ever present Lana was a problem well before KotFE launched. If you weren't here back then, I'll explain the horrible summer we Theron fans had.


There was a 9 month gap between the end of Ziost and the launch of KotFE. (Back then that was a really long time!) To keep us interested there were teasers for the expansion to come. Lana was featured on All of it. Absolutely NO Theron. We Theron fans kept asking if Theron was going to be in the new expansion. *Crickets* Then came an announcement that Lana would be available as a companion! We hadn't had a new story companion since Vanilla, so big news! We Theron fans asked if Theron would become a companion too! *Crickets* The first 9 chapters of KotFE released at long last and Theron didn't show until the very last moment after numerous chapters filled with Lana doing things Theron was better trained for.


That is what started my dislike for Lana. I liked her quite well in SoR, but having her forced down my throat while Bioware couldn't even be bothered to confirm Theron would be in KotFE was just too much. The continued favoritism was just nails in that coffin.

Hm, i guess i was lucky i wasn't playing back then (i started playing some times after Makeb came out but a bit before SoR, and really didn't like the super slow lvling and having to gear the companions, and came back only after the first 9 chapters of KOTFE came out and these things were changed).

My dislike for Lana would probably have started a lot sooner than it did if i had been present back then, honestly...

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The ever present Lana was a problem well before KotFE launched. If you weren't here back then, I'll explain the horrible summer we Theron fans had.


There was a 9 month gap between the end of Ziost and the launch of KotFE. (Back then that was a really long time!) To keep us interested there were teasers for the expansion to come. Lana was featured on All of it. Absolutely NO Theron. We Theron fans kept asking if Theron was going to be in the new expansion. *Crickets* Then came an announcement that Lana would be available as a companion! We hadn't had a new story companion since Vanilla, so big news! We Theron fans asked if Theron would become a companion too! *Crickets* The first 9 chapters of KotFE released at long last and Theron didn't show until the very last moment after numerous chapters filled with Lana doing things Theron was better trained for.


That is what started my dislike for Lana. I liked her quite well in SoR, but having her forced down my throat while Bioware couldn't even be bothered to confirm Theron would be in KotFE was just too much. The continued favoritism was just nails in that coffin.


I can imagine, if you hadn't notice i'm more a recent comer (longtime FFXIV player since ARR) which is why the whole theron situation is more fresh for me lol. I'm not at all surprised by that though. Bioware has had a long history of promoting the female characters more for their male demographic (especially after the events of Mass Effect) even if those females were neutral. Ashley was always promoted more than Kaidan as well, even in the CGI trailers.


I especially feel for the LGBTQ fans on the male side, because in this game I have noticed myself Bioware had the habit of making all the few neutral males killable or under using them.

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The ever present Lana was a problem well before KotFE launched. If you weren't here back then, I'll explain the horrible summer we Theron fans had.


There was a 9 month gap between the end of Ziost and the launch of KotFE. (Back then that was a really long time!) To keep us interested there were teasers for the expansion to come. Lana was featured on All of it. Absolutely NO Theron. We Theron fans kept asking if Theron was going to be in the new expansion. *Crickets* Then came an announcement that Lana would be available as a companion! We hadn't had a new story companion since Vanilla, so big news! We Theron fans asked if Theron would become a companion too! *Crickets* The first 9 chapters of KotFE released at long last and Theron didn't show until the very last moment after numerous chapters filled with Lana doing things Theron was better trained for.


That is what started my dislike for Lana. I liked her quite well in SoR, but having her forced down my throat while Bioware couldn't even be bothered to confirm Theron would be in KotFE was just too much. The continued favoritism was just nails in that coffin.

This is the best summing up of the hate-for-Lana situation I've read. I hope the Devs read it and learn to stop messing with our favourites (we are overdue to private time redemption with our male LIs as "compensation"). I saw on Twitter a while back that the most used (and therefore favourite) companions were Lana and Vette (hate them both) however it would be nice for those of us who prefer male LIs to get some better companion interactions.

I'm so going to rewrite that rescue mission to include Theron when i'll finally find the time and motivation to get to work on that.

My version with Theron already lives rent free in my head (as do rescues by Aric, Malavai, Andronikos...I will never accept that our companion spouses didn't slay everyone on a path to our rescue - they were/are all more than capable).

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This is the best summing up of the hate-for-Lana situation I've read. I hope the Devs read it and learn to stop messing with our favourites (we are overdue to private time redemption with our male LIs as "compensation"). I saw on Twitter a while back that the most used (and therefore favourite) companions were Lana and Vette (hate them both) however it would be nice for those of us who prefer male LIs to get some better companion interactions.

Vette's dead for me (had to save my BH's husband after all), and i'd be happy to never see Lana again.

So i'd really like more with any other LI tbh.

I'd really like if Lana could stop being the third wheel in romance scenes with Theron too.


My version with Theron already lives rent free in my head (as do rescues by Aric, Malavai, Andronikos...I will never accept that our companion spouses didn't slay everyone on a path to our rescue - they were/are all more than capable).

Quinn not being there kinda make sense considering he was locked away as well, and in the context of limited resources, i can understand why they didn't include everyone, but if they included Lana who doesn't really have established skills for that particular kind of missions (unlike our stupid spy boyfriend), they should definitely have included Theron as well... Especially since they were introduced as equals and counterparts, so Lana being there for pub toons or toons who romanced Theron while he's not was total BS...

My "canon" Outlander is my JK who romances Theron, so my HC would basically be that he infiltrated Zakuul, posing as some sort of technician to find her, and then was the one giving all the info to Lana (maybe through T7) so that she and Koth could prepare the rescue, which is how they discovered about the carbonite poisoning, and he's an integral part of the rescue, being the one who allowed Lana to get there in the first place).

I'm including my SW as well, as i imagine my JK would realistically be unable to see and do anything (considering Han's shape even without the poisoning and our PC stayed in carbonite for longer than he did), so they'd need someone stronger than Lana to carry her all the way through the escape and my BT3 female SW is more than capable for that, she's also a far better fighter than Lana, while Theron is making sure they're actually able to get out safely.

Will have to work a bit more on the details, and some things may change, but i think that's mostly the direction i'll take.

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This is the best summing up of the hate-for-Lana situation I've read. I hope the Devs read it and learn to stop messing with our favourites (we are overdue to private time redemption with our male LIs as "compensation"). I saw on Twitter a while back that the most used (and therefore favourite) companions were Lana and Vette (hate them both) however it would be nice for those of us who prefer male LIs to get some better companion interactions.


I think you're talking about the screenshot thing? See this doesn't really surprise me at all. The bulk of players will no doubt be male. You always see "best girl" post even on the reddit, but rarely best boy, and Lana being neutral romance only boost that even more.

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I think you're talking about the screenshot thing? See this doesn't really surprise me at all. The bulk of players will no doubt be male. You always see "best girl" post even on the reddit, but rarely best boy, and Lana being neutral romance only boost that even more.

Haha, i started a little game for myself to see just how many downvotes i'll get everytime i speak up my mind about Lana on the SWTOR subreddit. It works as intended, i usually get quite a lot.

Really don't understand why they love her so much tbh. During FA / SoR / Ziost, i could understand, now... she's more of a doormat / sponge / empty shell with no backstory and hardly any personallity of her own anymore, whose only purpose in life is being super waifu and do whatever to please the intended crowd, while never going against the PC so as to not bother the people who can't tolerate any NPC having an opinion of their own.

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Haha, i started a little game for myself to see just how many downvotes i'll get everytime i speak up my mind about Lana on the SWTOR subreddit. It works as intended, i usually get quite a lot.

Really don't understand why they love her so much tbh. During FA / SoR / Ziost, i could understand, now... she's more of a doormat / sponge / empty shell with no backstory and hardly any personallity of her own anymore, whose only purpose in life is being super waifu and do whatever to please the intended crowd, while never going against the PC so as to not bother the people who can't tolerate any NPC having an opinion of their own.


To be fair, you get downvotes for saying bad things about any of the favored companions. I've seen posters who came in Theron threads saying stuff like "I killed him he deserved it haha" thumbed down until their post is no longer visible lmao


I've learned to ignore that type of stuff, people will always say something about ANY of the companions. Everytime I go to Kaas chat there's always atleast one person talking about how they hate vette or how they torture her.

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While you guys probably went through a lot emotionally. I kind of wish I was around for the #BelieveInTheron era lol




OMG what is this thing?! 😂 so cool.

tonight I finally finished all the storylines of the eight classes @.@ finally. now I can start to go ahead and finally some day I will arrive to the shadow of revan and Theron 😂


can I ask something here? I am not a good pc player @.@ so I was wondering if it is not too hard playing the characters after your storyline? ( like for example in flashpoints etc ) I am always afraid to die 😂

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can I ask something here? I am not a good pc player @.@ so I was wondering if it is not too hard playing the characters after your storyline? ( like for example in flashpoints etc ) I am always afraid to die 😂

If you're a solo player like me don't ever worry about dying, even if doing flashpoints - it's usually hilarious with random groups (if you get the odd toxic just ignore them so you avoid them in the future) - if I die in a fp I claim clueless ignorance or general not-paying-attention-dumb***erry :D. If you have perks or are subbed and you die, you can immediately res in most areas (and get to safety to fully heal). Even if you group (which I occasionally do for world bosses and other random mad things) some kind person will res you (or if you have the ability you can battle res others which I've also done). There is one instance where it's actually worth dying:


in heroic Star Fortresses, if you die you get ressed in jail and get to break out which is excellent


I find jumping to be the hardest, leading to much hilarity when me and a couple of friends decided to do the datacron achievement. That was a night to remember.


The Theron interactions for both Empire and Republic characters for Shadow of Revan are something to look forward to; enjoy!

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OMG what is this thing?! 😂 so cool.

tonight I finally finished all the storylines of the eight classes @.@ finally. now I can start to go ahead and finally some day I will arrive to the shadow of revan and Theron 😂


can I ask something here? I am not a good pc player @.@ so I was wondering if it is not too hard playing the characters after your storyline? ( like for example in flashpoints etc ) I am always afraid to die 😂


Apparently during the whole Nathema arc groups of people took screens of themselves in theron's outfit in support of him

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I find jumping to be the hardest, leading to much hilarity when me and a couple of friends decided to do the datacron achievement. That was a night to remember.


The Theron interactions for both Empire and Republic characters for Shadow of Revan are something to look forward to; enjoy!


did you get all datacrons?


thank you so much for the tips 😊🏻 yes, I mainly do solo things, not pretty much a fan of group things, and I am very scared of doing the flashpoints on my own 😂 as for now, I have all of my eight character ( one for each class ) blocked on Ilum before the two flashpoints of that planet, because now I would like to try to do some side quests, heroics and even trying to get some datacrons ( and yes, I know that some are a real pain in the *** 😂 ) so at least I can arrive at SoR with a higher level @.@


I really can't wait to finally meet Theron 😂 even if I am also curious for the reunion with certain companions - mostly Aric and Torian 🖤

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I'm doing Star Fortress now and I love Theron's lines in there.

It just feel perfect that he's the mission handler over the comm link. It gives me a perfect metal gear solid vibe.

"Be your best friend if you destroy that"

That's cute to a non-romanced toon but cuter to a romanced toon lol


I wish it's not just a skip-able side mission but a fully developed story arc. Taking out the Star Fortresses do show the Alliance as a powerful organization, not just an one Outlander army and Theron shines more in those side missions.

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