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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I knew a lot of this because I own the book and comics but, damn, it is nice to see everything listed out that way and gathered in one place. Je l'aime ♥


It also puts into perspective that Theron was never at any point intentionally trying to harm Lana or the commander as he has subdued force users as well as reacted faster than sith/jedi masters before.

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It's only hindsight to notice the significance, but you see Theron in the beginning of the whole thing pause before he enters the room to tell you about Iokath. That's him sighing to himself for what he's about to do to save his beloved and the Alliance. He's a hero.
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It's only hindsight to notice the significance, but you see Theron in the beginning of the whole thing pause before he enters the room to tell you about Iokath. That's him sighing to himself for what he's about to do to save his beloved and the Alliance. He's a hero.

There are a lot of subtle clues along the way that show his intentions from the start. That's why for me, actually playing through the Traitor Arc was a little easier to stomach than reading the dialogue spoilers beforehand. Helped me approach the storyline as a "My Jedi Knight knew from the start and played along" sort of way.

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It's only hindsight to notice the significance, but you see Theron in the beginning of the whole thing pause before he enters the room to tell you about Iokath. That's him sighing to himself for what he's about to do to save his beloved and the Alliance. He's a hero.


This is only for romanced Theron, but when I first played I knew right away

that it was Theron without even looking at spoilers. For romanced players (my memory is foggy), he says something along the lines of "i'll do anything to protect you and the alliance, anything" with this strange look on his face, he then gives a VERY long kiss, longer than usual and had that look on his face., you know the one. I was like dammit, it's you Theron isn't it.


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hello to everyone in this thread (⌒ω⌒)ノ


I am a new player of swtor, just started playing it on october/november 2020, and still trying to figure out some things of the game while finishing the storylines of all the classes.

for know I have 5 characters "stopped" just before the two FPs of Ilum, so I can finish the other three, so I can start with makeb and - F I N A L L Y - with all the forged alliances, shadow of revan etc with Theron 🖤

I decided that five of my characters will have a romance with Theron because even if I am still behind with the storyline of swtor, I watched videos on youtube and read things online and I really love his character.


really can't wait to start (─‿‿─)♡

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hello to everyone in this thread (⌒ω⌒)ノ


I am a new player of swtor, just started playing it on october/november 2020, and still trying to figure out some things of the game while finishing the storylines of all the classes.

for know I have 5 characters "stopped" just before the two FPs of Ilum, so I can finish the other three, so I can start with makeb and - F I N A L L Y - with all the forged alliances, shadow of revan etc with Theron 🖤

I decided that five of my characters will have a romance with Theron because even if I am still behind with the storyline of swtor, I watched videos on youtube and read things online and I really love his character.


really can't wait to start (─‿‿─)♡


Don't watch/read too much, don't want to be spoiled. It seems all of us now have to type in spoilers as well :D

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no no. non worries at all xD

I do spoilers myself. they don’t ruin me anything xD pretty much know everything I need to know, and if some things I don’t know, no worries at all with the spoilers.

but I wanted to ask you all a question: for example I am a new player, as I said I started playing just on october/november 2020, so I knew that Theron would arrive eventually far in the game, so I could already choose not to romance the crew companion. but most of you I presume have romanced your character’s companion, how was it like to leave them for Theron? a bit heartbreaking or “who cares?!”? X°D

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no no. non worries at all xD

I do spoilers myself. they don’t ruin me anything xD pretty much know everything I need to know, and if some things I don’t know, no worries at all with the spoilers.

but I wanted to ask you all a question: for example I am a new player, as I said I started playing just on october/november 2020, so I knew that Theron would arrive eventually far in the game, so I could already choose not to romance the crew companion. but most of you I presume have romanced your character’s companion, how was it like to leave them for Theron? a bit heartbreaking or “who cares?!”? X°D

The only character i romanced Theron with who had already romanced her class LI was an IA, and i felt bad later when her original LI came back. She went back to her original LI, but i then felt bad for Theron.


My usual Theronmancer is a female JK, and her class LI, is not one i like to romance, even though because i pick the snarky answers to his flirting, the game kinda assume i romanced him... But in my mind there's no romance going on between these 2 so no problem romancing Theron with her.

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I have characters with all eight classes, plus another JK and IA. the only LI I decided to do are with Aric Jorgan, Torian Cadera and Vector Hyllus - plus Lord Scourge with my second JK - because I find them very interesting, but I have this idea that an IA with Theron Shan ( especially LS ) is pretty cool. my JC will try the romance with Arcann, just to try it, but all the other character will have Theron Shan as a LI 🤣 I am very curious.
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You get more time and scenes with Theron on the Pub side between SoR/Yavin/Ziost content, but there's just something about romancing Theron on imp side that adds another element to it lol. I like how you basically break it off at the end of SoR, and if you choose the flirt option in Ziost Theron is like "uh.....hi"
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I personally like the romance with Theron more on pub side. Theron with my JK is my OTP.


Fem trooper x Jorgan, Fem BH x Torian and fem IA x Vector are among my favourite pairings as well. And my SW is with Arcann.

I wish Scourge could be opened to other classes than JK for the romance, i'd love to have him with my SI.



Well my sub ran out, so i'll be going silent i don't know when, i probably won't resub for quite a while, maybe not before 7.0 if there is a 7.0 at some point, especially if there's always Lana, and not much Theron.

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yes, can't wait to start all of this ✌🏻 even if I have to say I'm pretty scared/worried that I am not able to play the rest of the expansions for some reason 😂 afraid that I will eventually always die.


I have to say that I wasn't so interested in the LI of some of the character but, after seeing some videos on youtube, I completely changed my mind, especially for Aric Jorgan. he is really interesting and has a wonderful development.


can't wait to be fully part of this group with the Theron romance 🥰 I also understood that Lana is not so popular here 🤣

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Don't watch/read too much, don't want to be spoiled. It seems all of us now have to type in spoilers as well :D


Speaking of . . .



My favorite part of romancing Theron in Revan as Empire toon is his denial of attraction at the end of Manaan. It's adorable. Interesting you get a flirt option on Rishi when you rescue him as Empire but you don't as Republic. However, Republic toons get the better end of the deal when you finish on Yavin. Empire toon gets a long kiss goodbye. Republic toon gets a double kiss and you "do it", off screen not meaning to be kinky about it.


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Speaking of . . .



My favorite part of romancing Theron in Revan as Empire toon is his denial of attraction at the end of Manaan. It's adorable. Interesting you get a flirt option on Rishi when you rescue him as Empire but you don't as Republic. However, Republic toons get the better end of the deal when you finish on Yavin. Empire toon gets a long kiss goodbye. Republic toon gets a double kiss and you "do it", off screen not meaning to be kinky about it.



I love the sort of teasing from Deefour on Manaan, and Theron trying to be all "What? Don't be ridiculous, as if". Definitely a highlight and a big reason I still love playing through SoR and its preludes on any character.


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I like double agent x Theron! It's my favorite so far.


I have two IAs for this reason. I created the first one romancing Vector ( I know, he is weird but I find him adorable ) and ended that storyline with my agent deleting everything of her and just going on her own.

the second one I would like to do the double agent storyline, working for the pubs and romancing Theron 🤣

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I like the jedi knight one. It's also a very interesting dynamic because of Theron having his own existing issues with the Jedi and Satele. There's also some more dialogue. Like you can say "I'm sorry you couldn't become a Jedi Theron, you would've been a great one". You get quite a few more cute messages as well.


I get that if you're pub Lana gets cut, if you're imp Theron gets cut. But I think they could have found a way to give equal content to those pursuing both on opposites sides in those pre-kotfe times. Because I love playing Imp with Theron, but at the same time, he feels more cut in content in SoR and it makes you feel like you're missing out not playing Pub


It kinda sucks because I really like the lore of Inquisitor. A slave finding out she is descendant of a powerful sith lord.


Speaking of . . .



My favorite part of romancing Theron in Revan as Empire toon is his denial of attraction at the end of Manaan. It's adorable. Interesting you get a flirt option on Rishi when you rescue him as Empire but you don't as Republic. However, Republic toons get the better end of the deal when you finish on Yavin. Empire toon gets a long kiss goodbye. Republic toon gets a double kiss and you "do it", off screen not meaning to be kinky about it.


Wait....they did it? where? in some random bush lmao all this time I thought they just kissed. My pure heart.


It's funny though if that's the case, because one would imagine a Sith having no code against such a thing rather encouraging, you'd think a Sith would be the first to have that option. How hilarious that a Jedi "does it" before a Sith.

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I like the jedi knight one. It's also a very interesting dynamic because of Theron having his own existing issues with the Jedi and Satele. There's also some more dialogue. Like you can say "I'm sorry you couldn't become a Jedi Theron, you would've been a great one". You get quite a few more cute messages as well.


Wait....they did it? where? in some random bush lmao all this time I thought they just kissed. My pure heart.


It's funny though if that's the case, because one would imagine a Sith having no code against such a thing rather encouraging, you'd think a Sith would be the first to have that option. How hilarious that a Jedi "does it" before a Sith.

That's why i like JK x Theron, i really like that dynamic, where he has a past with the Jedi, and of all the classes, JK is the closest to Satele too. Malcom also shows up in the last cutscene of the JK's story.


Yup, pub toons and Theron definitely "do it" on Yavin. I'd guess in the shuttle they're talking next to just before and right after.

What's funny when you're a Jedi is that just after they "did it" Satele is all like "you're a great Jedi". I'd guess at that moment JK and Theron would feel a bit awkward.

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That's why i like JK x Theron, i really like that dynamic, where he has a past with the Jedi, and of all the classes, JK is the closest to Satele too. Malcom also shows up in the last cutscene of the JK's story.


Yup, pub toons and Theron definitely "do it" on Yavin. I'd guess in the shuttle they're talking next to just before and right after.

What's funny when you're a Jedi is that just after they "did it" Satele is all like "you're a great Jedi". I'd guess at that moment JK and Theron would feel a bit awkward.


I guess I honestly shouldn't be surprised, Jedi Knight's are tempted in the very starting area with the twi'lek at that one camp LOL. It's like everything in the Jedi Knight story is constantly trying to tempt, make the jedi do a darkside choice, or present the knight with a "you can save these people but sacrifice this military gain" option


I really want to try a Consular, but everyone keeps telling me it's story is boring

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I guess I honestly shouldn't be surprised, Jedi Knight's are tempted in the very starting area with the twi'lek at that one camp LOL. It's like everything in the Jedi Knight story is constantly trying to tempt, make the jedi do a darkside choice, or present the knight with a "you can save these people but sacrifice this military gain" option


I really want to try a Consular, but everyone keeps telling me it's story is boring

My JK is female, so not very tempted by Ranna.

Honestly, the only temptation she could not resist was Theron.

She did in my very first playthrough, dunno why, maybe because i romanced him with an IA before (who went back to Vector and i felt bad for Theron), i wondered for a while if i was going to wait to see if Arcann would become a romance, but then came the infamous arc, and for some reason she sounded so much in love with him on Umbara, even though she did not romance him (and there was still no Arcann romance), so i remade her and romanced him all the way, and i just love that pairing so much, i can't romance him with anyone else now, otherwise i feel like he's cheating on her.


I won't help you about the JC, it's one of the story i enjoy the least. It's not bad, and i quite like the Shadow's gameplay, but i also find the story quite boring, and i'm not really fond of the crew. I don't hate any of them, but i mostly don't really care about any of them either, and find both romances pretty meh. Nadia just feels wrong, and Felix comes far too late for me to really be invested at that point.

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My JK is female, so not very tempted by Ranna.

Honestly, the only temptation she could not resist was Theron.

She did in my very first playthrough, dunno why, maybe because i romanced him with an IA before (who went back to Vector and i felt bad for Theron), i wondered for a while if i was going to wait to see if Arcann would become a romance, but then came the infamous arc, and for some reason she sounded so much in love with him on Umbara, even though she did not romance him (and there was still no Arcann romance), so i remade her and romanced him all the way, and i just love that pairing so much, i can't romance him with anyone else now, otherwise i feel like he's cheating on her.


I won't help you about the JC, it's one of the story i enjoy the least. It's not bad, and i quite like the Shadow's gameplay, but i also find the story quite boring, and i'm not really fond of the crew. I don't hate any of them, but i mostly don't really care about any of them either, and find both romances pretty meh. Nadia just feels wrong, and Felix comes far too late for me to really be invested at that point.


Yeah I saw someone talking about it in chat how they broke the code immediately with some twi'lek girl and needed to repent lol. Never knew her name.


God, guess I won't continue Consular then. Even everyone in chat when I asked at Tython said it never gets better. They made inquisitor so good, but slacked off on consular I guess. Very strange since they set consular up to be so strong in the force. You'd think Consular would have a similar ancient powerful bloodline story like Inquis but I guess not.


That's one of the things I look for too before starting new classes, and Consulars companions don't quite appeal like Inquisitor's do. I loved Andronikos on Inquis side

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Yeah I saw someone talking about it in chat how they broke the code immediately with some twi'lek girl and needed to repent lol. Never knew her name.


God, guess I won't continue Consular then. Even everyone in chat when I asked at Tython said it never gets better. They made inquisitor so good, but slacked off on consular I guess. Very strange since they set consular up to be so strong in the force. You'd think Consular would have a similar ancient powerful bloodline story like Inquis but I guess not.


That's one of the things I look for too before starting new classes, and Consulars companions don't quite appeal like Inquisitor's do. I loved Andronikos on Inquis side

Yeah you can do that pretty quickly as a male JK, female JK though, not as fast, i don't recall anything Code-breaking in the JK's story before meeting Doc for female JKs, and to me Doc isn't really Code-breaking material.


I'd say do it at least once and see for yourself.

As i said, the story itself isn't bad (there are some interesting things even, mostly when it comes to the Children of the Emperor).

I guess my main problem is the pacing. The story itself is a bit on the slower side, you get some ranks and titles very close to one another at the end of chapter 1 / begining of chapter 2, and then nothing until the end of chap 3. And to me some parts of the story realy feel disjointed, sometimes felt to me like prologue + chapter 1 and chap 2+3 could be played by 2 different characters and that wouldn't change the story all that much (aside from the protection ritual). You get the LIs very late in the game which for me makes it difficult to invest in these romances as they then have to go pretty fast.

As for the crew, i'd say they're alright, but i'd not really miss any of them, if i was never able to see them again.

SI's crew, i like Khem and Talos, Andronikos is alright i'd say (he's probably better when you play as female but my SI is male), Ashara and Xalek though, they're pretty meh, and i actually really don't like Ashara.

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