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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I'm STILL mad about the BS option in Nathema years later lol. After all the proof you had laid bare, and they have that option? Total disrespect for a character who has been there from the start and frankly, helped build the alliance and save your arse even more times than Lana. To be treated that way? :mad:

I think most of us feel the same way. I still do not understand why (spoilered for some non-Theron companion rants included):


a kill/leave-to-die option exists for Theron. And, given my signature, I'm still furious about the kill option for Malavai Quinn :mad: I refuse/can't bring myself to kill either of them, even on my most dark of characters. It makes no sense to have kill options for Theron/Malavai, given that many of us have characters that would rather push Lana off a cliff. Why the hell is Lana so revered by the Devs? And don't get me started on Ashara Zavros :mad: :mad:


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I think most of us feel the same way. I still do not understand why (spoilered for some non-Theron companion rants included):


a kill/leave-to-die option exists for Theron. And, given my signature, I'm still furious about the kill option for Malavai Quinn :mad: I refuse/can't bring myself to kill either of them, even on my most dark of characters. It makes no sense to have kill options for Theron/Malavai, given that many of us have characters that would rather push Lana off a cliff. Why the hell is Lana so revered by the Devs? And don't get me started on Ashara Zavros :mad: :mad:

Fully agree with this



For Quinn it could've made sense right after the thing on the ship, but on Iokath, 11 years in game after the Quinncident (which is still 6 years for our SW after the 5 years nap in carbonite), after he was locked for years because he refused to stop looking for the SW, and will side with the SW even over the Empire if the SW sides with the Republic, it's plain stupid.


As for Theron, that option clearly only exist so that the ones who hate him for some reason could kill him, because it's stupid as hell. The guy did what he could (even if in a stupid, reckless fashion) to save us and the rest of the Alliance, risking his life in the process and is rewarded with a kill option (oh and i've seen some people say they killed him because he shot Lana (with a stun shot...)). Not to mention that it effectively removed the only male LI who was still somewhat relevant.


And on the other hand, Lana which our character effectivelely know nothing about (seriously if you don't spy on your Alliance, the only things our characters know about her is that she worked for Arkous, always had a strong connexion with the Force, and tends to use people and give them informations as she sees fit, which honestly would not make me trust someone like that) is constantly forced on us, treated as the closest person to our character (over their actual LI and the people they've been working with for far longer and know much more about than they ever did with Lana), always put in situations where she's presented as our hero, and is treated as a pseudo romance, even when you never, ever picked any [flirt] with her... :mad:

The day we can finally kick her out can't come soon enough, but i know it'll never come as for some reason she's considered something precious and special that should be protected and glued to us at all cost.

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For Quinn it could've made sense right after the thing on the ship, but on Iokath, 11 years in game after the Quinncident (which is still 6 years for our SW after the 5 years nap in carbonite), after he was locked for years because he refused to stop looking for the SW, and will side with the SW even over the Empire if the SW sides with the Republic, it's plain stupid.


As for Theron, that option clearly only exist so that the ones who hate him for some reason could kill him, because it's stupid as hell. The guy did what he could (even if in a stupid, reckless fashion) to save us and the rest of the Alliance, risking his life in the process and is rewarded with a kill option (oh and i've seen some people say they killed him because he shot Lana (with a stun shot...)). Not to mention that it effectively removed the only male LI who was still somewhat relevant.


And on the other hand, Lana which our character effectivelely know nothing about (seriously if you don't spy on your Alliance, the only things our characters know about her is that she worked for Arkous, always had a strong connexion with the Force, and tends to use people and give them informations as she sees fit, which honestly would not make me trust someone like that) is constantly forced on us, treated as the closest person to our character (over their actual LI and the people they've been working with for far longer and know much more about than they ever did with Lana), always put in situations where she's presented as our hero, and is treated as a pseudo romance, even when you never, ever picked any [flirt] with her... :mad:

The day we can finally kick her out can't come soon enough, but i know it'll never come as for some reason she's considered something precious and special that should be protected and glued to us at all cost.


Is there a Lana hate thread? Maybe I should start one!


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Fully agree with this



For Quinn it could've made sense right after the thing on the ship, but on Iokath, 11 years in game after the Quinncident (which is still 6 years for our SW after the 5 years nap in carbonite), after he was locked for years because he refused to stop looking for the SW, and will side with the SW even over the Empire if the SW sides with the Republic, it's plain stupid.


As for Theron, that option clearly only exist so that the ones who hate him for some reason could kill him, because it's stupid as hell. The guy did what he could (even if in a stupid, reckless fashion) to save us and the rest of the Alliance, risking his life in the process and is rewarded with a kill option (oh and i've seen some people say they killed him because he shot Lana (with a stun shot...)). Not to mention that it effectively removed the only male LI who was still somewhat relevant.


And on the other hand, Lana which our character effectivelely know nothing about (seriously if you don't spy on your Alliance, the only things our characters know about her is that she worked for Arkous, always had a strong connexion with the Force, and tends to use people and give them informations as she sees fit, which honestly would not make me trust someone like that) is constantly forced on us, treated as the closest person to our character (over their actual LI and the people they've been working with for far longer and know much more about than they ever did with Lana), always put in situations where she's presented as our hero, and is treated as a pseudo romance, even when you never, ever picked any [flirt] with her... :mad:

The day we can finally kick her out can't come soon enough, but i know it'll never come as for some reason she's considered something precious and special that should be protected and glued to us at all cost.


Blonde chick

Cutesy British accent

Woman, primary straight male LI


Pretty much the only reason she's so forced, and that alone keeps her safe even despite having little development or backstory compared to Theron. The fact that she shows up so much in scenes instead of Theron even when you romanced him, EVEN when you're a Repub character who has spent more time with Theron than Lana (Lana is pretty much a cold character during SoR for Repub characters) was ridiculous. I don't hate Lana at all, but she should not have been pushed so front and center in a dynamic of two different opinionated characters, it should have been balanced, and she definately shouldn't have been the one showing up so much for Repub/romanced Theron players. That ending was absolute crap for Theron, a character who put so much into the alliance and saved the MC so many times to be paid dust like that for all his work. Even the good (and probably canon) choice of letting him live is not so great, as you can also make him leave. And this also makes Lana's character seem bipolar, as when he's struck she's so worried about him, and if you leave him, she protest to you that if you leave he'll die. But if you make him leave, she still acts cold towards him which was weird. But yeah all around weird decision for a character that had a whole book written about him and comics compared to the none that Lana had. He had the most backstory, and the most connection to in-game characters (Statele, Revan, Jace Malcom). Lana never had any real connection with the characters in the game besides Koth and Senya off-screen I guess. Guess the writer just needed an excuse not to have to write for Theron anymore.



Anyway, I wonder whom actually hates Theron? as in enough to warrant the devs implementing that, his thread is one of the most posted in here, and if you go on any of the "leave theron" videos you have even all the dark side players posting comments about how they could never do that. So I wonder what went on in the writers head to give that option since it seems not even the pure DS players majority agree with it. Even they see how dumb it was.

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People who whines about those of us who love Theron, apparently.

I just want a male LI who is not boring or sexist or bland as deionized water.


I've only seen the rare edgelord gloating about killing him lol. Never get those kind of people. But people are harsher toward human male characters for some reason, and very unforgiving towards them than they are attractive female characters even when they did so much for the MC as a character like Theron did, all that goes out the window with one transgression. Male characters on the team can never make a mistake otherwise, they're cancelled. It doesn't help when Bioware has the tendency to always try and annihilate the characters of their males like what they did with Natheema. Meanwhile Lana, the actual sith never gets any reason to question her at all (though she made some questionable choices in SoR which never had any impact or consequence). This isn't the first time Bioware has done this, and it needs to stop. They always find a way to sabotage the male LI lol

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I've only seen the rare edgelord gloating about killing him lol. Never get those kind of people. But people are harsher toward human male characters for some reason, and very unforgiving towards them than they are attractive female characters even when they did so much for the MC as a character like Theron did, all that goes out the window with one transgression. Male characters on the team can never make a mistake otherwise, they're cancelled. It doesn't help when Bioware has the tendency to always try and annihilate the characters of their males like what they did with Natheema. Meanwhile Lana, the actual sith never gets any reason to question her at all (though she made some questionable choices in SoR which never had any impact or consequence). This isn't the first time Bioware has done this, and it needs to stop. They always find a way to sabotage the male LI lol


Meanwhile Lana just need to be the wuw wifu. Yeah, I know exactly why it happens.


At least Theron get some sort of character arc, no matter how stupid it is.


Can't say the same with poor Lana. I still can't have any character romance her because there simply isn't any interesting bits about her despite the potential. Would be more interesting if the traitor in the traitor trilogy was Lana. She could've made everyone believe that's Sith being Sith, and I think the whole "I hurt you for real because I want you to survive" and "I use people I don't care for not entirely selfish reason" things happened during the traitor trilogy fit a Sith better.

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Meanwhile Lana just need to be the wuw wifu. Yeah, I know exactly why it happens.


At least Theron get some sort of character arc, no matter how stupid it is.


Can't say the same with poor Lana. I still can't have any character romance her because there simply isn't any interesting bits about her despite the potential. Would be more interesting if the traitor in the traitor trilogy was Lana. She could've made everyone believe that's Sith being Sith, and I think the whole "I hurt you for real because I want you to survive" and "I use people I don't care for not entirely selfish reason" things happened during the traitor trilogy fit a Sith better.


People are too judgy about the Nathema situation. And part of that is due to how rushed it was so can't fault people entirely. They forget he's an elite spy, and this wasn't the first super weapon he found and was responsible for destroying. He was already a hero in his own right before his adventures with the Commander. The only thing to fault him for was his lone wolf antics. But make no mistake without Theron, the Order would have found that super weapon and the Aliance/Republic would be clueless about it if not for him.


If anyone is a hero besides the Commander it's Theron, in his lifetime he was directly responsible for the destruction of 3 super weapons capable of destroying multiple planets in the galaxy and everyone on it.


That's what probably irks me the most about the kill option, and the treatment by some people. He's done the most for the alliance and galaxy, more than Lana even. But doesn't get the credit because not a as you say wUw waifu. And yeah, the Nathema situation would have been very interesting for Lana. But they can't risk giving her more depth than the resident sith qt who agrees with everything the commander says

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People are too judgy about the Nathema situation. And part of that is due to how rushed it was so can't fault people entirely. They forget he's an elite spy, and this wasn't the first super weapon he found and was responsible for destroying. He was already a hero in his own right before his adventures with the Commander. The only thing to fault him for was his lone wolf antics. But make no mistake without Theron, the Order would have found that super weapon and the Aliance/Republic would be clueless about it if not for him.


If anyone is a hero besides the Commander it's Theron, in his lifetime he was directly responsible for the destruction of 3 super weapons.


That's what probably irks me the most. He's done the most for the alliance, more than Lana even. But doesn't get the credit because not a as you say wUw waifu. And yeah, the Nathema situation would have been very interesting for Lana. But they can't risk giving her more depth than the resident sith qt who agrees with everything the commander says


I also think Theron found most if not all of the Alliance specialists.

Doctor Hutt is somewhat friendly with the Republic after Makeb.

Hylo is a pro-Republic smuggler.

Admiral Aygo is, well, a Republic admiral.

Made sense it was Theron who got them for the Alliance. I haven't got time to read his novel (reading in english is ugh) but from what's shown in the game, I get the feeling that he's very resourceful and knows a lot of people from different fields. But we never seen any of that and he was hidden from kotfe until very late. I'll forever be salty about it.


On a side note, my agent who romanced Theron can't even be truly angry with him because he knew it was necessary when he saw that giant digital god. But just to make a point, he still gave Theron the "I'm not going to acknowledge your existence for two weeks" treatment because logic and feelings are two things lol

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I also think Theron found most if not all of the Alliance specialists.

Doctor Hutt is somewhat friendly with the Republic after Makeb.

Hylo is a pro-Republic smuggler.

Admiral Aygo is, well, a Republic admiral.

Made sense it was Theron who got them for the Alliance. I haven't got time to read his novel (reading in english is ugh) but from what's shown in the game, I get the feeling that he's very resourceful and knows a lot of people from different fields. But we never seen any of that and he was hidden from kotfe until very late. I'll forever be salty about it.


On a side note, my agent who romanced Theron can't even be truly angry with him because he knew it was necessary when he saw that giant digital god. But just to make a point, he still gave Theron the "I'm not going to acknowledge your existence for two weeks" treatment because logic and feelings are two things lol


He does, as stated. Theron was already an accomplished seasoned Agent with the highest honors attainable in the republic, before he joined our Commander's adventures against Revan and the Eternal Empire he had already destroyed his first Doomsday weapon. That's why I hate how rushed Nathema was. It should have showed off more how in control and intelligent he was and how he knew what he was doing, then put the pieces of the puzzle together for the player, clearer. Infact it would have been even cooler if they had Theron ultimately end the order's schemes by himself as it would not have only showed as it did in the book how he was a solo hero in his own right before joining a team. But it also would have been a nice little call back to the time you went to rescue him but he had already escaped on his own without your help. Lana got to storm the castle to release you from carbonite. Would have been cool for Theron to have his own shining moment of handling the Nathema situation on his own. It would have been in character, and would have made his lonewolf antics a lot more justified. A very missed opportunity for a rushed arc.


And yeah, Theron made most of the alliances connections in addition to being the one to find out about the Star Forges and was the one there walking you through all their stations. And this is one of the things I will miss the most him being the "intel guy" on the microphone, and his commentary. It made going through waves of droids and troopers a lot more tolerable. But I doubt this will be his role going forward knowing that option exist for him, which sucks.

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He did solve the whole Nathema thing on his own, but the whole thing is rushed to end kotet and Theron was the unfortunate plot device in it.


If any of my character would hate anything about Theron, it's his haircut during the whole traitor arc because I hate it with passion and no one can change my mind lol


PS: if bioware actually give a damn about choices and consequences, they should make Lana leave the player character for real if they choose to leave Theron there to die. I honestly don't think she'll accept that.

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PS: if bioware actually give a damn about choices and consequences, they should make Lana leave the player character for real if they choose to leave Theron there to die. I honestly don't think she'll accept that.

Yes she would. She was sacrificed Theron to the enemy on Rishi to find out what Revan's plans were without a second thought to whether he's live or die. She fully believed that Theron was a betrayer; the player's character had to shut her up during Nathema.

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He did solve the whole Nathema thing on his own, but the whole thing is rushed to end kotet and Theron was the unfortunate plot device in it.


If any of my character would hate anything about Theron, it's his haircut during the whole traitor arc because I hate it with passion and no one can change my mind lol


PS: if bioware actually give a damn about choices and consequences, they should make Lana leave the player character for real if they choose to leave Theron there to die. I honestly don't think she'll accept that.


She shouldn't want to do that, given that Lana has spent the same amount of time with Theron as she did you enough to want to save him as much as you, even the 5 years you were out they worked together, you're right but Bioware writing. Again she almost seems bipolar in that scene, so does the commander. They both are worried about Theron when he gets hurt, but magically change their feelings in a few minutes to YOU DIE NOW. Honestly the kill ending kinda ruins both Lana and Commander as characters, as it makes them both seem illogical, insane and heartless, and manages to make several years of time together mean nothing to the trio. Illogical because why in the hell would you still call Theron a traitor after all the evidence to the contrary? You have to willfully be in denial and ignore everything to say that.


Again I ask. WHO WROTE THAT RUSHED ENDING lmao, the more I analyze it, the dumber it becomes. It makes zero sense that Arcann of all people defended Theron harder than Lana

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Is there a Lana hate thread? Maybe I should start one!


Not sure it counts as a hate thread, but there's this one : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=959230



I don't know if anyone mentioned this yet, but Theron's been caught cheatin' on ya'll with Queen Jenna in GW 2... :eek:

Is that a voice actor reference ?


If so, i'm safe, he doesn't have the same VA in french :p

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I have a sneaking suspicion that the current writers don't want to write for characters that weren't their own creations, hence the death and destruction of just about every character that existed from vanilla. It will be interesting to see how they handle Aryn Leneer since she too had a novel about her.
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I have a sneaking suspicion that the current writers don't want to write for characters that weren't their own creations, hence the death and destruction of just about every character that existed from vanilla. It will be interesting to see how they handle Aryn Leneer since she too had a novel about her.


Luckily for Theron fans, he had the safety net of being beloved/popular, plus around for a long time, so he has been treated a lot better than the other killables post kill option. Also probably helps Troy Baker is easy to get a hold of since he voices other characters in the game too. Though it's still always going to be half assed now compared to how it would have been, like there are some characters Theron knew in the past from in his novel that you meet during onslaught, and all you get is a message "Hey I know that guy we did this together back on so and so, i'll tell you a story about it back on Odessan" No story was heard that day. Lame.

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I don't know if anyone mentioned this yet, but Theron's been caught cheatin' on ya'll with Queen Jenna in GW 2... :eek:


For an added bit of humor, Queen Jenna is also voiced by Jennifer Hale.


You know...the woman who also voiced Satele Shan.


ETA: The Female Human is also voiced by the same voice actress who voices the Female Jedi Knight.


So you could have a situation in GW2 where the female Jedi Knight is watching her boyfriend flirt with his mother.



I haven't posted on these forums in a couple years. Haven't played SWOTR in quite some time.


It's nice to see this thread is still around :)

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For an added bit of humor, Queen Jenna is also voiced by Jennifer Hale.


You know...the woman who also voiced Satele Shan.


ETA: The Female Human is also voiced by the same voice actress who voices the Female Jedi Knight.


So you could have a situation in GW2 where the female Jedi Knight is watching her boyfriend flirt with his mother.



I haven't posted on these forums in a couple years. Haven't played SWOTR in quite some time.


It's nice to see this thread is still around :)


Ang where have you been and how dare you! ;)

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Ang where have you been and how dare you! ;)


I can only imagine how it was for all of you around when nathema dropped lol. I did some skimming through a few of the 2017 pages, what an emotional rollercoaster. Good thing I wasn't playing this game then.

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I can only imagine how it was for all of you around when nathema dropped lol. I did some skimming through a few of the 2017 pages, what an emotional rollercoaster. Good thing I wasn't playing this game then.


Oh, it was hell. Before that even since some of us had seen spoilers showing certain dialogue lines and in-game mails without further context and oooh boy. Genuinely I cried through the day and felt heartbroken. Oddly, playing through Nathema once it was out brought some relief for me because that's when I saw the storyline for what it was going to be lol. But damn, riding those waves with each update, the long waits in between, and the possibility of losing him for good hanging over our heads was torture.

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Lucky I was new to the game (when Onsalught dropped) and was spoiled by the internet.

I didn't even have a "main" character back then so it was pretty chill for me to go through that story the first time.

But having a toon who is romanced with Theron changed the whole thing lol

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Oh, it was hell. Before that even since some of us had seen spoilers showing certain dialogue lines and in-game mails without further context and oooh boy. Genuinely I cried through the day and felt heartbroken. Oddly, playing through Nathema once it was out brought some relief for me because that's when I saw the storyline for what it was going to be lol. But damn, riding those waves with each update, the long waits in between, and the possibility of losing him for good hanging over our heads was torture.


I would have probably gotten blocked by the lead writer because I would have said my peace. Because.....that writing, dear god.

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