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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I just don't think BW would do that -- I do not think this one choice will kill the Theron romance, he is too popular a character ---

the game isn't over -- we just need to be more careful if BW is going to go this way ( they told us that our actions might have this affect ) ---

"choices matter " -- and yes, I for one will be more careful next time ...


Actually, my agent is more worried about Saganu coming back -- and what in Heaven's name to do with Theron ( and IF Saganu is ok with me being an Imperial saboteur ) --

that is why I haven't even played her through Nathema yet --- may take till the sunset of the game to find that out ..

long wait ...

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you guys must've hit different responses than me -- I have yet to get a tacky comment from him ( or I'm a dummy and just can't tell LOL )

It's ALL business -- nothing more -- I am undercover and that is that -- don't become "involved";

well, except for Theron, but he is a special case ...

I did, however, give him a reaming out for calling me where he did --

he should KNOW better ....

Some of the stuff he says could be neutral enough except the way he says it is suggestive "you can be MY ally any day" things like that. You could take his "with a face like yours blah blah" comments as just a platonic compliment but coupled with the other stuff "smart and stylish too, you really know the way to a man's heart" "when this is all over I'd love to buy you a drink" and so on it takes on a more flirtatious meaning IMO.

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I think that's what i'll do, don't know if i'll keep it or esc afterwards though.


I always flirt with Jonas only for Jorgan's reaction actually, that's so funny.

And well it happens before the romance actually starts so no problem there for me.



Did he flirt with a trooper as well during JUS ? I couldn't find any vid where he did and none of my trooper if far enough in the story to see by myself.



Pretty much this. I guess that's also why it didn't go very well with my JK who had enough of Doc's not subtile flirting.



This i was really hoping for a reaction from Malcom on Iokath. He worked with my JK on Alderaan, was there when she was awarded the Cross of Glory, so he knows my girl, but nothing, that was sad.

Nothing from Jonas either, i somehow hoped he'd say something like "ah, he finally found someone" or something that would tease a bit about Theron being with my JK, but nope.

Well, there was nothing between Revan and Scourge either, which was sad as well...


You see, I missed it when the game would go out of it's way to acknowledge small things like that. It makes you feel like that all of your choices are valid. I was hoping for Tharan to comment on my FenConsular in a romance now but nope, since the story is simply now Pub or Imp, the most references you'll get is just class-related stuff but even that is rare. Do the game even acknowledge your gender anymore?

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You see, I missed it when the game would go out of it's way to acknowledge small things like that. It makes you feel like that all of your choices are valid. I was hoping for Tharan to comment on my FenConsular in a romance now but nope, since the story is simply now Pub or Imp, the most references you'll get is just class-related stuff but even that is rare. Do the game even acknowledge your gender anymore?


Me too T_T in vanilla you get random NPCs like Jaxo acknowledging a male trooper's romance with Dorne, your jedi knight being called a hypocrite by Jomar Chul if you criticize his romantic relationship while romancing Kira, etc...Now we don't even have close friends or family of the characters acknowledging your engagement.

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You see, I missed it when the game would go out of it's way to acknowledge small things like that. It makes you feel like that all of your choices are valid. I was hoping for Tharan to comment on my FenConsular in a romance now but nope, since the story is simply now Pub or Imp, the most references you'll get is just class-related stuff but even that is rare. Do the game even acknowledge your gender anymore?


Agreed, it's surprising how much little nods here and there can mean so much for story/characters in the long run.


Me too T_T in vanilla you get random NPCs like Jaxo acknowledging a male trooper's romance with Dorne, your jedi knight being called a hypocrite by Jomar Chul if you criticize his romantic relationship while romancing Kira, etc...Now we don't even have close friends or family of the characters acknowledging your engagement.


I'm going to pretty annoyed with my Theron romance if when,


we go with Kira/Scourge to find/save Satele in the future if Theron isn't involved. If there's no comment at all especially for Imps/SIth romancing/being engaged to Theron from her I'll be very disappointed.


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Agreed, it's surprising how much little nods here and there can mean so much for story/characters in the long run.




I'm going to pretty annoyed with my Theron romance if when,


we go with Kira/Scourge to find/save Satele in the future if Theron isn't involved. If there's no comment at all especially for Imps/SIth romancing/being engaged to Theron from her I'll be very disappointed.


I really don't think there will be any reaction from her at all about the romance. I think we'll be lucky if she even reacts to people who killed him. After all, the only indication that she even knew or care about your romance with Theron was on Odessen where you can say to her "I don't think your son would appreciate you killing me" and she responds with "we didn't save you to spare Theron's feelings" though even that could be commenting on a platonic friendship.

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I really don't think there will be any reaction from her at all about the romance. I think we'll be lucky if she even reacts to people who killed him. After all, the only indication that she even knew or care about your romance with Theron was on Odessen where you can say to her "I don't think your son would appreciate you killing me" and she responds with "we didn't save you to spare Theron's feelings" though even that could be commenting on a platonic friendship.


It could be cool if Satele had a bit to say if a Knight or Consular romancing Theron to where she can make a quip about how you're basically the younger version of her but nope... I really wish SWTOR will embrace more of the old times and include them. I see that they are bringing back familiar faces from our class stories but I want the game to take a step further and let the player have their own identity than have this cookie-cutter nonsense. Nothing hurts me more when my SW said to Malora or whoever that she is no longer an Imperial which is absolute bullocks. I never agree to this forced identity of just being this generic commander of an aliance I've never wanted in the first place.

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I 've always seen Satele's silence on the matter of Theron's love life as tacit approval with LS characters on DS characters if you try to kill her on Odessen she says "Poor, Theron". Like Kira said,"The lady isn't stupid." She knows who and what is going on in her son's life. She watches but doesn't interfere. She understands she gave up that right.


Now, I wish to see Malcolm Jace's reaction to Theron marrying a Mando Great Hunt Champ. Que the Wedding speech from Hades.:D

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I 've always seen Satele's silence on the matter of Theron's love life as tacit approval with LS characters on DS characters if you try to kill her on Odessen she says "Poor, Theron". Like Kira said,"The lady isn't stupid." She knows who and what is going on in her son's life. She watches but doesn't interfere. She understands she gave up that right.


Now, I wish to see Malcolm Jace's reaction to Theron marrying a Mando Great Hunt Champ. Que the Wedding speech from Hades.:D


Ah, yes! I have totally forgetten about that. That all but says about what she knows about Theron's love life. And you gotta appreciate Lana intercepting that letter she sent to him about what you tried to do to her. As you said with Jace's reaction, this shows that there is more material that the writers can work with for the romances instead of just weird small-talk and cut to black.

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Okay I wrote a moment that has been in my head-canon for my BH and Theron for a long, long, time so I thought I'd share...


On Manaan, her smooth golden honey skin tantalized me at first sight. A Mandalorian Grand Champion sauntering in clad in leather, silk, touches of beskar, leaving little to any imagination. The dips of her waist, the flare of her hips, a toned abdomen, and legs that went on forever. Only the flash of her silver eyes and her flame-thrower stilled my ready tongue. I’d known more than my fair share of Mandos in my career, but she outclassed them all. Now, in a dinky safehouse on Rishi she has me cornered, applying medpacs and injecting Kolto with surprising gentleness. “I can’t thank you enough,” I mutter. Still reeling from spilling my guts about my mother and the gentle kiss we just shared.


“Now, will you believe I’m no Imp, Theron. I’m only a Mandalorian. I hate the Empire, and from what I’ve seen, your Republic has plenty of filth in it as well. I’ll never bow to either, but I’ll catch monsters in both when I can. I’ll give you fair warning, you threaten Mako, and you’ll be turned to ash. I might owe you my life, and have feelings for you, but my clan comes first.”


Her dark, husky voice sends tingles through my blood. I couldn’t help admiring her absolute conviction and straightforwardness things that seldom existed in my world. “You have my word, Mako is safe. The SIS has no interest in interfering in her life, or yours for that matter. If anything, the we owe you for ditching the contract on the former Chancellor and taking out your employer over Corellia. Now, all of this will basically make you untouchable on both sides. You and your crew are as safe as working for the Empire can be. Not that I think there’s enough credits in the universe to make it worth working for the Empire, but you get the point.” I assured.


Her face transformed with the soft, radiant, smile that bloomed on her lush thick lips. Immediately transforming her from a hardened professional, to a sensual goddess and tender family woman all-in-one. “Ah, I see, you don’t do ‘feelings,’ it’s okay. I’ve never done any of this before, so I don’t expect anything from you. Don’t worry I won’t be a problem.”


She’s right about me, and I never underestimated her powers of perception, but her assurance disturbs me. I reach out for her hand and brush my bruised lips against her soft palm. “I don’t know what this is,” I state. “But I do not consider this or you a problem, Kalki-Sati.”


She runs her strong slender fingers through my hair and the only thing keeping me conscious is one of my many implants. “The painkillers should kick in soon. Master Satele is waiting for you, let’s get you to the docks, Theron,” she urges, her dark voice soft and tender.


“Can’t I just hitch a ride with you?” I groan somewhere in between pleasure and pain. The thought of being trapped on a ship with my mother freaks me out more than I want to admit.


“I wish you could, Theron, but there’s nowhere for you to bunk. I don’t trust Skadge not to try to kill you, Gault will rob you blind at the Sabacc table. Mako will hide under my bunk from you. Blizz will try to strip you of your implants, Torian will curse me all the way to Yavin IV because of Mako,” Kallki-Sati sighed. “Besides, you need to have a proper conversation with your mother. I watched her and underneath her Jedi calm, she’s hurting for you. Besides, the Jedi have the best healers in the Galaxy, and while the equipment I have is top-notch, I’m guessing the Force outdoes it. You’re hurt bad Theron I don’t know how you’re awake. Come on, the sooner we get you to Master Satele’s ship, the sooner you heal, and we put a stop to this madness. I’d be lost without you with all the Jedi and Sith Force knowledge. I don’t trust Lana, and right now I want to use every weapon I have on her, for this. She had no right not to tell you that she arranged your capture. If I could, I’d kill her for it, but she’s not Mandalorian, and I can’t put my crew in danger by getting a death mark. Although it’d be interesting to see who’d try to collect it,” she winked.


I allow her to help me stand and take some of my weight as we slowly lumber to her speeder. “You like living dangerously,” I tease.


“Unfortunately, I never got the chance to live any other way,” she whispers, getting me strapped in as painlessly as she can. “A brothel on Sleheyron is no place for anyone to grow up. Especially when your mother treats you like her slave and is constantly hyped on spice, stims, and drink. Still, the few kind people there made sure I got these implants so I would have my hearing and taught me how to survive. I’m proud that I can live with danger, he and I have a healthy if adversarial friendship,” she shrugs and climbs on in front of me. “Hold tight, and you’ll be in a warm kolto tank before you know it.”


Truthfully, her SIS dossier is woefully under-researched. The first blip we had of her came to us during her Great Hunt days on Alderaan and it wasn’t on my desk. Her off-hand remark about her childhood and her implants fuel a rage in me that not even Revan managed to arouse. I lean forward to rest against her back and as my hands settle into the dips of her waist a euphoria that has nothing to do with pain, drugs, or losing consciousness sweeps through me at our perfect fit. “No tank could be as warm as you,” I mutter, thinking that the engine drowns out my words.


“Theron, I’m covered neck-to-toe in beskar. You can’t possibly feel my body heat. Don’t fall asleep on me, Theron!” she barks at me with all the force of my dad’s best command voice.


I feel the air speed up around me and then everything goes hazy. My eyes pop open as I’m being loaded onto a hover stretcher and a cacophony of mechanical and natural voices. ‘No, she can’t leave me now’ my mind screams, and I somehow manage to reach out for that heat again. I feel the heat again this time on me face and suddenly I’m lying back down. “You came for me!” I gasp as everything seems to spin. “You came for me.”

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I need a spoiler to this question:

What happens if you are a republic character tied to a romance with Theron but you choose to turn saboteur against the republic? I can't find any info on this at all (specifically related to the romance - all the videos I found have the character keep their duplicity a secret from Theron). I know what happens with my Empire saboteurs who have romanced Theron so I don't need that info. I haven't yet turned saboteur on any of my republic characters because it did not fit with any of the Republic class romances however, I'm tempted to try it with my dark side smuggler who romanced Theron because I can see her switching sides. If doing so messes up the romance, I'd rather know now before I bother.

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I need a spoiler to this question:

What happens if you are a republic character tied to a romance with Theron but you choose to turn saboteur against the republic? I can't find any info on this at all (specifically related to the romance - all the videos I found have the character keep their duplicity a secret from Theron). I know what happens with my Empire saboteurs who have romanced Theron so I don't need that info. I haven't yet turned saboteur on any of my republic characters because it did not fit with any of the Republic class romances however, I'm tempted to try it with my dark side smuggler who romanced Theron because I can see her switching sides. If doing so messes up the romance, I'd rather know now before I bother.

I haven't done it as my Theronmancer is a loyalist JK and i don't see any reason for my mostly LS to neutral toons to join the Empire anyways, but i think it was Luna who did it with a DS Jedi and IIRC she lost 1 romance scene in Hearts & Minds when she told him about being a saboteur, and another one at the end of Onslaught for letting the civilians die.


So i'd say that your pub being a saboteur has a pretty high chance of ruining your romance with Theron. Same for an imp loyalist, at the very least for the ones taking the more DS choices.

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So i'd say that your pub being a saboteur has a pretty high chance of ruining your romance with Theron. Same for an imp loyalist, at the very least for the ones taking the more DS choices.

This is what I was thinking as I saw one video where

Theron walks off after the character tells him they are a spy for the Empire, but I wasn't sure if this was a romanced Theron or not


Theron was the only one (of the male romances) who I thought might consider switching sides, based on his very dark side response if you off Saresh and he talked about being disillusioned with the republic back in KotFE. But, it seems in the last few releases he's all true republic again (except when he was playing at double agent himself).

I may try a saboteur who romances Theron with a character I can delete if/when it goes to hell. It's a shame as on Empire side, I can't see any of the romances being that bothered if your character sides with the republic or eventually switches sides completely yet on the Republic side, I can't see any of the class romances siding with your character (in the way Quinn does with the Warrior). That left the non-class romances and of those (and excluding female romance options as due to personal preference I only do the male ones) only Theron made sense. I'd love to see a disillusioned Theron turn against the republic though.

It seems the Devs need to give republic characters who side with the Empire a completely new romance option!

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This is what I was thinking as I saw one video where

Theron walks off after the character tells him they are a spy for the Empire, but I wasn't sure if this was a romanced Theron or not


Theron was the only one (of the male romances) who I thought might consider switching sides, based on his very dark side response if you off Saresh and he talked about being disillusioned with the republic back in KotFE. But, it seems in the last few releases he's all true republic again (except when he was playing at double agent himself).

I may try a saboteur who romances Theron with a character I can delete if/when it goes to hell. It's a shame as on Empire side, I can't see any of the romances being that bothered if your character sides with the republic or eventually switches sides completely yet on the Republic side, I can't see any of the class romances siding with your character (in the way Quinn does with the Warrior). That left the non-class romances and of those (and excluding female romance options as due to personal preference I only do the male ones) only Theron made sense. I'd love to see a disillusioned Theron turn against the republic though.

It seems the Devs need to give republic characters who side with the Empire a completely new romance option!

Thing is that while dillusionned with the Republic, i really don't see him agreeing with the Empire as a whole, at the very least not with the Empire as it is, quite the same with Jorgan, and it seems they were both mostly dillusionned with Saresh and her government and then with her puppet successor rather than with the Republic itself.

So i guess unless your imp siding character goes quite easy on the Republic and intent to reform the Empire from within into something he'd agree more with, i really don't see him staying with a really DS imp siding character whose only purpose is to crush the Republic.


I may create a character just to see how it goes too, as it'd not be an important character to me, so i would not care that much to mess up that romance.


Yeah i don't really see any of the pub side male LI being alright with siding with the Empire, except probably Scourge. That being said, i don't really see most of the pub female LI following a pub saboteur either, and clearly not Kira and Elara who are both former imps who joined the Republic, Nadia's father was murdered by a Sith and Akaavi's clan was destroyed by the Empire. This leaves Risha, but i'm not sure she'd be all that happy with the Empire.

So, i guess you're right and pub saboteurs would need new options, especially male options as the characters attracted to female LIs will always have Lana anyways (and probably Anri too).

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Thing is that while dillusionned with the Republic, i really don't see him agreeing with the Empire as a whole, at the very least not with the Empire as it is, quite the same with Jorgan, and it seems they were both mostly dillusionned with Saresh and her government and then with her puppet successor rather than with the Republic itself.

So i guess unless your imp siding character goes quite easy on the Republic and intent to reform the Empire from within into something he'd agree more with, i really don't see him staying with a really DS imp siding character whose only purpose is to crush the Republic.


I may create a character just to see how it goes too, as it'd not be an important character to me, so i would not care that much to mess up that romance.


Yeah i don't really see any of the pub side male LI being alright with siding with the Empire, except probably Scourge. That being said, i don't really see most of the pub female LI following a pub saboteur either, and clearly not Kira and Elara who are both former imps who joined the Republic, Nadia's father was murdered by a Sith and Akaavi's clan was destroyed by the Empire. This leaves Risha, but i'm not sure she'd be all that happy with the Empire.

So, i guess you're right and pub saboteurs would need new options, especially male options as the characters attracted to female LIs will always have Lana anyways (and probably Anri too).

All of what we both think makes being a saboteur if your character is republic a ridiculous idea unless you are not in a romance with any of the available republic options (excluding Lana but I have no interest in my characters romancing her & even Scourge walks off saying something about he's had enough of killing his "fellows" to republic characters some point). Fortunately my empire saboteurs who have Theron as their romance option have much better outcomes.

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All of what we both think makes being a saboteur if your character is republic a ridiculous idea unless you are not in a romance with any of the available republic options (excluding Lana but I have no interest in my characters romancing her & even Scourge walks off saying something about he's had enough of killing his "fellows" to republic characters some point). Fortunately my empire saboteurs who have Theron as their romance option have much better outcomes.

Yeah, Lana is probably the best option for pub saboteurs, and i'm not particularly interested in romancing her either. I've 1 character i want to try her romance with but she'll be an imp saboteur, so i think i'll be up for some drama too, but well if i loose that romance, i won't care that much.


Scourge, i honnestly don't know if he'll stay with pub aligned, non JK characters or not.

I sure hope so, as most of my toons will side with the Republic and i'd like to keep him, and well he seems quite ok with talking to pub characters at the end of Onslaught, and just introduces himself as "not a Jedi" to them and "once a loyal servant of the Emperor" to imp characters, while Kira seems pretty unhappy to be with an imp character at the same point in the story and always introduces herself as a Jedi.


Yeah, pub loyalists and imp saboteur should be fine with the Theron romance, though imp saboteur i guess will have to be cautious with some choices like the bombing civilians one, which was not really obvious between the saboteur and LS choice.

Imp loyalist, i guess as long as they're not there to destroy the Republic and exterminate its civilians should be fine too, but even that is not sure.

Pub saboteur, i guess are probably the most likely to loose their romance with him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Little late to this party, but I did a playthrough with a DS smuggler who'd romanced him and didn't tell him.



He didn't have a reaction to the dead civilians, like he did on my LS Sith saboteur. I thought that was weird. It may be different if he knows, though. Or it may be saving up to hit me later, since it's Bioware...


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Little late to this party, but I did a playthrough with a DS smuggler who'd romanced him and didn't tell him.



He didn't have a reaction to the dead civilians, like he did on my LS Sith saboteur. I thought that was weird. It may be different if he knows, though. Or it may be saving up to hit me later, since it's Bioware...


That is odd :confused:

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My heart was broken when Theron was revealed to be the traitor. If it could have been any Companion randomly chosen from a few it wouldn't hurt so much. I believe him when he reveals the truth. He was definitely stupid about it but not a traitor. He will always live and remain with the Alliance. Phooey on those who play the game wrong otherwise.


I regret one character breaking up with him because a previous Companion spouse returned. The break up was a tear jerker, but the marriage was sincere. I'm disappointed they could not get back together when the character became single again due to death of spouse. Eventually found someone else, but I wanted Theron back. That's not happening again. Only one other character got married in class story, easily dumped for Theron.

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I've only romanced Theron on Imperial Saboteurs and a Republic Loyalist, though my Imps did tell him about being a spy. I'm just hoping we can't accidentally mess the romance up with him. My first Imperial Saboteur I took through the story (he wasn't romancing Theron) took the Saboteur option at the end instead of the Light side option to stop the civilian bombings and Theron got so angry he walked off, even whilst knowing my guy was a Saboteur. I'm just worried there might be other choices in the future where you could upset him without realizing until it's too late, especially when it comes to Saboteur stuff. :(



The only reason I picked Saboteur over Light option is that it was my first Imp through the story and I thought that Vowrawn/Krovos would just ignore me and bomb them anyway, and that it would also make them suspicious of me, which as a Saboteur I didn't want. Seeing him so upset was pretty sad, though I'm glad I didn't make the mistake on my Imps romancing him. I pick the Light choice there every time now. XD


Don't think I could ever bring myself to make a Saboteur Pub though, especially not one romancing Theron.

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I don't even want to mess up having Theron around without romancing him. My agent is dedicated to Vector, but Theron is her bestie. She's working for the Republic and if switching sides is ever a real option she probably will.


Despite rarely romancing Theron, he's a favorite companion on all my toons. I hate that he has a kill option now. I need to make a toon specifically to romance him. I actually RP him for a friend, and have met Troy Baker. I told him the traitor reveal on Umbara made me cry and he said it made him cry too. Maybe he was just being nice and trying to relate, but I got the impression Theron was a character that held a special place for him.

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I don't even want to mess up having Theron around without romancing him. My agent is dedicated to Vector, but Theron is her bestie. She's working for the Republic and if switching sides is ever a real option she probably will.


Despite rarely romancing Theron, he's a favorite companion on all my toons. I hate that he has a kill option now. I need to make a toon specifically to romance him. I actually RP him for a friend, and have met Troy Baker. I told him the traitor reveal on Umbara made me cry and he said it made him cry too. Maybe he was just being nice and trying to relate, but I got the impression Theron was a character that held a special place for him.


As I mentioned in an earlier post, Mr. Baker is available through the Cameo service. I booked one with him and told him how Theron is my favorite NPC in the game and love what Mr. Baker brings to the character. He responded that Theron indeed has meant a lot to him. I'm including the link to the video below. Crossing fingers that it works. :)



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