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Class Story Flirting.


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What I see is quite a few people saying that realistically speaking the company is probably not going to go back and redo vanilla companions. It would take a lot of time, effort, and resources they don't have to make every character available for either sex - whether you think it's fair or not. I don't think most people here would give two hoots if the companions had started out as bisexual but as they are currently straight and given the lack of resources BioWare has, the company's efforts are likely best put to other issues.


This !


Id give anything to be able to romance Kira on my Fem JK because I hate playing male chars and Id love to do a Kira romance just once. She is a awesome character. However I also understand the reasons why it didn't happen at games release and why it wont now. (Will never understand why fem shep didnt get to romance Jack tho!) It sucks but we should be looking forwards not backwards. My hope is for other awesome characters to come in and be romancable by both genders from this point onwards. A shame Vaylin couldn't have been saved and gone on to be a romance but maybe there are other great characters on the horizon-- can only hope !


No one for a second is saying its right that they werent available from the start -- just that times were different and rapidly changing (for the better).

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What I see is quite a few people saying that realistically speaking the company is probably not going to go back and redo vanilla companions. It would take a lot of time, effort, and resources they don't have to make every character available for either sex - whether you think it's fair or not. I don't think most people here would give two hoots if the companions had started out as bisexual but as they are currently straight and given the lack of resources BioWare has, the company's efforts are likely best put to other issues.


Exactly. Hell, I love that we saw a gay male npc (Cytharat) in Makeb, and we have 3 bisexual companions (Lana, Koth and Theron (yes, they're bisexual, they boink either)), a bunch of (right now) heterosexual companions (like in real life there's more hetero then LGBT on the planet), and NPCs who are gay/lesbian/bi/straight.


If Vanilla started out as everyone being bipolar and doing anything that breathed, fine. But since Bioware didn't, I see the original 40 companions as heterosexual. Now, if they bring them back and you come to find out that companion is either actually gay/lesbian/bi then great! But for them to waste MY money that I've spent (in the thousands) just to waste it on redoing OLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLD content because a few people want their female whatever to boink a female companion and vice versa, no.


They can forever toss us gay/lesbian/bi companions/npcs from Makeb forward. But leave Vanilla alone. Cutscenes is one thing, that's pretty easy to add **** too. I don't want them screwing around with stuff that wasn't there 6 years ago. Move on.

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Exactly. Hell, I love that we saw a gay male npc (Cytharat) in Makeb, and we have 3 bisexual companions (Lana, Koth and Theron (yes, they're bisexual, they boink either)), a bunch of (right now) heterosexual companions (like in real life there's more hetero then LGBT on the planet), and NPCs who are gay/lesbian/bi/straight.


If Vanilla started out as everyone being bipolar and doing anything that breathed, fine. But since Bioware didn't, I see the original 40 companions as heterosexual. Now, if they bring them back and you come to find out that companion is either actually gay/lesbian/bi then great! But for them to waste MY money that I've spent (in the thousands) just to waste it on redoing OLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLD content because a few people want their female whatever to boink a female companion and vice versa, no.


They can forever toss us gay/lesbian/bi companions/npcs from Makeb forward. But leave Vanilla alone. Cutscenes is one thing, that's pretty easy to add **** too. I don't want them screwing around with stuff that wasn't there 6 years ago. Move on.


As someone who is bi, I agree with this all. I've said before that I am disappointed there were no same-sex flirts or romances in the vanilla stories (and I found the romances and lack of flirts and flings for female PCs disappointing in general). But it's done.


Since KOTFE we've had three new LIs and they've all been bisexual and available to all PCs. There have also been numerous same-sex NPC flirts. It would be nice if there were more same gender LI possibilities...but since KOTFE the game has been inclusive and I would expect that to continue with any new LIs they bring in. And that's great.


I also do agree that if they write *new* chapters with the returned vanilla companions, there are certain among them that could ostensibly turn out to be bi or gay. People's sexualities do sometimes evolve in different ways as they get older. But that should happen in the new content, not be written into the older stuff.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I also do agree that if they write *new* chapters with the returned vanilla companions, there are certain among them that could ostensibly turn out to be bi or gay. People's sexualities do sometimes evolve in different ways as they get older. But that should happen in the new content, not be written into the older stuff.


I like that they at least allowed a female to flirt with Kaliyo even if it didn't go anywhere. More of that, please. How cute would it have been if they gave the male warrior a flirt with Quinn? Even if all he did was stammer in response. Would have been priceless..

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As someone who is bi, I agree with this all. I've said before that I am disappointed there were no same-sex flirts or romances in the vanilla stories (and I found the romances and lack of flirts and flings for female PCs disappointing in general). But it's done.


Since KOTFE we've had three new LIs and they've all been bisexual and available to all PCs. There have also been numerous same-sex NPC flirts. It would be nice if there were more same gender LI possibilities...but since KOTFE the game has been inclusive and I would expect that to continue with any new LIs they bring in. And that's great.


I also do agree that if they write *new* chapters with the returned vanilla companions, there are certain among them that could ostensibly turn out to be bi or gay. People's sexualities do sometimes evolve in different ways as they get older. But that should happen in the new content, not be written into the older stuff.


Personally I have no problem if they wanted to have returning companions be available for romance and be bisexual. Not strictly gay or lesbian though - only because I don't want any of my characters' LIs to suddenly dump them because they don't like girls anymore (or vice versa, I only mentioned girls as all of my characters are female). That would be a crap move tbh.


Sadly, I don't think they'll do this - simply because they didn't start out doing this and there would likely be a ton of complaints that already returned companions weren't made available. If they wanted to retroactively add this, that would be great but again we're going back to the time/resources to alter older content and at this point KotFE is probably considered older content.


Any new companions (or even major NPCs that we have a lot of interaction with) that are made romanceable should be bisexual though.

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Personally I have no problem if they wanted to have returning companions be available for romance and be bisexual. Not strictly gay or lesbian though - only because I don't want any of my characters' LIs to suddenly dump them because they don't like girls anymore (or vice versa, I only mentioned girls as all of my characters are female). That would be a crap move tbh.


Sadly, I don't think they'll do this - simply because they didn't start out doing this and there would likely be a ton of complaints that already returned companions weren't made available. If they wanted to retroactively add this, that would be great but again we're going back to the time/resources to alter older content and at this point KotFE is probably considered older content.


Any new companions (or even major NPCs that we have a lot of interaction with) that are made romanceable should be bisexual though.


Yes, it would be a bit hard to handle if one's LI suddenly dropped them because they diacovered they didn't swing that way anymore. IMHO if they ever went there, and made new chapters with returned companions, they would have to script the companions as bisexual for that among other reasons.


And yes, IMHO all the new LIs should be bisexual so all players can romance them.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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There are but two long term homosexual romances in this game, and only one of each sex. If you don't like them, there are no alternatives.

I appreciate what you're saying, but is there any reason Koth shouldn't count as long term? Seems like a good stretch of time passes between when the main character is thawed out and the Umbara update.

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I appreciate what you're saying, but is there any reason Koth shouldn't count as long term? Seems like a good stretch of time passes between when the main character is thawed out and the Umbara update.


He should count, but I don't get the impression people generally like Koth, so he's hardly ever included in anything. That and he can die I guess. But then so can the straight LI, that doesn't make them no longer options.🤔

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remember to talk to the companion you dont want to romance with guys. talk to them 2-3 times and choose the non romance option. or it will go to default that you have romance that companion and you have slept with that companion. It happend to my smuggler, i played male smuggler and just finished balmorra and just recruited Akaavi Spar and haven't talked to her yet. And I went to Risha after gotten her affection to max i went to her and talked to her about marriage, she said yes and all of sudden Akaavi Spar rushed in and was furious and yelling "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME, IM GOING TO KILL YOU BOTH" and she runs out as quickly. I was like "what, what, what??" what was she so furious about, I haven't even talked to her yet, just recruited her on to the ship. So I hit escape and went to talk to Akaavi Spar and choosed no romance option with her after i talked with her few times and went back to Risha and no Akaavi Spar came rushing in.


Same thing happend with my Bounty Hunter (except it wasen't romance thing) I was on the last story quest to kill the Republic Chancellor but I diden't finsih the quest and one day i started the makeb quest and Darth Marr talked to me that I had helped darth tormen by killing the Chancellor but I havent killed him yet so I hit escape and started the last BH quest again and I choose not to kill the Chancellor, and Darth Marr's dialog changed next time I met him.


Also a funny thing happend on makeb with my Bounty hunter. When I met the Lord Cytharat and Katha Niar. I started to flirt with Katha Niar any chance I got, and then I diden't play my Bounty Hunter for about 3 months or so and one day I felt i wanted to play BH again. And I just did one quest and then returned to the Gravity Hook Seven to turn in the quest and Lord Cytharat was gone. Katha Niar said Lord Cytharat already gone ahead and had run into some trouble and then she said "I know you love him but we all know what must done for the good of the Empire". I was like "...............Excuse me??". What does she mean by that, I never flirted with him, not once, I flirted with Katha Niar like crazy even if she wasen't much interested in me. So the Romance system CAN screw up sometimes but then again Lord Cytharat was going to die anyway so whatever,I just hope it never happends again. I dont think the bug will ever be fixed.

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Well, I don't want every single NEW companion to be bisexual, only because I like to pretend SWTOR is real (not real as in, sitting right next to me at my computer) but realism. Not everyone on Earth is gay, or lesbian, or bisexual, or even straight.


For example, I'm a straight female, I am married to a male. I like men. I like the one thing they have women don't.


I don't want the original 40 all to suddenly turn out to be LGBT, I still want some/most to be heterosexual.


Just like I don't want ALL new companions bisexual because not everyone is bisexual or set to a certain sex they like.


I do want players to have a chance to romance some, but if Jim Bob is a new male companion, I don't want him to be bisexual JUST so EVERYONE has a chance to have him. Just like I don't want Jim Bob to be completely gay. Maybe Jim Bob is just plain old straight. And let's say Bubba turns out to be bisexual. That's great. But if EVERY new companion is suddenly bisexual, then it'd be the same as when they made EVERY single original companion basically heterosexual.


I just want variety, like there is on Earth.

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Well, I don't want every single NEW companion to be bisexual, only because I like to pretend SWTOR is real (not real as in, sitting right next to me at my computer) but realism. Not everyone on Earth is gay, or lesbian, or bisexual, or even straight.


For example, I'm a straight female, I am married to a male. I like men. I like the one thing they have women don't.


I don't want the original 40 all to suddenly turn out to be LGBT, I still want some/most to be heterosexual.


Just like I don't want ALL new companions bisexual because not everyone is bisexual or set to a certain sex they like.


I do want players to have a chance to romance some, but if Jim Bob is a new male companion, I don't want him to be bisexual JUST so EVERYONE has a chance to have him. Just like I don't want Jim Bob to be completely gay. Maybe Jim Bob is just plain old straight. And let's say Bubba turns out to be bisexual. That's great. But if EVERY new companion is suddenly bisexual, then it'd be the same as when they made EVERY single original companion basically heterosexual.


I just want variety, like there is on Earth.


I agree, I would have preffered it too if there were straight, bi, and gay/lez companions. Everyone bisexual does a disservice to diversity. There are different sexualities in real life, and while swtor is fiction a lot of things are still based on reality. I think it needs to be put out there that some people are gay and some are lesbian and some are straight. It's important.

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He should count, but I don't get the impression people generally like Koth, so he's hardly ever included in anything. That and he can die I guess. But then so can the straight LI, that doesn't make them no longer options.🤔


Overall Koth just doesn't get a whole lot of romance content so I guess that's why not many go for his romance. I guess it doesn't really matter how cool the character is or isn't - if they are vastly ignored for content people kinda get bored of it and choose elsewhere.

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Overall Koth just doesn't get a whole lot of romance content so I guess that's why not many go for his romance. I guess it doesn't really matter how cool the character is or isn't - if they are vastly ignored for content people kinda get bored of it and choose elsewhere.


:rak_03:Well I wouldn't! But yeah I get it. Koth however has one of the nicer romance scenes. Peeked on YouTube yesterday. :)

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Dear OP,


Class stories were made for straight people. That is true. The reason why is because this game was made in a period of time where the LGBTQ community didn't have the voice they had today. There would be too much rework involved in redoing the stories. They, however, have recently allowed homosexual relationships. They begin in the Shadow of Revan expansion but persist from that to the latest content. I suggest you don't bother with flirting or whatnot with companions in the class story. Wait until the right expansion and go for Lana.


EDIT: Not sure where you're getting "forced" from. My female inquisitor never kissed someone or flirted, and that's simply because I *********** hate Andronikos.


In fact, no females even have a Force sensitive companion to romance, or much less a good male to romance aside from Malavai.

Edited by foxxycandy
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Ya know - it is a fantasy game. Any in-game "romance" is nothing more than a few dialog options and then, the rest of the time your Love Interest acts exactly the same as a non-LI.

So, basically, just RP any romance you want - romance HK-55 if you want - no one will know, no one will care.

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Ya know - it is a fantasy game. Any in-game "romance" is nothing more than a few dialog options and then, the rest of the time your Love Interest acts exactly the same as a non-LI.

So, basically, just RP any romance you want - romance HK-55 if you want - no one will know, no one will care.


You seem like you could use some good fictional love in your life. :rak_03:It really changes you as a person.

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I wasn't talking about the flirt option. In the inqusitor story on voss, in the dream place with the sith spirits and ****, there's this dude who asks you if you're the one who killed darth skotia, and then he says your the most beautiful girl i've ever met and then pulls you over, you don't have a choice to stand still. Edited by EnderSaber
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I wasn't talking about the flirt option. In the inqusitor story on voss, in the dream place with the sith spirits and ****, there's this dude who asks you if you're the one who killed darth skotia, and then he says your the most beautiful girl i've ever met and then pulls you over, you don't have a choice to stand still.


I know what you're talking about. It's the Sith from Alderaan, Urtel Moren. He does grab you in the cave and tells you he loves you and thinks you're beautiful. I thought it was because my SI (who is pan) had a very friendly relationship with him, took the one nighr stand option in the story, and expressed that she was sad when he died.


If it's like that for *any* female SIth Inquisitor, regardless if they showed any interest in Urtel, that's very messed up.

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I agree, I would have preffered it too if there were straight, bi, and gay/lez companions. Everyone bisexual does a disservice to diversity. There are different sexualities in real life, and while swtor is fiction a lot of things are still based on reality. I think it needs to be put out there that some people are gay and some are lesbian and some are straight. It's important.


We literally have 3 Bisexual options in the game (almost 4 with Arcann) as opposed to 22 straight options (And that's not counting all the flings).

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so what level is the JC when this hits ?

I've seen the flirts, but from what I heard, there is NO romance with him, just flirts ... he likes Holiday too much ( actually, they are kind of cute together )

but my JC is only a level 23 -- so I have a ways to go ....

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