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Class Story Flirting.


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I have a problem with the class story flirting system. Everytime i make a female character, for the ENTIRE class story, it forces my female character to be straight. I like to make my female characters lesbian. So it frustrates me when in the Inquisitor story, my character is FORCED to kiss a male sith. This pissed me off and i want it fixed now.
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Some straight people feel the same way about SG flirt options. Nothing you can do about it.

At least vanilla will be over and you won't ever have to see it again.(Sort of anyway:rak_03:) You could take some comfort in that.:rak_02:

Edited by Eshvara
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There is no forced flirts and nothing forcing your character to be straight, they are a choice. don't take the dialogue options that say flirt to guy npcs and no problem. There is no forced kissing either in any of the stories anywhere, you took the options in dialogue that made that happen. Edited by Asmodesu
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I have played this game since launch and only play female characters and no where in any of all the 14 or so toons (play both sides) that I have am I forced to take the flirt or kiss someone. That is totally up to you, it is not forced. You are not even forced to take the romance on the characters if you don't want. My warrior did not take the romance with Quinn so there is no flirt, kiss or romance that is forced. It is your decision.
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I don't think there is a way for the fem Consular to avoid sleeping with Tharan. It's been a long time, so I could be wrong though.


I didn't sleep with Tharan but he did come back later and say he had to stop the relationship because of Holiday which I kind of thought was strange as my counsular never slept or even flirted with him. I figured it was him saving face since mine turned him down p.

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I didn't sleep with Tharan but he did come back later and say he had to stop the relationship because of Holiday which I kind of thought was strange as my counsular never slept or even flirted with him. I figured it was him saving face since mine turned him down p.


Hah, yes, this did happen though. I turned him down and he was like, "So it wasn't meant to be?" And I was like no go away. Then he came back later and was like, "Sorry we can't be together anymore, Holiday said so." And I was like sure thing Mr. Delusional why are you on my ship again?

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Really? I'm pretty sure you have to flirt with him for it to happen.:rak_02:


Maybe if you flirt with him earlier you get locked in? It's been 5 years, so my memory is fuzzy, but I remember trying different options and all of them ending in a one night stand. But I'm sure I would have flirted with him earlier :o

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Already been said a dozen times already, but yeah, flirting is an optional dialogue choice. You aren't forced to take it.


And there's no female flirting in the base game because, by my understanding, back when it was released it was something of a different world. I mean, consider that the US Supreme court ruled only two years ago that Gay Marriage was legal in all fifty states of the USA. SWTOR was released 3-4 years prior.


I actually think that Bio deserves some credit for putting same-sex flirting options as early as their very first expansion. And I can guarantee that the vanilla version not being given similar treatment probably comes from the hassle of getting the original voice actors back together (there are some issues getting some of them back for future content last I checked), paying them the time to put in new dialogue options, probably taking old ones out, probably rewriting characters in order to accommodate it in some circumstances, etc.


They recently touched up the very first cutscenes for the class introductions, so there's some hope that they might go back to it (maybe if the current story gets put on pause or something), and maybe tweak what they can realistically. But overall, what's there is there for now and the foreseeable future.


TLDR? Putting in same-sex flirtation and romance options in the base game isn't really as easy as flipping a switch, so probably have to settle for the options that got put in the expansions.

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TLDR? Putting in same-sex flirtation and romance options in the base game isn't really as easy as flipping a switch, so probably have to settle for the options that got put in the expansions.


That wasn't really what the op was asking for. The op just doesn't like seeing the flirt options available. Rather than asking for SGR in vanilla.

Edited by Eshvara
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That wasn't really what the op was asking for. The op just doesn't like seeing the flirt options available. Rather than asking for SGR in vanilla.
From what I read of the post, it was both complaining about being "forced" to do straight romance, but also makes an explicit point that their toons are lesbians being forced to be straight. I took this to mean that they wanted flirtation options in the opposite direction as well, because then the flirting options there wouldn't be exclusively heterosexual (which I think is a symptom of the issue here, not necessarily the issue itself). You'll note they're not complaining about flirting in all the other expansions, just exclusively the class story in the vanilla game.


Irregardless, even if the fix desired is to remove the flirts, that still requires a replacement dialogue choice to be there, which requires matching pre-existing voice lines to it the best they can in a best case scenario or voicing new lines altogether, which has complications if you can't get the original voice actors in their respective roles.


All in all, however you slice it, whatever the OP's core beef, it's unlikely to be fixed easily due to technical reasons and circumstances that may be well out of Bio and EA's control.

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I don't think there is a way for the fem Consular to avoid sleeping with Tharan. It's been a long time, so I could be wrong though.


Nah, Tharan just says his "we can't be together because Holiday says so, our affair must come to an end" regardless of whether or not the female consular flirts with him. It fits his character anyway - being who he is, he probably convinced himself that the female consular is in love with him no matter what she says to the contrary, she's just denying her feelings due to the Jedi code, how romantic...and of course he doesn't understand why anybody wouldn't fall for him in the first place, because, well, it's HIM. :p

Edited by Jagaimee
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Some straight people feel the same way about SG flirt options. Nothing you can do about it.

At least vanilla will be over and you won't ever have to see it again.(Sort of anyway:rak_03:) You could take some comfort in that.:rak_02:


You mean the nonexistant ones? There are no same sex romance options until KOTFE for female Imperials, and no long term ones for anybody until that point as well. If a straight person or a person playing a straight character has an issue that an option is available.. That's a problem with them, not the game. They can very easily ignore or not partake in it, whereas it's hard to ignore the distinct lack of something that ought to be standard.

If your (general "you") idea of fun is keeping things away from others because it doesn't suit you, you probably shouldn't be playing an MMORPG. There are other people playing this game and they matter just as much as you.

I don't care for ops or PVP but you don't see me trying to get those things taken away from the people who enjoy them, and if the game was devoid of them, I would help champion their cause to get those standard gameplay modes into the game. I don't have to PVP or do ops if I don't want to, what do I care if other people do?


It's 2017. I am astonished at the blase attitude toward this very obvious issue, considering how popular the romance subplots are amongst so many people on the forums. I admit I find it somewhat puzzling how hordes of people sustain "let me romance X" character for tens or hundreds of pages, yet when someone points out the very clear and obvious discrepancy between the amount of options for straight and homosexual players, it's dismissed or even recieved with outright hostility.

Everyone should be able to take part and feel included in the game and its community, and I am rather ashamed of the behaviour I've seen regarding folks of varying sexualities.


Every class story has at least one for each sex- unless you happen to be gay, or wish to play a homosexual character in which case you're absolutely out of luck until long after the best part of the game has ended.. Am I the only one who sees the scale of this problem?

Edited by SourOrange
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You mean the nonexistant ones? There are no same sex romance options until KOTFE for female Imperials, and no long term ones for anybody until that point as well.


It's 2017. I am astonished at the blase attitude toward this very obvious issue, considering how popular the romance subplots are amongst so many people on the forums.


Every class story has at least one for each sex- unless you happen to be gay, or wish to play a homosexual character in which case you're absolutely out of luck until long after the best part of the game has ended.. Am I the only one who sees the scale of this problem?


Doesn't Lana start in SoR? I'm just saying that both groups seem to find it an issue. Or well, some people in both groups. Whether that's valid or not isn't really my business to say.

Edited by Eshvara
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Doesn't Lana start in SoR? I'm just saying that both groups seem to find it an issue. Or well, some people in both groups. Whether that's valid or not isn't really my business to say.


Yes Lana starts in SOR but the long term doesn't start to later, from what I have been told.

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Nowhere in any story ever are you FORCED to flirt with or kiss anybody. Not in class stories, not in expansions, etc.


It will not be "fixed" because there is nothing to "fix."


Exactly, some characters just aren't into you based on who THEY are. Just because you want to flirt with character "X" doesn't mean she is open to flirting with females.

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There is a conversation with Tharan where he acts like he is in a relationship with you whether you ever showed interest in him or not. And there's no explicit option to say "Um what are you talking about?" That's either a bug or you could just view it as the Consular humoring him.


Reminds me of Kaidan in ME:3 and how he says " I get it why you cheated" When he didn't even want me in ME:2. And I can't even talk back!


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