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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If you were your character for a day....


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I would be my Female Cathar Commando because who can resist a cute cat lady?..and to see how my cat would react to seeing a female felinoid walking around the house.


And if are allowed to bring a companion along with us..i would choose Aric because every lioness need a lion


But why for a day?..i wanna be Syl'var (My Female Cathar Commando) forever because it's boring being a human

Edited by yashma
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If I was my main Sentinel for a day... I'd tell Malcolm and Acina both to get off my planet (seriously, why is that not an option on Iokath?) then take Kira on an amazing girls' day out and try to woo her while Lana chases the Imps and the Pubs off Iokath.


If I was my Agent... I'd pull a "Screw you guys, I'm going home" on the galaxy and go to Csilla with Lana. I need to see Csilla.

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I don't know why anyone else mentioned it, but - First things first are enjoy the amazing experience of riding all the beast/creature mounts I have and spend time with all my critters. But first and foremost - I'd spend a lot of time riding Varactyls, Nexu, Sleens, Zeldrates, Vorantikus, all of that. I'm sure it would take a LOT of learning how to stay in seat with their movement, though!


Second thing on my mind would be (the likely common choice) to have a lot of sex with Theron if I was my SW's.


If I was my agent, I'd enjoy spending a lot of time in stealth or enjoy the amazing knife skills I'd have.

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In the universe of swtor as you know it,

What would be the three most important things you just had to do?


1: I would have to make use of my spaceship and visit all the planets!

2: Test out all my skills and swing my lightsaber around, be a real edgelord.:rak_03:

3: Arcann. :rak_06:


What about you?



I have a blind Jedi so I would probably stumble around, hit things, and fall a lot

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As my smuggler, I would go out and rescue Corso from whatever prison he's in ('cause that's the only explanation that makes sense as to why he hasn't shown up), and we'd spend the rest of the day making up for lost time. :D (And the rescue would be really fun too, because I'd get to fly my ship, shoot my blasters, and see what it feels like to have a Sith lord (Lana) heal me.


As my Force-user toons, I'd try all the Force things I can do. Might just stay away from the lightsaber except to wave it around a bit. Don't want to lop off anything! Would also be weird, since some of them are male, and that would be different!


Oh, and my smuggler has tons of animal mounts, so I do some riding. (Thanks for that idea, poster that brought it up!) Though I think riding the rancor would make me queasy. And you can't see anything around that thing on the acklay's head.


Still, fun idea, thanks, OP, for the post! Enjoyed reading everyone's!

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A few additions to my previous activities:


Arrange for a Taris style bombardment of Corellia. That place has no purpose in existing and therefore shouldn't.


A mass force choke of the residents of Rishi. Far too many useless NPCs there lagging the place up.


Force choke whoever came up with platforming to get datacrons and give us the most useless jump ever.


Fire Skadge out of a torpedo tube or garbage chute. While force choking him.


Form a dedicated Sith cult based around the idea of force slamming Broonmark relentlessly 24 hours a day.

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Let's be honest: Most of us would chop off our own limbs while trying out some flashy moves with our lightsaber :D

Truth :D


But I would want to ride my smuggler's XS Freighter, the fastest ship this side of the galaxy. Just punch it and go.

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Adding to mine...I'd love to spend time with my character's critters too. Particularly her nexu, bantha, orobird, baby tauntaun and underwalkers, but all of them.


I would also like to visit my strongholds.


Honestly though if my SW spent the entire day in bed with Lana it would be fine. :)

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