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Worst community in gaming?


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God, where do I begin on such a wide subject.

Tell you what, I'll just list the things since I don't feel like writing up a long detailed message of the MANY thing wrong with this community, so here goes:


-dead silence and no socializing whatsoever unless people are asking for a heroic or flashpoint group


-people are WAY too sensitive(and that branches off to many problems in itself)

1. they abuse the ignore buttong because you said something that SLIGHTLY disagrees with them

2. They have their noses in the air thinking they're better than everyone else, and calls everyone else a wow player and to go back to that game

3. WAY too defensive of this game, despite obvious flaws

4. they cut themselves off from an already isolated community that barely socializes


-You're ALWAYS a troll, no matter what, simply because they say so.


-an argument can start from anywhere and blow itself way out of proportion in a matter of seconds because of how sensitive and over-protective these guys are of this game.



you get this jist....



It's not the "community" it's you. You're one of those people that treats these games as online chat rooms and as a place to meet people and such. I personally think that's flipping silly. I play to enjoy a game not to talk to some random dude sitting behind a computer screen. I don't want to talk to you, no offense i just don't. I duo with my wife who actually shuts off the chat window as she finds all that chat to be inane and idiotic.


I would also venture a guess your one of those people that think forced grouping is a good idea as well. Sorry, but people have shown time and time again that the vast majority do not want to be forced to socialize in these games, we don't want forced grouping. You are in the minority. Most of us want to play with a close friend or two and shut the rest of you idiots out.


You forced grouping/socializers crack me up. Most of you stand around in the same place almost begging someone to talk to you crying for a group over and over and hardly ever play and then get pissed when no one likes you. You're annoying because your needy and seem too desperate to have someone to talk to. Games aren't social interaction, go out in the real world and talk to real people for that. Games are for fun.



Worst community? not even close. WoW is by far the worst gaming community i have ever seen and you'd have to stoop very low to beat it.

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God, where do I begin on such a wide subject.

Tell you what, I'll just list the things since I don't feel like writing up a long detailed message of the MANY thing wrong with this community, so here goes:


-dead silence and no socializing whatsoever unless people are asking for a heroic or flashpoint group


-people are WAY too sensitive(and that branches off to many problems in itself)

1. they abuse the ignore buttong because you said something that SLIGHTLY disagrees with them

2. They have their noses in the air thinking they're better than everyone else, and calls everyone else a wow player and to go back to that game

3. WAY too defensive of this game, despite obvious flaws

4. they cut themselves off from an already isolated community that barely socializes


-You're ALWAYS a troll, no matter what, simply because they say so.


-an argument can start from anywhere and blow itself way out of proportion in a matter of seconds because of how sensitive and over-protective these guys are of this game.



you get this jist....


No matter the game or situation, you cannot get people to behave as you want or dictate.


Deal with it?

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God, where do I begin on such a wide subject.

Tell you what, I'll just list the things since I don't feel like writing up a long detailed message of the MANY thing wrong with this community, so here goes:


-dead silence and no socializing whatsoever unless people are asking for a heroic or flashpoint group


-people are WAY too sensitive(and that branches off to many problems in itself)

1. they abuse the ignore buttong because you said something that SLIGHTLY disagrees with them

2. They have their noses in the air thinking they're better than everyone else, and calls everyone else a wow player and to go back to that game

3. WAY too defensive of this game, despite obvious flaws

4. they cut themselves off from an already isolated community that barely socializes


-You're ALWAYS a troll, no matter what, simply because they say so.


-an argument can start from anywhere and blow itself way out of proportion in a matter of seconds because of how sensitive and over-protective these guys are of this game.



you get this jist....


I completely agree with you. Great post. The in game banter is appauling, bullying and cheap. And when its not appauling, bullying or cheap... its spam.

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Worst community in gaming? Based on your experience on one server? So if I was to visit a country, and one particular town, but that town was a closed minded, racist, selfish little place, should I tar the whole country with that brush?


I play on Sith'ari and I have to say it's a great community. Every question I have seen asked in general chat has been answered helpfully. There is always someone willing to help and share the experience. I have been invited to random pvp groupings, guilds, flashpoint parties, random questing groups. The only time I ever felt like someojne was out of line, was on a different server, on the beta. But, one person out of thousands , does not a bad community make.


I suggest you try another server or two before making such a bold statement. Have you ever played any FPS on xbox live?! If you have, then I have no idea how you can claim swtor as the worst community.


Its this 'spirit' which causes the problem. So much anger.

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God, where do I begin on such a wide subject.

Tell you what, I'll just list the things since I don't feel like writing up a long detailed message of the MANY thing wrong with this community, so here goes:


-dead silence and no socializing whatsoever unless people are asking for a heroic or flashpoint group


-people are WAY too sensitive(and that branches off to many problems in itself)

1. they abuse the ignore buttong because you said something that SLIGHTLY disagrees with them

2. They have their noses in the air thinking they're better than everyone else, and calls everyone else a wow player and to go back to that game

3. WAY too defensive of this game, despite obvious flaws

4. they cut themselves off from an already isolated community that barely socializes


-You're ALWAYS a troll, no matter what, simply because they say so.


-an argument can start from anywhere and blow itself way out of proportion in a matter of seconds because of how sensitive and over-protective these guys are of this game.



you get this jist....


There are idiots playing the game thats for sure but then there are lots of idiots in the real world. Its a pity life doesnt have an /ignore option but hey..


The best way to have fun in these games is to find or create a guild where people regularly use vent or ts and enjoy playing together that way. You can occasionally make new friends in game but given many players on this game will be experienced mmo-ers they have probably seen it all before and stick with their guild and old player base.

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It's not the "community" it's you. You're one of those people that treats these games as online chat rooms and as a place to meet people and such. I personally think that's flipping silly. I play to enjoy a game not to talk to some random dude sitting behind a computer screen. I don't want to talk to you, no offense i just don't. I duo with my wife who actually shuts off the chat window as she finds all that chat to be inane and idiotic.


I would also venture a guess your one of those people that think forced grouping is a good idea as well. Sorry, but people have shown time and time again that the vast majority do not want to be forced to socialize in these games, we don't want forced grouping. You are in the minority. Most of us want to play with a close friend or two and shut the rest of you idiots out.


You forced grouping/socializers crack me up. Most of you stand around in the same place almost begging someone to talk to you crying for a group over and over and hardly ever play and then get pissed when no one likes you. You're annoying because your needy and seem too desperate to have someone to talk to. Games aren't social interaction, go out in the real world and talk to real people for that. Games are for fun.



Worst community? not even close. WoW is by far the worst gaming community i have ever seen and you'd have to stoop very low to beat it.


Ummm - "its not us its you... " bicker bicker squabble squabble. This si the energy behind the trash talk ingame. The person who made this thread did a very sensible post and its the smothering of opinion as you have demonstrated above that vexes people like me who just want to play.


Actually scratch that - I dont want to play anymore.

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@OP: It seems you haven't played games where there is not community or communication in the game at all. LoL is a good example. Also WoW LFG system has created a similar situation.


This is going to be different on different servers. If you're reffering to the general channel, most players are probably turning that off because of experiences with general chat in other games. On my server, Lord Adrass (sp) it's not bad and I don't see the things you are mentioning. Again that's only my server and I can't speak for other servers.

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God, where do I begin on such a wide subject.

Tell you what, I'll just list the things since I don't feel like writing up a long detailed message of the MANY thing wrong with this community, so here goes:


-dead silence and no socializing whatsoever unless people are asking for a heroic or flashpoint group


-people are WAY too sensitive(and that branches off to many problems in itself)

1. they abuse the ignore buttong because you said something that SLIGHTLY disagrees with them

2. They have their noses in the air thinking they're better than everyone else, and calls everyone else a wow player and to go back to that game

3. WAY too defensive of this game, despite obvious flaws

4. they cut themselves off from an already isolated community that barely socializes


-You're ALWAYS a troll, no matter what, simply because they say so.


-an argument can start from anywhere and blow itself way out of proportion in a matter of seconds because of how sensitive and over-protective these guys are of this game.



you get this jist....


Sounds to me like soume opne was trolling, got called on it, wouldnt let it go and ended up on mass ignore.


How am I doing Lour? (taking a wild guess there but if you heard DK chat last night (dec 28) on Sanctum of the exaulted, you know EXACTLY what im speaking about).


Ill agree tho the early communities are REALLY BAD, seems like every mental midgit has come over from that other game and this is what we get. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE early game communities.


But it will sort itself out (at least on the RP Servers) and then the boards will be filled with


"I made a really stupid non RP name on the RP Server and half the server has me on ignore before I say a word. *insert nerd rage and massive QQing here about how unfair life is*"


I dare say, with every name I add to my ignore list (be it stupid non rp name or just being a idiot in general chat) the community does seem to get just a little bit better each night!


Course in a perfect word, Bioware would take a few thousand og the millions they bring in every month and hire some RP Server moderators to watch the chat and names and 90% of the current issues would be fixed with out massive drama.


But hey, few thousand outta 20+ million a month is a pretty big expense *rolls eyes*

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I really only have two issues with the 'community' (aka my server). I play on Ven Zallow, which is a RP-PVP server.


First issue: Stupid/Non-RP Names. I understand having a funny name. But on an RP server, it shouldn't be allowed. Now, I don't actively attack this. I've taken a passive appraoch to it. I won't acknowledge/group with anyone with an unacceptable name. I can correct this one, not so bad.


Last issue: The Mouths on General Chat. I'm in no way a saint of the english language. However, I know the appropriate time to swear/etc. and not. Lately, I've been seeing alot of sexual talk openly in chat. It's purely attention seeking, and I wouldn't be surprised if the seeker wasn't a G.I.R.L. I understand it's a part of life, but annoucning it to the 'world' instead of your group of friends is one thing. To correct this one, I usually just click over to the other chat tab for a while.


At least it's obvious who the kids are. :D

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Ummm - "its not us its you... " bicker bicker squabble squabble. This si the energy behind the trash talk ingame. The person who made this thread did a very sensible post and its the smothering of opinion as you have demonstrated above that vexes people like me who just want to play.


Actually scratch that - I dont want to play anymore.


It's not a sensible post - MMO's at launch have a ton of people playing (TOR has 1.5 million from reports) and many will not be here next month (for many reasons - maybe the HORRIBLE community being one of them). As a lot of other folks have said, it will work itself out. The overall community is no where near as bad as DOTA, LoL, HoN, any FPS, etc... If you really believe it is and have been in those communities, I am without words.


I feel bad for the OP with people in-game bashing questions and group requests, but... If you don't like it, move to another server. No one can be so vested that they can't make a move 9 days after launch. There are great servers out there (which some posters have mentioned), look for a healthy community instead of dealing with it. If something gets you down - move on (IRL or in-game). If you are only trying the game for a month - you'd still have three weeks of playing to see if this new community is worth it.


And your reply to Donuffin shows that you are no better than what the OP is complaining about - there was no anger there, only a great comparison and a very, very valid recommendation.


And this, "Actually scratch that - I dont want to play anymore." - :confused:

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Hi there! You must be new to the internet, but it's okay, everyone has to start somewhere. The individual points of your original post could be generalized to include virtually any online community ever made, so let me share with you some wisdom I've picked up over the years:


The onus of creating a good community is on you, the player. Reach out to people. Make a few connections. Surround yourself with the company of people you enjoy being around and you will have a much better game experience for it.

Edited by Ravenshire
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It must be you. I have made countless connections in this game and most of them I do things with on a daily basis. Whether that be PvP, FP, Heroics...



This community is one of the best I have seen in a long time.


The individuals telling the "WoW trolls" to go back to WoW have a pretty good case for that statement. Most of them are WoW trolls trying to stir up a debate on which game is better.



Did you play WoW 2 weeks after launch? Yea, there was no community either....

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God, where do I begin on such a wide subject.

Tell you what, I'll just list the things since I don't feel like writing up a long detailed message of the MANY thing wrong with this community, so here goes:


-dead silence and no socializing whatsoever unless people are asking for a heroic or flashpoint group


-people are WAY too sensitive(and that branches off to many problems in itself)

1. they abuse the ignore buttong because you said something that SLIGHTLY disagrees with them:cool:

2. They have their noses in the air thinking they're better than everyone else, and calls everyone else a wow player and to go back to that game

3. WAY too defensive of this game, despite obvious flaws

4. they cut themselves off from an already isolated community that barely socializes


-You're ALWAYS a troll, no matter what, simply because they say so.


-an argument can start from anywhere and blow itself way out of proportion in a matter of seconds because of how sensitive and over-protective these guys are of this game.





you get this jist....



It's not Facebook, some people don't want to talk to you so what let them do whatever they're doing.

I wouldn't mind abusing thr ignore button if it was someone like you, you sound annoying

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Wait until 20 JAN. Many of the people that bought the game and don't like it will be out on or around that day. I have to admit that I do agree with you a little though. I'm not terribly impressed but I'm not totally horrified yet either.
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Im not going to go with worst community, but rather the most bi-polar.


Half the people seem to be genuinely nice folks that I would love to play.


The other half seem to have spawned from the worst dredges of the internet.


Reading these forums is kinda like tiptoeing through a minefield full of wild-flowers.

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After about 3 hours of being logged into the game at launch i closed the general chat tab. There are only so many ways you can see some one describe the sexual acts they performed on someone elses mother/father/grandmother/sister/family pet before it just gets... boring. Thankfully these children FINALLY learned that they can disable the profanity filter... because then the discussion went from sexual acts on other peoples mother/father/grandmother/sister/family pet to listing every curse word they knew... one after another.


OP, if youre on my server and I'm not talking... it's because the rest of our server has proven themselves to be incapable of coherent thought or anything that could even remotely be considered normal conversation. If I wanted to listen to a bunch of 12 year olds tell me what they did to each other family pets the night before... Id play WoW. ...oh... wait... ><

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