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Why yall so obessed with romance-able characters?


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That might be true for some.. but I have a partner and a kid so not for everyone!


It does give my mind a break from the stresses of RL though when things aren't good.


I've edited/extended my reply to express myself more precise while you were quoting it so you might more agree to this new version.

BTW, it's often so that people who are married or have partners for years and all have the least sex of all. Take that last comment as a joke please, a joke with some truth though. :-)

Edited by Khaleg
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I've edited/extended my reply to express myself more precise while you were quoting it so you might more agree to this new version.

BTW, it's often so that people who are married or have partners for years and all have the least sex of all. Take that last comment as a joke please, a joke with some truth though. :-)


There is certainly some truth to lack-of-sex in long term relationships for all kinds of reasons. Often the stress of RL plays a part (bills, work, kids, tiredness, the usual). Its not unhealthy to have outlets though - its better then cheating and screwing up a perfectly good relationship as they all have their hiccups along the way!

Edited by Suzsi
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I always wonder myself what the reason behind this is and my educated guess for a majority of those people is a deficiency or total lack of sex and/or relationships in real life. It's not far fetched to assume this. Not applying to those who like that story romances exist but to the ones totally obsessed with having a "relationship" with a freaking scripted toon or even a "special" one. This does not appear perfectly healthy to me.


I bet you're having the most sex of everyone here on the forums!

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I've edited/extended my reply to express myself more precise while you were quoting it so you might more agree to this new version.

BTW, it's often so that people who are married or have partners for years and all have the least sex of all. Take that last comment as a joke please, a joke with some truth though. :-)


Often true but certainly not my experience. My husband and I have been avid table top rpers since we were kids, got together when we were 18 and are now both 43 and we use our created characters and the ones from the games we play as inspiration in our active private life.

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Often true but certainly not my experience. My husband and I have been avid table top rpers since we were kids, got together when we were 18 and are now both 43 and we use our created characters and the ones from the games we play as inspiration in our active private life.


Very angry and strict Sith lord with an obedient apprentice?

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I always wonder myself what the reason behind this is and my educated guess for a majority of those people is a deficiency or total lack of sex and/or relationships in real life. It's not far fetched to assume this. Not applying to those who like that story romances exist but to the ones totally obsessed with having a "relationship" with a freaking scripted toon or even a "special" one. This does not appear perfectly healthy to me.


What is educated about that guess? Almost everyone I've met in this game is in a committed relationship of some fashion. I'm married, just not to, you know, sexy Sith, sexy-voiced Imperial officers, wholesome and handsome SIS operatives, Jedi, cute Twi'leks, and what have you. I think it's unhealthier to make broad assumptions about people you don't know

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I always wonder myself what the reason behind this is and my educated guess for a majority of those people is a deficiency or total lack of sex and/or relationships in real life. It's not far fetched to assume this. Not applying to those who like that story romances exist but to the ones totally obsessed with having a "relationship" with a freaking scripted toon or even a "special" one. This does not appear perfectly healthy to me.

People like me are definitely in the minority. The easy answer is people get passionate about things on the internet (if you've been a part of "nerd" culture for a while, you know this) and romance and story stuff is much easier to talk and theorize about at length than combat, equipment, crafting, etc...Also BioWare games have a higher percentage of female players and we tend to like romance and drama.


Is being obsessed with the character aspects of the game more or less unhealthy to you than being obsessed with the murder aspects of the game?

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People like me are definitely in the minority. The easy answer is people get passionate about things on the internet (if you've been a part of "nerd" culture for a while, you know this) and romance and story stuff is much easier to talk and theorize about at length than combat, equipment, crafting, etc...Also BioWare games have a higher percentage of female players and we tend to like romance and drama.


Is being obsessed with the character aspects of the game more or less unhealthy to you than being obsessed with the murder aspects of the game?


Excellent points Nefla, especially the last one. Should I be concerned because of all the terrible things I like to do in game? Does it make me a psychopath?:rak_02:

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I like to romance companions since it brings the character I've created and that I'm playing to a new level, giving depth to a character and his/hers development on journey through war and conflict, where finding solace can be hard. Companions who can be romanced bring a sense of peace (character wise) to my characters, giving them a rock where to lean on hard times ahead. They make the game interesting, and make the class stories (or later, the expansion stories), an interesting experience.
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Totally get RL loss effectong the ability to play through certain game stories :( we just lost a close family member this week, very unexpected and has shaken us all. RL is sad and stressful enough right now without my entertainment adding to it, havent been able to go back and do Iokath/umbra again since this news reached me. Its all well and good for people to be insensitive on here about certain characters and killing them off etc but when they don't know what is going on in peoples real worlds at any given time they dont get how entertainment really doesn't need to add to that.


My condolences. My friends and I just recently went through losing two dear friends in the last two months so can understand how that can be.

Edited by casirabit
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Because I'm married now (9yrs... we've been together 10yrs) and I can't be the same mack I was from age 19-33. ;) Maybe some had or have boring/basic sex lives, but mine was anything but. I've been a club dj, a radio dj, and I'm a recording artist. Needless to say groupies were a big part of my youth. ;) Fact is even at age 43, I STILL get that same attention from ladies. But because I now have commitments I will not break...I don't pursue those advances. But that doesn't mean it isn't very tempting when that 22yr old is throwing it at me because she's turned on by the lyrics of "you look like a star". So I play games to "stay outta trouble" ;). And I enjoy the in game romances because it gives me the outlet for my "inner playboi" without the drama that would come if I actually acted on those opportunities. My wife thinks it's hilarious that I flirt with every female I see when I'm playing one of my many smugglers, or that I got an achievement in ME:A for completing 3 romance arcs in one playthru. (She didn't know it existed lol) Or the mods in DA:O that make spending time at The Pearl or in camp a LOT more interesting. ;) But she's glad I do it in a game instead of in real life. :D
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I had a similar experience to the playboy above during my Army days. Enjoying female company on off hours is kinda expected (female officers you don't say no to.........).


Then I got married after I got turfed out due to arthritis to what seemed like a nice woman. She was not in fact and was a cheating bag of gardening implements.


That (and my experience with the top paragraph) left me with a somewhat jaded and untrusting outlook on further romance. I don't hate women, I sure as hell don't trust them though. I'm in my mid 30s now and short of a miracle I won't be marrying again.

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I always wonder myself what the reason behind this is and my educated guess for a majority of those people is a deficiency or total lack of sex and/or relationships in real life. It's not far fetched to assume this. Not applying to those who like that story romances exist but to the ones totally obsessed with having a "relationship" with a freaking scripted toon or even a "special" one. This does not appear perfectly healthy to me.


Interesting theory but not really accurate. A lot of people I have met on game or in the forums actually play with a significant other. Myself I play with my boyfriend. The scripted romance can be fun and that is what most take it as that.

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Because it's fantasy. Fantasy, romance and sex sell.


Look at Game of Thrones.


Fantasy = check


Gore and violence = check


Sex = check, in fact it's a wonder anybody gets any violence done in that realm. Except when it's sexual.


One of the most popular shows out there.

Edited by orangenee
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One reason I have been champing at the bit for the LIs to return is that I feel they are the last connection to the vanilla content I have aside from replaying the chapters. I, like many, lamented the end of companion stories/conversations and haven't cared for KotFE or KotET. Reintroducing our Lis briefly and then snatching them away (leaving me with sad letters in my mailbox) at the start of KotFE really galvanized my interest in speaking with them again. As time goes on, I'm more eager to do so. I've also spent a lot of time leveling alts and enjoying varying versions of the companion stories as I haven't been interested in taking all my higher toons through the Eternal Throne story. So, the LIs are fresh in my mind.


It's why I'm also concerned that, after so much time, they're not going to bring the rest back in a meaningful/story rich way. I would genuinely end my sub if they started coming back as alliance alerts regardless of whether it's an LIs I'm interested in or not. That would simply be crappy.

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I always wonder myself what the reason behind this is and my educated guess for a majority of those people is a deficiency or total lack of sex and/or relationships in real life. It's not far fetched to assume this. Not applying to those who like that story romances exist but to the ones totally obsessed with having a "relationship" with a freaking scripted toon or even a "special" one. This does not appear perfectly healthy to me.



No doubt some people are that way. As I explained earlier: for regular folks NPC romance is a part of the whole package deal with the rest of the story. We have virtual life in a game, so it's natural for a relationship to be an option too.

Experiencing life/romance irl and in the shoes of your character in another universe is a whole new and different experience, which is what story-driven games are about. People can have one or the other or both or neither.


According to your train of thought playing any video game constitutes for the lack of real life so we should drop it.

SO you basically shouldn't be here with us unhealthy people.


You're like a kid that has hard time accepting the scope of adult world.


Here's a real shock for you: robots designed for sexual pleasure are coming :eek:

Edited by Johrun
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It's a nice little bit of escapism

Mostly the escapism for me and makes the story more real. It's no different from a romantic film or book for me. Whilst the game is still going it's a lot of fun to be attached to your character's companions, however if the game ended tomorrow its not like it would affect me in real life. I play for the story and the romance aspect adds to the enjoyment of the story for me. Compared with real life romance however, game pixels are meaningless. This kind of game play appeals to me as a woman; if it was all slashing and shooting I would not be interested. Everyone likes the game for their own reasons; take the dozens of people who are always duelling outside the Sith academy on Korriban - why? I can never see the point, but I don't mock them for it - it's their way of adding to the enjoyment of the game.

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