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Why yall so obessed with romance-able characters?


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Firstly, everyone has different goals and enjoyment they derive from the game. Personally, I believe it's their game, their playtime, period. Secondly, I don't think it's about what they get or don't get in real life but if it is. *shrug* From my perspective, I do find when one of my characters plays through a romance, it adds an element to that character's depth. But then I enjoy the immersion the stories add to what is often a lot of grinding.


This ^

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Firstly, everyone has different goals and enjoyment they derive from the game. Personally, I believe it's their game, their playtime, period. Secondly, I don't think it's about what they get or don't get in real life but if it is. *shrug* From my perspective, I do find when one of my characters plays through a romance, it adds an element to that character's depth. But then I enjoy the immersion the stories add to what is often a lot of grinding.


I agree. Personally - in real life - I have no interest in romance or dating or marriage or raising a family. But my characters do; they're not just extensions of me in an online setting. They have their own personalities, different from my own. (If it's sounding like I need to see a therapist right about now - hey, I'm a writer, I can't help it. :p) And oftentimes, romance brings out a new side of their character that I wouldn't have otherwise known was there. For instance, who knew my cynical, sarcastic, world-weary knight would melt into cartoon hearts and puppy-dog-eyes around Kira? Or my quiet, stoic, emotionless consular actually DOES have feelings - that she only shows to Theron Shan? As Asileth said, it adds new dimensions to their personalities.

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Im a girl who likes chick flicks, stands to reason I also like to see romance in my games.


Besides, it adds an extra elememt of realism. Although sometimes you get a person who goes through their life without finding love or romance it's not the norm, so why would my characters not find it too unless I chose for one not to?


Also smexy pixels ❤ and those voices..

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I don't understand people who play Bioware games, and then find the romance aspect weird. This is what they are known for.


Do people do that in the other Bioware games (complain about romance)? I would understand here, since there are a fair bit of people who are here only for the MMO part and hate that story intrudes on that, but yeah, any Bioware veteran has to know what's in store by now.


(Except ME:A...I got to 50% completion and there was still nothing going on after one flirt option for my LI towards the beginning...Is it all backloaded? Or did I pick the wrong LI? Fairly big reason why I stopped playing at 50%)

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Do people do that in the other Bioware games (complain about romance)? I would understand here, since there are a fair bit of people who are here only for the MMO part and hate that story intrudes on that, but yeah, any Bioware veteran has to know what's in store by now.


(Except ME:A...I got to 50% completion and there was still nothing going on after one flirt option for my LI towards the beginning...Is it all backloaded? Or did I pick the wrong LI? Fairly big reason why I stopped playing at 50%)


MEA romances are heavily tied to advancing that specific characters personal questline. Liams personal quest is heavily tied to creating outposts on planets, whilst Coras is tied to the Asari ark, Jaals to his people, Peebee to rem tech and so on, so yeah you gotta move their personal quests forward and gain their trust before the romances will move forward.

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Do people do that in the other Bioware games (complain about romance)? I would understand here, since there are a fair bit of people who are here only for the MMO part and hate that story intrudes on that, but yeah, any Bioware veteran has to know what's in store by now.


(Except ME:A...I got to 50% completion and there was still nothing going on after one flirt option for my LI towards the beginning...Is it all backloaded? Or did I pick the wrong LI? Fairly big reason why I stopped playing at 50%)

That is true, there is more to do here than romance. But yeah romance is a big part of all their games and as most of us also play their other rpg's, it shouldn't be weird to find people here that are interested in the romance aspect so much.

I haven't played ME:A yet.:)

Edited by Eshvara
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Well, for me, it's more than one reason. For one thing, I'm a widow, a young one at that. My husband passed when I was 27. I like having a story and persona where that isn't a part of my life. It's a nice little bit of escapism. Secondly, I'm an author and get very attached to any character I create, whether in a book or in a game. They become an entity I care about and I like seeing them happy. I'm also a story player and having the immersion of a romance added to all of the adventure creates a more balanced experience for me.


Now, I'll be up front, because of losing my husband I do have some fear of abandonment issues. Having my character's love interests taken away pokes some of those fears and anxieties. For that reason I've only taken one character through kotfe/kotet/Iokath. The experience of having her husband missing was very upsetting for me. I'm holding my main back until I know when Vector returns. I'd rather not jump on top of that emotional landmine . . . again, lol.

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A jealous, stupid, murdering, tyrant? You sure about that?


It's the voice :p


Despite his background he is changing for the better, so don't write him off just yet.



On-topic: I think that a well-executed romance is part of the 'whole package deal', just like in real life it's part of life experience and adds depth to the story and character. Also, it's fun, especially the jealous Corso :D

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Well, for me, it's more than one reason. For one thing, I'm a widow, a young one at that. My husband passed when I was 27. I like having a story and persona where that isn't a part of my life. It's a nice little bit of escapism. Secondly, I'm an author and get very attached to any character I create, whether in a book or in a game. They become an entity I care about and I like seeing them happy. I'm also a story player and having the immersion of a romance added to all of the adventure creates a more balanced experience for me.


Now, I'll be up front, because of losing my husband I do have some fear of abandonment issues. Having my character's love interests taken away pokes some of those fears and anxieties. For that reason I've only taken one character through kotfe/kotet/Iokath. The experience of having her husband missing was very upsetting for me. I'm holding my main back until I know when Vector returns. I'd rather not jump on top of that emotional landmine . . . again, lol.


Totally get RL loss effectong the ability to play through certain game stories :( we just lost a close family member this week, very unexpected and has shaken us all. RL is sad and stressful enough right now without my entertainment adding to it, havent been able to go back and do Iokath/umbra again since this news reached me. Its all well and good for people to be insensitive on here about certain characters and killing them off etc but when they don't know what is going on in peoples real worlds at any given time they dont get how entertainment really doesn't need to add to that.

Edited by Suzsi
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Do they? Well, pretty sure that a therapist would say that fantasy is healthy and that poking fun at other peoples' interests isn't. :p

My therapist is all for giving ones mind a rest from the stresses of the real world !

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Well, for me, it's more than one reason. For one thing, I'm a widow, a young one at that. My husband passed when I was 27. I like having a story and persona where that isn't a part of my life. It's a nice little bit of escapism. Secondly, I'm an author and get very attached to any character I create, whether in a book or in a game. They become an entity I care about and I like seeing them happy. I'm also a story player and having the immersion of a romance added to all of the adventure creates a more balanced experience for me.


Now, I'll be up front, because of losing my husband I do have some fear of abandonment issues. Having my character's love interests taken away pokes some of those fears and anxieties. For that reason I've only taken one character through kotfe/kotet/Iokath. The experience of having her husband missing was very upsetting for me. I'm holding my main back until I know when Vector returns. I'd rather not jump on top of that emotional landmine . . . again, lol.



Totally get RL loss effectong the ability to play through certain game stories :( we just lost a close family member this week, very unexpected and has shaken us all. RL is sad and stressful enough right now without my entertainment adding to it, havent been able to go back and do Iokath/umbra again since this news reached me. Its all well and good for people to be insensitive on here about certain characters and killing them off etc but when they don't know what is going on in peoples real worlds at any given time they dont get how entertainment really doesn't need to add to that.


I'm very sorry to hear this and offer you both my sincerest condolences. It's a difficult thing to have to go through and I can understand how some of the storylines would have such an effect. Companion characters and romances are important to people for many reasons, all of them valid.


I think the majority of reasons can be grouped under escapism, cause that's what it is...whether we read, watch movies or play these games. It gives people a chance to know something different than their own life for a short while and that is a form of therapy in itself.

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I agree, Lunafox. Losing someone you love IRL is immensely hard to get through, and it can be hard to ignore when media begins to pick at those wounds, especially when you were attracted to said media because it directly offset the hurt from them, or helped you get through a really rough time. Kind of feels like a betrayal in and of itself.


You should not question this any more than you would question why people are obsessed with PVP, roleplay, PVE, ERP, decorating their strongholds, running operations, flashpoints, heroics, etc... it's an element of the game and who are we to question what parts of the game people become attached to?


Basically what I was thinking. Personally, I couldn't care less about romance in the game- I haven't involved any of my characters in any of it, save for one and that was an accident. But I understand it's very important to some people and that deserves to be respected, the same way I respect that people enjoy PvP and operations even though I don't play that way.

Edited by SourOrange
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Because I have agoraphobia and social anxiety in real life so the only way I will ever be able to experience being in love or having children is through a video game. :o Anyway, my personal loser-dom aside I don't see why it's any weirder to like story, characters, and by extension romance and family themes than it is to like running around killing stuff.
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Totally get RL loss effectong the ability to play through certain game stories :( we just lost a close family member this week, very unexpected and has shaken us all. RL is sad and stressful enough right now without my entertainment adding to it, havent been able to go back and do Iokath/umbra again since this news reached me. Its all well and good for people to be insensitive on here about certain characters and killing them off etc but when they don't know what is going on in peoples real worlds at any given time they dont get how entertainment really doesn't need to add to that.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I've had a few years to adjust so I'm in a good place now. There are still some tender spots though. I wish you all the best as you go through this situation.

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I always wonder myself what the reason behind this is and my educated guess for a majority of those people is a deficiency or total lack of sex and/or relationships in real life. It's not far fetched to assume this. Not applying to those who like that story romances exist but to the ones totally obsessed with having a "relationship" with a freaking scripted toon or even a "special" one. This does not appear perfectly healthy to me. Edited by Khaleg
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I always wonder myself what the reason but I this is and my educated guess is for a majority of those people is a deficiency or total lack of sex in real life. It's not far fetched to assume this.


That might be true for some.. but I have a partner and a kid so not for everyone!


It does give my mind a break from the stresses of RL though when things aren't good.

Edited by Suzsi
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I wouldn't call myself obsessed, but I definitely enjoy the addition of romances and even just friendships for story and character depth reasons.

I have enough in life to keep me happy, partner and kid, but the game is a nice fantasy escape into a different story, a different character, to ease the stress.

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Relationships are the cornerstones of most good stories.


What I don't get is why some people watch football. That has got to be one of the most boring and pointless things to do, baring watching golf. Playing football I can understand, but watching it? Some people talk about it endlessly too. They obsessively follow players and memorize their stats. There are even leagues where they make up fantasy teams! They must have really sad lives if they find watching football on television to be fun :rolleyes:

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Have you seen the amount of romantic movies and novels in this world? There's your answer. People still watch them and read them even if they get heaps. People LIKE romances. It gaves them fuzzy feelings. Well, obviously you don't but that's you, you do you. Listen dude: If you go in this world wondering why others want things you don't, and why they like things you don't, and keep telling yourself you don't understand them you can spend your whole life doing exactly that and nothing else 24/7, and you are still no wiser.
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Do people do that in the other Bioware games (complain about romance)? )


Oh boy, do they ever! I've been following Bioware-forums for at least 10 years, and the biggest threads are always character- and romance-threads, and character-threads are always biggest for romancable characters. This forum is very tame when it comes to that stuff! People can talk about characters and romances and various combinations of that for YEARS. They spin theories and head canons and fanfic and whathaveyou endlessly. They can speak about Solas's betrayal like it was the Watergate, just as long. Feelings fly all over the place, someone rage quits and someone cries and someone is just generally hurt, and someone laughs becasue it wasn't their favorite character. And then comes new players and then they keep going on about them for years. It is too much even for me, and I like that stuff more than a guy probably should according modern world.

Edited by tahol
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