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Game Update 5.4a


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the codes were not meant as compensation. they were meant as a giveaway for ppl who followed the thread. the codes did work. i used 1 of each and i even had to relog into the forum in order to redeem them. so i wasn't super fast.


Good for you. I got nothing. But hey, at least you got yours, right.

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First, make sure you have checked my most recent status update here.


Second, I apologize if the codes are rubbing people the wrong way. They are not meant to be any kind of compensation for downtime or anything like that. Merely, we are all sitting here on the forums waiting for the issue to get resolved. In the past we have done something similar as a way for people get some bonus stuff for free while they wait. Everyone is not going to get them, but it could be a nice bonus if you do.


The first batch of 15 codes was not the "rain,' that was just the start. Normally I continually do posts like that the entire time we are down but I don't want to be pouring salt in the wound either. Tell me your feeling on this, do you want me to continue putting out codes while we are down? Or is it just making it worse?




But we are all waiting.


I took this time to look at the forums and maybe try to answer a question or two to help someone out.


No way I see the codes in time to redeem one, and even if I had been right on top of it, I doubt that I am as fast as others and may well have missed out anyway. 15 isn't a lot. It's not close to a lot. Not in this context.


Everyone that has tried to log on is inconvenienced here, so why is it that only some should get a code?


Pick something. Give it to everyone.


Heck, add "downtime tokens" to the account currency and add a "downtime vendor" into the game on each fleet and Odessen.

They do not have to sell cartel coins, but give them all sorts of different things that can be bought with those tokens.

Whenever there is extended unscheduled downtime, give every account 1 token and everything the vendor sells would cost exactly 1 token.


I figure a variety of pets, maybe a speeder or three, and then there need to be some things, at least one, that are worth repeat purchases for those people that already have the other things.


I do not know what might be found acceptable, but some ideas of mine would be rare crafting materials (stabilized isotope thingies, not purple mission mats), maybe some unassembled component packs (1 hardly seems worth the effort, but I do not know when it would become "too much"), dye packs... Things like that.

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I DEMAND compensation for the subscribed time I have lost tonight, which I estimate to be about 7p. Cash is fine, I'll wait here...


Seriously though, just roll back to 5.4 until you can implement this properly.


They have already explained why it is not an easy thing to just roll back. A lot of peeps might have to do a complete re-install of the game.

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So I've noticed the general consensus is codes = bad.


The mood really turned when that happened.


Agreed. Not a prime example of damage control. Eric might be a fine programmer but for Customer Service.. well not so much. Can't take back the codes given, don't Want to give the codes needed to cover all.

Edited by Korlin
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I have a question for the devs. Is there any chance that in the future we can see more romancable companions? Like Arcann, Senya, and possible the return of some of the old companions? Not only taking them back from that console but actually doing a mission to get them back. Like we can get Nadia Grell, Kira Carsen, Lord Scourge, Akaavi, Ashara, Jaesa, Mako, etc.


We get some of them back in the Eternal storyline but why not all of them?

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So I've noticed the general consensus is codes = bad.


The mood really turned when that happened.


If we've learned anything from the Hunger Games the forum is more interesting when the initial code to player ratio is off. May the odds be forever in your favor young tribute!

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I have a question for the devs. Is there any chance that in the future we can see more romancable companions? Like Arcann, Senya, and possible the return of some of the old companions? Not only taking them back from that console but actually doing a mission to get them back. Like we can get Nadia Grell, Kira Carsen, Lord Scourge, Akaavi, Ashara, Jaesa, Mako, etc.


We get some of them back in the Eternal storyline but why not all of them?



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Now, Imagine for a moment the only significant male character that could be romanced by another male, was made into a traitor with a solid chance of permanently destroying that romance option. <Sarcasm> Clearly, making Theron the traitor was very well thought out, and how it might appear was considered thoughtfully. <Sarcasm>


<afterthought> I suppose there is Koth, but did anyone actually romance him? No one I know did.


I kinda think part of why we're so upset now is because we weren't over being upset about that yet.

But hey, we had the C/XP boost, yay! And the accidental superCXPboost for the daily areas, which actually made playing fun even if so many both straight and gay and just friendly people were still upset over the traitor.


However.... Bob the Calamari? :p:D

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I have a question for the devs. Is there any chance that in the future we can see more romancable companions? Like Arcann, Senya, and possible the return of some of the old companions? Not only taking them back from that console but actually doing a mission to get them back. Like we can get Nadia Grell, Kira Carsen, Lord Scourge, Akaavi, Ashara, Jaesa, Mako, etc.


We get some of them back in the Eternal storyline but why not all of them?



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Except for tuesday cause: Serverdown!

Except for today cause: Serverdown!


So "the last days" mean like...yesterday? The only day during the CXP-Week without a serverdown during european primetime? :rolleyes:


Just lean back and relax dude ^^

Im pretty sure they will fix it soon and we will get compensated.

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So I've noticed the general consensus is codes = bad.


The mood really turned when that happened.

Codes for a 25 of the thousands missing out on playing=bad. The 'vast consensus' BTW was it would be nice if we could all get something as opposed to next to nobody.


I was lucky enough to check the page just after the codes were put up. Had a window on the other screen that I opened to the code redemption centre. Pasted a random code from 1/2 way down the list- used. Tried another- used.


Complete waste of time. I'm considering doing some yoga and having a bath as opposed to spending my time on here, as lovely as you all are.

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First, make sure you have checked my most recent status update here.


Second, I apologize if the codes are rubbing people the wrong way. They are not meant to be any kind of compensation for downtime or anything like that. Merely, we are all sitting here on the forums waiting for the issue to get resolved. In the past we have done something similar as a way for people get some bonus stuff for free while they wait. Everyone is not going to get them, but it could be a nice bonus if you do.


The first batch of 15 codes was not the "rain,' that was just the start. Normally I continually do posts like that the entire time we are down but I don't want to be pouring salt in the wound either. Tell me your feeling on this, do you want me to continue putting out codes while we are down? Or is it just making it worse?




The codes themselves are not rubbing us the wrong way. It's how your team and the developers treat us, consumers, like dog pile on a sunny day. We are the dog pile and EA's money is the sun. It doesn't matter that it wasn't compensation for lost time, the fact of the matter is the codes were given out because of this issue. Meaning, a handful of lucky people benefitted more from a global issue than anyone else. That is wrong and being in the career line that you are, you should have known better. Everyone is not going to get them because you choose to use expiring codes that only has one usage per person. There are universal codes, and they do work. Your lies about it not working might work on the ones less familiar with coding, but it doesn't work on me.


Again, it doesn't matter how many you send out. The majority of players don't even use the forums, is it right that they get less back simply because they weren't aware. No, it isn't. It also isn't right that those not fast enough or busy don't get any. Therefore these single use codes were and are a terrible idea. Please never do it again.

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go do ranked you say get in a group and do ranked you say, well that would be cool, here's the thing if your not as good as the other players that do ranked and you don't do very well in a ranked match they really get nasty and abusive not only that they take it to gen chat on the fleet and publicly abuse you there to the point where no one will group with you and forcing you not to go into a match because of the abuse making the ranked daily and weekly impossible to do. I know sticks and stones right, report them. nah that doesn't work. what do you do.


I'll tell you what you do, you queue anyway. Screw those elitist snobs, and the Bantha they rode in on. I play ranked for unassembled comps, and CXP. I could care less about rank. Mine, theirs, or anybody else's. No one will group with you because of their harrassment? So what. You're in a guild right? I am sure there are people in the guild who want to run Granked who would add you to their group. You're not that good at PvP? So what. That same group of people from your guild that Grank up with you, I am sure they would be willing to give you some pointers to help make you a bad @zz in PvP. What I find amusing, is the same people who want to get all snooty in Ranked PvP, and try to tell someone to not queue, are the same ones begging people to queue up for ranked in fleet Genchat. So, to repeat, screw 'em. You want to play ranked? Play.

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I kinda think part of why we're so upset now is because we weren't over being upset about that yet.

But hey, we had the C/XP boost, yay! And the accidental superCXPboost for the daily areas, which actually made playing fun even if so many both straight and gay and just friendly people were still upset over the traitor.


However.... Bob the Calamari? :p:D


my LS male jedi romanced Koth, now you know someone who did

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If you read the fine print in your TOS/EULA you would see that they DO NOT guarantee 7/24/365 access for your subscription.


I'm sure they will compensate players with something for the lost time today, but your comments are absurd.


Read up on international laws about consumer rights before you bash on your co-players, please.

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