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Game Update 5.4a


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so if you paid me for something but I did not deliver for 2 months, would you be happy? this is a business and it should be smoother than this. PTS's are where you bring updates out and test them, not on live servers. so stop sucking up and get the brown off your nose.


Stop spouting nonsense. It's a matter of hours, not months.


And you cannot test everything on the PTS. It's not the exact same beast as the live servers, so there is always the possibility that something unexpected happens on the live servers.

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so if you paid me for something but I did not deliver for 2 months, would you be happy? this is a business and it should be smoother than this. PTS's are where you bring updates out and test them, not on live servers. so stop sucking up and get the brown off your nose.


2 months is different than a few hours of 1 month of sub time. Does it suck, yes, but your analogy has no reason in this situation. Check your situation and get back to me.

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Plus, not having power for 6 hours is perhaps a little bit different from not being able to play a game. I mean, I'm not happy about it either, but let's try to keep a little bit of perspective here.


We lose power fairly often. Truuuust me, I'd rather not be able to play the game than lose power. I mean...no coffee? No lights? Have learned that when stormy weather approaches to make the coffee, thermos it and crank the lantern batteries. Now, if I can just talk Himself into a honkin' big generator so that I can game on....

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I have seen this come up quite a bit in the thread, so lemme tackle it! We don't really have the ability to extend it with the patch today. To put that change in now is risky and could create some issues, which we certainly don't want more of today.


However, Keith, Charles, and the team are highly aware of this request and talking about what options we have for this. It may not be today, but if we can get something done around this, one of us will let you know!




just make sure the white acute module works properly many of us don't need to debate wether we want a buttload of xp or not .. some prefer the level process to be slower and enjoyable

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Rain is requested, rain is received. These are all unique codes (1 redeem per person), and I know there are concerns about bots. I am gonna put them into spoiler tags so that should there be bots (which I haven't seen evidence of, just fast people) they can't scrape them as easily.




450 CC











TaunFawn Mini-pet
















M8-3R Mini-pet














Good luck!




Codes dont work

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Reminds me when SWTOR was first released and people asked for the possibility to have a romance btw male char and a male partner or btw a female toon and her female partners. That would have been fun and also logical !




Now, Imagine for a moment the only significant male character that could be romanced by another male, was made into a traitor with a solid chance of permanently destroying that romance option. <Sarcasm> Clearly, making Theron the traitor was very well thought out, and how it might appear was considered thoughtfully. <Sarcasm>


<afterthought> I suppose there is Koth, but did anyone actually romance him? No one I know did.

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So another patch goes horribly wrong as per usual and the community gets completely ****ed for it and we get 25 ****** codes worth next to nothing yet the developers will get away happily ever after with our money and half arsing the game and it's content creation.. /YIPPEE
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I have seen this come up quite a bit in the thread, so lemme tackle it! We don't really have the ability to extend it with the patch today. To put that change in now is risky and could create some issues, which we certainly don't want more of today.


However, Keith, Charles, and the team are highly aware of this request and talking about what options we have for this. It may not be today, but if we can get something done around this, one of us will let you know!



I would prefer the cxp/xp event extended, but if that can't be done. Maybe cxp bonus tokens/xp bonus tokens?

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Right, well... So I have been gone for a long time. Lousy internet service and trying to be a cheap skate. Just got around to restarting a subscription as well. It appears to have been horrible timing on my part.


That being said, I did some programming a long time ago. Not my thing, I found it far too tedious and frustrating. But I know how computer codes can go from seemingly fine to completely wonky.


I find it hard to believe that this patch could cause so much grief during implementation if it went through any degree of testing. I am reminded of my time in the Navy. I worked on nuclear reactors (maintenance and chemistry), radiological controls, steam and water systems...you get the idea. There, "we tried" wasn't a valid answer. It was do or do not. If one did, then one did so, "By the book, with the book, for the boat". There was a procedure for everything. I am fairly certain that there is a procedure for testing code work before deploying it to all the active servers... I find the present situation...disheartening.


That being said. I wouldn't blame the community manager. I'd put the blame on the programmer(s), tester(s) and whomever felt that the heightened CXP was a problem when the community was clearly in favor of it.


I sincerely hope you can get the servers up and going "quick, fast and in a hurry" as my Chief used to say.


Lastly, having read through this monstrosity of a thread, to the person suggesting filming the developers fixing the game while someone yells encouraging slogans... I disagree, the Navy approach is called for. "The beating will continue until morale improves", but instead of "morale improves" we can substitute "the game is working again". Break out the cat and let the bosun get to work!

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I DEMAND compensation for the subscribed time I have lost tonight, which I estimate to be about 7p. Cash is fine, I'll wait here...


Seriously though, just roll back to 5.4 until you can implement this properly.

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the complaint is a simple one. If the codes were real (not saying they weren't) they were gone in 0.5 seconds, and the amount of players who got anything verses the subscriber/f2p entire list is flat insulting. Bioware has always done just the right thing to keep subscribers happy, which is why sub have left this game in droves every expansion and the new players have not replenished the numbers.


the codes were not meant as compensation. they were meant as a giveaway for ppl who followed the thread. the codes did work. i used 1 of each and i even had to relog into the forum in order to redeem them. so i wasn't super fast.

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Well male romance Senya, female romance Arcann. This would be awesome.


Also what do you guys think of more missions that are extending the romance? I really liked that moment when a female trooper get's reunited with Jorgan (in romance of course)/ Imagine if there were more missions to build up the relationship not only with romanced comanion but will all companions. I believe that this will give another sence of companions stick together and the alliance is there to stand together and save the galaxy.


It will be sant barbara, not star wars.

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Just telling how it was the past days.

Except for tuesday cause: Serverdown!

Except for today cause: Serverdown!


So "the last days" mean like...yesterday? The only day during the CXP-Week without a serverdown during european primetime? :rolleyes:

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I have seen this come up quite a bit in the thread, so lemme tackle it! We don't really have the ability to extend it with the patch today. To put that change in now is risky and could create some issues, which we certainly don't want more of today.


However, Keith, Charles, and the team are highly aware of this request and talking about what options we have for this. It may not be today, but if we can get something done around this, one of us will let you know!




Keitg, Charles and team must consider to give EVERYONE who lost their game time because of your fail patch 450 CC as compensation. Otherwise you will loose subs.. Again

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Codes dont work


Yea... These were a gift to only the fastest people...


Basically a slap in the face to the whole community and a boon for an extremely tiny select little group of like 20 people...


Every time I see this post reposted, it just makes me even more annoyed at the disgusting feeling I am getting sitting here waiting for these game developers to fix the product I am paying hard-earned money for and not getting.

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2 months is different than a few hours of 1 month of sub time. Does it suck, yes, but your analogy has no reason in this situation. Check your situation and get back to me.

if you pay for something, then you expect to get what you pay for. I don't pay to sit at a computer reading the forums and listen to you kiss *** while the company that's taking my money rushes to fix something that they rushed to put out in the first place.

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