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Game Update 5.4a


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I'm reading all the posts, I'm at least glad you guys are being transparent about the situation, though i do wish we could be getting some sort of compensation its been done before, so fingers crossed , yes I'm a little Peeved that the codes don't work , but sadly that is life in a game like this, keep up the good work Eric
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They also have Dutch, Norwegian, Danish, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Russsian, Polish etc. customers.


Stop trying to be the special snowflakes in Europe will ya.


Ehm. The Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, Romania, Russia (more or less) and Poland are actually in Europe?


What he meant was:


There are french and german forums here.

But there is no, just not a single post within these forums about what the hell is happening right know.


Its like as if these Forums, your Forums, arent existing.


I get more information from german of frech Fan-Forums than from your official german of french forums.

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Guys talking from a programmers poin of view i can understand the issue musco and the team face here - some times an update effects areas of code you may not even consider when updating the game - you have to remeber that even a baisc calculator programme uses at least 500 lines plus of code once you factor in all its functions.


In a game such as this your probably looking at several million lines of code possibly several billion. Im not defending them as i do agree thes things should be tested much better on a private server BEFORE going live.


That said shouting at Eric isnt going to get it fixed any faster - Tonight is the first night all month ive had the chance to login and ops with my guild due to work commitments but you dont se me having a tantrum.


they will fix it asap - for god sake the servers arnt going to be active for hours yet - go and do something in the real world


I'm not one for ranting and/or posting in forums, but it is extraordinarily refreshing to see someone who a) understands the issues and b) is not sobbing into their warm milk about how UNFAIR it all is. Mistakes happen, and when they do it causes inconvenience. That is life. So what if it has lost you a few dollars/pounds/euros? How much more would you have spent down at the pub if you had gone out tonight?


"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast"

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Reminds me when SWTOR was first released and people asked for the possibility to have a romance btw male char and a male partner or btw a female toon and her female partners. That would have been fun and also logical !




Pass on Arcann. And Senya.


....but Bob... oh maaan.... :D

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Hey all,


Please have patience while the development team attempts to fix the game's issues. We would rather have a working and stable game than a game full of bugs that prevent the game from working/being played properly. Do not have a fit over codes, you will get a code at some point, it may not be today. I wish our developers luck and hope to see you all again soon.





Mercenary ~ The Ebon Hawk ~ Empire

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Hey Eric and Devs,


Do you guys disappoint me at times? Yes, but you guys have and are doing a good job. I appreciate you guys and what you guys do and have done. Ignore the rest of these people complaining and cussing you guys out. They are immature people that expect everything to be handed to them in this day and age instead of working for it, like a real person.


In the end, I just wanted you guys to know you are appreciated and what you do is appreciated by a lot of us in the community. Like I said earlier, you guys do disappoint us at times, but you do a good job too at times and should be praised for what you guys do.


So, thank you.


From a grateful subscriber that will be here till the end of the game, BECAUSE I LOVE STAR WARS GAMES!


so if you paid me for something but I did not deliver for 2 months, would you be happy? this is a business and it should be smoother than this. PTS's are where you bring updates out and test them, not on live servers. so stop sucking up and get the brown off your nose.

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and I was like "what will I do tonight"? Which daily? or maybe focus on FPs? or ..watch how France is disintegrating Nederland ???


Seems you guys made my decision easier :)


but being completely unaware of what going on here, I loaded the patch, first. Now, do not know whether it will corrupt my game completely or ..there will be a new patch to patch?


Fortunately, the REAL game will be 2morrow, Danes be afraid! :)

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"Each day"...


*looks at the server status*


... Dude... :rolleyes:


Nah, i mean it like i said it. 2,6k each daily quest. I think i made almost 80 commando level on a single day only with daily's. And since that's just a bug, im sure losing a single day isn't that bad.

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I'm not one for ranting and/or posting in forums, but it is extraordinarily refreshing to see someone who a) understands the issues and b) is not sobbing into their warm milk about how UNFAIR it all is. Mistakes happen, and when they do it causes inconvenience. That is life. So what if it has lost you a few dollars/pounds/euros? How much more would you have spent down at the pub if you had gone out tonight?


"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast"


dam right bud :-)

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I have seen this come up quite a bit in the thread, so lemme tackle it! We don't really have the ability to extend it with the patch today. To put that change in now is risky and could create some issues, which we certainly don't want more of today.


However, Keith, Charles, and the team are highly aware of this request and talking about what options we have for this. It may not be today, but if we can get something done around this, one of us will let you know!




The popularity of CXP bonus events should give you an idea what the appropriate _normal_ CXP gains should be. Why drop it down after the event? Just to allow people to go play other games. A better rate would energize the base, greatly increase populations and participation - Basically be much more fun. The _normal_ rate is probably less than half what it should be. Consider the popularity of the bonus events as a gauge.

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I thought the codes were fun. I didn't get anything, but I thought it was a cute idea.


Just my opinion.


the complaint is a simple one. If the codes were real (not saying they weren't) they were gone in 0.5 seconds, and the amount of players who got anything verses the subscriber/f2p entire list is flat insulting. Bioware has always done just the right thing to keep subscribers happy, which is why sub have left this game in droves every expansion and the new players have not replenished the numbers.

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