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Game Update 5.4a


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^ This guys gets it.


If we are posting here we are currently in a time period WE HAVE PAID FOR.


We are not getting the service we paid for.


Ergo we are ALL entitled to compensation.


All The Best


If you read the fine print in your TOS/EULA you would see that they DO NOT guarantee 7/24/365 access for your subscription.


I'm sure they will compensate players with something for the lost time today, but your comments are absurd.

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Ok this is the last post I will be writing. I think you all should be ashamed of yourselves just because something went wrong does not mean you need to take it out on the people trying to fix it and worse you demand they give you things thats just down right wrong and i am ashamed to be apart of this community if thats how it is


Then go back to Helo Kitty Island Adventures. How about this, I sell you a house but before you move in I demolish it so you can't live in it, THEN would ya want something for free to compensate for your lost time and money? I think ya would.

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You really need to begin to live in the 21st century and buy yourself one of those magic phones called a mobile phone... :D


i have a mobile phone but you honestly think im going to phone my electric company on my mobile??? i wish i could pull that kind of money out my ***

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Hey Eric and Devs,


Do you guys disappoint me at times? Yes, but you guys have and are doing a good job. I appreciate you guys and what you guys do and have done. Ignore the rest of these people complaining and cussing you guys out. They are immature people that expect everything to be handed to them in this day and age instead of working for it, like a real person.


In the end, I just wanted you guys to know you are appreciated and what you do is appreciated by a lot of us in the community. Like I said earlier, you guys do disappoint us at times, but you do a good job too at times and should be praised for what you guys do.


So, thank you.


From a grateful subscriber that will be here till the end of the game, BECAUSE I LOVE STAR WARS GAMES!

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yes the downtime sux for a lot of people who are trying to advance through the game but that happens but giving a pet that really is useless and does not help advance people in anyway, kinda lame. some people might enjoy getting gifts such as pets etc. I don't want pets, I'm trying to grind to get all the 248 pieces I need so I can participate in guild events, getting a pet doesn't help there. someone posted about you giving us unassembled components instead now that would be great and very useful, coz that grind is bad but hey ranked players have got it good with the amount they get for the weekly and on top of that all the cool stuff they get for season rewards unlike the unranked players who get nothing or the people who spend countless hours doing operations and get stuff all too. go do ranked you say get in a group and do ranked you say, well that would be cool, here's the thing if your not as good as the other players that do ranked and you don't do very well in a ranked match they really get nasty and abusive not only that they take it to gen chat on the fleet and publicly abuse you there to the point where no one will group with you and forcing you not to go into a match because of the abuse making the ranked daily and weekly impossible to do. I know sticks and stones right, report them. nah that doesn't work. what do you do.

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Same thing for the French forum.


Do you remember there are French and German speaking players / costumers ?


They also have Dutch, Norwegian, Danish, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Russsian, Polish etc. customers.


Stop trying to be the special snowflakes in Europe will ya.

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Alright, fair consensus seems to stop doing codes. I hear you on them being shareable like the Cantina code is optimal, but it isn't how they work currently. With that in mind I am going to hold off on it. Again, I apologize if people felt slighted, I only meant it is as a fun downtime killer! I will be more sensitive to that in the future.


Again, we are actively moving towards a possible fix now. We then need to test it to ensure it corrected the issues of this morning. I will pass on updates as I have them.






Maybe you would have a few displeased customers less if you had told us before that is just a game and not meant to be any kind of compensation.


However - why not have a few freebies handy next time the sh** hits the fan. It wouldn't necessarily need to be anything really fancy.... maybe a title available to those affected.... "xyz, master of patience" or something along these lines.

You know, small gestures really go a long way and cost you neither a lot of effort or money

Edited by fmsffm
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I know the team is working hard to fix the issues that have arisen. And you also for keeping us informed as you move forward. I very much enjoy this game since the beginning. So just get the game back up before I have to head to work in a little while but I will probably not be able to play today.



thanks Vokon

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First, make sure you have checked my most recent status update here.


Second, I apologize if the codes are rubbing people the wrong way. They are not meant to be any kind of compensation for downtime or anything like that. Merely, we are all sitting here on the forums waiting for the issue to get resolved. In the past we have done something similar as a way for people get some bonus stuff for free while they wait. Everyone is not going to get them, but it could be a nice bonus if you do.


The first batch of 15 codes was not the "rain,' that was just the start. Normally I continually do posts like that the entire time we are down but I don't want to be pouring salt in the wound either. Tell me your feeling on this, do you want me to continue putting out codes while we are down? Or is it just making it worse?




Great none the of codes work - thanks for nothing. Been waiting all day to play this game on the rare time i actually get time off work. Now adding insult to injury you give away codes that dont bloody work!!!!

Edited by GrimTheGlutt
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Yay! Someone who actually understands the degree of difficulty here. :)


I have the same kind of job as Eric has and I know exactly how he feels. I often have to turn down customer claims but I also often have to play "the devils advocate" when I feel customers are right and my developers are lazy or whatever. It is a hard spot to be in so I feel with Eric. Still, customers bring in our salary so ..... ?

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