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Game Update 5.4a


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First, make sure you have checked my most recent status update here.


Second, I apologize if the codes are rubbing people the wrong way. They are not meant to be any kind of compensation for downtime or anything like that. Merely, we are all sitting here on the forums waiting for the issue to get resolved. In the past we have done something similar as a way for people get some bonus stuff for free while they wait. Everyone is not going to get them, but it could be a nice bonus if you do.


The first batch of 15 codes was not the "rain,' that was just the start. Normally I continually do posts like that the entire time we are down but I don't want to be pouring salt in the wound either. Tell me your feeling on this, do you want me to continue putting out codes while we are down? Or is it just making it worse?




you could have avoided this whole thing by making the codes universal, instead of single-person use.

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Thanks Eric!


Any chance of extending the double XP/CXP event because of this? The event has brought with it a renewed interest in the game...I hate to see that last less than the week it was promised...it would go a long way to quell some of the frustration you're seeing right now.


I second this!!!

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Hey folks,


Quick update. The team has a possible fix for the issues that cropped up this morning. To get them in place for testing is going to take approximately 2 hours from now, and then we can begin running that patch through testing. It is likely that over the next 2 hours I won't have much in the way of updates until we get into testing. Should that change, I will let you know.




Oh c'mon I was waiting too long on this *********** update, u are doing it in hours that are the only one availeable to play and you are updating it much longer? Are you *********** KIDDING ME?!

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I say keep posting that it is raining Eric then post the same codes over and over. See how long new people to the thread keep trying to codes. At least that is a game that we are in on the joke and not the butt end of the joke.
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Hey Eric! In case of that the issues happened at European Mean-Time, it would be nice if you would post your Updates in German Dev.-Tracker, too. The German subscribers would be very happy about this support. For sure I will not complain about your bad German-translations. :D
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Guys talking from a programmers poin of view i can understand the issue musco and the team face here - some times an update effects areas of code you may not even consider when updating the game - you have to remeber that even a baisc calculator programme uses at least 500 lines plus of code once you factor in all its functions.


In a game such as this your probably looking at several million lines of code possibly several billion. Im not defending them as i do agree thes things should be tested much better on a private server BEFORE going live.


That said shouting at Eric isnt going to get it fixed any faster - Tonight is the first night all month ive had the chance to login and ops with my guild due to work commitments but you dont se me having a tantrum.


they will fix it asap - for god sake the servers arnt going to be active for hours yet - go and do something in the real world


Yay! Someone who actually understands the degree of difficulty here. :)

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If people feel slighted??? IF???

If, yes if, we as a community could vote to fire you, you would be packing your things right now.

Yeah that's smart...fire the community guy because...:confused: Don't be stupid...Eric is the freaking messenger.

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You want to make more people happy give a lvl 65 token to every acct and extend the exp/cxp event by 2 weeks


I have 2 level 65 tokens I haven't used now. I have no intention of ever using them, so how exactly would getting another one benefit me? I am sure I am not the only one who doesn't use these things either. It's like continuing to be awarded EXP boosts as mission rewards, when your toon is already lvl 70. I have one toon with better than 14 of those frigging things sitting in his inventory. Geez, at least make those things bound to legacy so I can use them on new toons, instead of having to go and buy more of what I already have.

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The gesture of giving away free stuff was nice of you, so kuddos. BUT, in my opinion it should have been something you could make available to everyone or nothing at all. We are all affected by the downtime, not just those that can hit the refresh button on their browser the fastest. I think this was a knee jerk reaction to fend off the wolves, but it was done poorly. I cant fault you for trying though.
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Please do not disrespect your customers by throwing out codes out there like that ever again.


That's the most disrespectful **** you all as devs can do.


There are people around who actively and regularly pay to play a game (plus more with the whole cartel market) not because they like you all as developers but because they love star wars and mmorpgs. And with this downtime, you are taking away from time they've payed for. We arent just sitting around playing this game 24/7. We have lives so some of us only get to play certain times of the day or certain days of the week even, and with stuff like this it already angers your paying subscribers.


Then you have the nerve to throw out a few codes to thousands of players like a hunk of meat to a pack of starving animals like thats going to make things better. That was the most disrespectful thing ive seen a dev team do to its customers who are loyal to them.


Get it the **** together.

Edited by KrizDaWiz
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Did you actually read what he wrote...you know the part where he says these codes were not compensation?


Do you actually understand why those codes were given? It was because of this issue, so yes it is a form of compensation. Does this mean that we won't get all a compensation? No. But that doesn't change the fact a handful of people got something more out of it than the majority of players. This isn't right.

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Oh Oh can I be a tester? Push me the patch and I will test it live on my real live production game application!! :p

But you have to make the developers "promise" not to tweak anything between the test and push to live update!! luv you guys!! (btw, could you send me some women's briefs for all my downtime, I'm not getting in certificates from the cartel and I need those shorts!!) ;)

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I cannot understand why the test servers are not properly utilized to test and possibly prevent just such a catastrophic server event? And I have not one clue how to use your codes!:rak_02: Edited by Atoam
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