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Game Update 5.4a


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Really now people, could you please cut the devs and coders some slack?

You know, I could imagine that some of them had some reallife related issues the last few days besides their job, maybe some little thing that starts with 'H' and ends with 'arvey'.


Yup, they may well have had some issues.


Which is PRECISELY why you wouldn't push this patch live until you were 110% certain it had been thoroughly tested.


All The Best

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i feel for you buddy! i mean if you become an alcoolic over this downtime, i wonder how your first AA meeting would go...


Hello my name is ... i started to drink because

1. my feelings were played with, i was sure i was going to be able to be a sith or a jedi... but the server were offline...

2. so i wanted to play something else... my other vein for distraction was also having issues...

3. football was my only hope and i can't even have that....

4. wish my wife didn't work so hard... or i could have romanced her all over... but i couldn't do that either!

5. so i decided to buy some beer... 3 hours later the game was still not on... went to get more beer... 5 hours after that i was too drunk to get more beer wife still working, no football until 1 more day, i got beer delivered....

and this is how it all began...


That's a good one ^^ You know the Series "Mom"? ^^ :cool:;):rolleyes::D:p




Ahahahahahahaha :D:D:D:D:D:D

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I dont have pity with speakers for a company that intentionally screws up its own game and screws with the community. They arent meatshields. They make the excuses public. Obviously people that do such things value the money more than the community they lie to.


Perhaps I should have /sacrasm on /sarcasm off that first line.....

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It is my humbled opinion, that Bioware is getting almost as bad as SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) from back in the day when they screwed SWG (Star Wars Galaxies). So how about we just say that instead of constantly giving us a broke game/update, thoroughly TEST something, BEFORE you launch it then be like OMG it's fooked! Instead of Eric giving away Codes, how about you give us 5,500 CC to EVERY account, Refund us 1 Months sub, for starters, just to compensate for the lack of details, the inability to enjoy a game we're paying for, and your stupidity for not testing something before you release it? Also think about adding into the future, hopefully the NEAR furture a rollback feature for mishaps like this? Cause lord knows, lately there has been quite a few!


There I'm done my rant now!

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Unfortunately, a rollback is not simple. It is not out of the realm of possibility, but it would have some pretty serious impact to some players. Including the need to redownload the entire game if they patched 5.4a.


I retract my previous comment about a rollback being the sensible option! :D:p

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6573 times this has happened since the game launched, dont even try to tell us you test the game any more, cause then you are just lying to us all once more about something that SHOULD have been done but never was.....

This is EA at it's best with all the golden turd awards and ****** customer service flaunting in their faces and yet they continue on with this "we are doing the best we can" rutine.

Why not just say it as it is ? You have absolutely no ideer about what you are doing with a broken code that has been re-written 200 times by 40 different and now fired workers. you made this mess and we are STILL paying for it, so at least be honest with us.... if nothing else to show some integrity and loyalty to your customers for once in your lifetime...


And i'm not even concerned about the downtime at all, i'm used to downtime in games but this is not downtime, this is "oh **** we fubar again cause we dont know what we are doing" time and it is simply getting to the point where you are just showing us you are just in it for the money, not for the games/gamers.



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They can add a rollback type feature to go to the latest patch that was working so while the idiots fix what they broke we at least have something to play. Alot of MMO's do this and have something like it in the background, hell Create another type server that we can mess around in while we wait for live servers or whatever. Better then just sitting around like idiots.
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Real talk, when we have long downtime, we have a SWTOR national past-time here of giving away codes for things. I wouldn't dream of disappointing you in this endeavor. I wanna get a little more clarity on the situation and if it will be a while, the codes shall rain.




Where and when will the codes be given out?

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Hey Eric any news for us waiting to get our swtor fix for the day. I know you guys are working hard to fix this.


Nothing concrete yet! I know we have a few different things we are exploring. The issue is fairly complex and it seems to be affecting our BitRaider and SSN clients differently (although both have issues). This may be why some of you saw quick patches, or no patches at all. The team is still hard at work to determine what happened and how best to proceed forward.


I will pass on info as I have it, along with any kind of ETA when one becomes available. Thank you for your patience today.



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So at this time we have no word or eta on when the game will be back online ? Also if you do give out codes which is nice of you if you do are they a general codes that all of us can use for whatever the code is for? Still its nice of you to even consider offering something for all this downtime if you do end up giving out codes i was just curious about this. Anyways i hope were back online as fast as you guys can figure out whatever is wrong.
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They can add a rollback type feature to go to the latest patch that was working so while the idiots fix what they broke we at least have something to play. Alot of MMO's do this and have something like it in the background, hell Create another type server that we can mess around in while we wait for live servers or whatever. Better then just sitting around like idiots.


Hey! Some folks who are like me actually make a profession sitting around looking like an idiot...pays great and hours are very flexible

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Hey folks,


As many of you are seeing already, there are some fairly serious issues that have cropped up with GU 5.4a this morning. We are bringing the servers down to investigate what is happening and we will need to do to address it. Hold tight. Updates to follow.




I *********** rage quit.

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Nothing concrete yet! I know we have a few different things we are exploring. The issue is fairly complex and it seems to be affecting our BitRaider and SSN clients differently (although both have issues). This may be why some of you saw quick patches, or no patches at all. The team is still hard at work to determine what happened and how best to proceed forward.


I will pass on info as I have it, along with any kind of ETA when one becomes available. Thank you for your patience today.




now by team you mean 1 guy right sitting there scratching his head, while the other 3 members took early vacation right? Maybe it's time for LucasArts to do to Bioware what they did to SOE? Sure looks that way /sigh

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This is all our fault for honestly enjoying Iokath for one brief shining moment in the game. We brought this on ourselves.


Nah, I blame the "concerned players" who reported it as a bug here on the forums. It's the same people who at the end of the day said "Teacher you forgot to give us homework". God forbid we have fun and level alts.

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Nothing concrete yet! I know we have a few different things we are exploring. The issue is fairly complex and it seems to be affecting our BitRaider and SSN clients differently (although both have issues). This may be why some of you saw quick patches, or no patches at all. The team is still hard at work to determine what happened and how best to proceed forward.


I will pass on info as I have it, along with any kind of ETA when one becomes available. Thank you for your patience today.




How about this, You guys actually test a hot-fix first before actually releasing it? I know its a crazy concept but stranger things have happened.

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They can add a rollback type feature to go to the latest patch that was working so while the idiots fix what they broke we at least have something to play. Alot of MMO's do this and have something like it in the background, hell Create another type server that we can mess around in while we wait for live servers or whatever. Better then just sitting around like idiots.



hehe so we could all work at biowares we are all idiots :-P

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Nothing concrete yet! I know we have a few different things we are exploring. The issue is fairly complex and it seems to be affecting our BitRaider and SSN clients differently (although both have issues). This may be why some of you saw quick patches, or no patches at all. The team is still hard at work to determine what happened and how best to proceed forward.


I will pass on info as I have it, along with any kind of ETA when one becomes available. Thank you for your patience today.




Make everyone's life better and dump bit raider. Then you only have to sort out one set of problems.

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So at this time we have no word or eta on when the game will be back online ? Also if you do give out codes which is nice of you if you do are they a general codes that all of us can use for whatever the code is for? Still its nice of you to even consider offering something for all this downtime if you do end up giving out codes i was just curious about this. Anyways i hope were back online as fast as you guys can figure out whatever is wrong.

Yeah, "permanent"(1) codes that continue working after just three people click them. I have infinitely better things to do than sit here refreshing this thread like a maniac.


(1) Make them expire after a week or so.

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Nah, I blame the "concerned players" who reported it as a bug here on the forums. It's the same people who at the end of the day said "Teacher you forgot to give us homework". God forbid we have fun and level alts.


Pretty sure they run s'ware that keeps track of activities and would have caught this regardless. Granted, I'm not happy that the attempt to fix the issue resulted in this but I am not going to take people to task for doing the right thing and reporting bugs.

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