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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Was a train wreck on Umbara really necessary....


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Since the traitor is in the base, and has been since the establishment of Odessan, they could have gotten rid of you at any time.

- Blaster in the back, poisoned food, gas in the bedroom (:p), killer droid, dangerous critter let loose in the base....


Why stage an elaborate train wreck when they could have blown up the transport in space with no way of surviving.


Or is the otherwise intelligent traitor a victim of ComplexityAddiction ?

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Except the fact most got left for the Alliance. I think this entire thing was set-up to test Theron.

"Have the Commander/Alliance name you as the traitor trying to kill the Commander. and reveal yourself here."

Honestly, there's no way the Order doesn't know that Theron was close to the Commander, LI, friend or just there. So he had to reveal himself and attempt a kill somewhere not in the middle of Odessan. have the Alliance want to hunt him, whatever. Then he could join them, proving he wanted to join their cause this way. I believe this is far more elaborate then "shoot commander at any time".

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It would make perfect sense if it was all an elaborate ruse to infiltrate The Order of Creepy Mask People...meaning he's a "traitor" not a traitor.


It's clearly all staged. He stuns Lana (you can see him switch blasters, there's three on camera at once), blows out the window (escape route), blows out the shield controls, tells the Commander exactly what he's doing and how much time they have, gives a deliberately out of character mustache twirl of a speech, and then for all intents and purposes, tells the Commander when to jump. Lana wakes up and immediately says to go for the window, even though she was out cold when he blew it out, almost as if she knew it was there, lulz. Then he leaves the crystals behind that he was supposedly stealing, all because he knows the Alliance needs the resources to secure Iokath.


Total setup to infiltrate whatever The Order is...I'm guessing Zildrog. And I'm guessing Lana is in on it.

Edited by Dracofish
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Since the traitor is in the base, and has been since the establishment of Odessan, they could have gotten rid of you at any time.

- Blaster in the back, poisoned food, gas in the bedroom (:p), killer droid, dangerous critter let loose in the base....


Why stage an elaborate train wreck when they could have blown up the transport in space with no way of surviving.


Or is the otherwise intelligent traitor a victim of ComplexityAddiction ?


Nice link. This whole thing did have a Bond Villian Stupidity ring to it, even though I don't think Theron is a Villian.

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Lana was just as shocked as us.


All of that could easily have been faked. She conveniently knew to jump out the window, even though she was unconscious when he blew it out. And, she conveniently had nothing to add when the Commander questioned why Theron left the crystals behind.


In addition, it was Lana who said back on Rishi that she couldn't trust Theron to be convincing with his capture, so why would she trust the Commander, who with 7 out of 8 classes isn't a spy?

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Theron's first shot was a stun, which, though intended for you, didn't keep Lana down for very long. It may even be that Theron knew, knowing Lana and her capabilities as well as he does, that she would jump in front of you and take the hit herself. Next he shot out the window giving you a clear escape route.


My Jedi romanced Theron, we waited a long time to meet the one, so when this all went down I was pretty annoyed that we were losing our love. But upon reflection, considering the above, and the way Theron says he loves me, I'm starting to buy into this double-agent hypothesis more and more. Theron is a spy through and through so he would be constantly on the lookout for threats against the Alliance and his love interest. I wonder if he feels a little failure at not seeing the threat and attempt on our life that occurred during Eternal Throne and is taking this extreme course as a result.

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All of that could easily have been faked. She conveniently knew to jump out the window, even though she was unconscious when he blew it out. And, she conveniently had nothing to add when the Commander questioned why Theron left the crystals behind.


In addition, it was Lana who said back on Rishi that she couldn't trust Theron to be convincing with his capture, so why would she trust the Commander, who with 7 out of 8 classes isn't a spy?


The way they've animated the characters says it all, I think. Lana's animated to look honestly shocked on the train, and angry afterward. Also, in Iokath, if you watch the cut scenes again, Theron's extremely cagey and cuts Lana off when she's talking about how suspicious it is that everyone found out about the superweapon at the same time. Lana, again, seems to be genuinely trying to figure it out.


As for the window - there's a long moment between the time Lana gets up to the time they jump out the window - long enough for Theron to walk away and get the speeder. Plenty of time for her to notice an open window in a small enclosed space - and just before the jump, you can see her looking around. Plus, being stunned doesn't mean she was unconscious, she could have simply been immobilized and still heard everything.


I do think Theron was aiming at Lana deliberately. He probably knew her immediate reflex was to protect the Commander, and that if she wasn't stunned, she'd just kill him immediately, so he wouldn't get time to do his little speech for whomever is listening in. So he takes her down, but doesn't hurt her.


Also, IMHO if Lana were in on it, she would at least be trying to steer the Commander into considering an ulterior motive, even an innocent line like, "what could have made Theron do something like this?" or "We need to figure out where this started," or something of that nature.


I just don't think Lana would go along with something of this nature. When she has Theron kidnapped in Rishi she doesn't put on a performance at all - it's mostly, "um, yeah, they got him. We should get him back." Which technically was true.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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All of that could easily have been faked. She conveniently knew to jump out the window, even though she was unconscious when he blew it out. And, she conveniently had nothing to add when the Commander questioned why Theron left the crystals behind.

Fussy: it would be glaringly obvious as soon as she got up that the window had been blown out. Wind, wind noise, broken bits on the floor, etc.

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Wow. I never expected so many interesting posts.....


I think I'll have to watch the whole scene again, with my eyes peeled. I think I may have missed a few clues the first time around....

It also seems to confirm that Theron is trying to infiltrate the shadow order by apparently defecting to their side. - He certainly seemed to be weighing the options when the commander mentioned that his actions would condemn millions to death. - possibly because his speech/broadcast was being monitored. - His letter in the mail didn't quite match his actions either - saying he'd always respect us - If he had really 'turned' he'd be unlikely to send a mail.


TY for all the responses so far.... food for thought....

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I do think Theron was aiming at Lana deliberately. He probably knew her immediate reflex was to protect the Commander, and that if she wasn't stunned, she'd just kill him immediately, so he wouldn't get time to do his little speech for whomever is listening in. So he takes her down, but doesn't hurt her.


Fully agree with this part especially, if Lana hadn't been stunned I have no doubt it my mind she probably would have just killed him or at the very least force choked him unconscious for interrogation later, it would be the Kovach situation all over again.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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