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Why Was Oricon Never Made Solo-Friendly?


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How so? I wouldn't know how, but I would be very happy if it is possible. I still have not been able to finish this mission on imperial side since... when was it introduced first... 2012 or 2013. I asked so often about it. Nobody wants to do it.


I've done those 2 chain quests when it came out and it was very painful to get a group&finish it.

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Which story? You don't need it for the main story cause it's not part of it.


It is part of the main story.


The Dread Masters are pretty much the real major arc after our class quests. Even Makeb was related to it. The Hutt Cartel were manipulated by them.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Is it? I thought it was stemmed from Belsavis planetary quest line. Well...silly me then.


Pretty much all the 1.0-2.0(except EV)ops was about the Dread Masters, we also got Sector X and Oricon. Even Makeb was a consequence of their manipulation of the Hutt Cartel. It's fair to call it the real mega major storyline after our class story.

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Pretty much all the 1.0-2.0(except EV)ops was about the Dread Masters, we also got Sector X and Oricon. Even Makeb was a consequence of their manipulation of the Hutt Cartel. It's fair to call it the real mega major storyline after our class story.


I see what you're saying. Hadn't thought of it that way, actually. Makes sense. Well, my position doesn't change either way. I don't like launching into a quest line not knowing that half-way or further along I'm going to hit a wall with content I can't (won't and can't) do.

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I see what you're saying. Hadn't thought of it that way, actually. Makes sense. Well, my position doesn't change either way. I don't like launching into a quest line not knowing that half-way or further along I'm going to hit a wall with content I can't (won't and can't) do.


Of course, I think every storyline should be soloable.


I could find a group usually, but I think it sucks when you had to focus on how to do the ops and endure all the afk/drama when you wanted to enjoy the story.


Ops isn't a good way to experience the story, you don't get to pick your own choice if you lose the roll.

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Yes you called my answer stupid and referred back to the subject of Oricon and its lack of solo alternatives which is the very subject of this thread, which didn't provide a sensible response at all. For your convenience this is what you said:




But alright, I will indulge you and be the grown up in this conversation; explain to me then why Yavin 4 had a solo option? The raid was there they could have forced us to do it if it was a rule as you claim. But what did they do? They gave us a solo alternative. The Flashpoints like those prior to and in Shadow of Revan, group content, according to you it's a rule we have to play group content so we shouldn't have gotten a solo alternative. But what did we get? A solo alternative. Iokath, the OPS with the gods of zakuul should have been a part of finishing that story arc in order to continue to Umbara if playing in a group was a rule. The OPS was made optional to the story and can be entirely ignored for story progression.


Explain now, with this information given to you to me, how solo playing this game would be violation of a rule set up by Bioware? How will you reasonably argue that your rule of having to play in groups is a rule made by Bioware?

Forged Alliance also gave us the option to solo after a while.

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Of course, I think every storyline should be soloable.


I could find a group usually, but I think it sucks when you had to focus on how to do the ops and endure all the afk/drama when you wanted to enjoy the story.


Ops isn't a good way to experience the story, you don't get to pick your own choice if you lose the roll.


I'm pretty used to missing out on content, mostly due to my choices based on my circumstances (I often have to /afk to tend someone and there's no delay possible. Groups don't want to put up with that and I sure don't blame them. Plus, I'm a pretty suqtacular player. :D Enthusiastic though!).


Grouping can be a wonderful thing if done with friends but I won't subject them to my craziness. So, used to missing out on stuff. Would be nice to not have to and, overall, SWTOR does a good job of letting me play the way I want. Usually. ;)

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Pretty much all the 1.0-2.0(except EV)ops was about the Dread Masters, we also got Sector X and Oricon. Even Makeb was a consequence of their manipulation of the Hutt Cartel. It's fair to call it the real mega major storyline after our class story.


The way they did the Dread Masters story line was actually quite clever. The solo story and the ops story were kept separate but related until the very end of Oricon where they blew it. All they needed was one more solo quest to tie up the Oricon solo arc and all would have been perfect. Up until that point I never felt like I was missing out by not doing Ops. I did do DP & DF with my guild, but I still have no clue what the story was... :rolleyes:

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I'm pretty used to missing out on content, mostly due to my choices based on my circumstances (I often have to /afk to tend someone and there's no delay possible. Groups don't want to put up with that and I sure don't blame them. Plus, I'm a pretty suqtacular player. :D Enthusiastic though!).


Grouping can be a wonderful thing if done with friends but I won't subject them to my craziness. So, used to missing out on stuff. Would be nice to not have to and, overall, SWTOR does a good job of letting me play the way I want. Usually. ;)

Not everyone got a friend circle big enough to do ops whenever they want to, this isn't everquest. Group should be optional and provide extra reward people for doing it, not block out content from people not doing it.

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The way they did the Dread Masters story line was actually quite clever. The solo story and the ops story were kept separate but related until the very end of Oricon where they blew it. All they needed was one more solo quest to tie up the Oricon solo arc and all would have been perfect. Up until that point I never felt like I was missing out by not doing Ops. I did do DP & DF with my guild, but I still have no clue what the story was... :rolleyes:


I think the other ops needs to have solo version as well. Especially SnV otherwise it would confuse you when they said you struck down Styrak.

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Another thing is, especially in pugs is that you are expected to hammer space bar like there's no tomorrow during the few scenes in Ops/FPs or whatever.


So you won't get to watch them even if you choose to participate in said Ops/FPs as most of them are really old now unless you happen to like CAPS LOCK RAGE induced messages from Impatient McDbag - Elite Raider.

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The problem of the Dread Master story was also caused by too many ops. You didn't get to know them or find much twist, just kill their "monster/superweapon of the week". It didn't get interesting till Oricon.


Again, ops is not a good way to experience the story, it's not the best way to tell the story either.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Not everyone got a friend circle big enough to do ops whenever they want to, this isn't everquest. Group should be optional and provide extra reward people for doing it, not block out content from people not doing it.


Agree on all points. I'm just kind of bemused that after nearly 20 years, this bickering is still ongoing. Oh well.

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Agree on all points. I'm just kind of bemused that after nearly 20 years, this bickering is still ongoing. Oh well.


Also I think ops isn't a good way to tell the story either other than showing how menacing the big guy is.


The Dread Masters' story really suffered from it. Oricon > Pretty much all the previous ops buildup.

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Another thing is, especially in pugs is that you are expected to hammer space bar like there's no tomorrow during the few scenes in Ops/FPs or whatever.


So you won't get to watch them even if you choose to participate in said Ops/FPs as most of them are really old now unless you happen to like CAPS LOCK RAGE induced messages from Impatient McDbag - Elite Raider.


Yes, some of the pug groups were extremely toxic, some ppl even quit during the middle of the fight because they are not pleased with how the team were doing.

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This is not a single player game. There are single player elements, but not everything needs to be accessible to everyone. This is such a bad idea. No no no no never.


Even if you don't raid normally how hard is it to do the op ONCE? It's not solo content.


Exactly, they even nerfed the heck out of story mode operations and then added bolster on top of the nerfs in order to cater to the "I don't wanna raid\I don't know my class crowd" so if the OP is really that upset about the Ops he can suck it up for two Ops to get his Tauntan, titles, and remove the triangle over the quest giver's head.


I'm tired of all of the self centered whining about being solo friendly (in an MMO nonetheless) or all of the waaah I can't get 100% achievements because I failed to do "X" back in the day when it was achievable.

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So on my Sith Inquisitor, Sith Sorcerer better said that I have been playing for years now the mission on Oricon is still there.. stuck at the same exact point... left untouched... It's where you have to finish the 2 OPS in order to finish the story arc on the planet. Which is something I don't understand why it hasn't been remedied to be solo-friendly.


I don't do OPS, I don't want to do them as it's not my playstyle and I don't need the pressure of it on my shoulders. Flashpoints sure I love 'em, but I'll stay away from OPS. Which is where my issue lies with because now I will never be able to finish Oricon. Why wasn't there an alternative added to the Dread Master Arc like we had in Shadow of Revan? People could choose to play the OPS or they could do dailies instead to progress the story. So, it's not like an alternative is unthinkable and lately Iokath also has a story arc that can be supplemented with an OPS but it's not vital to continue the story. I ask therefore again, why after all this time there wasn't crafted a solution for the Oricon story arc?


Perhaps the alternative could be really easy and doing the dailies will be what is needed. A more fun solution could be making an alternative flashpoint for the Oricon OPS that allow the player to experience the raids but it's not on actual Operations level and is also soloable for those who like that playstyle. You'd be given the choice whether you'd want to complete the Oricon story through OPS or Flashpoint. The latter would also be a good preparation for those who'd eventually want to dive into the operations.


What if they added a solo mode for OP's that gave NO rewards (no loot, no CXP, no XP, etc.), but allowed players to experience the story?


Would that be an acceptable compromise?

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Exactly, they even nerfed the heck out of story mode operations and then added bolster on top of the nerfs in order to cater to the "I don't wanna raid\I don't know my class crowd" so if the OP is really that upset about the Ops he can suck it up for two Ops to get his Tauntan, titles, and remove the triangle over the quest giver's head.


I'm tired of all of the self centered whining about being solo friendly (in an MMO nonetheless) or all of the waaah I can't get 100% achievements because I failed to do "X" back in the day when it was achievable.


And yet, some of us (many, actually) aren't "self-centred whiners" and totally understand that others enjoy content presented in a different manner, don't feel the necessity to hurl invective and simply want one thing. Finish a quest line like it started (e.g.if it starts in solo mode, carry that through OR make it clear at the first step that there will be group content required). That is not whining. That is simply asking for clarification and consistency.


Maybe not try to make villains out of players who don't play the same way you do but DO play the way BW has provided with some rare exceptions.

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The problem of the Dread Master story was also caused by too many ops. You didn't get to know them or find much twist, just kill their "monster/superweapon of the week". It didn't get interesting till Oricon.


Again, ops is not a good way to experience the story, it's not the best way to tell the story either.


Apart from the Belsavis quest to free the Dread Masters and the Dread Seed quest line after rank 50 Operations are the only place that they show up so if one doesn't raid they don't know what they are missing. I disagree, Ops are an excellent way to tell the story. When I was solo player at level 50 I had no idea about all of the lore and story that I missed out on until I started raiding. The OP just needs to learn his class so "the pressure isn't on his shoulders" and he can be successful since SM ops are a cake walk now. Who knows, if he learns the ops and possible find a good guild he might find that he actually enjoys Ops.

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Exactly, they even nerfed the heck out of story mode operations and then added bolster on top of the nerfs in order to cater to the "I don't wanna raid\I don't know my class crowd" so if the OP is really that upset about the Ops he can suck it up for two Ops to get his Tauntan, titles, and remove the triangle over the quest giver's head.


I'm tired of all of the self centered whining about being solo friendly (in an MMO nonetheless) or all of the waaah I can't get 100% achievements because I failed to do "X" back in the day when it was achievable.


I still had to endure waiting for group/drama/afk/dc/replacement, sometimes they still wipe out.


I don't see it's a good way to experience a story.

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Apart from the Belsavis quest to free the Dread Masters and the Dread Seed quest line after rank 50 Operations are the only place that they show up so if one doesn't raid they don't know what they are missing. I disagree, Ops are an excellent way to tell the story. When I was solo player at level 50 I had no idea about all of the lore and story that I missed out on until I started raiding. The OP just needs to learn his class so "the pressure isn't on his shoulders" and he can be successful since SM ops are a cake walk now. Who knows, if he learns the ops and possible find a good guild he might find that he actually enjoys Ops.


And they weren't handled well in the ops at all. Even the little good plot were from the cutscenes outside of it, when you finish it. You don't even get to pick choice when doing the ops and had to endure a lot of garbage stuff, which is a bad way to enjoy the story.


When you solo you never care about the lore? Seriously?

Edited by Slowpokeking
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Another thing is, especially in pugs is that you are expected to hammer space bar like there's no tomorrow during the few scenes in Ops/FPs or whatever.


So you won't get to watch them even if you choose to participate in said Ops/FPs as most of them are really old now unless you happen to like CAPS LOCK RAGE induced messages from Impatient McDbag - Elite Raider.


Screw this. I always watch cutscenes (once, not every time if there's a wipe) in operations. The taunting by Styrak in SnV. Kephess returning. Getting the drop like Luke in RotJ. Great stuff.

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Another thing is, especially in pugs is that you are expected to hammer space bar like there's no tomorrow during the few scenes in Ops/FPs or whatever.


So you won't get to watch them even if you choose to participate in said Ops/FPs as most of them are really old now unless you happen to like CAPS LOCK RAGE induced messages from Impatient McDbag - Elite Raider.


Dyin' here. "Impatient McDbag". OMG.

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Apart from the Belsavis quest to free the Dread Masters and the Dread Seed quest line after rank 50 Operations are the only place that they show up so if one doesn't raid they don't know what they are missing. I disagree, Ops are an excellent way to tell the story. When I was solo player at level 50 I had no idea about all of the lore and story that I missed out on until I started raiding. The OP just needs to learn his class so "the pressure isn't on his shoulders" and he can be successful since SM ops are a cake walk now. Who knows, if he learns the ops and possible find a good guild he might find that he actually enjoys Ops.


I know my class, thank you very much. I've been a member of this game for 5 years, PvP daily and honestly can say that I know my classes. I've played healers and dps'ers and know how to make them dance for me especially the Sith Sorcerer. But my skill has nothing to do with the reason why I don't do OPS, it's mainly the people that have been rather... unwelcoming, let's put it like that, the first time I tried out a raid several years ago. I operate by the lines of "got burned once don't want it twice" so I simply don't touch it anymore. But my skill or knowing my class has nothing to do with it, so don't go presuming you know what the reason is.


Operations should not be the way of telling a main storyline even if it is slightly less important than Ilum or Ziost. Yes that may be tied in to the storyline but should never be the main way of telling a storyline.

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