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The Sanctuary of Regret


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I think we differ on this point Jenny. All pheromones actually do is affect you biologically. They produce carnal, sexual attraction, raw sex appeal as it were. As far as I'm concerned that means any relationship Lia has with someone that is not just physical (i.e. FWB) is really just as honest and real as anything else. The only difference between Lia and a normal human woman is that she has an easier time finding prospective mates. I firmly believe that things like pheromones can only make you lust after someone, never love them. There is no such thing as a love potion.


Well in this instance the effects of the pheromones are really up to the author, regardless of how they'd affect someone in reality. Yes they invoke lust and attraction, I believe in Liatrix's case anyone of the male variety who comes near her appears to smell their favorite scent in rather intoxicating ways, but where does that lead? How often does one mistake lust and attraction for love? Balkar appears rather in love with her, and then not so much, based on whether he's inoculated or not. Pheromones may not serve as a love potion all on their own but its effects can leave a person to feel as though they're in love because the draw and want of Lia in this case is so powerful. Which is the deceptive part and why, in my opinion, she's always at risk of engaging in relationships that may not be 100% genuine, that may be encouraged by the pheromones. That's not to say all of them are or have been less than genuine but it remains a risk. Which is not to discredit Liatrix--she's a strong and beautiful woman all on her own which *I* feel deserves noticing without someone being lured in by the scent of pine cones or whatever.


Doc was inoculated and admits though he did love her, he feels much better after the inoculation as though he is finally able to actually let her go. Jonas had a much easier time moving on from her. Not Scourge and Theron though and I believe their feelings for her to be 100% genuine regardless of pheromones. And now Quinn... as much as Liatrix is a beautiful and strong woman, I don't believe he would have 'betrayed' his love for his wife if it weren't for the pheromones. Which is 'unfair' on Liatrix because she DOES pour her heart into it--her feelings in return are quite real, and it sets her up to be hurt quite a bit.


Or anyhows that's my take--Luna can smack me on the head if I'm off base or putting far too much thought into it. :p

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Well in this instance the effects of the pheromones are really up to the author, regardless of how they'd affect someone in reality.




Yes they invoke lust and attraction, I believe in Liatrix's case anyone of the male variety who comes near her appears to smell their favorite scent in rather intoxicating ways, but where does that lead? How often does one mistake lust and attraction for love?


Ahh, you have a point. A very good one. So many people are not properly educated on what true love is...


Balkar appears rather in love with her, and then not so much, based on whether he's inoculated or not. Pheromones may not serve as a love potion all on their own but its effects can leave a person to feel as though they're in love because the draw and want of Lia in this case is so powerful. Which is the deceptive part and why, in my opinion, she's always at risk of engaging in relationships that may not be 100% genuine, that may be encouraged by the pheromones. That's not to say all of them are or have been less than genuine but it remains a risk. Which is not to discredit Liatrix--she's a strong and beautiful woman all on her own which *I* feel deserves noticing without someone being lured in by the scent of pine cones or whatever.


Actually as I understand it pheromones are undetectable by the sensory organs that dictate smell, they merely trigger a specific physiological response, like a hidden message to our brains written in invisible ink. I know its not really relevant, I just thought I'd share.


Doc was inoculated and admits though he did love her, he feels much better after the inoculation as though he is finally able to actually let her go. Jonas had a much easier time moving on from her. Not Scourge and Theron though and I believe their feelings for her to be 100% genuine regardless of pheromones. And now Quinn... as much as Liatrix is a beautiful and strong woman, I don't believe he would have 'betrayed' his love for his wife if it weren't for the pheromones. Which is 'unfair' on Liatrix because she DOES pour her heart into it--her feelings in return are quite real, and it sets her up to be hurt quite a bit.


True. Quinn's loyalty is usually above reproach...


Question for Luna, is Lia actually beautiful? Like model type beautiful? Or is she more "girl next door" type beautiful?


Or anyhows that's my take--Luna can smack me on the head if I'm off base or putting far too much thought into it. :p


Lol I doubt Luna smacks anyone over the head. :p

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Yay, new chapter! :)



I'd been curious to see what would happen once you reached this particular point of the story--Lia's reunion with Marr. I'd imagined her to be angry... she did not disappoint and honestly I cannot blame her skepticism and upset. She needed him and in her experience now he's just been sitting around having Force-ghost tea with Satele Shan of all people. I loved her snide towards Satele as well. That said I do hope she comes around and should Marr make a re-appearance, she'll hear him out. There's much that needs explaining and it would be nice if some of her pain could be absolved with the truth. Which... she really doesn't have a lot of truth in her life right now does she? Valkorion's playing games, Marr and Satele are speaking in riddles of profoundness, Theron's keeping secrets... things aren't easy.


The ending was enjoyable too. It would appear a sense of amends between Theron and Liatrix has been made but for how long?


I feel grateful for your approach to this chapter. The in-game version... as much as I was glad to finally see Marr again, it left me annoyed and with very mixed feelings. Not to mention that describing the whole pole jumping whatever business could have been a drag. I like how you reworked it, how personal you made it to her story. And at least your other story 'Marr' helps understand him better in this situation.



Wonderful chapter as always Luna, I look forward to the next.


Like Misha said, this chapter was horrible in many ways...Darth Marr was the only saving grace of the whole thing, as I enjoyed spending oodles of time with him, listening to that voice :D I think things would have turned out much differently between Liatrix and Marr, if he had approached her alone, but seeing Satele there and learning that her father had been with her all these years, when she spent pretty much every day of those 5 years mourning him, I could see her feeling betrayed and very angry.


It did make sense that Satele showed herself first because she was better acquainted with the afterlife, as she's been dead longer, and she was the one that interacted with Marr through it as well. In Marr's defense, time feels different or irrelevant in the afterlife and he likely had no idea that Lia had perceived time as it was in life. As we know from 'Marr' he'd been up to many things during that time and all of that takes time...so he was on his own journey, while Liatrix suffered through hers, it's just that time moved differently for them. And yeah, like you say, seeing the one person that matters to you above all others chilling with your worst enemy...is probably not going to endear anyone. :D Thanks again for reading and for the wonderful comment!



I always liked Marr talking about the Force in that chapter, yet it is fitting for Lia that she wouldn't listen to him here.

I am looking forward to see how this will change the course of events in your story.



I did too, so much time with Marr was the high point for me as well. I'm glad you thought it made sense for her. I just couldn't see her being all 'chipper' about it after she'd learned that he'd been spending time with Satele. I imagine my story will run quite a bit differently from the game, as there was much that I thought was...unlikely for my characters. :) Thanks for reading and for commenting!



No I'm just a filthy Weeb lol. And how did you know I was Yandere? Does it show? Crap! Now I gotta move the bodies!




I think we differ on this point Jenny. All pheromones actually do is affect you biologically. They produce carnal, sexual attraction, raw sex appeal as it were. As far as I'm concerned that means any relationship Lia has with someone that is not just physical (i.e. FWB) is really just as honest and real as anything else. The only difference between Lia and a normal human woman is that she has an easier time finding prospective mates. I firmly believe that things like pheromones can only make you lust after someone, never love them. There is no such thing as a love potion.


Haha, I didn't think you were 'yandere' :D I thought you were 'not yandere' when it came to my story :D In other words, not psychotically in love and ready to kill for it LOL. ;) So, if there are bodies, they're likely safe. :eek:


I'm going to address the rest of your comment together with Jenny's in a separate post or this'll be a mile long. :)



Enjoyable as always. :)



Glad you put your own twist on this stinker of an in-game chapter and avoided all that Vaylin's spirit fight and the construction of a 'new' weapon. Marr was the only saving grace in that whole debacle. She opted for the crystals, good choice. As for her meet up with Marr, I think that she feels abandoned by her father, in a sense, and doesn't really care to hear what he has to say. Petulant, perhaps, but it must rankle, especially since he's gotten so cozy with Satele and she had to put up with Valky tromping around in her brain. Marr's a ghost, why the hell couldn't he at least stop by for a visit and a pep talk in those five years? I hope she and Marr can meet again at some point so she can finally come to grips with her loss.


A bit of an omen that she saw Arcann in her vision? And with a warning, of sorts, no less. Avenues can open up from that exchange.


A lot of time has passed since she last saw Theron and time can heal or wound, I guess we'll see what road they travel now. And, of course, there is always Scourge somewhere in the universe who's bound to pop up sooner or later.


Thanks Misha! :D There was a lot to this chapter that didn't make sense to my characters, so while I wanted the 'flavour' of it, I didn't want the entire meal. I figured Lia should learn what dear old Dad has been up to this last while, but not completely, as there are revelations that need to happen later in the story. I figured she'd have a lot of anger and rightfully so--I mean she'd learned that the person she held most dear and mourned every day for 5 years under constant torment by their enemy has been shacking up in the netherworld with her arch enemy. I think I'd be p*ssed too lol. I think though, time moved differently for them and Marr was on his own journey while Lia suffered through hers. I think it's quite likely they'll have a moment in the future, I don't think either of them will be too happy with how things went, neither will have peace until it's sorted out.


It did make sense for me to have Lia make new weapons as she lost hers five years ago and the ones borrowed from Lana never really felt 'right.' They were never meant to be permanent, she just didn't have the chance to do much about it until now, as I see lightsaber making as a personal thing. I think making her own will help her weapons power all the more, as previously she'd been using sabers gifted to her by Scourge.


Arcann insists on showing up lol. I don't even like him, but there he is. I think it's interesting that on some level she's getting warning visions...but in reality he's attacking and destroying her people. I think it shows that what's going on subconciously is different than what is being shown in reality for whatever reason. I hope it turns out to be interesting. :)


As for Theron and Lia, I think both have had enough time to process what's happened/happening and I think him finding her in the crystal cave, sort of makes up for him not being there when she was saved from carbonite. Of course it made sense he wasn't there in my version I thought, because they thought they were getting someone else. (I had to do that because it bugged me that much that he wasn't there to save her, instead of Lana Banana.)


As always, thanks so much for reading and commenting. ^^

Edited by Lunafox
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I think we differ on this point Jenny. All pheromones actually do is affect you biologically. They produce carnal, sexual attraction, raw sex appeal as it were. As far as I'm concerned that means any relationship Lia has with someone that is not just physical (i.e. FWB) is really just as honest and real as anything else. The only difference between Lia and a normal human woman is that she has an easier time finding prospective mates. I firmly believe that things like pheromones can only make you lust after someone, never love them. There is no such thing as a love potion.



Well in this instance the effects of the pheromones are really up to the author, regardless of how they'd affect someone in reality. Yes they invoke lust and attraction, I believe in Liatrix's case anyone of the male variety who comes near her appears to smell their favorite scent in rather intoxicating ways, but where does that lead? How often does one mistake lust and attraction for love? Balkar appears rather in love with her, and then not so much, based on whether he's inoculated or not. Pheromones may not serve as a love potion all on their own but its effects can leave a person to feel as though they're in love because the draw and want of Lia in this case is so powerful. Which is the deceptive part and why, in my opinion, she's always at risk of engaging in relationships that may not be 100% genuine, that may be encouraged by the pheromones. That's not to say all of them are or have been less than genuine but it remains a risk. Which is not to discredit Liatrix--she's a strong and beautiful woman all on her own which *I* feel deserves noticing without someone being lured in by the scent of pine cones or whatever.


Doc was inoculated and admits though he did love her, he feels much better after the inoculation as though he is finally able to actually let her go. Jonas had a much easier time moving on from her. Not Scourge and Theron though and I believe their feelings for her to be 100% genuine regardless of pheromones. And now Quinn... as much as Liatrix is a beautiful and strong woman, I don't believe he would have 'betrayed' his love for his wife if it weren't for the pheromones. Which is 'unfair' on Liatrix because she DOES pour her heart into it--her feelings in return are quite real, and it sets her up to be hurt quite a bit.


Or anyhows that's my take--Luna can smack me on the head if I'm off base or putting far too much thought into it. :p






Ahh, you have a point. A very good one. So many people are not properly educated on what true love is...




Actually as I understand it pheromones are undetectable by the sensory organs that dictate smell, they merely trigger a specific physiological response, like a hidden message to our brains written in invisible ink. I know its not really relevant, I just thought I'd share.




True. Quinn's loyalty is usually above reproach...


Question for Luna, is Lia actually beautiful? Like model type beautiful? Or is she more "girl next door" type beautiful?


Lol I doubt Luna smacks anyone over the head. :p




I think your contrasting opinions serve to show the differences between how males and females perceive sex, which has always been interesting to me. I also think that neither sex is immune into reading more into something than it is. Liatrix, being pretty much repressed for the first part of her life, I think is still somewhat naive in that she doesn't quite make the separation between sex and love...to her, you can't really have one without the other. So you're both right in the sense that yes, she has these pheromones that influence attraction and that attracting mates isn't that difficult for her on a physical level. But her feelings come into play so for her it seems on a much deeper level, she loves, rather than just having sex for its own sake. I think that's why she has a lot of confusion about relationships and their depths and the sincerity of it. Like you said Jenny, having these pheromones makes it difficult to know what's real and genuine and sets her for a lot of pain when she finds out it's not real love. I think when/if she learns the truth, that would help set her on a path to understanding that you can have one without the other.


The pheromones play a nasty game with both parties really, and it's usually not for some time that one of those parties figures out that what's happening isn't real. Like Liatrix seemed to understand on some level that what happened between her and Balkar wasn't the real deal. I think with her and Doc it was a case of mutual wanting and they thought they were in love. I think in the cases where it's more lust over love, it's easier for the person to move on.


I have to admit I LOL'd at your 'pinecone' analogy :D That was awesome. And I agree with you, that she is a person who is worthy of true love and in the case of Scourge and Theron, they were the ones who were true.


And Mayhem, you're right about Quinn, his loyalty is beyond reproach and I think he'll be quite upset with himself when his mind clears at what he almost did both to Lia and to his vows to his wife.


As for your question is Liatrix truly beautiful...well, I don't see a lot of 'model' types as being beautiful, so beauty is subjective. To me, I think she's beautiful--but neither in the twiggy greyhound sort of way with fake lashes, fake hair and bewbs etc...but not quite the girl next door either. Maybe somewhere in between. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here is Liatrix, for those that don't 'know' her. :)










As for me smacking anyone over the head? Nah, I tend to avoid that lol. Unless you're one of my pets trying to sneak food off my plate...and even that is just more of a love tap. :p Thanks for the interesting discussion guys. ^^

Edited by Lunafox
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The Sanctuary of Regret


Chapter Fourteen


“That it?” Andronikos Revel barked over his shoulder at the two purebloods seated behind him.


Scourge stood and approached the viewport. The surface of the stony globe was marred by massive craters, but one was larger than the rest put together. The rocky particulate shrouding the world made it appear as if it were trapped inside a ball of dense fog. “Yes—right where I left it.”


Vowrawn clapped his hands together and beamed like an only child on Life Day. “Well done, my good Captain. I knew you were the man for the job—getting us here free from incident. Though I must say, I’d expected more given the stories.”


Andronikos scowled. “You talkin’ about me or the planet?”


Vowrawn smirked. “Why the planet, of course.” He stood and paced the bridge of the Sky Princess II. “Nathema played a formative role in Sith history, Captain.”


“Hmph. Looks more like a moon than a planet.”


“That wasn’t always the case—believe it or not, m’ boy, Nathema was once an agricultural world.”


“Hmm. So I’ve heard,” Andronikos grunted and dropped the ship into a low orbit.


“Darth Nox told you?”


“Nah—we didn’t spend a lot of time flappin’ gums. Heh. Get a load of that crater—must’ve been one helluva rock to make a dent that big and kick up this much dirt, huh?”


Vowrawn crossed his arms, his fingers digging into his biceps. His face twisted until it resembled a Nekarr cat forced into a flea bath.


“Nathema wasn’t destroyed by a meteor,” Scourge cut in, “That caldera was ground zero—where the Emperor performed the ritual to consume all life on this world and make himself immortal.”


“He did that all by himself?”


“No—he tricked the entire world into aiding him in his dark workings. He promised them great power—but what he neglected to tell them was that the power was only for himself,” Scourge said, his gaze landing squarely on Vowrawn.


“Isn’ that the way,” Andronikos scoffed. “If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is, am I right?” He tore into a ration bar, took a whiff and tossed it back into his pack.


“Quite,” Vowrawn clipped.


“That’s what concerns me,” Scourge muttered.


“No need to worry, old friend. I have matters well in hand, I assure you.”


Scourge twisted the ring on his facial tendril. “I don’t care to be used as bait.”


“Not bait—a ruse.”


“I see little difference.”


“I’m well aware you’d prefer a more direct approach—but in this case, I believe guile will serve us better—speaking of which, I trust your men will be along shortly, as we discussed, Captain?”


“Yeah. By the time they’re through, there won’t be so much as a brass tack left behind—and they’ll deliver to your holding vault as agreed.”


“Excellent. I’m beginning to see why Darth Nox has such faith in you, Captain.”


“Yeah, faith—if that’s what you wanna call it, sure.”


Vowrawn smiled, but it didn’t reach all the way to his eyes. The glint in them hardened until it was sharp as a shiv.


“This sounds more like a heist for your own benefit than a rescue,” Scourge grumbled.


“Why not both?” Vowrawn preened. “No reason we can’t profit from our good deed?”


The Sky Princess II stuttered and her nose dipped sharply. A shrill series of warning beeps rang out across the bridge and red lights lit up the controls. Andronikos hunkered down over the indicator panel and swore.


Vowrawn staggered back to his seat as the ship flip-flopped. “Status, Captain?”


“Starboard engine seized. Damn space dust must’ve gummed it up somehow,” Andronikos snapped. “Gonna have to land sooner than planned.”


“So long as we remain in one piece,” Vowrawn muttered as he strapped in.


Scourge slid into the co-pilot’s chair. “Port side is overheating. Can you vent to compensate?”


“Yeah. After that, we should be able to glide on down. It’ll be rough though.”


The shuttle plunged and cut through the atmosphere, the rocky surface rushing toward them in a blurry mash of grey.


“That’s our destination there,” Scourge indicated a grouping of temple-like buildings etched into the cliff face.


“Argh. I’ll do what I can—no guarantees. Hold on!” The ship skipped across the surface like a flat stone on water, grinding down in speed with each hop. Chunks of the lower hull snapped off and skittered away. “Damn messed up planet,” Andronikos grumbled as the other engine cut out. He tapped the brakes in short bursts and held his breath.


The ship lurched to a stop no more than nine meters from the temple entrance. “Managed it in one piece—more or less. Not bad if I do say so myself.” Andronikos blew out a deep breath and slumped back into his chair. Sweat dotted his forehead and he mopped it away with his sleeve.


Vowrawn unsnapped his seat belt and stretched. “How very thrilling. I feel like a young man again. Well done, Captain. That was an impressive show of skill.”


“What can I say? Not the first time I’ve stuck a tricky landing.”


Scourge ignored them in favour of running a diagnostic. Every system lit up red and the engines coughed up gusts of steam.


Andronikos leaned in and frowned at the results. “Looks like I got my work cut out for me. If I can’t get the Sky Princess up and runnin’ we may have to hitch a ride with the boys.”


“Perhaps it would be prudent to warn your men—so that they can implement countermeasures against the particulate,” Scourge said.


The Captain dug into his tool stores until he found his trusty hydrospanner. “Agreed. Just have to replace the com relay.”


Vowrawn drew his hood up. “Do what you can, Captain Revel. We have our own mission ahead. Excitement awaits! Shall we, Lord Scourge?”


Scourge glowered and snatched up the fake slave collar and stun cuffs. “Strange how time forces role reversals upon us. Now I know how Revan must’ve felt when I presented him as a gift to the Emperor.”


“Yes, but Revan didn’t know until it was too late. That’s where you have the advantage, my friend.” Vowrawn clapped Scourge’s shoulder as he indicated the exit.


“How comforting,” Scourge said sardonically.




The Corellian light freighter, Serendipity, hurtled into hyperspace, the stars stretching into white-hot arrows before giving way to electric blue whorls.


Darth Nox settled into the co-pilot’s seat and picked her nails. “I understand you’ve led quite the colourful existence, Captain Gwanshoo.”


“Yah, well, I’m just a simple woman making my way across the galaxy, m’lord. That’s right, isn’t it? Er…do I call you Empress? Gotta say, I never expected to be smuggling the leader of the Empire around. Not in a zillion parsecs.”


“I can respect that, Captain. We all have to start somewhere and Empress is fine—or Darth Nox, if you feel daring.”


Gwanshoo grinned. “Daring is my middle name. So, uh—if you don’t mind me asking, why didn’t you just go with the guys?”


“Because they thought it best I remain on Dromund Kaas. I, however, beg to differ—I’m sure as a woman in charge of your own destiny you understand. Not to mention a little backup might come in handy.”


“Yeah, I get it. Typical. We’re the big tough men! We gotta protect the little lady, grrrr.” Her milky white lekku twitched when she spoke.


“Nothin’ wrong with lookin’ out for a lady, Cap’n,” Gwanshoo’s co-pilot piped up as he wandered into the cockpit for his datapad.


Nox eyed the broad-shouldered sandy-haired man, her lip edging up at the sight of taut abs peeking out from his leather coat. “Nothing wrong indeed,” she purred.


“Try convincin’ the Cap’n of that, Empress. I’ve been tryin’ for years. She’s as stubborn as a bull Ronto in front of a trough full o’ groats.”


“Groats?” Nox’s brow arched as she shrugged for an explanation.


“It’s a kind of animal feed, my lord. Don’t mind him. That’s just Corso, my partner-in-crime and better half.”

Gwanshoo gritted her teeth and gave him the eye as she shooed him away.


Corso blushed. “Well, if you ladies, will excuse me, I gotta go polish my Torchy.”


“That’s not a euphemism for masturba—”


Gwanshoo giggled. “Uh no, my lord. That’s what he calls his blaster. He’s lookin’ to clean it.”


“Pity, I rather enjoyed the thought of it,” Nox purred.


“Thinkin’ ain’t a crime, my lord. I do it all the time.”


The two women fell quiet under the dim orange lights of the control panel until the clatter of the approaching ship’s droid broke the silence. “It was suggested to me by our Wookiee companion that you might enjoy some refreshment, my lord.” The droid stooped to present the tray of assorted beverages.


“Thanks, XL-R8.”


The droid retreated and Nox sipped her Corellian brandy. “So—you’re certain there’s no chance they’ll detect us.”


“Newp. Not a one. What kinda smuggler would I be if I didn’t know how to hang back?”


“Point taken.” Nox turned her attention to the galaxy boiling around them and lost herself in it.


“You’re really worried about them aren’t you? Hope I’m not over-steppin’ but I get this vibe from you. You’re expecting trouble.”


“Are you Force-sensitive?”


“Nah. Just damn good at readin’ people. Been doin’ it ever since I was a kid back on Ryloth.”


“You have a gift, Captain, and it serves you well. You’re right. I have a bad feeling about this—who knew I cared so much? I didn’t.”


“Funny how that goes, huh? Sometimes you don’t see what you’ve got ‘til you stand to lose it.”


“I don’t lose—and I don’t plan on starting now.”


“Me either, m’lord,” Gwanshoo said gently. “It’ll be a’right. Get ready. We’re comin’ out of hyperspace.”


The freighter slowed as they entered the Chorlian Sector and Gwanshoo’s lekku writhed. “Is that Nathema?”


“Yes—what a perfectly horrid little world—and what is that around it?”


“Sensors indicate it’s space dust—debris. Strange that gravity hasn’t pulled it into rings—that’s what usually happens.”


“Nathema isn’t your typical world—the Emperor devoured its life force and that of every living thing on it a thousand years ago. The Force doesn’t exist here—it’s a void—and it’s already giving me a headache.”


“Flying through that might be a problem…unless…”


“Unless what?”


“Unless we do this…” Gwanshoo pulled back on the control column and tapped at her instrument panels. The freighter arched sharply and swooped about in an elegant loop.


“You’re going to take her in backward—which will reduce the amount of intake.”


“That’s the plan. The engines will still need a good cleaning after this, but it should keep them from seizing up. Lekku crossed.”


Nox’s brows twitched together as she watched their descent on the monitor. “I don’t like this.”




Vowrawn grimaced as they approached the temple entrance. The Force void gnawed at his senses like an animal chewing its way out of his skull. He drew his hood more tautly and marched onward.


Dust sifted across the barren surface, carrying with it tumbleweeds of light debris. In the distance, hordes of voreclaws stalked the rocky landscape. The air was dry and smelled like nothing.


“Strange that no one has come to challenge us,” Scourge muttered. The Force void needled his skin and a blood-like perspiration beaded on his flesh. A dull chatter rolled around in his mind, but he couldn’t understand the words.


“Hardly the welcome I was hoping for. I must admit I’m rather disappointed, old boy. I’d expected some fanfare for my victorious capture of the Hand’s most heinous traitor.”


“Perhaps we’re walking into a trap.”


“Perhaps, but that’s what makes it exciting, doesn’t it?”


Scourge gnawed at the inside of his cheek. “I could do without that particular brand of excitement.”


The wind carried thousands of whispers and Scourge stopped. “The temple is deserted—we need to leave. Something has gone awry.”


“I’m sure the void is playing havoc with our senses. We should at least investigate. We’ve come this far…”


Scourge shot a glare over his shoulder and continued up the stairs and threw back the temple doors. His concealed wrist holster itched and he fought the impulse to arm himself.


The torches flared to life at their presence but the facility was empty. Scourge ran his fingertips across the surface of one of the research tables. Goblets half-filled with liquid remained and a datapad lay open, it’s battery indicator still strong. “They’ve vacated recently. You’re not going to find what you came for.”


Vowrawn threw back his hood and strode toward the computers. He pulled a data spike from inside his robes and set to slicing the databanks. The progress bar crept along imperceptibly. He rolled his chin tendril between his fingers and swore.


Scourge studied the open datapad. “Anything of value has been extracted—but it begs the question, why?”


“It’s not as if it was a secret that I was coming.”


“Clearly they don’t wish to make the exchange.”


“You have no idea how eager they were to execute you, my friend. There must be another reason—no matter—if Darth Fernal is here, I mean to find her. They did mention she was in stasis.”


“Fine. We’ll search the temple and then we’re leaving.”


Vowrawn nodded grudgingly. “Finally,” he muttered and snatched the completed data spike from the terminal.


“I believe we’re long past the need for these,” Scourge said as he shucked the fake slave collar and stun cuffs. The devices clattered to the floor and with a flick of his wrist, the hilt of his lightsaber sat coolly against his palm.


The whispers grew in volume and number and Scourge shook his head as if this would silence the voices.


The further they continued, the more the forgotten dead persisted, clinging to the living like cobwebs.


Vowrawn cocked his head. “I feel it too, my friend. The effect this world is having upon us is unsettling at best.” He pocketed the spike and drew his weapon. “This way,” he called to Scourge over his shoulder.


They searched every antechamber and came up empty. As they neared the heart of the temple, the air cooled and the whispers grew louder. Scourge threw back the doors and shook his head. The phantom whispers at once fell silent. “I sense—nothing.”


In the center of the room, a single stasis unit remained suspended over an ancient sigil. A black-purple glow emanated from the device.


“There,” Vowrawn breathed. He strode toward the center of the room with cautious, measured steps, but when he arrived at the stasis unit he paled and slapped the lid with his hands. “This can’t be!”


Scourge ambled up beside him. “It’s empty.”


“But where would they have taken her?” Vowrawn snapped. His brows furrowed into a deep chasm and his eyes flashed with impatience.


Scourge narrowed his eyes. “This woman—she means a great deal to you.”


“She saved my life.”


“Perhaps, but there is more to it—who is she to you?”


Vowrawn’s eyes flashed, but Scourge wouldn’t back down. Vowrawn circled the stasis unit and smiled wistfully. “Fernal, is my granddaughter. Her mother was a secret I struggled to keep for decades—only one man ever knew of her existence.”




“Darth Taxon…he’s long dead, defeated by Darth Marr. It’s a complicated story—suffice it to say I was a young man ill-prepared for fatherhood. I had ambitions and I was ashamed. I saw to it my Force-blind daughter found a home with the best people and left it at that…but I always kept a watchful eye from afar. When her daughter was born—and gifted with the Force, I saw to it she have every advantage—including a privileged education at the Sith Academy.”


Scourge nodded. “Had you told the truth from the off, I wouldn’t have questioned your motivations as much as I did. Does Nox know?”


Vowrawn shook his head. “What would she think—knowing I have a granddaughter five years older than she? That I was ashamed of having a Force-blind child?”


“I don’t think it would matter,” Scourge said in a low voice.


“How strange it seems to speak of it now, after all these years…it’s surreal.”


“But in knowing the truth—I will assist you in finding her, you have my word.”


Vowrawn nodded and clapped Scourge’s shoulder and a quiet moment passed between them.


“There’s nothing here,” Vowrawn admitted reluctantly, his breath ghosting about his face.


Scourge shifted his gaze, his body tensing as if every nerve ending suddenly fired an alert. “Something is here and we need to leave now.” He started for the doors but some unseen force blocked him.


They ignited their lightsabers in unison and stood back to back. “I know that presence,” Scourge muttered over his shoulder.


“Valkorion,” Vowrawn hissed in agreement.


The Emperor’s voice boomed from every corner of the deserted temple. “Did you think that the pair of you would stroll into my temple, on my world, and take what belongs to me? I suppose I should expect no less from a vile traitor and a serpent.”


Valkorion’s spirit manifested before them, eyes blazing.


((to be continued…))

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Ahh, very nice developments!



I was wondering how Scourge was getting on with Vowrawn and Nox. I very much enjoyed the dynamics, especially between Andronikos and Vowrawn. Did I detect a hint of jealousy from Vowrawn's end when Andronikos pointed out he and Nox didn't do much talking? That was a nice touch.


Good on Nox refusing to stay behind and securing her own trip to Nathema. I liked the conversation between her and Gwanshoo as well and had to snort at the 'polishing Torchy' bit and Nox's reaction. Nearly spilled my coffee, damn Corso. Also loved how Gwanshoo had the sense to fly in backward as opposed to Andronikos.


The moment between Vowrawn and Scourge was actually really nice when Vowrawn opened up about why Fernal is so important to him. The Vowrawn underneath all the flair watching his daughter and granddaughter from a distance and trying to provide for her best as he could, and now desperate to save her. Yes, I imagine it would be odd to say "Hey so I have a granddaughter who's a couple of years your senior" to Nox but then again, Nox doesn't really strike me as someone who'd care too much. It also adds a nice touch when keeping the Sith Warrior's story in mind.


Also, accelerate/XL-R8, clever if I read that right.




Loved the chapter Luna! :)

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Did I see a parallel between the giant crater on Nathema and the crater the Eternal Fleet left on Dromund Fels? Either way, Scourge just can't seem to escape being on dead worlds. At least we get an inkling of what he's up to.


I always enjoy the dialogue in your stories, it flows so smoothly. And a bit more humor in this one than I usually see, polishing Torchy indeed. That Nox and her wonderfully dirty mind.


You captured Nikki Revel's voice quite well, recalling those little grunts, and such he has in game.


So, the whole trip to Nathema was to get Vowrawn's granddaughter? Not much else left to plunder, much to Scourge's chagrin I'd wager. Shame that the girl is gone, I hope you reveal, at some point why Valky has kept her prisoner.


Ship Droid, XL-R8, short for excellent rate? Sometimes I read too much into things. Nice touch taking the ship in backward, Revel let that ball drop didn't he? It's good to send a woman to do a man's job, heh.



On to the next. See you next Sunday. :)

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Ahh, very nice developments!



I was wondering how Scourge was getting on with Vowrawn and Nox. I very much enjoyed the dynamics, especially between Andronikos and Vowrawn. Did I detect a hint of jealousy from Vowrawn's end when Andronikos pointed out he and Nox didn't do much talking? That was a nice touch.


Good on Nox refusing to stay behind and securing her own trip to Nathema. I liked the conversation between her and Gwanshoo as well and had to snort at the 'polishing Torchy' bit and Nox's reaction. Nearly spilled my coffee, damn Corso. Also loved how Gwanshoo had the sense to fly in backward as opposed to Andronikos.


The moment between Vowrawn and Scourge was actually really nice when Vowrawn opened up about why Fernal is so important to him. The Vowrawn underneath all the flair watching his daughter and granddaughter from a distance and trying to provide for her best as he could, and now desperate to save her. Yes, I imagine it would be odd to say "Hey so I have a granddaughter who's a couple of years your senior" to Nox but then again, Nox doesn't really strike me as someone who'd care too much. It also adds a nice touch when keeping the Sith Warrior's story in mind.


Also, accelerate/XL-R8, clever if I read that right.




Loved the chapter Luna! :)


Thank you! :) I figured it was time to touch base with them, as enough time had passed for Scourge/Nox/Vowrawn to make whatever arrangements they needed to execute their plan. You did in fact detect jealousy between both men, as they were subtly trading barbs and it amused me a little bit to see Vowrawn getting a bit ticked off. We rarely see anyone get under his skin.


I'm also happy that you enjoyed meeting Gwanshoo and her funny chat with Nox. Who knew she was such a comedian? It's funny she always seems to have something funny to say lol and snorting coffee is the perfect reaction lol. I love it. We'll see if she's still laughing next week. ;)


As for Vowrawn finally revealing his secret...I think he's come to the point where he sees she can manage for herself, Darth Fernal is the Wrath after all, but for a long time, I could see that he would want to keep her a secret so that he could help her along, and himself too, and there were far too many that would interfere or try to destroy her if they new the connection. Not even Baras knew, so that was a secret well kept. But now that most of the threats are dead and she's quite powerful, I think Vowrawn felt it would be all right to mention the connection. Also it would serve to retain Scourge's help because he wasn't buying what Vowrawn was selling. Scourge is very astute. He knew there was more to it.


And yep, XL-R8 = accelerate :D I thought that would fit for a smuggler lol.



Did I see a parallel between the giant crater on Nathema and the crater the Eternal Fleet left on Dromund Fels? Either way, Scourge just can't seem to escape being on dead worlds. At least we get an inkling of what he's up to.


I always enjoy the dialogue in your stories, it flows so smoothly. And a bit more humor in this one than I usually see, polishing Torchy indeed. That Nox and her wonderfully dirty mind.


You captured Nikki Revel's voice quite well, recalling those little grunts, and such he has in game.


So, the whole trip to Nathema was to get Vowrawn's granddaughter? Not much else left to plunder, much to Scourge's chagrin I'd wager. Shame that the girl is gone, I hope you reveal, at some point why Valky has kept her prisoner.


Ship Droid, XL-R8, short for excellent rate? Sometimes I read too much into things. Nice touch taking the ship in backward, Revel let that ball drop didn't he? It's good to send a woman to do a man's job, heh.



On to the next. See you next Sunday. :)


You did indeed. :) I thought it would be interesting to draw those instances together--they may have happened a thousand or more years apart, but they're still affecting the same man in a similar way and it also served to tie into Vowrawn's connection to his granddaughter Fernal, who he's searching for.


It makes me happy to know you enjoy my dialogue. :D Nox has a gift, she's a lot funnier than I think most give her credit for. She always seems to have some funny dirty thing on her mind lol. I'm also relieved that you felt Nikki sounded like himself, he's one of the ones I don't feel so confident about, but I'm glad he worked out.


I think Vowrawn had it in his mind to do a fair bit of plundering too, but saving Fernal was his main plan. If he only got her out of it that would've been adequate in his mind, but you know, with Vowrawn, you take as much as you can and give nothing back lol. He has every bit as much a pirate mentality as Nikki does. I'm sure they'd get along better if they didn't have a love in common. I will eventually reveal why Fernal (the wrath) has been kept prisoner by Valkorion.

Close about XL-R8...I was thinking 'accelerate.' :D I liked the idea that Gwanshoo might know a few tricks that Nikki didn't. I see Gwanshoo as probably being the better pilot of the two, because she smuggles and has to land on a wide variety of planets...where I see Nikki as being more of a pirate type, who jumps ships in the galaxy to take their stuff...so he'd have tricks up his sleeve that Gwanshoo wouldn't and vice versa. Thanks for reading and commenting! It's much appreciated.

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Didn't Vowrawn have a bit of a run in with the 'Hand' and was on the run for a while? And, wasn't the SW/Wrath closely associated with them? I was just wondering if the 'Hand' were still players in this new scheme of things. I know they were a huge thorn in Vowrawn's a.ss for a long time. Just a thought.

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Didn't Vowrawn have a bit of a run in with the 'Hand' and was on the run for a while? And, wasn't the SW/Wrath closely associated with them? I was just wondering if the 'Hand' were still players in this new scheme of things. I know they were a huge thorn in Vowrawn's a.ss for a long time. Just a thought.


Vowrawn was on the run for a while yes and had a run with them on Rishi. The Hand are still players but were told to vacate by their supreme master. Vowrawn thought he had them where he wanted them because he had Scourge. He thought their desire to execute Scourge would override their desire to get to him...I think he might have outplayed himself a bit here. Hopefully, next week's will answer some of these questions. :)

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The Sanctuary of Regret


Chapter Fifteen


The Serendipity landed next to what remained of the broken Sky Princess II outside the Nathema temple and headquarters of the Emperor’s Hand.


Andronikos mopped the dusty sweat from his face as Nox and the Twi’lek smuggler captain disembarked.


Nox’s pale grey eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. She rushed to Andronikos’s side but was unable to take her eyes off the mangled wreck of a ship he’d taken so much pride and pleasure in. “Are you all right?” She ambled alongside the vessel and ran her hand over the hull.


He leaned against the ship and crossed his arms, the ball of his shoulder pressing against the cool metal. Tall and lean, his shadow fell over Nox. “Yeah, I’m a’right. Had some engine trouble. Hmph. Looks like you made it down in one piece though.”


“We backed in—it saved the engines. Will you be able to fix her?”


“With enough time I can fix anything—but that’s the problem, isn’t it? We don’t got time.”


“Looks like you could use some help.”


Gwanshoo stooped to take in the damage and cast a sympathetic glance their way. “Corso and I can give you a hand. I’ve got some spare parts in the hold. I’ll get Bowdaar to unload ‘em.”


“I’ll take any help I can get,” Andronikos grunted. “Sooner we get off this rock the better—it’s too damn quiet. I don’t like it.”


Gwanshoo nodded and headed back to her ship, leaving Nox and Andronikos alone.


Nox scanned the area. “Where’s Vowrawn and Scourge?”


“Your Sith are in there,” he said, giving a nod toward the temple. “Reckon you’d better see what’s what, they’ve been gone a while.”


“Will you be all right here?” She gave his elbow a squeeze.


“Pft, you know me. If the galaxy ended, it’d be me and the roaches left.”


Nox chuckled. “No truer words—but if I’m not back within the hour, leave. Don’t look back, just leave.”


She started for the temple when he caught her wrist, gently holding her fast. “Not without you, y’hear?”


Nox didn’t need the Force to sense the gravity behind his steely blue eyes. “I gave you an order.”


“Hmph. Like that’s ever stopped me,” he said meaningfully.


She smirked playfully. “If I’d ever wanted to stop you, I would’ve. One hour, understood?”


“Damn Sith,” he snorted.


Before he could protest further, she gathered her robes and started toward the temple.


Inside, Nox reached out across the Force but instead of finding Vowrawn or Scourge, she was met with a disorienting murkiness. A throbbing ache gathered behind her forehead and her eyes twitched and burned as if she hadn’t slept in months. The sight in her left eye darkened as if she were seeing through a red filter. Her body shook and the lack of the Force tore at her awareness. She pinched the bridge of her nose and winced.


Fresh scuff marks made by two sets of boots caught her eye. She followed the marks to the heart of the temple and froze outside the chamber door. Her breath caught at the sound of Valkorion’s thundering baritone and Vowrawn’s devilish tenor.


Through the gap between the door and the wall, she watched Valkorion’s spirit fluctuate in both opacity and strength. Valkorion diminished in time with Vowrawn’s taunts and Nox nibbled on the inside of her lower lip as she formulated a plan.


Hmm. Risky, she thought, but I have to do something.




Vowrawn retracted his lightsaber. “As always, I applaud your superior gamesmanship—surely Servant One informed you that our misunderstanding was just that—a misunderstanding. Darth Fernal was to be released into my custody upon delivery of the traitor.


“As you can see, I’ve upheld my end of the bargain. Release her and we’ll be on our way. Do with him, as you will.” Vowrawn waved his hand dismissively at Scourge. “He is my gift to you.”


“I ought to cut you down where you stand,” Scourge spat, his lightsaber’s growl adding weight to his threat.


Valkorion brushed his palms together. “Spare me your feeble theatrics. I would see you both die before making good on any false bargains.”


Vowrawn’s eyes gleamed as sharp as a nexu’s. “Need I remind you that I freed your beloved Entity? Had I not, she would be withering under Baras’s leadership with the rest of us.”


“Then beg her favour, not mine,” Valkorion hissed. His spirit faltered but quickly regained definition. “Darth Fernal is my Wrath and will remain in my service. When her conditioning is complete, she will be utterly and completely loyal to me—a concept foreign to you both.”


A door at the far end of the temple caught Scourge’s eye. Gradually, he moved in a semi-circular arc around Valkorion, forcing the spirit to turn his back to the entrance, as he closed the distance between himself and the rear exit.


Vowrawn smiled slyly as he echoed Scourge’s migration. “If conditioning assured loyalty then why seek to destroy your daughter? You seek more than loyalty—more than control—dare I say it, you seek to possess.”


Valkorion’s spirit blinked, this time nearly vanishing completely before reappearing. The temple rumbled and shook. Dust and debris sifted from the rafters, turning the living pale. Both men exchanged furtive glances but recovered before Valkorion noticed what they saw outside the entrance.




Nox nodded her approval as the men altered their position. Her body seethed with a red-black energy and her eyes glowed violet as she envisioned a link between herself and Valkorion. The Force void tested her focus and the Force energy idling within her. Her aura took on a purple hue as the tether to the Emperor’s ghost strengthened.


She rose, her arms extended as she fed the connection between them with everything she could muster. The tether coiled around Valkorion’s spirit as she sought to bind him against his will. The energy sparking from her fingertips looped around the tether between the living and the dead and yanked him closer.


Valkorion whirled on the entrance, his eyes fierce and his expression knotted with rage. “You dare attempt to bind me with Erghast’s pathetic little ritual?” He roared. “No one can bind me!”


Nox tumbled to the floor and landed in an exhausted heap. “Give us what we came for,” she hissed between breaths. Her power frayed and vanished into Nathema’s ever hungry Force void.


The temple shuddered and shook and Nox scrambled to her feet. The floor cracked, sundering the temple into thirds. Chunks of debris crashed around them.


“Never! Instead,” he drawled, “I give you death.” Valkorion vanished. The temple floor shattered into islands. Boulder-sized stones and timbers crashed down. Scourge charged toward the door at the rear of the temple. The stones piled into a thick mountain of debris behind him.


Vowrawn sprinted toward Nox. Stricken, he called out to her, but she couldn’t make out what he said. For the first time, she saw panic well in his eyes. She threw out her arms to keep the boulders from raining down but the Force deserted her. She screamed. The stones thundered down raising a dust so thick she could no longer see Vowrawn.


“Veles! No!” She cried out.


Acid green bolts of plasma energy pelted the temple as several Zakuulan ships bore down on the ancient chamber. She tore through the dusty fog and tumbling debris, searching the rubble for him. A flash of green lit up the temple and darkness stole away her awareness.





Andronikos cocked his head at the drone of distant, but incoming engines. “The hell?” A squadron of Zakuulan bombers swooped over the temple in a coordinated airstrike.


Bowdaar snarled and shook his hairy fists at the sky.


“That’s not good,” Gwanshoo barked. “Corso, get ready for takeoff!”


“Don’t gotta ask me twice,” Corso snapped. “But what about the others?”


Andronikos threw down his wrench and drew his blasters. “Get yer ship ready—but stay outta sight. I’ll get ‘em.”


“You heard him,” Gwanshoo growled.



The bombers came about for one more pass before breaking off the attack. Andronikos skulked along the boulders and bluffs and tore headlong toward the entrance carved into the cliff face.


Inside, he choked on the dust until he pulled his kerchief up over his mouth and nose as a makeshift filter. “Too damn dark to see anything,” he grumbled.


He felt his way along the rough-hewn walls and scavenged a piece of wood the size of a club. A blast from his pistol turned the head into an ember and with a few patient puffs, he managed to grow it into a flame.


A sizeable mountain of stone blocked his path. Light leaked in from the top of it, suggesting there was enough room for him to wriggle through to the other side. He propped the torch and cleared away enough armfuls of stone, so that he could crouch and squat, instead of crawling over on his belly.


The rocks tumbled and rolled as he descended. A cough somewhere ahead echoed through the chamber, the small plaintive sound urging him on. The winding corridors twisted and turned. His eyes itched and watered, and he fought the urge to paw away the dust caking his lashes.


A timber blocked his path and he rammed his shoulder against it. Only after his arm turned numb, did the beam give way. He crouched and waited for something to collapse, but when it didn’t, he crept onward. Another weak cough and a groan lured him further into the temple.


An enormous jagged chasm kept him from reaching the center of the chamber. His gaze shot around in the dim light until it landed on a fallen rafter. He bridged the narrowest part of the chasm with the beam and inched over it. A dust-covered mound of dark fabric lay ahead and his eyes grew wide. He tore the kerchief from his face and skidded toward the body. He dropped the torch. “Aw—no—no—no,” he grunted. Gingerly he turned Nox over and held her limp body against his. He squeezed his eyes shut. “This can’t be happening…”


A raspy breath escaped her and he drew back to check her over. “Don’t do this to me Sith,” he gasped.


“Veles…” She mewled.


“Where is he? Coward didn’t leave you here did he?”


“Have to…find Veles.”


“A’right, a’right. Lie still. I’ll find ‘im.”


Andronikos snatched up the torch and held it over the surface to cast as wide an arc of light as possible. A dusty piece of scarlet material caught his eye and he recognized it as Vowrawn’s sash. His gaze shifted between Nox and the sullied robe and he ran his hand over his stubbled jaw.


He turned away and after a couple of steps, he froze. “Dammit,” he grumbled under his breath and mentally berated himself as he returned to the sash. Dropping to his knees, he plowed the smaller rocks aside with his arms. The larger pieces he shoved aside until they gained momentum and tumbled into the chasms. The mountain crumbled and a small avalanche tumbled from the top to hinder his progress. A broken section of the ceiling teetered above him and he glanced up. With every tumbling stone, the ceiling became more unstable.


Slowly, he tossed aside several more rocks, taking care to disrupt as little as possible. He unearthed a section of Vowrawn’s lower robes and winced. The Sith’s limp dusty hand flopped against Andronikos’s leg. He bunched the material in his hands and tugged a little at a time until he’d freed the Sith’s body. Bloodied and swollen, Vowrawn looked as if he’d been on the losing end of a bad bar fight.


The ceiling wavered and a section broke off to allow a thin shaft of dusty light to cut through the darkness.


Andronikos eyed the gleaming shaft like an intruder. The light had no business being there and if he could’ve punched it, he would have.


Voices hissed from the chamber’s entrance. Bowdaar and Corso shoved aside the remaining debris to clear a path.


“Captain? Did you find ‘em?” Corso called out. His attention fixed on Nox and he winced. “She’s not—is she?”


Andronikos shook his head. “No—but she’s hurt bad.”


“What about him?” Corso called out and held up a lantern.


Andronikos turned away from the younger man and pawed Vowrawn’s throat for a pulse. The Sith’s flesh was cool against his palm. He squeezed his wrist for a pulse and frowned.


“Well?” Corso grunted.


Andronikos shook his head.


Corso dropped his gaze and stared at the pebbles between his boots. “Wasn’ there another Sith with ‘im? He lifted the torch and drew the light over the massive pile of boulders and stone.


“I doubt even Scourge could survive that,” Andronikos admitted.


“You’re probably right,” Corso mumbled. “Captain says we need to get a move on, in case those bombers come back.”




Corso ran his hand through his hair. “I feel bad for her…husband and friend, both gone.”


“Yeah,” Andronikos grunted. “Better take his body. She’ll wanna bury him right—do whatever it is Sith do for their dead.”


Corso gestured at Bowdaar and the Wookiee moved in carefully to collect Vowrawn’s body. “What about their friend?”


“You think we’re gonna find him under all that? Might even bring down the rest of this damn deathtrap on our heads.”


Corso lifted the battery-powered lantern and eyed the collapsed ceiling. “There’s not much holdin’ it up.”


Andronikos knelt and scooped Nox into his arms. “C’mon sweetheart, let’s go,” he murmured.


“Veles,” she whimpered without waking.


Her head lolled against his chest and blood snaked out the corner of her mouth. Outside the temple, Andronikos squinted against the light, and the group somberly boarded the Serendipity.


((to be continued…))



I see that the views have reached over 10K. Thanks for reading and sticking with me and my little story. Hope you continue to enjoy it.


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As for your question is Liatrix truly beautiful...well, I don't see a lot of 'model' types as being beautiful, so beauty is subjective. To me, I think she's beautiful--but neither in the twiggy greyhound sort of way with fake lashes, fake hair and bewbs etc...but not quite the girl next door either. Maybe somewhere in between. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here is Liatrix, for those that don't 'know' her. :)











Oh yeah, she's objectively beautiful I'd say.


I wasn't referring to super skinny models though. I was just thinking more along the lines of "Does almost everyone who sees her objectively agree that she is an attractive member of the female sex? Or is she one of those people that is beautiful to a certain kind of person, once they get to know her?"


BTW, what in the galaxy is that robe set she's wearing in the last picture? I absolutely MUST have it!

Edited by MayhemofChaonus
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I can't even...



You are an evil woman. Vowrawn is forever, or didn't you get the memo? I can't believe you did that, but on second thought, knowing you, yes I can. One can only hope it was some Sithy trick where he slows his heart rate so he doesn't bleed out or some such thing. And Scourge becomes a huge question mark again. Gah!!!


As for the rest of the chapter, excellent descriptions from Vowrawn and Scourge's ill-conceived plan to Nox trying to bind Valky's ghost, to Valky's normal bastardly snark. I do love the details of Andronikus rescue efforts through all the rubble, it was easily visualized.



Superb chapter. Can't wait for the next.

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Yay, able to log in today :)

I love Andronikos, and you caught him well. A little bit of insubordination, just the right amount, never hurts.

I wonder if your Nox were strong enough to bind Valkorion on any other planet than Nathema and Ziost. But then, on any planet ripe with the Force V's ghost would be stronger, too. I am still fighting with the options on this for my own headcanon.

Otherwise I can only echo Misha.

Looking forward to see what happens next.


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My fascination grows with every chapter!:)



I got a bit behind again, but wanted to say previous to this and the last chapter I really enjoyed (and definitely worried) about Quinn's attraction to Liatrix. Loved this line: " For the first time in his life, he understood what it was a fledgling galaxy experienced when confronted with the all-consuming depths of a nova." What a great description:) I liked also that Theron gave Quinn a somewhat friendly "heads up" about her pheromone problem. Here's to hoping he can overcome it, especially now that it seems his wife really is alive!


The rescue plan by Nox, Andronikos, Vowrawn and Scourge was amazing. I loved your characterization of Andronikos.....it was total perfection:) Including the Smuggler and Corso was fun too.....got a real kick out of his "polishing Torchy" remark *laughs* Trust Nox to immediately pick up on that!


Kudos to Nox too, to actually have the guts to try to bind Valkorian, although she should have known it wouldn't be possible. I would like to hope that Vowrawn could still be alive somehow, but that prospect looks pretty dim at the moment. But with your description of Scourge's exit, it does sound like he probably did make it out!:)



I just love this entire story, being so interesting and different from anything the game had to offer. Can't wait for more!:)

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Well then...



I've felt it coming all week, ever since your Facebook post but damn I had hoped you wouldn't go through with it! I mean, Vowrawn, really? That beautiful, delightful man with an exuberance of charm and grace, who's skated through the story mostly untouched, dead? Nupe, time for Nox to shake whatever rituals she knows out of her sleeve and bring him back, once she's recovered. Sith alchemy exists for a reason.


And speaking of Nox, I loved her portrayal and the way you worked her background into the story, the binding of ghosts. An arrogant and foolish attempt to be sure, trying to bind the Sith Emperor himself in a place so devoid of the Force but, perhaps she imagined him just as weakened and hoped the circumstances could work in her favor. It's a shame they didn't.


Your Andronikos was spot on, I very much enjoyed him and the chemistry between him and Nox, very nicely done.


Scourge... I'm hoping he made it to the exit on time and survived, I have a feeling he did though, being left behind on Nathema... not a good thing.



I look forward to next week. :)

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I'm finding the attempt to bind V rather appropriate. It fit's Nox's character, and the failure of the attempt really was a no-brainer. For just a moment, I hoped that evil little vixen could pull it off, if only to see V's snark transform into shock and outrage...but when you crunch the numbers its the same everytime...unless Nox can get significantly more power than she has now, which would likely require "recruiting" some new ghosts. Either replacing her old ones with stronger specimens or (if she can handle it) binding an army or two. :p
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Oh yeah, she's objectively beautiful I'd say.


I wasn't referring to super skinny models though. I was just thinking more along the lines of "Does almost everyone who sees her objectively agree that she is an attractive member of the female sex? Or is she one of those people that is beautiful to a certain kind of person, once they get to know her?"


BTW, what in the galaxy is that robe set she's wearing in the last picture? I absolutely MUST have it!


Thanks :D I really wasn't sure what you meant, beauty is very subjective, so I was going by what society tends to like in their magazines and such. I would think that most men would find her attractive...she might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I don't think anyone would ever say she's unattractive. I think she's a bit of an acquired taste, once you get to know her better, she has a great capacity to love, but she's also done some pretty horrific things as well and likely would again if it served her purposes.


As for the armor in the last picture, that would be the 'Emperor's' set dyed white/white. The one before it is the 'Emperor's set dyed black/black. :)


I can't even...



You are an evil woman. Vowrawn is forever, or didn't you get the memo? I can't believe you did that, but on second thought, knowing you, yes I can. One can only hope it was some Sithy trick where he slows his heart rate so he doesn't bleed out or some such thing. And Scourge becomes a huge question mark again. Gah!!!


As for the rest of the chapter, excellent descriptions from Vowrawn and Scourge's ill-conceived plan to Nox trying to bind Valky's ghost, to Valky's normal bastardly snark. I do love the details of Andronikus rescue efforts through all the rubble, it was easily visualized.



Superb chapter. Can't wait for the next.


:) I try. I try very hard to be evil lol. I also spent much of the week hemming and hawing about it. I hated like hell to do it, but it needed to be done, plus it opens up some doors for some (hopefully) interesting things ahead. One can never discount the power of a determined Sith lord. Again this stuff had to happen for Scourge as well.


As for Nox, trying to bind Valky was arrogant, foolish and desperate, and also I think it speaks of her love for Vowrawn. She was afraid that would be it for him, and by doing what she did, she played into her fears and lost him. Same with Vowrawn...he saw her, loves her and feared for her...if he'd gone the other way, he would've seemingly abandoned her, but he'd be alive...and so would she, but what would have happened in that situation...she might have misinterpreted, and Andronikos's 'coward' comment might have stuck with her and changed things between them...which is worse, it's hard to say. I'm so happy you found the details realistic and fitting. Thanks so much for reading and commenting! :)


Yay, able to log in today :)

I love Andronikos, and you caught him well. A little bit of insubordination, just the right amount, never hurts.

I wonder if your Nox were strong enough to bind Valkorion on any other planet than Nathema and Ziost. But then, on any planet ripe with the Force V's ghost would be stronger, too. I am still fighting with the options on this for my own headcanon.

Otherwise I can only echo Misha.

Looking forward to see what happens next.



Yay! I'm glad you were able to solve your log in issue. :D I'm pleased that you found Andronikos true to his nature. I'm finding him quite enjoyable to write, now that I'm getting on to him. As for whether Nox would have the strength to bind Valky...I don't know, I don't think so. Not as she is now. It wouldn't matter if the faceoff was on another world, Valky would still be stronger. She would either need more ghosts to power her up or something else, as powerful as she is, she just doesn't have the oomph to take him down. I also doubt after the brush she had before, that she would bind more ghosts, or swap out the one(s) she has for more powerful ones. I'm glad you enjoyed Andronikos too and thanks so much for reading and commenting. ^^



My fascination grows with every chapter!:)



I got a bit behind again, but wanted to say previous to this and the last chapter I really enjoyed (and definitely worried) about Quinn's attraction to Liatrix. Loved this line: " For the first time in his life, he understood what it was a fledgling galaxy experienced when confronted with the all-consuming depths of a nova." What a great description:) I liked also that Theron gave Quinn a somewhat friendly "heads up" about her pheromone problem. Here's to hoping he can overcome it, especially now that it seems his wife really is alive!


The rescue plan by Nox, Andronikos, Vowrawn and Scourge was amazing. I loved your characterization of Andronikos.....it was total perfection:) Including the Smuggler and Corso was fun too.....got a real kick out of his "polishing Torchy" remark *laughs* Trust Nox to immediately pick up on that!


Kudos to Nox too, to actually have the guts to try to bind Valkorian, although she should have known it wouldn't be possible. I would like to hope that Vowrawn could still be alive somehow, but that prospect looks pretty dim at the moment. But with your description of Scourge's exit, it does sound like he probably did make it out!:)



I just love this entire story, being so interesting and different from anything the game had to offer. Can't wait for more!:)


What a nice compliment. I'm glad you're fascinated and that your fascination is growing along with the story! :D

And thank you for bringing up that line, I liked it too and it really did fit to describe what it's like to get pulled in by the pheromones. It's almost like gravity. I was a bit surprised that Theron insisted on issuing a warning to Quinn, they're not exactly kindred spirits, but I think there is a bit of ulterior motive behind Theron's warning as well. It wasn't completely altruistic. Quinn will undoubtedly have a tough time, but there's usually tough sailing to get to a destination. Also happy that you found the characterizations to be accurate and that you enjoyed them. Nox is fun to write, she's very devilish lol. As I said above, mistakes happened where Nox's judgment and Vowrawn's judgment was concernred...it was a panic born out of love.


I'm thrilled that you're enjoying the story...and while I try to include bits of the game into it, I'd rather write my own events and mold the story into what I would have wanted it to be like. Thanks so much for reading and commenting, it's appreciated and means a lot. :)



Well then...



I've felt it coming all week, ever since your Facebook post but damn I had hoped you wouldn't go through with it! I mean, Vowrawn, really? That beautiful, delightful man with an exuberance of charm and grace, who's skated through the story mostly untouched, dead? Nupe, time for Nox to shake whatever rituals she knows out of her sleeve and bring him back, once she's recovered. Sith alchemy exists for a reason.


And speaking of Nox, I loved her portrayal and the way you worked her background into the story, the binding of ghosts. An arrogant and foolish attempt to be sure, trying to bind the Sith Emperor himself in a place so devoid of the Force but, perhaps she imagined him just as weakened and hoped the circumstances could work in her favor. It's a shame they didn't.


Your Andronikos was spot on, I very much enjoyed him and the chemistry between him and Nox, very nicely done.


Scourge... I'm hoping he made it to the exit on time and survived, I have a feeling he did though, being left behind on Nathema... not a good thing.



I look forward to next week. :)


I didn't want it to be too much of a shock, and yet after last weeks with all the heavy foreshadowing, I was amazed that no one expressed any worry about Vowrawn's well being. I guess in knowing how much I love him, no one figured I'd actually pull the trigger. :D Hopefully it'll open up the way to some interesting things ahead. It made sense to bring in that little reminder about where Nox's power comes from. It was a very arrogant and rash move on her part, but it was born out of love. She was genuinely afraid to lose Vowrawn and the same happened with him, had he run the other way, things might be very different, and not necessarily for the better either. Desperation makes for crazy risks, and yeah, drawing on her own personal banked energy and strength in a place like that, against an opponent like that, is nothing short of insane. As you say, I think she was hoping that Valky was more compromised that he was, he was definitely not at full strength there, but I also think he shares some sort of link with Nathema, that would keep him from fading as badly as say other Force Users.


Being left behind on Nathema...yeah, really not a good thing. We'll have to see how that goes. :) Thanks so much for reading and commenting, I appreciate it muchly! :)


I'm finding the attempt to bind V rather appropriate. It fit's Nox's character, and the failure of the attempt really was a no-brainer. For just a moment, I hoped that evil little vixen could pull it off, if only to see V's snark transform into shock and outrage...but when you crunch the numbers its the same everytime...unless Nox can get significantly more power than she has now, which would likely require "recruiting" some new ghosts. Either replacing her old ones with stronger specimens or (if she can handle it) binding an army or two. :p


It made sense to who she is, yes. It was a risk to take, but one she felt worth the effort. She loved Vowrawn, and he loved her right back and I think that tragic misjudgment cost them both. I hoped she could pull it off too, but it didn't seem likely, no matter how you 'crunch the numbers' to make it happen. Even in another place, I doubt as she is, she could bind Valky. And given what she experienced before, with the near madness and brush with death in the game, I don't see her taking on any new tenants lol. I think she learned her lesson...but that's not to say she wouldn't be looking to increase her power in other ways. I don't think she has it in her to control armies of ghosts/entities, and even if they weren't on Nathema it wouldn't have been any different. Valkorion is who he is for a reason. Thanks for reading and commenting. I'm happy you found the attempt true to her nature. :)

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The Sanctuary of Regret


Chapter Sixteen


Jonas Balkar turned up his collar and kept his head down as he navigated the upper industrial sector on Nar Shaddaa. He missed the neon lights and the big band music so readily found on the other levels.


Bundles of exposed pipes overhead belched thick clouds of steam around the data storage towers. If he squinted hard enough, he could imagine the data units as skyscrapers against a putrid green sky, but it wasn’t much of an improvement.


The entire level was a bit like crawling up a Hutt’s butt. He chuckled to himself and kept walking. Little changed on this level. Tired, joyless, and drab, it looked like he felt.


It was hard not to think his best days were behind him.


The smell of melting plasteel hung in the air, making his head throb. Trying to keep from inhaling only made it worse.


At the corner to his right, a lean, shaky man traded the coat off his back for a packet of glitterstims offered by a nervous Rodian.


A craving bloomed inside him. The promise of artificial joy was enough of a temptation that for a second he thought about hitting up the Rodian himself.


That could be you in ten years. He quickened his pace and after catching his reflection he frowned. “Make that five. Who are you trying to kid?” He muttered under his breath.


He ran his hand over his face as if this would somehow wash away the mileage. He patted his jacket down for a cigar but found none and caught himself wondering if he was a fool for going against his father’s advice. Maybe it would’ve been smarter to approach Kira first.


Before he could settle on an answer he found himself at the storefront of Doc’s operation. The door hissed open to a surprisingly bright, clean, and well-appointed clinic inside. Then again, no one would be crazy enough to rob the Black Sun’s face merchants or their star surgeon.


A chime sounded when he stepped inside and a thick meaty arm dropped to keep Jonas from going any further. “Got an appointment?” The bruiser barked in a gruff voice.


“Wow. I expected someone prettier. Lemme guess, you’re the before model…that or Doc’s standards have dropped.”


“Appointment only. No walk-ins.”


“Then why leave the door unlocked?”


The bruiser wrenched Jonas’s arm and crushed him face first against the wall. His cheek collided with his mouth like a twisted speeder wreck. “Go easy,” he sputtered. “I like my nose where it is, thanks.”


A flash of a white coat down the hall caught Jonas’s eye and he struggled against the bruiser.


“Deego! What did ol’ Doc say about greeting the patients, huh? Caffa and a holozine only. Is that so much to remember? That better not be my one o’clock.”


“Sorry, Boss. Old habits. Caffa and holozines are over there sleemo.”


“I’d rather a dancer and some kri’gee,” Jonas grunted and soothed his jaw.


Doc cringed. “Balkar? The hell do you want? On second thought? I don’t wanna know.”


Deego’s fists tightened until his knuckles cracked. “You want me to finish greetin’ him, Boss?”


“Yah. Take out the trash. I don’t have time for this. Got a bigwig coming in from Belsavis.”


The bruiser hauled Jonas toward the door by the scruff of his coat and the back of his belt and readied to toss him out bouncer style.


Jonas struggled against the brute. “Hey! I just need a minute.” He broke free, darting this way and that to evade the former bouncer. “Liatrix is alive.”


“What’d you say?” Doc’s brows pinched together.


“She’s alive—she sent me.”


Doc blinked and stared at Jonas.




Doc shook his head. “I’ll deal with this myself. Go to lunch. Don’t hurry back.”


“Sure thing, Boss.” The brute stalked out of the clinic, leaving Jonas and Doc alone.


“Long time,” Jonas began.


“Nowhere near long enough.” Doc rounded the reception counter and sifted through his files.


“No kidding. I got a message for you.” Jonas snatched up a stylus and data pad off the counter and wrote, ‘Is it safe to talk here?’


Doc shook his head. “I gotta get ready for my next patient. You’ve got five minutes while I do that.” He gestured at Jonas to follow him into his office. He activated a droid to emit white noise. “A’right. Talk. She’s really alive?”


“Yeah—and she’s leading an alliance against the Eternal Empire, but we need people. Good people. She always said you were the best.”


Doc smirked, but before he could get the jibe out, Jonas cut him off. “She said you were the best doctor. We need to establish a hospital at the base—you’d be running it.”


“It was all over the holonet when she and that Sith lord bought it.”


“That Sith was her father.” Jonas sighed. “Long story, short—she was trapped in carbonite for five years. Will you join us?”


“I can’t just cut and run, Balkar. I have responsibilities—people who rely on me.”


“I get it. You’re worried about Kira and your son.”


“How the hell did you know?”


“Spy, remember?” Balkar spread his hands.


“It’s not just them…it’s the people. Kira looks after them. They need us. She won’t leave them behind and I won’t leave my family.”


“Lana’s going to kill me,” Jonas hissed under his breath as an idea struck him. “Who said anything about leaving anyone behind? Bring them with you—Kira, your kid and the people that rely on you. We’re going to need all the help we can get.”


“They’re not skilled, Balkar. They have no business on a base. And who in the hell is Lana?”


“She’s my wife—and one of Liatrix’s advisors. Look your people don’t have to fight—you’ll need help in the medical center, right? And there’ll be all kinds of opportunities for them. They’ll have a roof over their heads, food in their bellies and medical care.”


“They have that now. Why the hell would we leave? Gimme one good reason.”


“I’ll give you two: freedom and purpose. Good enough? You won’t have the Black Sun or the Eternal Empire breathing down your neck. Not to mention this isn’t exactly the best place to raise a kid. At least you can breathe on Odessen and you don’t have to worry about getting abducted by some enforcer and thrown into slavery.”


“I dunno, Balkar. Ol’Doc manages to slip under the radar just fine. Besides it’s not entirely up to me.” His holocom chirped and flashed. “Gotta call coming in.”


“Fine—do what you have to do.”


Doc frowned at the incoming frequency. He took several steps away from Jonas and hit ‘receive.’


Kira’s image sprouted from the center of the unit. She shielded a small dark-haired boy against her and crouched low. “I don’t have much time, so just listen. We’re under attack. Don’t come home.”


“By who? Who’s attacking us?”


“Justicars. They’re raiding the settlement—like they’re looking for something or someone but won’t say what. I’ve done what I can, but we’re gonna have to make a run for it. It’s chaos. I had to kill some of them.”


“A’right. Here’s what we’re gonna do. Go to the spot we talked about and sit tight. I’m comin’ to get ya.”


“Don’t get seen!” Kira snapped before her image winked out.


Jonas’s brows met. “Trouble?”


“Yeah. Convenient. A little too convenient. You show up, wanting us to cut and run and our settlement gets raided. Was that your back up plan? Force us out?”


“You think I’m responsible? I get it. You hate me, rightfully so even, but I wouldn’t do that.” But I know who would, he thought. “Right now, you need all the help you can get, and that’s me.”


“Fine,” Doc grunted and snapped the lock on the front door. “We’re taking my speeder.”


“Just as well, I walked over.”


Doc made a face. “Walked? The hell kind of a spy does that?”


“The kind that doesn’t wanna stand out. C’mon, let’s go.”




A luxury speeder with darkened windows pulled up to the clinic. The chauffeur droid got out and rounded the vehicle to open the rear door. The passenger, a tall pale man wearing a bespoke black suit emerged and straightened his clothes.


“Wait here.”


The armed droid stood guard by the vehicle and waited. After trying the door and finding it locked the pale man frowned and tapped his cybernetics. He scowled at the readout and after tapping the implant twice more, he returned to the droid.


“It appears my solution has become the problem.”


“Indeed sir. Shall I take care of it?”


“Please.” The pale man slid into the rear seat.


“Anything else sir?”


“Where on this pustule of a planet can I find a proper cup of tea?”


“I know just the place, sir.”


A scythe-shaped smile spread across the pale man’s face. “Very good, LQ-D8.”





Doc pulled into an alley and backed in behind a dumpster.


“This the spot you were talking about?” Jonas asked.


“Yeah—but there’s no sign of ‘em.”


“How far is the settlement from here?”


“Not far. Round the corner, down the ramp.”


They were about to walk away when they heard a thump from inside the dumpster. Jonas motioned to Doc to stand back and cocked his pistol before lifting the lid. He’d barely raised it when he was met with a small voice. “Daddy?”


“That’s my boy,” Doc skittered over the hood of the speeder and pushed Jonas aside to throw back the lid the rest of the way. He reached inside, a thin pair of arms reaching back for him.


“I’m scared,” the boy sniffled. “And it stinks in there.”


Doc clutched the boy close. “I know buddy. You’re safe now though. Daddy’s here. Where’s Mom?” He brushed the boy’s bangs out of his eyes.


“She went back to fight the bad men.”


“You two stay here, keep the speeder running. Take my com, I’ll be in touch when it’s safe.”


Before Doc could respond, Jonas ducked out from behind the building and skulked around the corner and made his way down the ramp. The smell of spent blaster cartridges and burned flesh hung in the air as he half-crouched, half-ran toward the encampment.


Blaster burns marred the makeshift shelters and several dead Justicars led into the heart of the camp like giant bread crumbs. Jonas eyed the corpses as he passed, noting the lightsaber burns and cauterized limbs scattered around.


Several civilian bodies lay strewn about further in and he crouched under the fallen canopy toward the shipping containers. A bright blue light burned through the darkness, accompanied by the warning growl of a lightsaber.


“Stop right there!” The female voice bit out.


“Kira? It’s me…Jonas Balkar.”


“Jonas?” The lightsaber hissed as she retracted it. “What are you doing here?”


“I came with Doc. He’s with your son in the alley. Are you hurt?”


She shook her head. “No, I’m fine. But these people aren’t.” She threw a glance over her shoulder and several men, women, and children gradually emerged from their hiding places. “We lost so many. I don’t even know why the Justicars would turn on us like this?”


“I dunno. But you can’t stay here. When the others don’t check in, they’re going to send back up.”


“I know. But where the hell are we supposed to go? This is our home.”


“You and Doc—you two need to have a chat. Whatever you decide—I’ll do what I can to help you, but I hope you’ll consider my offer. But first, call him at this frequency and let him know you’re okay.”


Kira nodded and keyed the numbers into her com unit. She moved away from the questioning masses behind her and blew out a deep breath when Doc’s image appeared.


Jonas moved out of earshot and surveyed the ruined camp. There would be no coming back from this—the Justicars were nothing if not thorough. He leaned heavily on the platform railing and watched the taxis speed by. His knuckles turned white and he shook his head. That bastard, he thought.


He turned back toward the camp, but as he came upon one of the Justicar corpses, he knelt to inspect the body. “I’ll be damned,” he muttered. “I knew it.”


Kira started toward him, meeting him halfway. “Doc and I talked.”


“Yeah? So what did you decide?”


She glanced around and shook her head. “There’s nothing left for us here. We’re coming with you—on one condition.”


“Name it.”


“Our friends—they’re coming too.”


“I figured as much. Round ‘em up, tell them to grab whatever they can carry and go to docking bay twenty-seven Besh—in pairs—or small groups, so they don’t draw attention. My ship is the only one in there. Load up and head for Odessen. The coordinates are in the nava-computer.” He reached into his inside breast pocket and passed her a card. “That’s the security code to my ship and the service droid.”


“What about you?”


“I’ll be along. There’s something I gotta do first, but I’ll be right behind you, I promise.”


“Thanks, Jonas. No matter what Doc said—it’s good to see you again.”


“Yeah—you too.”




After the Star’s End Cantina closed, Jonas made his way inside through the ventilation shaft as he had before, the first time he’d broken into the bar a couple of weeks ago.


Darmas Pollaran’s lip edged up at the corner. Even without Force gifts, somehow he always knew when he wasn’t alone.


“I’ve been expecting you.” He took a swig of his drink and sprawled languidly across his booth, his fingertips tapping against his duffel. “You know, you could’ve knocked, m’boy. No need for all this cloak and dagger business.”


“I told you not to interfere. But no, you just had to stick your nose in, didn’t you,” Jonas snarled.


“You’re welcome. My sources tell me, mission accomplished. You got what you needed.”


“People are dead because of you.”


Darmas gazed down into his drink and twisted his glass. “So—how’d you know it was me?”


“Couple o’reasons. The timing for one—and then there was the matter of your fake Justicars.”


“Took a closer look did you?”


Jonas crossed his arms. “Yeah, I did.”


“Good help is hard to find these days.”


“They’re all dead y’know.”


“So, I saw. Hazard of the job.”


“You were there?”


“Of course not, m’boy. Sometimes I wonder how the hell you managed to graduate. I sliced the security cameras—enjoyed quite the show—and then conveniently made it all go away. You should thank me.”


“I told you, I’d do it my way.” Jonas shook his head. “You disgust me. You should’ve stayed out of it!”


“I won’t apologize. I have my reasons for doing what I did.”


“Spare me the whole, ‘I’m getting on in years and wanna patch things up with my kid’ routine. I know better.”

Jonas frowned. “What’s with the bag, you goin’ somewhere?”


“That remains to be seen.”


“What do you want?”


“I think it’s high time I got off this rock. It’s been practically a life sentence. But now that Marr’s dead, there’s no one to object.”


“You’re not coming with me.”


“I have a little something to show you. I think once you see this, you might think better of your old man.”


“I doubt that.”


“Take a look at this.” Darmas turned his datapad around and pushed it across the table. “Go on.”


Jonas rolled his eyes and sighed. “Fine…what am I looking—”


“You were there earlier. I told you I sliced the security cams in the area and caught this. I thought it might be of interest to you.”


Jonas’s jaw dropped. “Fark me. It can’t be. You pulled this today?”


“Would I lie to you, m’boy? That was right after you and the good doctor left.”


He shook his head incredulously. “Enhance image…freeze it. How the hell can this be? Lana killed him—she cut his damn head off.”


“Sometimes…that’s not enough, m’boy.”


“What do you know about this?”




Jonas narrowed his eyes. “How?”


“Because—I thought of it.”


“You realize what you just admitted to me.”


“Surely you didn’t think the Star Cabal would restrict themselves to only one agent, did you?”


Jonas ran his hand over his jaw and scratched at the stubble. “You have got to be kidding me.”


“I take it, that’s enough to earn me a bunk on your ship?”


“If I had a ship—I gave it to Kira to evacuate her people.”


“Then it’s a good thing I still have mine. Shall we?” Darmas rose and slung his bag over his shoulder.


“If there’s a hell, I’m in it—and you’re the devil.”


“Atta boy. Now you’ll see how a real agent works.”


“That’s what worries me,” Jonas grumbled as they left through the back door.


((to be continued…))

Edited by Lunafox
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Wow, that was great from start to finish. I forgot my cold while reading :)

I love the introduction with the description of the even less nice parts of Nar Shaddaa and the comparison to Jonas.

Darmas at his best. At least I think Joans isn't underestimating him. Full throttle, trouble ahead :)

Looking forward to the next part. <3

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Please tell me that's not One!! :mad: Lana killed him and cut off his head for good measure! Just how many lives does that man have?! Unless I'm wrong in which case carry on as you were... but... :o Damnit. LQ-D8, liquidate? Hell, I hate that man and yet if it is him, I'm kinda giddy about it too. Ugh.


I loved your descriptions of Nar Shaddaa, very vivid and it really set the tone. Shoulda figured Doc wasn't too happy seeing Balkar again but he can get over it, pff. Of course, Darmas couldn't mind his own business but still, at least it got Jonas' objective completed though now he's stuck with his dad... that's going to be interesting company returning to Odessen bearing potentially bad news.



Very exciting chapter Luna I enjoyed every second of it!

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My, oh my, that's quite a witches brew of people you're putting together for the peaceful planet of Odessen *laughs*


Lia's ex-husband, Doc, with his new spouse, Kira. f/k/a Lia's best friend,, and none other than the infamous Darmas Pollaran and his "bag of tricks". Did I read that wrong, or was Darmas part of the Star Cabal?


I'm also puzzled about the mystery man whose head was supposed to have been cut off by Lana! I must have forgotten something here.!:)



Great chapter as always, looking forward to next week's!

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Wonderful chapter.



The descriptions were so spot on with Nar Shaddaa and especially Balkar's struggle with his addictions and the 'mileage' beginning to show. Spy work does take a toll, both physically and mentally.


I had to go back and read the last chapter of Spy vs Spy to verify the mystery cybernetic dude. Well now, that's an interesting twist. I was always a bit amazed that the Star Cabal never came up again, in game, they had so many tendrils woven throughout the universe I don't feel they'd ever truly be gone. Nice resurrection, both on One and the Cabal.


Yeah, Darmas on Odessen. Considering he tried to kill Eliza, (gah, I meant Lia) if I recall correctly, and wasn't he in the employ of Ravage? It's been a while. And just what does Darmas think he can bring to the table? I'm sure he has a card or two up his sleeve. Anyway, an intriguing mix of spices you're adding to the brew. It can only get better from here.


As always the dialogue was superb and truly engaging. The writing flows so nicely and paints wonderfully vivid pictures.


Sorry for the name booboo, I wasn't quick enough to edit before Jenny caught it. I'll be more careful in future. It in no way detracts from my other comments though, or at least I hope not. Sometimes the errors stand out more than good intentions.



A week is too long to wait.

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